The Hate Poll

Do you hate ...

  • Islam?

    Votes: 18 40.0%
  • Christianity?

    Votes: 18 40.0%
  • Some other religion?

    Votes: 13 28.9%
  • Atheism?

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • None of the above.

    Votes: 24 53.3%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
Moderator note: This thread combined two threads posted by Ebony, which asked the questions:

"Do you hate Islam? Explain."
"Do you hate Christianity? Explain."

I have broadened the poll and consolidated the questions into one thread.
Last edited by a moderator:
I hate Islam because:

* It encourages muslims to dominate everybody under its outdated & barbaric laws.
* It fuels extremists to commit atrocities
* It promotes fundamentalism.
* It is full of injustices, sexism & discrimination
* All the while failing to provide substance to its ridiculous claims of divine authorship
Hi, Ebony,

I didn't want to vote in this poll, but I did give it lots of thought. "Hate" is a strong word, but for personal reasons, I justified using that word, because of the strong emotion that goes with it.

I was not raised a Christian nor did my family go to church. Early in my life, my mother tried taking me to church, but my dad wouldn't go. My mother's whole life was based on guilt or inhibition. My dad was a James Dean type, cool dude, liked rock and roll music that my mother detested. While mama and I would be at church, daddy would be chillin' out listening to the new star on the radio, Elvis Presley. When we'd come home, daddy would get hell. So we quit going. Fine with me. I didn't like the church nursery anyway. I used to get spanked and put in a corner in there. I was more like my daddy than my mama.

So eventually she quit dragging me to church, but daddy didn't quit chillin'. So that was pretty much my church experience. At home, mama never failed to tell me how I was sinning, and I'd get a blistering with a razor strap for being like daddy.

I grew up, got married, had children, and decided then that I would raise my children in Christianity. I guess I was trying to make-up from failing mama so. So I study Catholicism fervently, was converted, and we were all blindly baptized into the Catholic Church. At which point, I signed up for every volunteer program there was. I continued to study and became a Catholic educator for high school and adult education. It was really me! I enjoyed it and I thrived that I was able to impart religious education on people who had lived Catholicism all their lives but were able to learn from me. It was one big ego trip. I became obsessed with it. I went beyond the local parish church library and ventured out to local libaries, religious libraries, and read everything I could. I would make appointments to discuss my findings with the priest.

My husband then decided to marry the young Germany woman he had been screwing, and I was left stranded in Germany with my children, still taking them to church... still trying to believe in my relationship with the church and my family. I took my children to Rome to The Vatican, and had that awful chilling experience of the presence of evil. Then I returned to the US and divorced my husband whom I left in Germany. I went to my local priest and explained my situation about the divorce. My worst fear was losing my religion. I was absolved from that Catholic marriage, and I was allowed to go back to communion with the stipulation that I could never date another man or remarry. At the time, I was willing to follow the rules. Then, of course, I wanted to get back into the religious education, which our parish needed. I went to the priest to volunteer, and he said that "because I was a divorced woman," I could hold no official position in the church! I was a "bad" example! So I went through the process of annulment with the RCC, and it was approved. Still, my services were no longer wanted in the church. I was devastated! I felt as if I had been cast off and there was no hope to ever live my faith again. I left the church, but have not quit learning. I'll never stop learning about Christian faith, it's just that the more I learn, the more I see evil in it.

That's my story. Sorry it's long. My distrust of Christianity came from personal experience. It was such an important part of my life but it just left on the breeze one day and never came back. I tried to force it to come back so I went to Rome and to The Vatican, but it didn't come back. In fact, it was nowhere to be found anywhere! Why I hate Christianity after all this time is because I believed in it for my salvation, and it dumped me like a hot potato. My mind was telling me "you must believe," but my heart was telling me "this is all a big lie--get away from it!" So I did. I lost a big part of my life, and I sorely grieved over its loss, because I realized that none of it was true. Now, I'm thankful that I have seen the light, and I have grown so much stronger than just a weak Christian who needed to depend on a dying demigod savior who wasn't real. I learned to depend on myself. I am responsible for my own sins, and I know now that God gave me salvation when he brought me into this world and inspired me with life, just like God did for each and everyone of us. That's how I got my faith back.
People get disillusioned for various reasons. Me I dont like Catholicism very much but I know a couple of other sects that are really nice & open. I was raised a catholic too and the whole time I resented its strict traditions on prayers & devotionals. Sometimes being a catholic felt like im an overpropped robot.
I think Christianity, if it is defined as the implementation of Jesus' teachings is great, but orthodox Christianity prevents personal interpretation of scripture, and as such, is more a force for evil than good. Very early on, the fox was put in charge of the hen house, and the Church was created, given complete authority to dictate truth. In some instances, people can rise above the rigid thinking of the church, or be Christians on their own, like many of my friends are, and this is a truer version of Jesus' intention. Mostly, Christians accept the authority of the church like sheep and are proud of it, that is the kind of Christianity I hate. I don't hate the christians, though, they can be good people, just the rigid dogma.
There are basically 4 main divisions of Christianity.

* Catholic Christianity
* Orthodox Christianity
* Protestant Christianity
* Cultic Christianity

And each division changes over time. Medieval Christianty was evil & hateful, which was based more on the teachings of the Bishops at that time. Early Christianity & Contemporary Christianity are more based upon the teachings of Jesus & the Apostles, and are thus peaceful, tolerant & productive by nature.
I vote no because I don't hate Christianity. There are plenty of Christians that I think should be whipped with scorpions though (like the ones who try to convert me over and over again...foolish people that they are...)...

