The Human Experience of a Sexual Relationship in Contrast to the Impulses of Dogs

And your perspective on sexual interation is?

  • I think like a dog; therefore, woman are bitches.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm too young to understand and appreciate the individual that is woman.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm just too horny to control myself. I need relief!

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • It's magic of both mind and body. Savor the time together.

    Votes: 17 85.0%

  • Total voters
'people do it out of love sex is a special thing between a man and a woman and it should be sacred."
posted by decimator

Some people do and thankfully there're plenty of them.
This doesn't explain the amount of prostution in the world. I'm not only talking about the people who make their money thru sex, but the people who buy it.. Out of love for sex surely. Or is it an instictual drive? The oldest profession wants no part of procreation just a good time

I agree with Banshee about the love part, and in denying the drive to have relations with others I think compounds the feelings you have for your partner.

This doesn't take the desire away. There are people out there who have nicer faces, bodies and butts than me and mine. We choose to ignore them and frustration develops. Far better to see them, voice your initial attraction, share the moment and move on.

If anyone introduced himself by sniffing any part of me I'd have to say no, very loudly, or possibly sit and stay.

you dawgs:cool:
I recently saw a documentary about rapes being too common in south africa and the surrounding countries. While the justification was given that by raping a virgin, one can be cured of HIV - I think more fundamental issue is whether it is a dog world out there?
There's also the peculiar practice in that region of snipping off the clitoris when a young girl reaches a certain age. It keeps a future wife faithfull, I guess.
I am afraid that it is all very true.

...the African AIDS situation is not only the pope's fault.

What are you trying to do now? This is all common knowledge, for years and years. Don't you think it's sad this can happen in this civilized world?

It is cruel and horrible these things are truth! And yes, AIDS is a major problem in Africa.

What is the purpose of bringing this up? Do you have a solution? Or is it to provoce us??!! :(

You are not amusing! Stop with it please!

What does it have to do with dogs anyway? In my opinion dogs are much better then the people who are acting like this and the ones who still allow it. The ones with the power to do something about it!!

A dogworld? I wouldn't give this human race an animal name, for we, humans are less than animals in this kind of behaviour...
That's another thing about dogs they can be devious little buggers. Sneaky ya know?:rolleyes:

Gimme cats anyday.
At least when they sneak in the back door they do so thru a specified flap.
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Not me Bbcboy, I come in through the front door, with a lot of noise and claws and teeth sharpened...:D

(somehow this thread reminds me of 'The Dogs Of War', don't post it, because the name dogs is a little too much common language for 'bad' here!):rolleyes:

<i>"Don't you think it's sad this can happen in this civilized world?"</i>

If this was a civilized world, I would be shocked.

<i>"What is the purpose of bringing this up? Do you have a solution? Or is it to provoce us??!! "</i>

I was sharing. Sheesh! I didn't know it was common knowledge. Anyway, yes, it's a cruel world.
There you go...

Too cruel for words yes. My apologies if I was too rude to you. I am sorry...;)
<i>"My apologies if I was too rude to you. I am sorry..."</i>

It's not a problem. I cried for only an hour. <img src = "">
originally posted by Banshee
Not me Bbcboy, I come in through the front door, with a lot of noise and claws and teeth sharpened...

As if I'd accuse you of such a thing:(
And anyway I'd liken you to a cat if anything.
I was actually alluding more to the type of person who starts one thing only to lead to another. Worse, in my book, than talking a lot and saying nothing!

With usual affection my gorgeous Banshee.;)
Yes, unfortunately rape and gang-rape is VERY common in South Africa now. There are gangs of people wandering around raping girls. Many get HIV. Then to get rid of it (because they are incredibly stupid), they go and rape some more, which of course means more in the gangs get HIV...

I collected a few news stories about this sort of thing in South Africa a while ago, which you can find at:

The news stories and all are down a bit, just scroll down.
One of my female H.I.V. patients contracted the disease thru gang rape while on holiday.

In the U.S.A.

I think it's wrong to simply cite the problems in Africa while we can't clean the shit from our own back yards.

No emotion.
No histrionics
Just plain simple realism.
Of course it's a stupid thing to think you can be cured in this way because we in the west have all the knowledge and power and supremity. Not to mention money.

Maybe it would be nice to share some of this instead of looking down our noses at those without.

No talking from the gut now!!

Let's put this to bed. It's already turned mildly ugly in another thread and there's nothing to be gained by scoring points off each other here.
*Maybe it would be nice to share some of this instead of looking down our noses at those without.

No talking from the gut now!!

Let's put this to bed. It's already turned mildly ugly in another thread and there's nothing to be gained by scoring points off each other here.*

I agree with Bbcboy! HIV is a major problem all over the world and in every country, not only in Africa. It is sad to see how much people react on those who have the disease. Perhaps it should be good to have a real discussion about this. Not here in this thread please. It brings the issue down in stead of looking at the problems and dismay HIV causes. It makes me real sad how people act on this disease, like the ones with HIV are contageous! It is not true! They are just humans with a nasty disease, no matter how they got it, it is too sad for words.
Derision brings forth response and argument (ideas and thoughts). That is a good thing. Yes?