The Human Experience of a Sexual Relationship in Contrast to the Impulses of Dogs

And your perspective on sexual interation is?

  • I think like a dog; therefore, woman are bitches.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm too young to understand and appreciate the individual that is woman.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm just too horny to control myself. I need relief!

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • It's magic of both mind and body. Savor the time together.

    Votes: 17 85.0%

  • Total voters
There was a movie I watched years ago. I can't remember the title, but it involved an accomplished artist and an inconsonant relationship between him and his young apprentice. She aspired to become a great artist, but her talent was mediocre. He knew that she would never become a great artist; however, he encouraged her, thereby retaining their relationship and keeping her near. It was the conflict produced by their relationship which he needed, the conflict which fueled his creativity. Once his work was complete, he allowed her to leave.

It was a very cool movie.
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Yes...and what do you want to say with telling about this movie? Besides the point that it was a very cool movie...
I had to go after writing that, and I don't remember my point. Ah, that's right. Conflict is motivation. It makes the wheels of the mind turn.
My mind says "It's magic of both mind and body. Savor the time together." but my body says "I'm just too horny to control myself. I need relief!"

I voted the first one because I think it's the one that has the biggest influence on my acts.

Or, rather, because I'm sooo in denial ;)
Bowser, *Conflict is motivation. It makes the wheels of the mind turn.*

Ooooooh, I see your point now. There is more then only conflict that makes the mind turn...You have a point there though. ;)

LeoDV, Welcome to Sciforums. A pity you have the attitude to scare away women. Oh well, perhaps it'll change. That you may be a happy poster here...
Well, it's not that they scream and run away when they see me!

Well, at least not all of them...
Tell me some more please. How many don't run away after talking to you and having discovered how you think about women? I am a curious person you know. Can you please fill me in here? Thank you so much...:bugeye:
"There is more then only conflict that makes the mind turn..."

Tell me more Banshee. I think that thought which is fueled by emotion is more productive. You have my ear though.
Gee, Bowser ...

Can I have your other ear to add to my collection?

Please, please, pretty please....

Take care ;)
No, I offered one of 'em only as a loaner. No display case for these ears. thank you.
originally posted by Bowser
I think that thought which is fueled by emotion is more productive. You have my ear though.

Hey Bowser No fair The statement above suggests you welcome such thought, yet only recently I was accused by your good self of being emotional??

To your mind there must be a difference, if not a contradiction. Please explain
Must the world always be so linear? Did my remarks not provoke thought on your part? We might disagree, but I made you think.
*I think that thought which is fueled by emotion is more productive. You have my ear though.*

Yes, that doesn't say there always has to be a conflict, does it. Conflicts bring a lot of trouble. Emotions are flamable to say at the least...

I'll give in anyway, I am just too tired now to argue about it. So I avoid a conflict here...:bugeye:

Talk to you later!
<i>"I'll give in anyway, I am just too tired now to argue about it. So I avoid a conflict here..."</i>

Not even a sucker-punch? Common...<img src = "">

Okay then, we will talk WITH you later. Take care. I suppose I should move to something else anyway. Take a break, hmm?
I am back. :) Don't look so angry at me. Are you trying to go into conflict with me??? Sorry, don't feel like conflicting today...:)

Oh, I'll give you back your ear. Forgot about that yesterday. Hope it wasn't too uncomfortable for you. Just found it, in the pocket of my jeans...:)
<i>"Are you trying to go into conflict with me??? Sorry, don't feel like conflicting today..."</i>

Not at all. I was trying to elicit some answers regarding your previous statement:

<i>""There is more then only conflict that makes the mind turn..." </i>

<i>"Oh, I'll give you back your ear. Forgot about that yesterday. Hope it wasn't too uncomfortable for you. Just found it, in the pocket of my jeans... "</i>

Welp, there goes my excuse for not listening: <i>"What was that? I heard only half of what you had said."</i> <img src = "">
*""There is more then only conflict that makes the mind turn..."*

Yeah, like emotions which are attached to the feelings of Love toward another. Passion and desire to be one with the other! I admit, there can come a conflict of it. Only if the two involved hurt eachother that badly, they feel no other choice than to argue and hurt eachother even more in the progress...

Something like that? I can go on about it if you want. :)

Now you have both of your ears, you better listen well. No excuse any more...:D
At the very least, I made you feel an emotion of some kind.

By Bowser

Yes you did and you also made me think.

You made me think you were an asshole, and from previous talk with you that never came across before.

If your comments were meant to illicit arguement and thus enjoyment, hands up, ya got me:rolleyes:
Thing is you've always come across so open minded.
I just hate it when I get that wrong. And I was particularly disappointed that it was you who had my respect, I'd got it wrong about.

Does this mean anything I'm not sure I'm saying right but peace to ya anyway guy