Ahhh, damn my heathen ways I guess ;)
Hate is a strong word. I tend to ignore or stay away from those who think theirs is the only way. Some Christians fit the category.
Christianity is, in fact, the final frontier of my hatred; having transcended arguments of old--many of which can be found in Sciforums' archives--I'm very much amused by the notion that people are offended that I won't descend into that dreck for other religions.

These days it's just mopping up. I actually feel sorry for Christians. I still have an intense loathing for certain choices people make, like voting Republican. But when it occurred to me that I would have to hate as much of the world as Christianity encompasses in order to accommodate my wrath toward such stupidity, it also occurred to me that it was time for a new method.

At some point, hatred takes on such a magnitude that one cannot help but look it in the eye. And at that point, some of us actually decide to walk away.
My husband then decided to marry the young Germany woman he had been screwing, and I was left stranded in Germany with my children, still taking them to church... still trying to believe in my relationship with the church and my family. I took my children to Rome to The Vatican, and had that awful chilling experience of the presence of evil.
I can agree there might be evil within the Vatican; it's pretty much everywhere. Father Amorth claims there is, at least if this quotation from the book is correct.
"The smoke of Satan has entered everywhere. Everywhere! Perhaps we were excluded from the audience with the Pope because they were afraid that such a large number of exorcists might succeed in chasing out the legions of demons that have installed themselves in the Vatican." I'm not sure how much Father Amorth's perception is based upon the several or so prophesies relating to Rome or his practice as an exorcist.

At the time, I was willing to follow the rules. Then, of course, I wanted to get back into the religious education, which our parish needed. I went to the priest to volunteer, and he said that "because I was a divorced woman," I could hold no official position in the church! I was a "bad" example!
That's pretty awful, M*W. I think you may be making to much of this bad example, however. One of the churches one of my relatives goes to had a priest who ran his own gay-porno site as a charity venture.
tiassa said:
At some point, hatred takes on such a magnitude that one cannot help but look it in the eye. And at that point, some of us actually decide to walk away.

To bad I ain't as mature as you are, tiassa.

The Christian mythology, mystique, if you will, is impressive and even tempting at times.
The art it has produced is spectacular, but the people themselves are another story completely.

I detest Chrisianity in practice. It represents all that which I hope man will one day transcend: fear, greed, supersition, ignorance.

Christians drain me; they physically drain me.
I'm surrounded by them day in and day out.
The only way I can tolerate it is by cracking offensive jokes about them with my atheist pals.

I hope this doesn't frighten anybody, but I sincerely wish every Christian on this planet would burst into flames (along with the Mohammedans, Jews, and Hindus).

Then we could convert the Vatican into the gigantic art academy we all know it should be.
I think the unnatural religions are evil. The ones that influence the supression of natural instincts.
This includes christianity and islam. Yes I hate them.
With good reason, the fact they have destroyed the only planet I have is surely ample justification for my hatred. I mean really.
Even if it wasn't my planet and I was an outside observer, I would hate them. Imagine watching some obnoxious half witted turd destroying an amazing oil painting from the renaissance. It would be irritating no? Well this is like a thousand million times worse because earth is that much more spectacular than any oil painting.

I am incredibly suspicious over the origins of these religions, I find it hard to swallow something so contradictory to the nature of earth could naturally evolve on earth.
Extraterrestrial interference or a natural trigger for a stage of earth's life where it prepares to shoot its spores throughout the cosmos in an attempt to reproduce.
These are my 2 possibilities, and they are actually far less outlandish than the seemingly mundane explanation of 'religions that make us ashamed of our instincts just evolved like anything else'. Because it just wouldn't happen. I know earth to well. Also, something we have to admit is religious scripture isn't as off base as primitive cavemen making stuff up would be. Its wrong, but it almost seems strategically wrong to attain specific results over a long time period. And there are interesting little tidbits that are too right for people with no scientific knowledge to make up from scratch.
The organised religions of human beings are the result of some kind of cosmic conspiracy. That is my honest opinion. I do not think religions are as arbitrary as most athiests assume. I think they are all utter bullshit, but purposefully bullshit and inspired by something greater than man as a means to control and direct man. I know its wierd, but thats the only reasonable explanation.

Oh and I naturally instinctually hate muslims because I have pure christian ancestry. Their behaviour and mannerisms cut on my nerves like a hacksaw. I just have this urge to march into their territory and start killing them. Its out of my control. But I understand what it is, which is more than most can say for themselves.
"I hate the haters and everyone who promote hate against Islam"

Does anyone fit that description better than you? You are a hater obviously, but also no one is more successful in promoting hate against islam than you. No one converts more people into islam-haters on a daily basis than yourself.
Proud_Muslim said:
I hate the haters and everyone who promote hate against Islam,

Oh give me a break! LOL! Oh that's hilarious! You hate the haters? But you're a hater yourself? Shame you don't hate the haters of Christianity and Judaism. Instead you join in. Or is it that you're fine as long as the individual doesn't hate Islam. Then your little claws come out?:p ... heh..

they know who they are
You just gave me flashbacks to my high school science teacher when she'd glare at us because someone stuffed up and she'd make the statement... 'you know who you are'... :eek:
"While Muslims feel free to insult Christianity, they themselves go into paroxysms of rage and violence at the slightest hint of criticism of Islam." -Ibn Warraq