The historical origins of the Christian notion of the Trinity

Oh, and the Church is exempt from profit and politics?
Not at all.
Its just a humorous exercise in futility when critics of religious institutions can't conceive their susceptibility to the same weakness.
I am implying Dawkins seemed oblivious to it. Once again, its about Dawkins specifically. Try google.
And what am I to look for that you disagree with? You haven't told me yet, except for a vague assertion that Dawkins is ignorant of semiotics, really?
And who gave you the expertise to judge Dawkins and his knowledge of any subject? Your hubris is astounding.
p.s. That list of unanswered question is becoming frighteningly large....:?
Your credibility continues to fade into "blowing smoke".
Get back on topic and stop attacking victims of child abuse.
Well, actually Dawkins comments were perceived as attacking victims of child abuse. If you had to characterize a moment when the New Atheist movement lost its shit, that would probably stand out as a memorable moment.
And what am I to look for that you disagree with? You haven't told me yet, except for a vague assertion that Dawkins is ignorant of semiotics, really?
And who gave you the expertise to judge Dawkins and his knowledge of any subject? Your hubris is astounding.
p.s. That list of unanswered question is becoming frighteningly large....:?
Your credibility continues to fade into "blowing smoke".
Probably better to look at experts in the field of semiotics, unless one feels excelling in the field of, say, biology permits one to go around pretending they can take credit for stuff like a mad artist .... which is why I suggested google.
Father, Son, or Holy Ghost?

Well, actually Dawkins comments were perceived as attacking victims of child abuse. If you had to characterize a moment when the New Atheist movement lost its shit, that would probably stand out as a memorable moment.
By whom? New Atheist movement? As a life long atheist why have I never heard of this "influential" group? A circle of five or six who have founded a movement? And are very vocal?

Moreover what does child abuse have to do with God or memes?

Ah, I see;
Dawkins first came to prominence with his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, which popularised the gene-centred view of evolution and introduced the term meme. With his book The Extended Phenotype (1982), he introduced into evolutionary biology the influential concept that the phenotypic effects of a gene are not necessarily limited to an organism's body, but can stretch far into the environment. In 2006, he founded the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science.

And further;
New Atheism is a term coined in 2006 by the agnostic journalist Gary Wolf to describe the positions promoted by some atheists of the twenty-first century.[1][2] This modern-day atheism is advanced by a group of thinkers and writers who advocate the view that superstition, religion and irrationalismshould not simply be tolerated but should be countered, criticized, and exposed by rational argument wherever their influence arises in government, education, and politics.[3][4]According to Richard Ostling, Bertrand Russell, in his 1927 book Why I Am Not a Christian, put forward similar positions as those espoused by the New Atheists, suggesting that there are no substantive differences between traditional atheism and New Atheism

So Gary Wolf invented that term, ok. Bartrant Russell

I see no difference between the non-existent books of the OA and NA (Old Atheism and New Atheism)

You know what the difference is? Really?
Today Atheists are no longer afraid of speaking up for fear of being beaten by a Theist mob.

For speaking up in defense of freedom of thought and against the constant proselytisation of the three most prominent western religions.

As previously posted, I have been victim to such treatment for suggesting that "people are made of atoms" . Today theists know people are made of atoms, but they still don't know that all humans are great apes. And still today, how many people are psychologically beaten by the "monkey" word? Read the newspaper.

Theism is a dangerous belief, because it does not rest on true fact but on imagination, in all ways. It's a mass delusion. An uncontrolled mass mirror hallucination.

Please stop spreading like a virus. Respect is earned, in all moral value systems.
Theism does not have a very good track record to date. Not all bad, but not enough good...:)
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Musika, for someone so eager to put a stop to certain lines of (legitimate) discussion in favour of others on the subject matter at hand, you are showing a troll-like ability in avoiding discussion even in those lines you approve of, and preferring instead to engage in irrelevancies when you have had every opportunity to do otherwise.

I'll ask again, in an effort to bring the thread back on topic:
How do you think knowledge of Tertullian helps with understanding the origin of triunes within ancient religion?
Do you think the Trinity in Christian doctrine is a wholly new idea?
Musika, for someone so eager to put a stop to certain lines of (legitimate) discussion in favour of others on the subject matter at hand, you are showing a troll-like ability in avoiding discussion even in those lines you approve of, and preferring instead to engage in irrelevancies when you have had every opportunity to do otherwise.

