The Great Vampire Thread!!!


Registered Senior Member
Welcome one, welcome all to the GREAT vampire thread!!!! It is here we shall hear of F.M.'s encounters with these wonderous beasts of the night, and his theories on their existence and beginnings!!!! Welcome one, welcome all!!!
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Wonderful idea.:)

Now, let's hope Fox will join in.

Come on Fox, this is created to tell your experiences... :)
start-up input

Vampires: a history

The vampire in myth is always thought of as Count Dracula. Male, with fangs, and a suave manner. However, in different cultures around the world, the legend and the form of the vampire is as different as night and day.

And it was not often in the form of a bat. It was as different as different ethnic groups and countries have representations of them in myths in their culture.

For instance, in some Ancient Greek myths, the vampire is often a woman who has died, and is named Lamai/lamiai. She is a vampiric woman, being half woman, half serpent, and also lives in caves, where she gets sustenance from drinking the blood of children.

However, she also isn't picky, sometimes she also transforms into a very beautiful maiden and seduces young men, for their blood, which she drinks.

And the vampire itself is not sometimes a woman. In Africa, among members of the Ashanti tribe in Ghana, the vampire is known as an Asasabonsam.

It was described as a humanoid monster, living in a forest, and was very rarely seen. It was also very dangerous, living in the forest, and was very rarely seen.

It also happened to possess iron teeth, and survived by catching and destroying unwary passers-by by letting its hook shaped feet dangle from the treetops where it was sitting, and catching them with them.

The vampire also did not necessarily live in a castle as well. In Malaysia the vampire creature itself was called a Maneden and it lived in a wild panadus plant. If a human attacked the plant, the creature, angry and retaliative, would strike by attaching itself to a man's elbow, (or a womans nipple), where it sucked the person's blood untill that person gave it a substitution item, such as a nut.

The vampire legend was not unknown or lost to ancient Meso-American cultures, such as the Maya and Aztec. The vampire of the Maya, known as Camazotz, was a full fledged god, and was central for the Maya agriculture, but was not respected.

Instead he was feared for his blood drinking tendencies, and very fearsome appearance, which included large teeth and claws. He also dwelled in caves, where he would attack people, his victims, for their blood as well.

Among the Aztec people, the Cihuateteo was a vampire as well. This demi god and vampiric woman was often depicted like her kin in other parts of the world killing and surviving on the blood of infants.

However, they also share some characteristics with the vampires of the west. They are said to meet at crossroads, and also to wander at night. They also can't stand the sunlight, as it will kill them.

And among the gypses there are vampire myths as well. The gypsy vampire is reffered to as a mullo (one who is dead). This vampire is believed to return, do malicious things, and suck the blood of a person.

It was often a relative that caused their death, or didn't observe burial ceremonies. They also would be attacked if they kept the deceased's possessions instead of destroying them.

Female vampires were not to be kept in the coffin sometimes.

They could return, lead a normal life, and also marry, but they would exhaust their husband.

Among the Gypsies,if there was anyone who was missing a finger, had a hideous appearance, or even had animal appendages, etc. they were thought of being vampires.

And there were cases in history where there were persons who were like vampires. Elizabeth Bathory was born in the year 1560. She was from a family that had lands throughout Transylvania, and was also one of the most powerful families in the country after she was married to a very powerful count.

After sometime, she started to kill young girls in her area, so that she could preserve her youth and beauty by bathing in their blood. The rumored number that had been killed was 600.

She however could not have done this alone at all. She and her cohorts were found, tried, and all but her were killed in various ways. She was sealed alive in a chamber and could only get food and water through a slot in the door. She died there as well.

The vampire itself in myths sometimes didnt even require the sustenance of people. In Japan, the vampires (called Kappas) would dwell in water. They also attacked livestock such as cows and horses, dragging them into the water, and devouring them. So you see, even if the culture is somewhat different than the western one, there are myths that pertain to the Vampire in different cultures.

And the vampire can be as different in one form, as well as another. Which may be rather odd, but the myths themselves are as different, as night and day. And are also very unique as well too.

Author's name omitted by request
The Son of the Dragon, Vlad Dracul, Vlad Tepes, Vlad the Impaler, Dracula. These are the names given to one of the most ruthless rulers in history. Vlad Dracula was probably the inspiration for Bram Stoker's "Dracula". As we look at the life of Vlad, certain things jump out right away, namely the use of stakes and the drinking of blood. Vlad would often dine surrounded by the cries of his impaled victims, as he dipped bread into bowls of their own blood. Another connection to Stoker's Dracula is the fact that his wife actualy jumped to her death from the castle walls.
During his lifetime, the advent of the movable type press, spread Vlad's reputation to most of Europe. These prints from the later half of the 15th century, were suspected to be the first "best seller's" of a non-religious motif. Documented records show that Vlad personaly ordered the execution of over 200,000 people. He also gained and lost power three times.
Just as he lived, he died,violently! Disguised as a Turkish soldier, he was ambushed and killed by his own men. Vlad's body was taken to a monastery on the remote island of Snagar in 1476. There he was intered by the monks in front of the altar. As the monks walked over his body, it was like a form of absolution of his sins.
In 1931, the tomb was excavated, only to reveal that the casket and body were missing, and replaced with the bones of animals. The treasure that was rumored to be there was also missing. This led to the myth? that Dracula could rise from his grave.
In present day Romainia, Vlad is still honored,
As A Hero!
I had a boyfriend once that actually for real thought that I was a vampire and tried to impress me by saying he was a necrofiliac...:rolleyes:....what can I say...I was young...:eek:
No no no. We all know the history of vampires (though, not to the extent that the lovely beauty presented, thank you prime!), and I think we all certainly know of Vlad the Impalar (though you left out much of the important aspects of his life). This thread is here first and foremost to let Fox Mulder present his case on vampires!

