The Hard Problems Of Consciousnes - One of the best cases for Intelligent Design

I don't find any hard problems of conscience really , it depends on the enviroment in which you have lived , awareness , empathy , compassion , reason , logic , survival , food , water , weather , parents , luck of the draw

Intelligent design , hmm.. I thought of the Universe as being inside the brain of a being , but this being was learning about its self , this being is exploring its imagination , in all aspects

So intelligent design ? No

Inside a brain , perhaps

But in the end this brain will never be perfect

It is impossible

Its not conscience, but rather, "Consciousness" The Ontological question of being. We exist as conscious beings. So, what is this in us, that perceives this state of being? You say, , but this being learning about itself" To some extent I agree, that is "a being learning about itself" That is very true. Because we as conscious beings, are the ones who pose the question. "Who am I?"

So, you may ask yourselves as a personal question. But, let, as you have very ingeniously alluded, "I" can be collectivized from "I" the single person, to "I" the collective humanity. We an say, I, am a Man, but we are all, men, or "Man" the conscious Spirit of Humanity. This Human Spirit, is the being learning about himself.

What about, "Universe as a being inside the brain of a being" Hmm, I could put it rather that, "The Seed of the Universe being inside the brain of a being" This seed, is the "Mind of Man" which is different from the brain, as in "Software" being different from "hardware"
Reducing God to light is quite a big reduction. God is usually supposed to be the creator of the universe, a loving father, creator of life on Earth who has intervened in human affairs, cares about each of us personally, and so on. Light does none of those things.


Biophotons: The Human Body Emits, Communicates with, and is Made from Light

Increasingly science agrees with the poetry of direct human experience: we are more than the atoms and molecules that make up our bodies, but beings of light as well. Biophotons are emitted by the human body, can be released through mental intention, and may modulate fundamental processes within cell-to-cell communication and DNA.

Nothing is more amazing than the highly improbable fact that we exist. We often ignore this fact, oblivious to the reality that instead of something there could be nothing at all, i.e. why is there a universe (poignantly aware of itself through us) and not some void completely unconscious of itself?

Consider that from light, air, water, basic minerals within the crust of the earth, and the at least 3 billion year old information contained within the nucleus of one diploid zygote cell, the human body is formed, and within that body a soul capable of at least trying to comprehend its bodily and spiritual origins.

Given the sheer insanity of our existential condition, and bodily incarnation as a whole, and considering that our earthly existence is partially formed from sunlight and requires the continual consumption of condensed sunlight in the form of food, it may not sound so farfetched that our body emits light.

Indeed, the human body emits biophotons, also known as ultraweak photon emissions (UPE), with a visibility 1,000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eye. While not visible to us, these particles of light (or waves, depending on how you are measuring them) are part of the visible electromagnetic spectrum (380-780 nm) and are detectable via sophisticated modern instrumentation.

The Physical and "Mental" Eye Emits Light
The eye itself, which is continually exposed to ambient powerful photons that pass through various ocular tissues, emit spontaneous and visible light-induced ultraweak photon emissions. It has even been hypothesized that visible light induces delayed bioluminescence within the exposed eye tissue, providing an explanation for the origin of the negative afterimage.

These light emissions have also been correlated with cerebral energy metabolism and oxidative stress within the mammalian brain. And yet, biophoton emissions are not necessarily epiphenomenal. Bókkon's hypothesis suggests that photons released from chemical processes within the brain produce biophysical pictures during visual imagery, and a recent study found that when subjects actively imagined light in a very dark environment their intention produced significant increases in ultraweak photo emission This is consistent with an emerging view that biophotons are not solely cellular metabolic by-products, but rather, because biophoton intensity can be considerably higher inside cells than outside, it is possible for the mind to access this energy gradient to create intrinsic biophysical pictures during visual perception and imagery.
Given the sheer insanity of our existential condition, and bodily incarnation as a whole, and considering that our earthly existence is partially formed from sunlight and requires the continual consumption of condensed sunlight in the form of food, it may not sound so farfetched that our body emits light.

sheer insanity , why insanity ?

its not insane to exist
sheer insanity , why insanity ?

its not insane to exist

No, the probability that we exists, has been found to be mind bogglingly impossible by scientists and cosmologists. They claims that a universe like ours can exist, and have a planet that supports life, is confounding.

Scientists tells us that our universe itself is created in such a way that the fundamental physical constants of the universe that made it possible for life to exists, lie on a rather narrow ranges that suggests fine-tuning. That if were even slightly off balance, there would be chaos, and no planets including earth. They also claim that the laws of these cosmological constants required for a universe like our, are balanced on what they refer to as “knife-edge” So, for the universe like ours to have existed at ALL, is sheer insane. Of course its because they do not want to recognize the work of Intelligent Designer behind it.

