The historical origins of the Christian notion of the Trinity

Atheism does not offer a historical review and explanation of divine creation.
It just offers; "Thou shalt have no false gods before thee", on the premise that all gods are false, based on available evidence, statistically NONE.

It's not complicated, historically or otherwise. There is no historical evidence of a God at all.

There is historical evidence of belief in gods, but that goes back to before recorded history.
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Atheism does not offer a historical review and explanation of divine creation.
It just offers; "Thou shalt have no false gods before thee", on the premise that all gods are false, based on available evidence, statistically NONE.

It's not complicated, historically or otherwise. There is no historical evidence of a God at all.

There is historical evidence of belief in gods, but that goes back to before recorded history.
That's a relief.
Studying history is such a drag.
What have I made up?
You made the claim back it up or withdraw it...Your claim implies that I have told a it to me...if a lie I will fix it and appologise.
By your own admission, you declare an absolute intolerance for any perceived lacking in truth or detail, yet you have a world view stacked to the hilt with such inadequacies. It's not just you, but rather the nature of our position to bring "reason" to our world view, and not vice versa.
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yet you have a world view stacked to the hilt with such inadequacies.
Please be specific.
I am having another cuppa before I leave.
It's not just you, but rather the nature of our position to bring "reason" to our world view, snd not vice versa.
Not sure I understand you.

I hope you are not suggesting my view that the universe is eternal is not a fact with supporting evidence readily available on the net.

I actually did some research and found it (like most ideas) has been thought of earlier..Aristotllle for one..he is ancient and real so the idea must be correct.

I hope you wont deny or reject the eternal universe and then go on to say God is eternal.
If you need creation you need to tell me how God was created.
Seriously how do you manage that concern would have wondered I expect..any thoughts?

But please address my question re your take on the flood and the theory of evolution and perhaps the virtue of scientific method.

I am keen to know what you believe in an effort to understand your world view...then attack it☺

No are ok..if you answer my questions but failure to do so will also help me understand you.

Too personal I expect... and perhaps fear of ridicule will hold you back ...maybe a realisation that your position is weak.

And also what do you think about the big bang and the age of the universe..the eternal universe that is.

I bet you will avoid my question care to take that bet.

maybe a realisation that your position is weak.

I think he is stupid enough to think he is smart but not smart enough to understand he's stupid

I don't like to play the person not the game but in cases where no game offered the person is fair game


Here's what I think is happening:

1. This board is populated overwhelmingly by atheists.

2. Most of the Sciforums atheists think that "religion" is bullshit. (Christianity in particular.)

3. They don't feel that there's any need for them to put any effort into studying what they already believe is bullshit. From their point of view, there aren't any 'facts of the matter' in religion for them to study.

4. Which they believe justifies the idea that there aren't any intellectual standards in the subject of religion.
Yes, that's about the size of it.

5. But... even if we agree (for the sake of argument) that there isn't any 'fact of the matter' about the content of revelation. there obviously are facts of the matter about how those ideas evolved over time and came to be what they are today.

6. So even ideas that particular people insist are bullshit can still be very much parts of intellectual history.
Regarding the standard fare of atheist discourse dropping off at point no. 4, Tiassa has said the same thing. Something about a laxness in enforcing forum standards because (our) atheists weren't accustomed to rising to the mark.
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Please be specific.
I am having another cuppa before I leave.

Not sure I understand you.

I hope you are not suggesting my view that the universe is eternal is not a fact with supporting evidence readily available on the net.

I actually did some research and found it (like most ideas) has been thought of earlier..Aristotllle for one..he is ancient and real so the idea must be correct.

I hope you wont deny or reject the eternal universe and then go on to say God is eternal.
If you need creation you need to tell me how God was created.
Seriously how do you manage that concern would have wondered I expect..any thoughts?

But please address my question re your take on the flood and the theory of evolution and perhaps the virtue of scientific method.

I am keen to know what you believe in an effort to understand your world view...then attack it☺

No are ok..if you answer my questions but failure to do so will also help me understand you.

Too personal I expect... and perhaps fear of ridicule will hold you back ...maybe a realisation that your position is weak.

And also what do you think about the big bang and the age of the universe..the eternal universe that is.

I bet you will avoid my question care to take that bet.


As far as "our world of swimming pool turds" goes, things start getting well and truly fecal before we arrive at the macroscopic platform. We are constitutionally relegated to guesswork and uncertainty at every pensive moment of our metonymic lives. If we want to work soley and wholly by the addage of "seeing is believing", we will simply cease to work. Atheists tend to simply bluster about living an ideal life devoid of any namby pamby flexure, but stand bristled to the hilt in the very subjectivities they deem as sacrilegious. They proceed to do this complex waltz of hypocrisy as they move between atheism and agnosticism, according to whether they are on the offense or defense, meanwhile they individually and collectively tend to rot or flourish in accordance to their performances of crimes and kindnesses in accordance to the broader panorama of scriptural information about existing in this world.

As far as trying to kick over the apple cart by wrangling any historical or scientific discrepency from scripture (especially something like the bible which overs a treasure trove of such delights) that bears merit in direct accordance to the before mentioned panorama.

