The Great Vampire Thread!!!

Vampires are nothing to joke about!

Tyler, I do not believe that you are a vampire. This is not funny! This is real.

Xev, stop talking about hockey! Hockey is nothing! What profit you if the 'Wings' win the playoffs, but the demons take over men's souls?

Vampires are not funny, and they are not 'sexy'. They are evil! Stay away from vampires!

There are many ways to keep vampires away. They do not attack people who have been Saved by the Holy Blood of Jesus. They fear such Christians. That is why I can battle them and win every time.

You see, when a demon takes control of a human, that human becomes a vampire. The human might be attacked and controlled by a demon while trying to make contact with it - that is why demons should not be contacted or bargained with.

And yes, I have battled them. I shall tell you of one that I battled:

You see, I knew a co-worker who was actively trying to summon these demons - to make contact with them - she was very sensitive, telepathically. At the time, I was just learning about this, and did not realize the effects that the demons had on the people who summoned them.

She was a very attractive woman. Meeting each other outside of work was nominally forbidden, but some did anyway. I was trying to accumulate evidence of what was happening, in order to warn people, but I was still very naive. She had said that she wished to talk to me, to tell me about what was happening and to help me get the word out. We met in my apartment, and she began to tell me about how demons were contacted, and what sort of bargains were made.

As we were talking, I noticed somthing change in her eyes, but I misinterpreted it. As I said, I was very naive then. When she began to move closer and began to run a hand along my cheek, well, I misinterpreted that too. But then she put her hands around my throat, and press down. I didn't misinterpret that! I tried to stand up, but she was strong enough (demons give their human hosts unnatural strength) to keep holding on. I had recently accepted Jesus, and was wearing a cross that a pastor had given me. (Precious metals such as gold repel demons, as well, I think). It was only by the grace of God that her arm brushed against it.

She screamed the most horrible, earsplitting scream that I have ever heard and let go. She could not attack me any longer, but she could destroy my computer, with all the evidence I had saved on it. She did that, and then she lept out of a window and hit the ground running.

After that, I could not return to work, for "They" knew from her that I was trying to accumulate evidence of what was happening. I have been fighting "Them" ever since that night, trying to help people see the TRUTH about what is happening!
Fox you should write a book. It would make an excellent fiction story.

Personally, I do not believe your story. I generally don't believe anything outlandish without proof and while I admitt there is obviously no way for you to prove your story is true to me, I am sorry to say I cannot believe it.

"Xev, stop talking about hockey! Hockey is nothing! What profit you if the 'Wings' win the playoffs, but the demons take over men's souls?"

Right about here is where you became a crazy man in my eyes.

"and they are not 'sexy'"

Is not beauty in the eye of the beholder?

Fox you should write a book. It would make an excellent fiction story.

Perhaps I could inform people of the truth that way? That is a good idea, Tyler! I think you are really wanting to help me.

Personally, I do not believe your story. I generally don't believe anything outlandish without proof and while I admitt there is obviously no way for you to prove your story is true to me, I am sorry to say I cannot believe it.

What would you like as proof?

Right about here is where you became a crazy man in my eyes.

I am very sane! Xev needs to stop worrying about hockey and start taking care of her immortal soul!

I shall say why - this woman - her name was Zoe - was not a bad woman at all. But she was not strong enough to fight these demons. She was not Saved.

That is why you need to become strong like I am or you will be vulnerable to "Them".

Is not beauty in the eye of the beholder?

She was. But vampires are also very dangerous!
"Perhaps I could inform people of the truth that way? That is a good idea, Tyler! I think you are really wanting to help me."

Everyone should write a book. They'll learn more about themselves.

I never said anyone would buy it!

"What would you like as proof?"

Unfortunatly, like I said, there is no way to prove it. But maybe if you could somehow get me to see a vampire???

"I am very sane! Xev needs to stop worrying about hockey and start taking care of her immortal soul!"