And now, to find that it not only exists but that it has life supporting mechanism that has evolved conscious being, and a creation which is made of light, is beyond an Atheistic scientists. Of course, its because they could not dare the question, “ God, so you in fact exists?” So, in a way, its not sheer insanity that we exists, but sheer insanity that anybody can disclaim existence of God!
Since the notion of this universe seemingly being fine-tuned for life has appeared on this thread as well, so will my Quote from Douglas Adams...

"This is rather as if you imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in - an interesting hole I find myself in - fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!' This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for."
- Douglas Adams, from The Salmon of Doubt.

To paraphrase: it is not the universe that is fine-tuned for us, but we that are fine-tuned to the universe.

Furthermore, the "fine-tuned" argument is no different than dealing a shuffled deck of cards and then espousing how fortunate you are that you dealt them in the order you did (which, regardless of order, had an almost 1 in 10^67 chance).
Now, if you stated up front the order you wanted, and then dealt it, that would be something to shout about.
But seeing the end point and then remarking how incredible it was that you dealt just that order... probably best be quiet about that.
No, the probability that we exists, has been found to be mind bogglingly impossible by scientists and cosmologists.
If you honestly think this then I am not sure you fully grasp what it means to be impossible. ;)
No, the probability that we exists, has been found to be mind bogglingly impossible by scientists and cosmologists. They claims that a universe like ours can exist, and have a planet that supports life, is confounding.

Scientists tells us that our universe itself is created in such a way that the fundamental physical constants of the universe that made it possible for life to exists, lie on a rather narrow ranges that suggests fine-tuning. That if were even slightly off balance, there would be chaos, and no planets including earth. They also claim that the laws of these cosmological constants required for a universe like our, are balanced on what they refer to as “knife-edge” So, for the universe like ours to have existed at ALL, is sheer insane. Of course its because they do not want to recognize the work of Intelligent Designer behind it.

And now, to find that it not only exists but that it has life supporting mechanism that has evolved conscious being, and a creation which is made of light, is beyond an Atheistic scientists. Of course, its because they could not dare the question, “ God, so you in fact exists?” So, in a way, its not sheer insanity that we exists, but sheer insanity that anybody can disclaim existence of God!
Could you narrow it down for us and prove which God did it and why,thnx
If you honestly think this then I am not sure you fully grasp what it means to be impossible. ;)

Sorry, I mean to say, "has been found by scientists and be bogglingly impossible to imagine it happened" I.e given the precision which was required for it to have unfolded. ( I some times write in a hurry, and this is not my first language)
Sorry, I mean to say, "has been found by scientists and be bogglingly impossible to imagine it happened" I.e given the precision which was required for it to have unfolded. ( I some times write in a hurry, and this is not my first language)

It has not been found by scientists and be bogglingly impossible. Great odds against something does not mean it does not happen. We do not know what the odds are & probably never will. Whatever the odds are, the odds against an omnipotent god would be greater.

It is sheer insanity that anybody can claim existence of God!
Could you narrow it down for us and prove which God did it and why,thnx
Logos: God of Reason. The Light of the World
“I am the light of the world; anyone who follows me will not walk in dark, he will have the light of life” John 8: 11-12.

“ I the Light, have come down to the World so that all who believe in me won’t have to stay any longer in the dark.” John 12:46:46.

“All things were created through Him, and for Him. Before everything was created, He existed, and he holds all things in Unity. Now the Church is His Body, he is the head” Collosians1: 15-18

Scientists work out how create matter from light, to finally prove Einstein’s E=mc2

Physicists in England claim they have discovered how to create matter from light, by smashing together individual massless photons– a feat that was first theorized back in 1934, and has been considered practically impossible until now. If this new discovery pans out, the final piece of the physics jigsaw puzzle that describes how light and matter interact would be complete. No one’s quite sure of the repercussions if matter can indeed be produced from photon-photon collision, but I’m sure something awesomely scientific will emerge before long.

Is Matter Made of Light?

By Richard Gauthier, Ph.D.

“A number of authors have proposed that matter is composed of light-speed

particles or waves. This website proposes that there are two types of physical particles— tardyons which travel at less than the speed of light and luxons which travel at the speed of light, and that all tardyons are composed of luxons.

According to , the first person to propose that matter is

composed of light-speed entities was H. Ziegler. In 1909 he wrote, "If one thinks about the basic particles of matter as invisible little spheres which possess an invariable speed of light, then all interactions of matter-like states and electrodynamics phenomena can be described and thus we would have erected the bridge between the material and immaterial world that Mr. Planck wanted." (Max Planck was one of the founders of quantum theory. The quantum constant h is named after him: Planck’s constant.)

