The Hard Problems Of Consciousnes - One of the best cases for Intelligent Design

So matter, as it were, is condensed or frozen light” David Bohm, (See Marks Weber “Dialogues with saints and sages: The Search for Unity)
Some of you just want to bully, and discourage non-physicists from scientific discussion.

Scientists speculate in many ways...Matter could be said to be frozen energy...that's not the same as saying light/energy is God. It's speculation, not accepted theory.
No one wants to bully anyone. If any bullying has been done around here over the years, its been by religious fanatical ratbags, on physicists and science in general.

Another philosopher was also known to have said....
Science is what we know: Philosophy is what we don't know:
Bertrand Russell.

All science demands is observational evidence for what you or any other agenda laden cynics claim...That's all...Simply that observational evidence fits the claims that you make.
Until then, the best we have, and in fact at this stage, both overwhelmingly supported and accepted are the BB/Inflationary model of Universal/spacetime evolution, and Abiogenesis followed by Evolution.
Even the Catholic church have accepted this.
No. God did not say so. In order for a god to be regarded as an expert in anything, it must 1st get up the courage to come out of hiding & show itself. Scientific discussions do not involve unsupportable claims from the HolyBabble.
Of course, you want Him to "personally" appear before you. Wont happen. If intelligence inferred by you, as a logically reasoning human being is not enough, if the intelligence inferred in nature is not enough, if His Word in the Bible to you is babble, none can help you.
Of course, you want Him to "personally" appear before you. Wont happen. If intelligence inferred by you, as a logically reasoning human being is not enough, if the intelligence inferred in nature is not enough, if His Word in the Bible to you is babble, none can help you.

Stop frigging trying to say what I want. It's useless & it makes you look like a damn fool. There is no his word in the bible. I do not need any help. If it won't show itself, it may as well not exist. It cannot be any good to us as long as it insists on hiding out like a scared rabbit.
Scientists speculate in many ways...Matter could be said to be frozen energy...that's not the same as saying light/energy is God. It's speculation, not accepted theory.
No one wants to bully anyone. If any bullying has been done around here over the years, its been by religious fanatical ratbags, on physicists and science in general.

Another philosopher was also known to have said....
Science is what we know: Philosophy is what we don't know:
Bertrand Russell.

All science demands is observational evidence for what you or any other agenda laden cynics claim...That's all...Simply that observational evidence fits the claims that you make.
Until then, the best we have, and in fact at this stage, both overwhelmingly supported and accepted are the BB/Inflationary model of Universal/spacetime evolution, and Abiogenesis followed by Evolution.
Even the Catholic church have accepted this.

Catholic Church has been wrong before, so, they may accept what is not true..........again. In regard to your argument that "All science demands is observational evidence" unfortunately we have arrived at a point where limits have been imposed on "observational evidence" I agree with Kant, and Peter Russell that what we need, again, is a shift of paradigm, of "Copernican revolution" Of course this will take time, because it might mean reviewing anew, all that we accepted as "scientific truth" Most like the safety of the "known"
Stop frigging trying to say what I want. It's useless & it makes you look like a damn fool. There is no his word in the bible. I do not need any help. If it won't show itself, it may as well not exist. It cannot be any good to us as long as it insists on hiding out like a scared rabbit.

Hmm.........hit a bull?
Catholic Church has been wrong before, so, they may accept what is not true.........

All churches of all persuasions have been and are wrong.
At this time the Catholic church has taken the only true scientific position it can due to weight of evidence.
From there though they go back to mythological stories and say God is responsible for the BB, and Evolution.
Cosmology and science continues to observe, experiment and gather data, on the BB, and do not accept unproven, unevidenced myths.
Obviously, you appear to be "an angry young man" Bull is short for "Bulls-eye" or "Hitting-Home" Have a nice day.

Obviously, what you delude yourself into thinking is obvious simply is not true. You are desperate to come up with excuses for your failure to support your claims.
All churches of all persuasions have been and are wrong.
At this time the Catholic church has taken the only true scientific position it can due to weight of evidence.
From there though they go back to mythological stories and say God is responsible for the BB, and Evolution.
Cosmology and science continues to observe, experiment and gather data, on the BB, and do not accept unproven, unevidenced myths.

They will meet and agree..............eventually
I don't find any hard problems of conscience really , it depends on the enviroment in which you have lived , awareness , empathy , compassion , reason , logic , survival , food , water , weather , parents , luck of the draw

Intelligent design , hmm.. I thought of the Universe as being inside the brain of a being , but this being was learning about its self , this being is exploring its imagination , in all aspects

So intelligent design ? No

Inside a brain , perhaps

But in the end this brain will never be perfect

It is impossible
Reducing God to light is quite a big reduction. God is usually supposed to be the creator of the universe, a loving father, creator of life on Earth who has intervened in human affairs, cares about each of us personally, and so on. Light does none of those things.