I'd rather rot in hell for eternity than never experience and love hockey. This isn't even a joke or exageration.
"Perhaps I could inform people of the truth that way? That is a good idea, Tyler! I think you are really wanting to help me. "

Thanks a bloody whole hell of a lot for encouraging him, Tyler. ;)

Sorry to hear about your date.

"Vampires are not funny, and they are not 'sexy'. They are evil! Stay away from vampires!"

No problem, as they don't exist. Asexual, evil beings aren't my type anyway.

"There are many ways to keep vampires away. They do not attack people who have been Saved by the Holy Blood of Jesus. They fear such Christians. That is why I can battle them and win every time."

Are you sure they are not just avoiding Christians? Maybe they think that the Christians will wake them up at 7 AM ON A SATURDAY WHEN THEY HAVE A BLOODY HANGOVER!

"I am very sane! Xev needs to stop worrying about hockey and start taking care of her immortal soul!"

You got's your prioritys bass-ackwards, Foxy. Hockey is much more important. :p

"Unfortunatly, like I said, there is no way to prove it. But maybe if you could somehow get me to see a vampire???"

Gee Ty, look how Foxy's last date with a vampire went. Not sure you want that........
Re: Vampires are nothing to joke about!

Originally posted by FoxMulder
Tyler, I do not believe that you are a vampire.
really, how an you say?
Xev, stop talking about hockey! Hockey is nothing! What profit you if the 'Wings' win the playoffs, but the demons take over men's souls?
Xev actually placed a bet on Wings;) 2000$ american is a good enough profit. She is now able to buy new candles for her ceremonies.
Vampires are not funny, and they are not 'sexy'. They are evil! Stay away from vampires
I thought I was sexy:(
There are many ways to keep vampires away. They do not attack people who have been Saved by the Holy Blood of Jesus. They fear such Christians. That is why I can battle them and win every time.
actually blood of Jesus tastes bad. It has ran out of date. 2000 years and counting. How would you like to drink a 2000 year old hot bitter bier. And I got from you tht you battled only one of your kind.
After that, I could not return to work, for "They" knew from her that I was trying to accumulate evidence of what was happening. I have been fighting "Them" ever since that night, trying to help people see the TRUTH about what is happening!
Then why do they not come to your house? if they cant get in, why don't they just burn it?
That is why you need to become strong like I am or you will be vulnerable to "Them".
you have no chance agains me->

besides, I'm not a bad night-being. This is my secret cave for rituals->

see the picture thread for more of my killing beauty:D, I am one of the imortal kind (not a demon though [at least what you understand by them])
"Xev actually placed a bet on Wings 2000$ american is a good enough profit. She is now able to buy new candles for her ceremonies."

Yeppers. Quite a profit.
Hockey is waaaaaaaaay more important than my soul.

"I thought I was sexy"

Don't worry what FoxyNutter thinks, I think you are.

"Then why do they not come to your house? if they cant get in, why don't they just burn it?"

Presumably the blood of jesus keeps them away, or god protects him, or somthing.


Cthulhu does the same for me. :)

Avatar: Oooh, you're cute! Very different than I had thought you looked like, though. :cool:
But then she put her hands around my throat, and press down. I didn't misinterpret that! I tried to stand up, but she was strong enough (demons give their human hosts unnatural strength) to keep holding on. I had recently accepted Jesus, and was wearing a cross that a pastor had given me. (Precious metals such as gold repel demons, as well, I think). It was only by the grace of God that her arm brushed against it.

My, my, I thought Vampires sucked blood, never heard of one trying to strangle a person.
For your information, I was strong enough to keep my ex from attacking, kicking and hitting me and even worked him down to the floor many times. Am I a Vampire then?

A cross, made by metal, precious or not, will only work if you believe in it's working.

After that, I could not return to work, for "They" knew from her that I was trying to accumulate evidence of what was happening. I have been fighting "Them" ever since that night, trying to help people see the TRUTH about what is happening!

The TRUTH is for everyone different, it is just what you are willing to believe. You are talking people here Fox? Not all people are "evil" or demons. It's all nice and good what you are trying to do Fox, I agree with Tyler on this.