You are made of light

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A biophoton (from the Greek βίος meaning "life" and φῶς meaning "light") is a photon of non-thermal origin in the visible and ultraviolet spectrum emitted from a biological system. Emission of biophotons is technically a type of bioluminescence, but the latter term is generally reserved for higher luminance luciferin/luciferase systems. The term biophoton used in this narrow sense should not be confused with the broader field of biophotonics, which studies the general interaction of light with biological systems.

The typical observed radiant emittance of biological tissues in the visible and ultraviolet frequencies ranges from 10−19 to 10−16 W/cm2 (approx 1-1000 photons/cm2/second). This light intensity is much weaker than that seen in the perceptually visible and well-researched phenomenon of normal bioluminescence but is detectable above the background of thermal radiation emitted by tissues at their normal temperature.

While detection of biophotons has been reported by several groups,[1][2][3] hypotheses that such biophotons indicate the state of biological tissues and facilitate a form of cellular communication are controversial. Their supposed discoverer, Alexander Gurwitsch, was awarded the Stalin Prize.[4]
“I am the light of the world; anyone who follows me will not walk in dark, he will have the light of life” John 8: 11-12. “ I the Light, have come down to the World so that all who believe in me won’t have to stay any longer in the dark.” John 12:46:46.

That & much more was written to con you into putting out your light & following them into darkness. Con men always proclaim others to be dark & evil in order to hide their dark evil.
That & much more was written to con you into putting out your light & following them into darkness. Con men always proclaim others to be dark & evil in order to hide their dark evil.

He said, "Go and tell this people: "'Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.' Isaiah 6:9

“ When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that,

‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving,

and ever hearing but never understanding;

otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’” Mark 4: 10-12

They arranged to meet Paul on a certain day, and came in even larger numbers to the place where he was staying. He witnessed to them from morning till evening, explaining about the kingdom of God, and from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets he tried to persuade them about Jesus. Some were convinced by what he said, but others would not believe. They disagreed among themselves and began to leave after Paul had made this final statement: “The Holy Spirit spoke the truth to your ancestors when he said through Isaiah the prophet:

‘Go to this people and say,

“You will be ever hearing but never understanding;

you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.”

For this people’s heart has become calloused;

they hardly hear with their ears,

and they have closed their eyes.

Otherwise they might see with their eyes,

hear with their ears,

understand with their hearts

and turn, and I would heal them.’Acts 28:24-27
Quoting more of con artists' lies does not support your unsupportable claims. Stop the insanity. Come out of the dark & join us in the light.
“ When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that,
‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving,
and ever hearing but never understanding;
otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’” Mark 4: 10-12

That tells you clearly that the HolyBabble is not to be trusted.
Sorry, I mean to say, "has been found by scientists and be bogglingly impossible to imagine it happened" I.e given the precision which was required for it to have unfolded. ( I some times write in a hurry, and this is not my first language)
If you honestly think this then I am not sure you fully grasp what it means to be impossible.
It can't be "impossible" to imagine it happened if people imagine it happened.
No, the probability that we exists, has been found to be mind bogglingly impossible by scientists and cosmologists. They claims that a universe like ours can exist, and have a planet that supports life, is confounding.

Scientists tells us that our universe itself is created in such a way that the fundamental physical constants of the universe that made it possible for life to exists, lie on a rather narrow ranges that suggests fine-tuning. That if were even slightly off balance, there would be chaos, and no planets including earth. They also claim that the laws of these cosmological constants required for a universe like our, are balanced on what they refer to as “knife-edge” So, for the universe like ours to have existed at ALL, is sheer insane. Of course its because they do not want to recognize the work of Intelligent Designer behind it.

And now, to find that it not only exists but that it has life supporting mechanism that has evolved conscious being, and a creation which is made of light, is beyond an Atheistic scientists. Of course, its because they could not dare the question, “ God, so you in fact exists?” So, in a way, its not sheer insanity that we exists, but sheer insanity that anybody can disclaim existence of God!

But really does the existence of god matter ?

In the end any concept of god or any argument for a god , has lead us down to no where . Other than to fragment Humanity , into factions of this god concept . There are many , many that claim they are more intouch with god than others

Consciousness seems to be an evolutionary quality , but that doesn't lead to a intelligent design thinking

Because intelligent design defeats its self, how ?

By allowing destruction
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But really does the existence of god matter ?

In the end any concept of god or any argument for a god , has lead us down to no where . Other than to fragment Humanity , into factions of this god concept . There are many , many that claim they are more intouch with god than others

Consciousness seems to be an evolutionary quality , but that doesn't lead to a intelligent design thinking

Because intelligent design defeats its self, how ?

