The Human Experience of a Sexual Relationship in Contrast to the Impulses of Dogs

And your perspective on sexual interation is?

  • I think like a dog; therefore, woman are bitches.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm too young to understand and appreciate the individual that is woman.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm just too horny to control myself. I need relief!

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • It's magic of both mind and body. Savor the time together.

    Votes: 17 85.0%

  • Total voters


Valued Senior Member
The Human Experience of a Sexual Relationship in Contrast to the Impulses of a Dog

How does the sexual interaction between male and female people differ from that of two dogs?

Why is it more pleasurable than the basic instinct of a dog?
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Uhhh... I think it has to do with those one things, oh yeah, feelings, emotions, love, etc... Ya get the picture. And a dog does not possess those things.

Groove on
Thank you, *stRgrL*, but you failed to answer the poll. Do you require time for thought?
Why is it more pleasurable than the basic instinct of a dog?
Non-sequitor. Pleasure and instinct are not the same.

Instinct makes you do it the first time. Pleasure makes you want to do it more often than instinct directs.

Who is to say that dogs, unlike humans, hump only on instinct?

And don't forget the contribution of the random element: the occasional yearning Bitch. Is she the embodiment of Instinct, Pleasure or Wishful Thinking?
You have a point there, MG. Maybe pleasure is a tool of instinct, as is, maybe, desire. And you then feel that we are no more evolved sexually than the two dogs that might be seen in the street?
And you then feel that we are no more evolved sexually than the two dogs that might be seen in the street?
The Universe seems to expect its lifeforms to be sexually reproductive, before it requires them to be intelligent. No?
Instinct is the natural drive of as well humans as dogs (and other living beings) to survive. :)

Dogs only have sex during the period a female dog is having her 'doggy' period. Then the male dogs smell that and yes, they go after her.

I don't want to say dogs have no feelings and emotions! Ever seen a dog look at you when she/he is sad? If you don't treat them right they sure know it. They feel exactly which human is friendly to them and which is not. So I think animals do have feelings.

With their sex drive it is a little different than humans. Humans do it whenever they want. Love, pleasure and desire...

Is it a case of higher evolvement then?

Instinct and intuition are two different 'things'...

(Yes, I'll vote Bowser!) :D
<i>"The Universe seems to expect its lifeforms to be sexually reproductive, before it requires them to be intelligent. No?"</i>

Yes, I agree, and it seems that so many of us fall back on that first expression. The poll shows some hope, however.


I just don't see dogs sharing long stares or a gentle touch. Also, I'm glad that you voted because the poll speaks for the attitude of both sexes, not just men. I think some women allow themselves to be cowed, but that isn't love.
There you are right. I was talking, love, pleasure and desire.

Then again, love is a chapter on its own.

*I just don't see dogs sharing long stares or a gentle touch.*

This doesn't have to be love all the time, can also be desire and/or just pleasure... ;)
I´m very pleased to see that all have voted for the last option.
But, I´m sure dogs experience love too, they may just have different ways of expressing it. :)

<i>Only humans and Dolphines have sex for pleasure.</i>

No. <i>Every</i> animal has sex for pleasure. They don't know the link between sex and reproduction. They just do it because it feels good.
Don't forget about the bonobo apes who have sex as an integral part of their social structure. :)
<i>"No. Every animal has sex for pleasure."</i>

Hmm. I remember that, as a young adult, the <b>drive</b> had a force of its own. It came into play whenever it chose to do so. It is a drive, but not so much motivated by an individual need for pleasure. Maybe pleasure is simply the treat at the end of the performance.
hmmm I think its pleasurable all the way. :D

But I tink you have a point there. The drive is stronger than the pleasure at some points.
Besides, there are various pleasurable things in life (sex, playing Quake III, posting on Sciforums, eating, drinking coffee, listening to good music, and so forth). Still, only several have a "drive" and accidently those are the pleasures we are occupied with for most of the times (e.g. sex, eating, playing Quake III).

There are so many rituals involved around that final climax where people are concerned. Dogs may sniff eachothers butts before jumping into it, but people dance through various mind plays, posturings, and verbal discourse beforehand.
<b>Romance</b> -- (a relationship between two lovers)

<b>Relationship</b> -- (a state of connectedness between people (especially an emotional connection)

Rather vague.
Love, only wanting to be with that person and having no desires what so ever to have a sexual 'breakdown' with someone else. Feeling one with your love.

Like he is the part who was missing in your life and feeling 'complete' just being together, with and without sex.:)

That is not vague, that is a certainty!