The "ice age"

Speak for yourself please. I'm pretty sure Aristotle, Galileo, and Newton gave "a hoot" about God...:rolleyes:

So then you're saying that most scientists of today agree with God that; there was a global food, that man was created out of the dust of the ground and God created the world in 6 days. Is that correct? :confused: Or do they instead have contempt for God's word and proceed to think they know better than God does what the truth is? So which is it?:confused:
I'm sure they do agree there was global food. Galileo used to say that if science contradicted God's word, the error was in our interpretation of God's word.
So then you're saying that most scientists of today agree with God that; there was a global food, that man was created out of the dust of the ground and God created the world in 6 days. Is that correct? :: Or do they instead have contempt for God's word and proceed to think they know better than God does what the truth is? So which is it?::

This presents a false dichotomy.

There isn't some dichotomy that dictates a scientist must either 1) agree with your god, or 2) be contemptuous of your god.

To believe so is pure ignorance.

You must first demonstrate that 1) the scientist in question is raised in a culture that already accepts your god as legitimate, and 2) that your god is legitimate.

Christianity is but one set of religious cults among the thousands that have existed and still exist in human society. It is a distinct minority in that context both in population and durability.

Moreover, even if we accept that a given scientist was raised in a culture that generally considers your god to be legitimate, it doesn't demonstrate that this scientist has familial traditions that legitimize this or any other god or its corresponding mythology.

Therefore, you cannot claim that one either "agrees" or is "contemptuous" of a god for whom legitimacy is not established or for whom the scientist has even considered. Many in science simply don't give two shits about your god and have no feelings whatsoever for or against it since it doesn't exist.
I'm sure they do agree there was global food. Galileo used to say that if science contradicted God's word, the error was in our interpretation of God's word.

Sorry they claim there was no global flood but instead, a global ice age. Of course God doesn't say that, but who cares what God says? Certainly not scientists. ;) So ask any scientist if he believes the biblical account of the Flood. Or better yet, look at all the posts on this forum alone which deny the Flood. ;)
You must first demonstrate that 1) the scientist in question is raised in a culture that already accepts your god as legitimate, and 2) that your god is legitimate.

The don't, which was my point. :rolleyes: I was responding to the poster who falsely claimed that scientists agree with God. Oh, some of them might believe in a god of their imaginations who tells them there was a global ice age. But that god hasn't presented himself to the world yet. ;)
There have been many "ice ages" demonstrated scientifically by isotopic analyses, paleontological analyses, geologic studies, etc.

The evidence for these are scientifically demonstrated and the data are available for you to falsify should you wish to obtain, examine and publish the results of your own analysis.

No gods have presented themselves to the world. Thousands upon thousands of gods have been presented to the world by humanity. Yours will not be the last nor was it hardly the first.
There have been many "ice ages" demonstrated scientifically by isotopic analyses, paleontological analyses, geologic studies, etc.

That is incorrect. There have been many speculations that there was an ice age based on certain observations. The sedimentary rock layers can also be used to claim there was a global Flood. ;)
No, this isn't the case. Such sedimentary rock layers don't explain "global flood" since many other questions go unanswered, but you make the ignorant and under-educated mistake of thinking that the evidence for "ice ages" exists only sedimentary rock analysis.

Global floods are not only idiotic and illogical thinking, but demonstrably mythical. The biblical flood is a clear -very clear- plagiarized version of early Mesopotamian myths in which the claim that the entire planet was flooded wasn't made.

So, we have multiple scientific disciplines that come to a consensus that there were periods of cooling in the earth's history that are variously described as "ice ages" and a demonstrable myth being accepted as fact by the ignorant.
No, this isn't the case. Such sedimentary rock layers don't explain "global flood" since many other questions go unanswered, but you make the ignorant and under-educated mistake of thinking that the evidence for "ice ages" exists only sedimentary rock analysis.

Like what questions? The price of wheat in China? Or how about why birds fly? ;) Sorry but the glaciers all over the world are very easy to explain; they exist in cold climates. Since scientists don't believe God, they have more questions than answers and thus can't be trusted to know the truth. ;)

As for looking at basins and speculating how they got there; there a a myriad of scenarios such as; volcanic activity, earthquakes, or that God just plain designed land the way he did. But since the imagination is considered evidence in science, then they pick one explanation and adopt it for a few decades until they find out they were wrong. This is the way they work and will continue to work until they all die. then one will no longer hear the ridiculous words of scientists. They will be a thing of the past forever. ;)
Like what questions?

Hmm.. like: where did all the water come from? A "global" flood requires more water than is available on the planet.

Other questions are: How did so many species on the planet survive? Where did all the water go? Why is there differential erosion of mountains around the planet? Why are polar ice caps still present? Why is there no trace of global flood on sea floors? Why does dendrochronology not show evidence of global flood? Why is the fossil record sorted as if to show a gradual evolution over time?

And then there are the geologic questions you say are so easily dismissed but really aren't regarding sedimentation and geologic strata:

Why do surface features so readily show themselves in various strata around the world when the geologic column is examined? There is evidence of raindrops, footprints, surface streams, burrows, dessication cracks/fissures, coral reefs, rippling water, etc.

There are probably thousands of these types of questions. Global flood doesn't come close to answering them. The current understandings of geology and planetology do, however.