Write it down. It can turn out a good book eventually.

Then why do they not come to your house? if they cant get in, why don't they just burn it?

Actually, This seems not to be possible, for you have to invite a Vampire into your house. Without an invitation they can't do shit to you. Not in any way. :bugeye: That is, if there were such blood-suckers like Vampires.

The only real Vampires I know of, are the big Bats and they don't come flying around or in your house just like that. They excist not even everywhere.

My goodness...:rolleyes:
In fact...I'm starting to feel a little "evil" myself now. I will hold a seance to ask the Spirits to watch over me...
Well, I want to hear what FoxyNutter has to say. Don't listen to so-called 'crystel-swingers', Foxy, we're here to listen to you and we value what you say.* We want to know more about these vampires - are you still around? Have you fought vampires besides this 'Zoe'? Did Zoe break your heart, turning out to be a vampire? **

Don't give Fox your stupid remarks as in :"FoxyNutter" and then mention in the same sentence that you value what he has to say. You are contradicting yourself.

TruthSeeker made plain what drove him away. BTW, you re-read your replies to TruthSeeker please...:rolleyes:

This thread is fixing to be a closed thread...
you are better in supressing the freedom of speech than KGB:D;

but considering tht we haveSCIFORUMS here I won't say any more.
Nelson was restricted to an hour of computer a day, as I recall.

And what's wrong with giving someone a nickname banshee? I call as many people as I can by nicknames.
Vampires, with or without Fox and that's it!

Avatar, didn't you know? I am Mabus and the KGB, all in the same time...;)
Notice: Banshees post will the edited as it was not on topic. Mabus and the KGB have nothing to do with the current topic of conversation...
Actually, Banshee, 'Foxy' was a term denoting 'attractive' back in the mid 90s. 'Nutter' is hardly worse than 'athiestic slut'......

Although Foxy seems to have had a change of heart.

And Nelson has never said that he was leaving because he couldn't handle the mean athiests who were mean. So, either you are making that up, or you are revealing the contents of private messages.

Funny, I thought them things were supposed to be private. When Adamski sent me a PM confessing his love for Sir Loone, I didn't tell anyone.

In conclusion, Banshee seems simply jealous that the Fox is no longer flirting with her, and has stopped insulting me. How unbiased. :)

Edit to note that Nelson has just posted - seems he hasn't been driven away at all.

Now, I would like to hear more about vampires named Zoe, Jesus, demon pizza, athiestic sluts, and whatever else creatures inhabit Foxy's worldveiw, and would be rather non-plussed if this topic was closed.

Anyone agree?
I am sorry Banshee...

I do not want to have this topic closed, although I did not think I was violating any rules! I am very sorry Banshee, and if you will tell me the rules, I will gladly adhere to them. I don't know what I did wrong.....

I will try to adhere to these rules that I don't know what they are. I think you are a very enlightened person and a great moderator, Banshee. I am really sorry if I caused you offense.

Unfortunatly, like I said, there is no way to prove it. But maybe if you could somehow get me to see a vampire???

Perhaps I could, Tyler. Perhaps I could show you and Xev if you were to - well, I had better not mention Jesus in this forum.

Xev: I am glad that you want to hear my experiences. It shows that your eyes are opening and that you are not closed-minded.

We want to know more about these vampires - are you still around?

I am still around and I will stay 'around'.

Have you fought vampires besides this 'Zoe'?

Not vampires as vampires, but demons of their own sort.

Did Zoe break your heart, turning out to be a vampire? **

Very personal, Xev, very personal. I am over Zoe now.

P.S: I'm fairly strong too - managed to win a fight with a man quite older and stronger than I - am I a vampire?

Simply being strong does not make you a vampire, Xev. You must stay away from demons, though.

Banshee: They do, but this one was trying to stop me from getting the word out!
F.M.......don't worry, it's not you she's not happy with. It's us.

Mention Jesus all you want foxster.

If you could arrange a way for me to meet a vampire I would be both excited and eager, as it would mean a whole new world existed.