The Hate Poll

Do you hate ...

  • Islam?

    Votes: 18 40.0%
  • Christianity?

    Votes: 18 40.0%
  • Some other religion?

    Votes: 13 28.9%
  • Atheism?

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • None of the above.

    Votes: 24 53.3%

  • Total voters
I dont hate religions,or its followers
(as long as they dont interfere with my life) ;)

I hate the intolerance for other beliefs most religions promote,
(religions divide people/races ,without it the world would be a perfect place imo)
and I realy hate the stupidity of idiotic teachings such as the 7 day creation of the world writen in the bible its followers accept as true. :rolleyes:
tiassa said:
So ... what about the idea that most religious fanatics are victims?

Do you mean that there is no free will?

tiassa said:
If we dehumanize in such a manner as you have the things we do not understand, we will eventually dehumanize humanity itself.

They dehumanized themselves.
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Medicine Woman said:
Sometimes she can be loving and nurturing, or other times she may feel the need to kick your cyberass. As a spiritual healer, she despises organized religion. She believes that before the spirit can be truly healed, one must deconvert from programmed teachings to allow the true One Spirit of God to enter into their holy temple.
But in her zeal the Medicine Woman had crossed the line from despising Christianity to despising Christians. And from healing the spirit, to influencing surrounding spirits with her message of hate for her fellow human beings, the Christians, which she accuses as freaks.

What is in the heart comes out through the tongue. May the great spirits, if they exist, bless you and enlighten you Medicine Woman.
DoctorNO said:
But in her zeal the Medicine Woman had crossed the line from despising Christianity to despising Christians. And from healing the spirit, to influencing surrounding spirits with her message of hate for her fellow human beings, the Christians, which she accuses as freaks.

What is in the heart comes out through the tongue. May the great spirits, if they exist, bless you and enlighten you Medicine Woman.
M*W: Let me make this clear. I despise Christianity but not the human beings who have been misled by the lie. I have become totally disgusted with those who believe in Christianity because they believe they have found the truth so they're no longer searching for the truth. Sometimes when a person is so blind that they cannot see, they are truly lost. I believe it takes a more shocking method to get their attention because kindness and gentleness only drives them further into the lie. Sometimes you have to hit a mule in the head to get his attention. My methods may seem hateful and harsh, but I'd rather teach them the truth by getting their attention than keeping quiet and allowing them to continue to live a lie.

You might be surprised to know that since I've been on sciforums, I've received mail from all over the world, from all kinds of people, who have thanked me for telling the truth about Christianity. If believe I am making a difference in the world for the betterment of humanity, and apparently, so do they.
Medicine Woman said:
Let me make this clear. I despise Christianity but not the human beings who have been misled by the lie. I have become totally disgusted with those who believe in Christianity because they believe they have found the truth so they're no longer searching for the truth.
Im not sure if you are contradicting yourself here. Can you please clarify which human beings have been misled and which human beings believe have found the truth in Christianity?

And aren’t you aware that all the faithful behaves this way? Whether Christians, muslims, hindus or witches. Each of them believe they have found the truth and thus they stop searching. This is especially true of muslims. They are even threatened by the community if they are seen searching. And what religion is not founded on lies? Islam & Judaism are founded on lies. So is Hinduism. So is Wicca. If those are your only reasons then I think your obsession for singling out Christianity is founded more on your emotions than of rationality.

Medicine Woman said:
Sometimes when a person is so blind that they cannot see, they are truly lost. I believe it takes a more shocking method to get their attention because kindness and gentleness only drives them further into the lie. Sometimes you have to hit a mule in the head to get his attention. My methods may seem hateful and harsh, but I'd rather teach them the truth by getting their attention than keeping quiet and allowing them to continue to live a lie.
And sometimes there is a log in your own eye that you cant see the speck in another person’s eye.

Medicine Woman said:
You might be surprised to know that since I've been on sciforums, I've received mail from all over the world, from all kinds of people, who have thanked me for telling the truth about Christianity. If believe I am making a difference in the world for the betterment of humanity, and apparently, so do they.

The truth is your truth doesn’t hold water. There is no way that anyone can find the truth in Christianity. Unless you could travel back in time. All you really have dear Medicine Woman are nothing but CONSPIRACY THEORIES and silly assumptions.

Sure you are making a difference. But is the difference you are making a good one? Or are you just fighting lies with your own lies?