The illegality of a miscarriage..

A Pathology of Evil

Bells said:

More than likely she was in shock. Miscarriage is a shocking experience. She probably did not even know what to do. Remember, she's just a kid.

That's the thing. Part of what is going on here is that women just aren't part of the equation.

As Kitt noted in one of his links and quotes, the bathroom was originally considered a crime scene. And that's the cue that female human beings have no place in the priority scheme.

First and foremost, what they had was an apparent medical emergency.

But the priority of finding the living woman in need of medical attention is ... er ... oh, I'm sorry, did I say priority?

It's actually an identifiable theme in American culture; women, as human beings, are judged as a reflection of men. This is why we have these birth control arguments about who should pay for what that they don't need.

And it's also why a man dares say things like our neighbor said about "if the girl used her brain" and how "SHE screwed up".

Many look at it entirely from a male perspective; the idea of what is going on in a woman's body and brain? Well, as we've seen, it is irrelevant to their consideration.

And the human cost of this indifference is also irrelevant to them; it's one thing to make errors in judgment, especially when they are a fundamental component of one's perspective, but the persistent dearth of learning we see on a societal scale verges on the far edge of tragic, and bears many signs of transcension to evil.

This keeps happening, and part of the reason we keep blowing it, as a society, is that it is apparently beyond some people's faculties to comprehend that women are real, honest, legitimate human beings.°


° A phrasing specifically intended to recall men's judgment of what is a real, honest, or legitimate rape. And therein lies another important key: We are supposed to define women's human rights according to what men are willing to concede, but even then we must expect that women must continue to submit to men's judgment according to such criteria in order to achieve their human rights. Women's human rights must first be approved by men. Why? Because at a societal scale, it would appear that men cannot comprehend that women are actually human beings.
Not all men see things that way. I am appalled at what I see here (in Texas, not so much on the forum) and read about elsewhere.

Small men fear too many things.
There are medical conditions such as Hashimotos (auto-immune thyroid disease), and also hypothyroidism which can lead to miscarriages. In addition, during a period of over a decade, a well-known thyroid medication had potency problems bad enough to induce miscarriages.

If this is not enough reason for some place like Texas to reconsider the policies that lead to this sort of fiasco, the people responsible for such treatment of even juvenile women need their heads examined by a competent psychiatrist. OCD afflicted individuals devoting themselves to their fundamentalist or fanatical religious beliefs, enacting legislation according to it, or law enforcement by those who support such ill-conceived policies as if it were scripture or without question is always a bad thing.
kicking loose old memories:


Is it accurate that women crave sex most when they are ovulating?