The Hate Poll

Do you hate ...

  • Islam?

    Votes: 18 40.0%
  • Christianity?

    Votes: 18 40.0%
  • Some other religion?

    Votes: 13 28.9%
  • Atheism?

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • None of the above.

    Votes: 24 53.3%

  • Total voters
Fanatics such as PM are just plain annoying and a nuisance. I hate them in the same manner I hate an annoying fly buzzing around my head.
Believe it or not, I am quite fond of PM. I'd treat him to McDonalds if I could. :)
I chose 'Islam' from the list; however, it's something very specific I hate
within the culture and the religion.

It has been discovered that serial killers in the U.S. think of people as
'objects'. Most (if not all) U.S. serial killers had abusive childhoods where
they themselves were treated as objects (hence person == object mentality

I hate the aspects of Islam that promote treating individuals as objects.

A Muslim's body is not considered his or her own property, to do with as she/he pleases. Rather, it is considered to be the property of God. For this reason, it is required to treat one's body with the same sanctity and care as one would treat any of God's objects.

Additionally, several posts on SciForums have shown evidence that Islamic
sexual repression promotes a large amount sexual abuse of male children (i.e.
they are treated as objects).

Based on U.S. serial killers, I theorize that Islam is creating a population of
killers as they are laying down a firm foundation of equating people as objects.
"While Muslims feel free to insult Christianity, they themselves go into paroxysms of rage and violence at the slightest hint of criticism of Islam." -Ibn Warraq

Yes, those silly Muslims are part of a group called "human beings".

Anyways, I hate:

And, a group I call secular Christians, which includes secular humanists, and pretty much all people who claim to "reject Christianity" but still follow Jewish/Christian values are worthless to me as well.
I too think hate is the wrong adjective. I do dispise ALL religion for the same reason. They lack any crediability, they actually demean any true God that could possibly exist (and I think none does), by trivializing the existance as being for human kind. We are one of many mammals and living creatures. Nothing special and of no link or concern of any creator.

I don't hate Islam or muslims any more than any other irrational group.
PM and others like him are dangerous to themselves and others alike, they defile their own belief and muslims.

Your poll lacked the "All of the above choice"
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spuriousmonkey said:
Fanatics such as PM are just plain annoying and a nuisance. I hate them in the same manner I hate an annoying fly buzzing around my head.

If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.

Hermann Hesse (1877 - 1962)
he who is proud of his religion is compensating for his undersized genitals and lack of character
Rick Mayhew (1889-1970)
Proud_Muslim said:
If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.

Hermann Hesse (1877 - 1962)

Religious fanatics are not 'persons'.

They are machines, parrots, robots, scum of the earth or whatever you may call them.

It is ok to hate them.

They make this world a fucked up place

get a life you freaks.

Oy pm, does the message make more impact on your tiny brain with a larger font? No, i didn't think so. SO why don't you stick to the normal font size. I'm not impressed.
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Originally Posted by Proud_Muslim
I hate the haters and everyone who promote hate against Islam, they know who they are ! ”

Rappaccini said:
You hate yourself?

LOL this is so true, there is no one on this site who has promoted my anger against islam more than PM. :p PM you could learn alot from Pakman but unfortunatley he doesn't post much, shame really.
Oh foul monkey, thou art most spurious indeed!

PS. you forgot to use pretty colors :D
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I voted, none of the above. My hate is the locked up beast within me. The minute I unleach it, and while it may hurt my opponent very badly, it would consume me at the same time...
Religious fanatics are not 'persons'.

They are machines, parrots, robots, scum of the earth or whatever you may call them.
So ... what about the idea that most religious fanatics are victims?

If we dehumanize in such a manner as you have the things we do not understand, we will eventually dehumanize humanity itself.

A note on edit:

Whoops. Sorry. I think I was reading the edit line in that post and not the actual poster's name.
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It is wrong to dehumanize religious fanatics in general. I know very nice human beings from the Islamic & Christianic religions that are religious FANATICS.

The inhumanoids are those who think that evil is good and good is evil.
Medicine Woman said:
I enjoyed it and I thrived that I was able to impart religious education on people who had lived Catholicism all their lives but were able to learn from me. It was one big ego trip. I became obsessed with it. I went beyond the local parish church library and ventured out to local libaries, religious libraries, and read everything I could. I would make appointments to discuss my findings with the priest.

Medicine Woman said:
I left the church, but have not quit learning. I'll never stop learning about Christian faith, it's just that the more I learn, the more I see evil in it.

Medicine Woman said:

I will be marching with the Anti-Christians. There is nothing to worry about the Jews nor the Palestinians. The Christians are the evil dudes. I'll always be marching against those freaks.

Its sad how tragedy transformed a loving & spiritual woman into a Medicine Woman that is full of murderous hate. And its sadder for the children who will grow up to become the vengeful spirit that their mother had become.
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DoctorNO said:
Its sad how tragedy transformed a loving & spiritual woman into a Medicine Woman that is full of murderous hate. And its sadder for the children who will grow up to become the vengeful spirit that their mother had become.
M*W: First, let me explain something. The Internet allows us to creatively be whomever we want to be. We can change our identities at will. No one is the wiser who we REALLY are. We can role play, we can create a cyberpersonality we love or one that we hate. There is a mysticism surrounding all of us traveling out here in cyberspace.

With that said, no one on sciforums will ever know who I REALLY am. Neither will I know your true identity. That's what makes it enigmatic. This negative transformation you believe I've had due to personal tragedy, well I won't let on like my life has been a piece of cake, but I have overcome all tragedies big and small. The identity you know as Medicine*Woman is a spiritual healer. Sometimes she can be loving and nurturing, or other times she may feel the need to kick your cyberass. As a spiritual healer, she despises organized religion. She believes that before the spirit can be truly healed, one must deconvert from programmed teachings to allow the true One Spirit of God to enter into their holy temple.

Medicine*Woman is not full of "murderous hate" as she sometimes appears. She would call it more like "disgust" regarding the lies of organized religion, especially Christianity. Her spiritual children are many, even those to whom she did not give birth. The human being who is known as and takes on the personality of Medicine*Woman is actually a loving mother who raised her four kids as devout Roman Catholics, who gave them all a good education, and cared for them all by herself with no help, financial or otherwise, from anyone. She is a medical professional who teaches at the graduate level. Now that her kids are all grown (as opposed to "grown up"), she lives a relatively quiet life in the suburbs of a major Texas city with her three Labradors. For entertainment, she reads. She reads a lot. Her passion is researching the suppressed truth about Christianity, and she does a lot of writing but outside of sciforums, not on this subject. She is a published author in her profession.

All of her children live within two blocks of her home, so they were not in too much of a hurry to get away from her. This also allows her to visit with her five grandchildren almost everyday. The Roman Catholic beliefs she steadfastly imparted in all of her children had different outcomes. Her two eldest children rejected the Catholic Church to become zealous non-denominational, non-commital Christians, who don't attend church but talk about Jesus constantly. Her two younger daughters followed in their mother's spiritual footsteps and have totally rejected Christianity.

So, my point is, you can't judge a person in real life, because you really don't know what's in their heart, and you truly can't judge a person with some creative cybername, because it's not real. What's important is the message that we all bring to this forum, to be sure. I believe that's the only reason why we're here.
DoctorNO said:
"While Muslims feel free to insult Christianity, they themselves go into paroxysms of rage and violence at the slightest hint of criticism of Islam." -Ibn Warraq

Can you say *cough* PM? *cough*