Sorry but the glaciers all over the world are very easy to explain; they exist in cold climates. Since scientists don't believe God, they have more questions than answers and thus can't be trusted to know the truth

So, your answer for those that think differently than you is that they don't believe in your god? What about the thousands of scientists who do believe in a god, many of them your god? Indeed, assuming your god exists, is he (or she) so incompetent and impotent that it cannot create a universe or even a planet that evolved slowly over time? You would blaspheme your god thus?

In truth, you're someone who's come to the realization that everything you were taught is true and factual (global floods, special creation, etc.) is either allegory/myth or a lie if science is to be accepted. This realization threatens your indoctrination as a member of the Christian cult to which you belong since demoting what is believed by you to be your god's word (allegedly an "inerrant" word), equates to saying that the rest of the bible is a lie or a myth.

Personally, I think very little in the bible is more than mythical. But I know many people for whom this presents no problem. I have many religious friends who are Christian who realize that just because certain aspects of the bible are allegory or just the best job a Bronze Age or Iron Age pastoralist could do to explain his existence, doesn't mean that the rest of what they believe regarding the teachings of Jesus are false. To them, the creation of the universe is even more miraculous believing that their god did it through evolution.

But, hey... if you want to go through life being one of the ignorant and the ridiculed -go right ahead. Don't expect me to do anything but laugh at your ignorance.
So, your answer for those that think differently than you is that they don't believe in your god? What about the thousands of scientists who do believe in a god, many of them your god? Indeed, assuming your god exists, is he (or she) so incompetent and impotent that it cannot create a universe or even a planet that evolved slowly over time? You would blaspheme your god thus?

Sorry but Jesus said; "He who is not with me is against me." And scientists sure aren't with Jesus in the creation of the world or the creation of man! So according to Jesus, they are against him...unless they don't believe Jesus when he says; "he who is not with me is against me." So if these scientists claim to be Christians then they merely honor Jesus with their lips not with their hearts because they don't appear to believe much of what he said. :eek:
Sorry but Jesus said; "He who is not with me is against me."

What's your evidence that Jesus actually said that and that it isn't just propaganda created by a Jesus cult, even assuming that Jesus really existed?

Just curious.

And scientists sure aren't with Jesus in the creation of the world or the creation of man!

What is Jesus actually alleged to have said about the "creation of the world" or the "creation of man" along with the other animals on the planet?

Just curious.

So according to Jesus, they are against him...unless they don't believe Jesus when he says; "he who is not with me is against me."

Without satisfactory answers to the above questions, this is an illogical and fallacious conclusion. Thus, it can be discarded. In short, you're talking out of your ass.

So if these scientists claim to be Christians then they merely honor Jesus with their lips not with their hearts because they don't appear to believe much of what he said.

Again, your cute smilies notwithstanding, you'll have to adequately answer the above questions before we can even come close to discussing this conclusion.
Sorry they claim there was no global flood but instead, a global ice age. Of course God doesn't say that, but who cares what God says? Certainly not scientists. ;) So ask any scientist if he believes the biblical account of the Flood. Or better yet, look at all the posts on this forum alone which deny the Flood. ;)

Scientists can meet you halfway and acknowledge that there have indeed been some major floods, especially in the Middle East region, but nothing global. If you read Noah as literally true, you miss the point. It is a fable with a moral - be good because your entire world can fail at any time. I think you aren't paying attention to God's word. You make God sad.:bawl:
What is Jesus actually alleged to have said about the "creation of the world" or the "creation of man" along with the other animals on the planet?

Get educated and read what he said in the bible just like you read what scientists say in their textbooks. Only then will you be speaking from knowledge rather than your imagination. :rolleyes:So you're right; there's no point in discussing a topic with you until you first get educated about it.
Get educated and read what he said in the bible just like you read what scientists say in their textbooks. Only then will you be speaking from knowledge rather than your imagination. :rolleyes:So you're right; there's no point in discussing a topic with you until you first get educated about it.

Ah. Like I thought. You have no answer that can discussed in this context.

I repeat the question, if Jesus is alleged to have said anything about "creation" would you post the chapter and verse here that we might discuss it's relevance to the topic?

You might try to appeal to Matthew (chapter 4 or 5 I think) where he talks about "every jot or one tittle," being of divine origin, and a couple other places were he is alleged to warn against adding or taking away anything, but this would lead you down a slippery slope since a literal interpretation of biblical mythology would still have us stoning adulterers and even suspected adulteresses as well as keeping slaves, particularly those nice, nubile young girls of our enemies with whom the OT god gave permission to rape pass around as sex toys.
I repeat the question, if Jesus is alleged to have said anything about "creation" would you post the chapter and verse here that we might discuss it's relevance to the topic?

I'd be more than happy to:

John 1;1-2, "In the beginning was the word. And the word was with God. And the word was God. He was with God in the beginning."

John 1:14, "And the word became flesh."
So not only is Jesus the Word because God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are one, and the bible was written by the Holy Spirit inside its authors, Jesus was also with God at the beginning of creation. So Jesus wrote every word in the bible because the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all one.

Genesis 1:26, "Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule..."

So those tiny little words which unbelievers miss that are never contradicted in later books of the bible which were written by different people can only be described as miraculous. ;)
A work of fiction can be made to say anything you want.

Prove it. Considering that no one has witnessed an ape turning into a human nor have any ancient tribes passed along accounts of their vine-swinging ancestors, it appears that you have no clue what's real and what's imaginary. But that's your problem, not mine. :rolleyes: