The Hubble Tends to Validate the Bible

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You are ever willing to go off at a tangent.
Please. Support your main argument.

Could you indulge us by giving just three examples of how the Hubble corroborates Biblical Chronology.
And follow this with evidence, giving links where appropriate.

I just did. :)
If you need more, then wait till there are some posts discussing the understanding of the basics to post back to the thread. If you want to ask a question, it should begin with Leonardo DaVinci, a father of advanced 3D geometry, the thumbnail sketch and the scientific perspective that inspired relativity, plus Isaac Newton who fathered classic mechanics : f = ma.

If you can't show me you can't imaginatively discuss f = ma, then how can I walk you through geological accretion and later astrophysical accretion? If you want me to reference others having this same conclusion from these Hubble shots, I'm sure they are out there. Somewhere in this we will examine where force = infinity, mass approaches 0 and acceleration approaches infinity, then ends up divided from a floor of 0 to a ceiling of infinity.
And there's the straw man. Not to harp (neithe pun intended nor conspiracy theories... :D) but the topic is still about the chronology of stellar vs planetary acretion and compares the Bible against other religions

As far as I've seen, the only serious reference to another religion in this thread was my remark about Buddhist cosmology's countless numbers of world-systems. The Genesis account is entirely concerned with this planet and seems to assume that the Earth is unique. The closest thing to a reference in Genesis to different astronomical bodies is its treatment of the Sun, Moon and stars as lights up on the firmament. Given modern astronomy's view that the stars are distant suns and that many of them have planets orbiting them, the ancient Buddhist view may be a little closer to modern understanding (in that particular respect).

Obviously that doesn't constitute evidence that any of the rest of Buddhist belief is correct. Most likely it's just a lucky ancient guess. My point is simply that hunting around in hopes of finding the occasional loose analogy between some detail of one's chosen mythical cosmology and modern scientific understanding doesn't really produce evidence of very much.

that conflict with that correct sequence that soooo many so-called scientists rearrange to suit the Atheist, or even more specifically anti-Biblical, religion.

And "that correct sequence" is the Genesis sequence, right? Non-Christian religions and atheistic scientists have rearranged that true sequence to suit their own evil anti-Biblical agendas?

This does clarify one thing. It suggests that you aren't really trying to argue that the Genesis account is consistent with scientific chronology. (That would probably be an impossible task.) Instead, it sounds like you are making the much stronger claim that much of modern scientific chronology is simply bullshit.

Unfortunately the Hubble has drawn back the curtain a bit and now the frailty of "Great" science is seen and how it has been nothing short of bamboozling people of essentially non-mathematical careers with the illusion that those in academic tenure just couldn't be wrong.
I just did.

This appears to be Hec's standard line of bullshit. You ask him, he says he answered, and leaves everbody saying 'no you didn't'.

This is just a baiter troll.

Not even up to the standards of a master baiter.
You also would have seen the one I blatantly pointed out as having a luminous acretion disk, yet no ignition in the star.
Herbig Haro objects, of which DG Tau B is one, have ignited stars in their core. Except Class 0 (there are three classes, defined I believe by their spectral characteristics), which have proto-stars in their cores.

So, all but the very youngest of Herbig Haro objects have ignited stars in their cores (but they haven't neccessarily reached equilibrium yet, like T-Tauri variables).

The literature I have read in relation to DG Tau B suggests that it is not a Class 0 Herbig Haro.

Proto-planetary disks form with the star, as part of the accretionary process. In other words, the accretion disk that the star forms within becomes the protoplanetary disk that forms the planets. No proto-star, means no accretionary disk, means no planets.

The difference between a proplyd and a herbig-haro object is that the proplyds are externally illuminated, where the herbig haro objects are not (well, not significantly anyway).

Trolls generally accent something out of context and diminish the real evidence.
Yes, they do.
I just did. :)

No. You didn't. You avoided the question.
And I'm not sitting here deciphering some half-cocked misinterpretation of science
as re-invented by yourself, before you get to the point.

Yet again.
Please give us three examples of how the Hubble corroborates Biblical Chronology.
And follow this with evidence, giving links where appropriate.

It's a simple question, I think.
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9 And God said, Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear. And it was so.

10 God called the dry ground land,￾ and the gathered waters he called seas.￾ And God saw that it was good.

The Earth was already stable enough to have a solid surface and oceans, before the Sun was lit.
Not only that, but is it just me? Or does this passage seem to imply that all of this occured before god made gravity?
As far as I've seen, the only serious reference to another religion in this thread was my remark about Buddhist cosmology's countless numbers of world-systems. The Genesis account is entirely concerned with this planet and seems to assume that the Earth is unique. The closest thing to a reference in Genesis to different astronomical bodies is its treatment of the Sun, Moon and stars as lights up on the firmament. Given modern astronomy's view that the stars are distant suns and that many of them have planets orbiting them, the ancient Buddhist view may be a little closer to modern understanding (in that particular respect).