I'll ask again, in an effort to bring the thread back on topic:
How do you think knowledge of Tertullian helps with understanding the origin of triunes within ancient religion?
Do you think the Trinity in Christian doctrine is a wholly new idea?
Because if you come to something conclusive about triunes and ancient Egypt (which is doubtful) you still have to bring it to what was the contemporary landscape of the early Jesus movement. In short, being blithely unaware of Tertullian (which, btw, was only introduced as to provide an introductory figure into unlocking what was the contemporary political, cultural and philosophical landscape of the time) is just like waving your arms about Gordon Ramsey's cottage pie but never getting around to discerning its distinction from George's, John's, Jack's or even Ramanuja's or Ramesess the Great's.
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Practically everyone.
If a rising tide raises all ships, a low tide beaches them.

New Atheist movement? As a life long atheist why have I never heard of this "influential" group?
At a guess, probably because you are not well informed or widely read.

Moreover what does child abuse have to do with God or memes?
The subject arose from discussing the upper stratospheric limits of strangers posting.
Practically everyone.
Not me.
If a rising tide raises all ships, a low tide beaches them.
Not mine.
At a guess, probably because you are not well informed or widely read.
So it was a minor verbal faux pas or misunderstanding, or rejection. Did not seem to shake my world and I spend about 8 hr /day on-line, researching the topics I participate in. Must have just missed it.

Can you refer me to the actual verbatim recording so that I can make up my own mind? I'd be happy to share my impressions.
The subject arose from discussing the upper stratospheric limits of strangers posting.
Ah, missed that one....:) , very abstract.....:rolleyes:
And I am happy to chat but know this my default position returns to a demand for the establishement of a basis or a foundation upon which reason can dwell when we are asked or called upon to believe there is a God.
I guess one could start along the lines of "Does a world view establish a framework of reason?" or is it that "Reason establishes a world view?"?

If it's the former, would it be possible to objectively determine some world views to be superior or inferior to others?
And if it's the latter, what would reason have to make or break in order to establish a different world view?

And my purduits have no impact on anything other than to shore up my self esteem that I can do things beyond my ability.
Surely you are but talking of the estimations of your ability ... but that detail aside, is there a limit to your ability? Is there a limit to human ability?

Although I find your suggestion appealing in so far as it sounds profound but unfortunately upon examination I find it less than profound and although I accept there are folk who find such mystical encouragement appealing I must confess I reject such an approach, ... the things you may gleen from my above attempt to qualify and record must tell you I am not taken with the exactness you encourage...
By your own admission, you only get a heartbreakingly brief glimpse of a retinal after image of the universe, and that is after many painstaking hours of investment in time and money. Yet here you are, talking with confidence about what is and is not in the universe, your powers of reason as an ultimate barometer for discerning fact from fiction. Sure, we have a certain intelligence that helps us negate our worlds of buying potatoes and negotiating coffee table corners, but if you think these sorts of things can be brought to solve a certain scale of problem, you are either pulling our leg ("con man") or have had your leg pulled by someone else ("conned").
Or to put the same problem differently, do you think empiricism can ever hope to come to a day where they discover everything, and there is no more need to peer down a telescope or micriscope (or anything in between)? Or do you think ignorance is the perennial companion of consciousness?

We must examine whatever we seek to examine precisely not somewhere between this and that...
So if ignorance "laughs last", how do you propose one goes about pursuing this precision?

Few things impress me...I did wish to provide an example but I could not...however I need not comment upon another members style as I see no need.

I like SIASL as he seems real and fond of animals and has escaped the prison that held him..theism..and that is deserving of high must take such strength...he has my highest respect.

It is infortunate each of you have taken positions that cause unfriendliness.
I take issue with his posting style. To be fair, he is just taking advantage of a bias of the admins. Pretty sure that someone who just endlessly spammed memes and vids with zero commentary on any other sub forum or topic would get shut down pretty quickly.

I recognise the impact I do however find it unfortunate that humans have religion in their history.
I feel like I arrived onbthis planet thousands of years too early.
I look and see we are still trapped in superstition.
How sad we are burdened so.
Why do humans reject their intelligence in favout of superstition.
If illusion/ignorance is perennial, so is superstition. Even if you somehow manage to wrestle religion out of the minds of people, you will still be left with an army of Justin Beibers and Kim Kardashians to contend with.

