The Hubble Tends to Validate the Bible

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Originally Posted by HectorDecimal
New thread or cooperate in repairing this one?

There's nothing wrong with this thread, except your unwillingness to back up your assertions with evidence.
Just start to do that and we'll be fine.
Let's repair this thread by your backing up your propositions with actual science.

Pictures from the Hubble confirm problems with the Bible chronology, rather than corroborating the Biblical account.
The opposite of your proposition.

Two major problems with the Bible Chronology.
1. Trees with fruit cannot grow before the sun is lit. Not enough light available.
2. When God separated the land from the sea, he shouldn't have needed to do it.
They would already have separated under the influence of the gravity he used to form suns and planets.

As for "gravity created God". No, it's not logic. It's nonsense.
It made me wonder whether you might be trolling, to tell you the truth.
I hope not.
Can you explain that idea further please.
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Post 161.... Wow! I think we could have had a really interesting post in half that. Okay, so everyone pretty much opts for Occam's Razor?
Not at all correct CC. Have even you, a mod, simply attempted to bring one iota back from the wiki link on classic mechanics? I've reflected on what that's about ion my posts right after. They want answers, they should start there, or this will just keep winding on with these accusations.

I am not a moderator. Aside from that, you are making quite an extraordinary claim and that claim requires extraordinary evidence. The onus is completely on you to demonstrate that the claim is true. I have no issue using links to support your position but if your evidence is to tell someone to read through a wiki article and then reflect on it, well that's not a demonstration. Let me give you an example of what I mean by a demonstration that a claim is true.

My Claim: Sulfur hexafluoride is an invisible gas heavier than air.
My Demonstration:
My Demonstration's Description: A fish tank is filled with sulfur hexafluoride and a tinfoil raft is placed on top. The raft's weight is lighter than sulfur hexafluoride but heavier than air. The raft will literally float on top of the sulfur hexafluoride (it looks like it's floating in mid air in the tank); thus, showing that the sulfur hexafluoride is in fact heavier than air.

Sure, in a PM youi told me you are atheist and that I'd get no shelter from you, but are you going to debase your own position by joining in and identifying ME as the troll when others are failing to accept the answers to their own trolling tirades and multiplexes of off topic questions?

I have never had any PM conversations with you. You are likely confusing me for someone else (my guess is some moderator); however, I won't rule out that you might be insane ;3.

You are wrong.

Let me ask this:

Would it be better if I started a whole new thread on this? When I began (I'm typing all this information AGAIN!!!) this thread, I did not have the required 20 posts. It was an experimental thread in an area that solicits exactly this type of thread in a top end (mainstream) area. My first response to that explained that and as soon as I could, I brought in the Hubble gallery page of stars where planets were found. This has grown just a bit over the past couple years. Nothing there dismisses my initial proposition, however a few tend to validate it. To explain and evidence how that is true, it appears I have to walk these people through the physics that points to that.

You should absolutely walk people through all the physics that go into supporting your claim. It is an extraordinary claim after all.

So... New thread, perhaps enhanced, or tell the rest of these mean spirited, insulting posters to stop all the GIGO routines and cooperate with my repair efforts? Yes. I did imply that the OPost was defective and explained why.

Whether you start a new thread or refactor this one is up to you. I would however suggest being very clear about your specific claim(s) and have very clear evidence.

The insults and abuse is uncalled for. A mod should be neutral and, in this case, reading all of the posts that have so proliferously spawned GIGO like an ascomycetal vesicle chronically evacuated on a teenager's mirror.

I am not a moderator.
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It seems HectorDecimal wants a new thread on this topic. So, please continue [thread=112537]here[/thread].
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