Are you kicking the cart over or merely knocking mud off the wheel?
There is a certain victory that seems imminent to atheists in their attack on scriptures, for as long as they don't look at such works as drawing a particular, essential conclusion. Some theists even seem to capitalize on this weakness ... kind of like a grumpy sibling saying "don't you dare lay a finger on me" , which prompts the other to playfully wiggle their finger an inch in front of their nose.

One has to wonder whether this fringe-dwelling fault-finding mentality is at the core of atheism or simply a low hanging fruit sort of skillset that lends itself to the world view of it. It could be some form of symbiosis, where there is an endeavour to extinguish the symptoms but wholeheartedly nourish and sustain the cause. Sisyphusatic might be a better description, but I don't think it's an actual word.
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I think he is stupid enough to think he is smart but not smart enough to understand he's stupid

Lets not be unkind or judgemental.

Folk will demonstrate their ability or lack of with no commentary from onlookers....a theists is in a position where folk may think they are stupid but we need to understand they have often been brainwashed ... and what appears to be their stupidity is in fact just stupidity placed there by others.

If they thought for themselves I feel they would be as competent as an atheist.

I have a rather original and novel philosophy which has me respecting others and to turn the other cheek to an attacker.

Its a new concept consistent with an eternal universe.☺

Great day so I thought I would visit my friends here.

Folk will demonstrate their ability or lack of with no commentary from onlookers....a theists is in a position where folk may think they are stupid but we need to understand they have often been brainwashed ... and what appears to be their stupidity is in fact just stupidity placed there by others.

Being brainwashed is one aspect

Taking your own brain out
putting it through the washing machine
hanging it out to dry
forgetting to bring it in and put it back

is a whole new level of stupidity

As far as "our world of swimming pool turds" goes, things start getting well and truly fecal before we arrive at the macroscopic platform. We are constitutionally relegated to guesswork and uncertainty at every pensive moment of our metonymic lives. If we want to work soley and wholly by the addage of "seeing is believing", we will simply cease to work. Atheists tend to simply bluster about living an ideal life devoid of any namby pamby flexure, but stand bristled to the hilt in the very subjectivities they deem as sacrilegious. They proceed to do this complex waltz of hypocrisy as they move between atheism and agnosticism, according to whether they are on the offense or defense, meanwhile they individually and collectively tend to rot or flourish in accordance to their performances of crimes and kindnesses in accordance to the broader panorama of scriptural information about existing in this world.

As far as trying to kick over the apple cart by wrangling any historical or scientific discrepency from scripture (especially something like the bible which overs a treasure trove of such delights) that bears merit in direct accordance to the before mentioned panorama.

Are you kicking the cart over or merely knocking mud off the wheel?
There is a certain victory that seems imminent to atheists in their attack on scriptures, for as long as they don't look at such works as drawing a particular, essential conclusion. Some theists even seem to capitalize on this weakness ... kind of like a grumpy sibling saying "don't you dare lay a finger on me" , which prompts the other to playfully wiggle their finger an inch in front of their nose.

One has to wonder whether this fringe-dwelling fault-finding mentality is at the core of atheism or simply a low hanging fruit sort of skillset that lends itself to the world view of it. It could be some form of symbiosis, where there is an endeavour to extinguish the symptoms but wholeheartedly nourish and sustain the cause. Sisyphusatic might be a better description, but I don't think it's an actual word.

You crack me up.

I havent had such a good laugh in a long time.

Honestly you are a master☺

You remind me of me years ago..I used to love writing like that or running a conversation like first wife would often say to me can talk for an hour and at first I think you are profound but when I try to work out what you have said I really cant figure out what you have said and all I can think is you have said nothing at all...other times she would interupt and say "oh cant you just stop your bullshit"...or the greatest insult "you would make a great politician".

Few appreciate the art.

Anyways well done.

I think you avoid the facts.

Scripture is just made up stuff...made up by folk who like the sound of their own voices and actually believe they are saying something thinking folk have not already worked out...but I guess suffering from lack of self esteem they recognise their thoughts would be ignored by reasonable folk and so they involve what they consider a higher authority but as these authors are usually nobodies they can not drop a name cause they do not know anyone of importance nor can they point to something of significance we in modern times would highlight in our portfolio so they create a fictional character to whom they assign great power and a short fuze as the person that is guiding their works so they may be respected and that their works be read which certainly that would not happen at all if they were not able to employ their invisable bully boy.

Oh I was getting around to the point that the thing these scriptures hold in common is they offer no evidence of the invisable bully boy and prey upon the gulibility of their readership to accept their fictional character as real and dangerous punctuating peaceful solicitations with promises of an eternal hell provided by their made up boogyman...again we have hints of an eternal universe at least in one direction☺.

However I understand you feel humans need a fear of an all powerful entity else they would be beyond control and sadly you could be correct but would it not be wonderful if humans could do better and manage without superstition and fear ofa non existant enforcer.

So we are back to made up stories, the flood, the fiction of the creation of humans ignoring the established science embodied in the well established and well tested and proven Theory of Evolution.

Again I enjoy your work.

I guess you are determinded to avoid my questions ... I wonder if you will get sick of me asking or I will get sick of asking ...what seems a simple way out would be to comment upon Evolution and the Flood simply to shut me up.