Obviously that doesn't constitute evidence that any of the rest of Buddhist belief is correct. Most likely it's just a lucky ancient guess. My point is simply that hunting around in hopes of finding the occasional loose analogy between some detail of one's chosen mythical cosmology and modern scientific understanding doesn't really produce evidence of very much.

And "that correct sequence" is the Genesis sequence, right? Non-Christian religions and atheistic scientists have rearranged that true sequence to suit their own evil anti-Biblical agendas?
This does clarify one thing. It suggests that you aren't really trying to argue that the Genesis account is consistent with scientific chronology. (That would probably be an impossible task.) Instead, it sounds like you are making the much stronger claim that much of modern scientific chronology is simply bullshit.

I'm certain there is plenty of implied content nested in our proliferous vocabularies. By that, we use words that create bifurcate and mutiplexed discussions with only a word or two. For instance "most" spawns the failing argument. What constitutes "most.?"

I think the Bible's is correct. I've only linked to a couple examples of proplyds to keep it a bit easier to follow. To discuss the first example, not really intended for this, but notice that the two brightest areas, having to be dodged by the Hubble to hide that light, are likely, being larger, made of the same elements and closer to the same birth era, if I read that properly that the shot is of a gas giant and other earthy planets. The outer gas giant is too luminous to have been formed prior to the smaller bodies, referenced by the fact they don't show up till the gas giant and sun are dodged.
For instance "most" spawns the failing argument. What constitutes "most.?"
In the context of the sentence you're torturing? It would be the single event with the highest probability of occuring - IE the most likely thing to happen.

If you roll 1D6 100 times, the most likely average roll will be 3.5.

Something with a probability of 20% can still be the thing that is most likely to happen, simply because it represents a plurality within the population of events. This inspite of the fact that the odds of it not happening are still 4 in 5.
In the context of the sentence you're torturing? It would be the single event with the highest probability of occuring - IE the most likely thing to happen.

If you roll 1D6 100 times, the most likely average roll will be 3.5.

Something with a probability of 20% can still be the thing that is most likely to happen, simply because it represents a plurality within the population of events. This inspite of the fact that the odds of it not happening are still 4 in 5.

Yes, nonetheless a band with an accretion window and sufficient mass for life, will likely opt for that window 20% of the time, which are reasonably favorable odds. To use our own advanced star system into example, most everything that drew together into a contractring disk would still have a vast number of accreted primordial material would compact the center and it would begin to bulge, then from the center of the bulge the plasma jets begin. From what can be seen of the primordial material it will follow a toroid trajectory.
Not only that, but is it just me? Or does this passage seem to imply that all of this occured before god made gravity?

Good point.
Gravity must have been one of the initial parameters set up by God before the Universe was created. Otherwise suns would not have formed from clouds of nebular gas.

To me, this is yet another instance of how the Biblical account is a creation myth rather than a Chronology. Seas would not be mixed with land at this stage, because water would have found its own level under the influence of gravity. Sea and land would already be separate.

HectorD will no doubt say that he has already explained this apparent anomaly, and that we should look to his previous posts to find the answers we crave.
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Good point.
Gravity must have been one of the initial parameters set up by God before the Universe was created. Otherwise suns would not have formed from clouds of nebular gas.

To me, this is yet another instance of how the Biblical account is a creation myth rather than a Chronology. Seas would not be mixed with land at this stage, because water would have found its own level under the influence of gravity. Sea and land would already be separate.

HectorD will no doubt say that he has already explained this apparent anomaly, and that we should look to his previous posts to find the answers we crave.

Unless there was no gravity, and the passage in question refers to gravity being 'switched on'.
By my standards

Atheism entered immediately, logic would say aatheists here already want to be recognized as a religion.
Logic would say that, by definition, atheism is a lack of religious belief.

Calling atheism a religion is—what? …“ Assume A≠B...” What is the name for that kind of statement? Before we can proceed into a freshman course in Statics and Dynamics, it would appear that we would need to complete the foundations for junior high about: “A deductive argument is sound if it is valid and its premises are true.

But your premises are false:
Atheists are not religious, therefore...FAIL.

Cool! Let's, for now, leave religion out of it, and discuss physics from a neutral perspective, on second thought, from the atheistic perspective.
(A) Your thesis drags religion in, and you opened in a forum on Religion. So no.