It is about power and how to manage the mob without them realising...I think I understand who and why and sadly I support them ..but only because sheep are born to be shawn.

Its just a pity most humans are stupid and available for exploitation by such simple means.

I would like to think that is irrelevant but I know the power of the lie.

At the highest level I doubt there is belief in a God but to profess such means contr of the world...I get it.
I dont like it but I get it.
The best one could hope for is responsible leadership. The problem with political jokes is they get elected. Somewhere on the path from here to sanity must be places that drastically remodel our political and economic systems. I can't say exactly where or what they are, because I don't see a (painless) path to sanity from here. It will probably be a case of things getting a lot worse before they get better.

I dont like ranking you see...
Its inevitable.
You've already done so with your talk of Shaun the Sheep.

religion accomodates ranking on a world scale...that the way it is...
But I hope for a future where all humans are equal and all resources are distributed equaly...sortta like the mythical heaven...but of course it cant happen.
The dumb have been bred dumber and dumber and the smart have been bred smarter and smarter.
Equality is a spiritual pursuit. Division is a material pursuit. Ideal society is superimposed by both models. Unfortunately this doesn't have a wonderful track record in western history, so it is a bit difficult to discuss.

True but its all we have.
You still rely upon superstition
Regardless of your opinions, you still have the problems and if you advocate you have the means to solve them, you are just conning people into a version of superstition

which is unfortunate.
Making up stuff to answer a question is just wrong.
Lets breed humans who can content themselves with thecreality they will never know and that they are just soecks in the univetse and a mere blink in time.
Kind of like letting go of the steering wheel.

Get rid of this uncalle for arrogance that has humans expecting more than they are given.
Kind of difficult, because the moment you give someone 200 dollars is the moment they expect 400 dollars more.

They are not Gods pets, there is no God, there is but one existence so get over it.
The notion that there is one existence tends to drive a lot of what goes on in the name of arrogance etc.

It is a balance however we are new at the centuries pass it will be indeed science that regulates itself and solves the problems it creates...
Ohhh ... quit pulling my leg!

but really its not science that is the is humans who have this idea they are just so important...a bief they get from respect cause they are has dominion over the animals ..that the whole place was created by a God for wonder we have problems...dont you see that?
Hate to break it to you, but science arises from humans .. . and furthermore, and if power structures of dominion automatically translate into disrespect, you might as well tell everyone to get stuffed and the planet they came on.

I will eat off the floor and be fed.
No the philosophy hides the needs for facts.
Then you will just make a mess and no one will invite you over for dinner. Philosophy is what makes ideas transmissable.
Forget the pretending just bring out God.
Heck if its all about him why is he absent...well because there is no God...if there was he would take responsibilty...that is what a leader does...stand up in front so your followers know who they simple.
God appears.
What happens next?

You know what I am saying but you are cute.
Not really.
Every place on the face of Gods green earth has some recourse to tradition that improves one's lot spiritually. Especially China.
The fact that you brought it up made me question whether its simply about their recent attempts to try one better.
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Because if you come to something conclusive about triunes and ancient Egypt (which is doubtful) you still have to bring it to what was the contemporary landscape of the early Jesus movement. In short, being blithely unaware of Tertullian (which, btw, was only introduced as to provide an introductory figure into unlocking what was the contemporary political, cultural and philosophical landscape of the time) is just like waving your arms about Gordon Ramsey's cottage pie but never getting around to discerning its distinction from George's, John's, Jack's or even Ramanuja's or Ramesess the Great's.
The staring gun went off seven pages ago, and here you are still in the blocks. You keep insisting that there is a case to be made against an Egyptian influence on the foundations of the Trinity, but you refuse to put any effort into making it. Why do expect others do what you won’t do yourself?

Here, I’m leading you by the nose.
The staring gun went off seven pages ago, and here you are still in the blocks. You keep insisting that there is a case to be made against an Egyptian influence on the foundations of the Trinity, but you refuse to put any effort into making it. Why do expect others do what you won’t do yourself?

Here, I’m leading you by the nose.
There is nothing in that link that discusses the trinity.

Its like you are prepared to discuss anything and everything except events prior, during and after the appearance of Jesus.