The Holy Land is a Killing Field


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
I hear the Pope is on his way there in May. Wonderful place to live. I wonder if his visit will inspire some more needless deaths in an area with more blood in the ground than oil.

What a revolting disgusting venue for a holy land. Nothing but bloodshed since entities claiming to be God took a liking to it. If we could get the UN to pass a resolution to move the holy land to Greenland or someplace remote then maybe there's a chance that the killing stops.

Hopefully someone can figure out a way to blame the West for turning the Holy Land into a battlefield, just so things stay consistent around here.

Ahhh....nothing like some fresh dead to remind everyone that the Holy Land is all that is reverent, and a tourist attraction as well. Isn't God prophesized to blow it all up anyway? What a cesspool!

Are there other holy lands in the world not connected to death and destruction? We could use some.
According to The Holy Babble, the Hebrews took the land by force, murdering men, women, children, babies & animals in the process.
Over time the Hebrews/Jews/Israelites left the area.
Arabs lived there for well over 1000 years then the land was stolen from them by the high & mighty British Empire & given to the Jews.

Obviously, gods must want peace there.
According to The Holy Babble, the Hebrews took the land by force, murdering men, women, children, babies & animals in the process.
Over time the Hebrews/Jews/Israelites left the area.
Arabs lived there for well over 1000 years then the land was stolen from them by the high & mighty British Empire & given to the Jews.

Obviously, gods must want peace there.

Yeah, its changed hands a few times.

How does a kill zone become holy? The Holy Land is a misnomer of major proportions. Each time one side took their turn conquering it they must believe their God sanctioned such actions even if slaughtering took place. It's a symbol of everything that's wrong with religion.
It changed hands mainly by bloody force.
The latest being in modern "civilized" times.
If England & the USA had stayed out of it, we wouldn't have the current gory mess there.
The Holy Land could be made into a superstitious-type zoological park where we can take future generations of children to gawk and take pictures of the simple stuperstitious creatures that inhabit the place.
Think about it - it's pretty much the cross roads for east to west. It was bound to happen even without religion.
If England & the USA had stayed out of it, we wouldn't have the current gory mess there.

Dream on.

I was looking at a paper from the turn of the last century. Guess one of the front page stories? Yep, bomb blast kills many in the holy land. Seems I recall Teddy sent in the Marines to rescue kindnapped Americans. And the Brits didn't exactly give the land for Isreal until after there was an established Isreali fighting force ready to take it any way and as soon as they got it, they had to fight a war to keep it.

As much as I think the Isrealis are idiots about how they manage the area, they definately can kick ass and the surrounding islame armies seem to uniformly suck.
I was looking at a paper from the turn of the last century. Guess one of the front page stories? Yep, bomb blast kills many in the holy land. Seems I recall Teddy sent in the Marines to rescue kindnapped Americans.

I didn't claim it was totally peaceful before.

And the Brits didn't exactly give the land for Isreal until after there was an established Isreali fighting force ready to take it any way and as soon as they got it, they had to fight a war to keep it.

IF that were true, it's beside the point.
There were no Israelis at the time the land was stolen from the natives & given to the Jews. It wasn't called Israel until most Arabs were forced to leave & Jews were allowed in by Britain.
There was not any significant Jewish army until after the nation of Israel was established there.

As much as I think the Isrealis are idiots about how they manage the area, they definately can kick ass and the surrounding islame armies seem to uniformly suck.

Their level of kickass ability is beside the point. Whatever level that is would be extremely lower if not for past & current enormous financial, military supply & other aid from the USA.

Dream on.

I am awake & aware.
Yeah, look at atheist societies. So peace loving and non violent.
Societies are also a form of violence, since they are responsible for the distinction between self and other, citizen and non-citizen, those with rights and those without.
Societies don't just disappear. Perhaps you mean regimes that favored an atheist position?

There are the Piraha people of the Amazon, I keep talking about them because I just finished an interesting book about them. They do not believe in anything they have not either experienced themselves, or was witnessed be someone alive who is known to them. They have been around for some tens of thousands of years.
Societies don't just disappear. Perhaps you mean regimes that favored an atheist position?

There are the Piraha people of the Amazon, I keep talking about them because I just finished an interesting book about them. They do not believe in anything they have not either experienced themselves, or was witnessed be someone alive who is known to them. They have been around for some tens of thousands of years.
and social darwinism has landed them their current esteemed position
You mean their current position as a content and happy people, living in harmony with their surroundings, desiring few material possessions, not worrying about the future, and never killing themselves?
Which of the Big 3 has the weakest claim to the holy land? They all can't have an equal stake, can they? To earn the title of Holy, what has to transpire? If a killing field is holy then what is a place of worship?
The Holy Land could be made into a superstitious-type zoological park where we can take future generations of children to gawk and take pictures of the simple stuperstitious creatures that inhabit the place.