(B) There is no such thing as an atheist perspective on Physics, as this implies there is a theist-validated version of Physics. That requires us to open the Pandora's Box of pseudoscience, which has been eternally cast into hell where it shall remain until the God of your forefathers hands you the keys to the kingdom to go unlock it.

God doesn't matter.
Ah. God matters in opening the thread, in declaring that telescope imagery confirms the fundamentalist (i.e., Genesis is not a myth) "perspective". But, in attempting to prosecute a deductive continuity to reasoning, we are allowed to pretend that the proposition is not requisite to the fundamental premise for this discussion. This is what we mean by Pseudoscience. It represents itself as valid, simply by covertly discarding essential truths along the way. So God will matter even as you pretend it is not the foregone conclusion you are attempting to “prove”.

Here are our first building blocks, the precursor environment is, we get along.
Classic mechanics: Everything to begin with. we'll build off of f = ma.
Solid Mechanics
Geological accretion
There are the first 3 references.
Cut to the chase: We understand accretion. Specifically, it has nothing to do with Genesis because the Caananites had no idea what accretion was. Thus they invented God to explain phenomena for which they had no science. This is why your thread is so utterly bogus. You are in denial of this fundamental principle around which the world of science revolves.

Let's learn about why scientifically, then when the time is right, we'll review the whole OP.
We don't dispute accretion. What we dispute is your tactics and methods, including the presupposition that this validates a myth. We dispute your selective form of reasoning that prejudices the discussion towards overt Pseudoscience. We abhor the anti-Science war waged by Creation Scientists to lord over the impressionable minds of their innocent victims, and to undermine the just, honest and morally necessary doctrines of Scientific truth. We will not yield to this abuse no matter how innocuous the "disguise" you admitted to.

I promise to eventually go above and beyond what is necessary,
Promise, promises. In God We Trust, all others pay cash. So far you are in default, and your dishonesty contaminates this attempt to steer an argument toward anything more than a manipulated result.

but before I can introduce "The Phone Book" (Thorne and Wheeler) these other areas, we need to agree on our fundamental understandings.
If that were the Bible Hubble confirms, then this would not be pseudoscience. That is why you are deferring the question of God.

Experts entered right in from the get go. Let's compare notes, derivatives, standard and non-standard deviations.
"non standard deviations" appears to be the language of pseudoscience. As long as you continue to insist on a proprietary language, all dialogue with you is doomed. Do you even know what standard deviation means, what the underlying philosophy is behind that field of mathematics? If you ascribe to Creation Science, then all discussion of probability theory is equally doomed, since fundamentalism requires us to replace all known stochastic processes with God, which is the most egregious violation of Gravitation imaginable, and renders it an invalid reference for you to cite. So first you must admit that Nature is intrinsically random, and declare that you are not espousing a deterministic pretense. Otherwise you are asking is to pretend that a crank rant is worthy of scientific review.

Yeah, what I said is fair. Let's go with what I said.
Yes, nonetheless a band with an accretion window and sufficient mass for life, will likely opt for that window 20% of the time, which are reasonably favorable odds. To use our own advanced star system into example, most everything that drew together into a contractring disk would still have a vast number of accreted primordial material would compact the center and it would begin to bulge, then from the center of the bulge the plasma jets begin. From what can be seen of the primordial material it will follow a toroid trajectory.

This makes absolutely no sense in relation to anything I have said.
Good point.
Gravity must have been one of the initial parameters set up by God before the Universe was created. Otherwise suns would not have formed from clouds of nebular gas.

To me, this is yet another instance of how the Biblical account is a creation myth rather than a Chronology. Seas would not be mixed with land at this stage, because water would have found its own level under the influence of gravity. Sea and land would already be separate.

HectorD will no doubt say that he has already explained this apparent anomaly, and that we should look to his previous posts to find the answers we crave.

I must have missed that or I'd have responded to it. Good point. Let me throw this all a curve. Try... this all happened after gravity made God. That is what I believe, so we could say that is my theist perspective.
It was mentioned about some illogical sequence of accretion before gravity being made by God. I responded with the logical correction that gravity preceded God, so "No," to the other premise.
I must have missed that or I'd have responded to it. Good point. Let me throw this all a curve. Try... this all happened after gravity made God. That is what I believe, so we could say that is my theist perspective.

Then try paying attention:

9 And God said, Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear. And it was so.

10 God called the dry ground land,￾ and the gathered waters he called seas.￾ And God saw that it was good.

The Earth was already stable enough to have a solid surface and oceans, before the Sun was lit.
Not only that, but is it just me? Or does this passage seem to imply that all of this occured before god made gravity?

If gravity existed by this point, the oceans would have already 'gathered into one place', but the bible explicitly states that it occurs on the second day, not the first day, when the sky is created.
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