By allowing destruction

The problem is that we ca do away with the idea of a God. But this never answers the proverbial question. "Then, why are we here?" You see, nothing explains the presence of Man on earth, and why he is different from other animals. Is Man different from other animals? Yes! Man, is the only animal that gives itself an identity, and gives other animals identity. A dog, does not know that its a dog. When in expresses its dogginess, it does not know thatthat, is doginess. Its man who gives this behavior as doginess. So, why does man have this very strange character?

So, going away with God, is just a matter of jumping from one rabbit hole into another.
We have two sides of the brain, left and right hemispheres. The left side of the brain is logical, rational and differential. This side of the brain processes the mechanics of language. The right side of the brain is emotional, intuitive, subjective, symbolic and integral.

Like in calculus we have differentiation and integration. Differential finds the slope of a curve at a given point; specific. While integration finds the areas under the curve from alpha to omega.

Science tends to be more left brained; differential and logical, while religion is more right brained; intuition and emotions (faith), symbolism, integral. God concepts attempt to define a 3-D or spatial integration, where God somehow defines how all of the universe integrates under one variable. This 3-D POV may be hard to grasp for a purely left brainer, who thinks in terms of unique data points; slope at a point and not its integration.

Religions also think in terms of determinism, where the 3-D integration of the world, somehow adds to a logical connection in space and time; integral thinking. Atheism is more about indeterminate and random, which is better defined by a unique point in space snd time; differential or left brained.

Like our body, a balanced body requires using both sides of the body, and not just one arm or one leg. The ambidextrous of the mind learn to use both sides of the brain; find a way to use religion and science. These two systems are the best that humans have developed for the needs of each side of the brain.

Since we have two sides of the brain, the brain and genetics will require we use both sides. Since we have choice and will power we can choose to be half brainers. If this needed balanced is not done consciously via science and religion, it will still happen, but unconsciously, with one side conscious and the other unconscious. This makes one ripe for social and political manipulation with lies and deception.

Liberals do not like god, so they repress the most conscious use of the right side of the brain. This makes them vulnerable to political type 3-D integrations like Obama Care or manmade global warming, that don't add up, and can even contradict the logic in their own logical left mind; becomes an irrational religion.

With the overly strict religious, who denies science and the left brain, they are vulnerable to left brain scams like literal creation; pseudo science. This analysis does not fully integrate in 3-D. The natural 3-D does not need to leave out valid data. They deny their strong hand in favor of a fake left hand. Atheism can deny its own strong left hand (ignorer the facts of Obama Care in favor of a pseudo-3-D scam. Those who find the balance and row with both arms, become the ones who hold the fort, until the blind learn to see again.
We have two sides of the brain, left and right hemispheres. The left side of the brain is logical, rational and differential. This side of the brain processes the mechanics of language. The right side of the brain is emotional, intuitive, subjective, symbolic and integral.

Like in calculus we have differentiation and integration. Differential finds the slope of a curve at a given point; specific. While integration finds the areas under the curve from alpha to omega.

Science tends to be more left brained; differential and logical, while religion is more right brained; intuition and emotions (faith), symbolism, integral. God concepts attempt to define a 3-D or spatial integration, where God somehow defines how all of the universe integrates under one variable. This 3-D POV may be hard to grasp for a purely left brainer, who thinks in terms of unique data points; slope at a point and not its integration.

Religions also think in terms of determinism, where the 3-D integration of the world, somehow adds to a logical connection in space and time; integral thinking. Atheism is more about indeterminate and random, which is better defined by a unique point in space snd time; differential or left brained.

Like our body, a balanced body requires using both sides of the body, and not just one arm or one leg. The ambidextrous of the mind learn to use both sides of the brain; find a way to use religion and science. These two systems are the best that humans have developed for the needs of each side of the brain.

Since we have two sides of the brain, the brain and genetics will require we use both sides. Since we have choice and will power we can choose to be half brainers. If this needed balanced is not done consciously via science and religion, it will still happen, but unconsciously, with one side conscious and the other unconscious. This makes one ripe for social and political manipulation with lies and deception.

Liberals do not like god, so they repress the most conscious use of the right side of the brain. This makes them vulnerable to political type 3-D integrations like Obama Care or manmade global warming, that don't add up, and can even contradict the logic in their own logical left mind; becomes an irrational religion.

With the overly strict religious, who denies science and the left brain, they are vulnerable to left brain scams like literal creation; pseudo science. This analysis does not fully integrate in 3-D. The natural 3-D does not need to leave out valid data. They deny their strong hand in favor of a fake left hand. Atheism can deny its own strong left hand (ignorer the facts of Obama Care in favor of a pseudo-3-D scam. Those who find the balance and row with both arms, become the ones who hold the fort, until the blind learn to see again.

Sometimes the correlation between "Knowledge" and Wisdom" is not necessarily linear . And the coefficient between them is most likely probabilistic.