Bebelina: sounds like a keeper :bugeye:
I have seen vampires....

Vampires are demons. They prowl the night looking for victims. There are many kinds of demons, like this 'Cthulhu' Xev worships.

I must do more research on this 'Cthulhu', but I will post more on vampires soon! If I can acess Sciforums!
"According to a theory proposed be David Dolphin in 1985, among many defects, an hereditary disease called "porphyria" could have developed through lack of genetic diversity in some isolated villages of Bohemia. This disease prevents the production of a protein that is responsible for binding a chemical called porphyrin ring to iron found in the hemoglobin of the blood.

The consequences of this are wide-ranging and could help explain many of the characteristics usually associated with vampires. First, those suffering from porphyria look severly anemic because their hemogloin is not being utilized efficiently and their blood is not as oxygenated as it should be. Second, the porphyrin rings that cannot do their job are deposited in subcutaneous fat beneath the skin. The chemical is photosensitive, and in sunlight it can release electrons that damage the skin and may cause severe blistering - hence the vampire's fear of sunlight.

Legend tells us that vampires cannot stand garlic, and there may be a sound biochemical reason for this too. Garlic contains enzymes that might, under the correct conditions, replace the function of the missing protein in the porphyria sufferers if this is consumed by a vampire, they recieve a sudden rush of the necassary biochemical, which could kill them.

A further complication caused by the malfunction of the porphyrin ring is that gums recede. This has the effect of making the sufferer's teeth look larger than normal and could be the source of the image of vampire's fangs. Furthermore, the inability to bind the pophyrin rings could create a craving for blood in the genetically defective individual, which may account for the blood lust at the heart of the vampire legend." - Michael White, From the book Weird Science.

Now though vampires are just an physcological ideal, a subculture, people living out gothic fantasies.

and FoxMulder, not meaning to be offensive, but some of the stuff you post is quite irrational, do you really believe it or are you just trying to get us woked up?
I deffinetely think vampires are sexual, a lot of people do. I think they're dark and gothic and villianous in their appeal. Plus blood, for some reason is sexual, and I know the biting is. Plus the fangs usual are a turn on ;) .

I don't know, interesting subject.
Yes, Cacktus Jack. :) You are so right. :) It is the blood disorder which stands on the bottom of the nowadays Vampire-"Cult".

Excuse me for not being back earlier, I was making supper and had to eat a little.

I thought Fox had something more to say, though. Fox, come on now. You are telling us for nearly a week now that you will come up with something relevant and then you have another excuse.

The internet connection with Sciforums is working well again, so don't hide behind that please.

Post something! :) Make your credibility grow, so to say.:)

Has anyone seen "Vampire's Kiss". It's worth watching. Nicolas Cage is holding the movie nearly all on his own. He makes a pretty good character there...;)
Yeah, well I was kinda making it up as I went too. I really can't explain why vampires are a turn on, what I said was basically bs. I do think fangs look cool though, but not in a sexual way.
It's okay Xev. All you need is some sweet lovin' (sex) to cheer you up.

'Everybody's coming to Toronto' (sung to the tune of a bad commercial)

Wings 1, Avs 1. Game 3 is on right now, as I typed this Colorado almost scored, but Wings are controlling game.

Damn Leafs, too many injuries... Now our coach is injured!
Edit: Colorado scores, 1-0 Avs!
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That's because there are Vampires playing in it. They don't have reflections which stick to your television.

Now Tyler admits he's a Vampire, so he can see them...

or something like that I guess, enlighten me Tyler.
Detroit wins in overtime! EXCITING STUFF!!!!!

I love a sport where a guy named Frederick Olaufson can be a hero!!! None of these pussy names like Rodriquez or Smith or Jordan. Fuck that. We got Frederick Olaughson. Sounds like a viking!

Oh and yes, yes I am a vampire. And it's a rather disturbing time to be a vampire. In Calgary 30 cm (that's like a foot in Yankee) of snow just fell and all the vampires going there are left with no prey walking outside. Sniff, it's a sad day for us.

Now if you'll excuse me I need to go get some food.
According to Anne Rice vampires are asexual.
No Tyler, no keeper. I seriously question myself for that relationship, but it was 10 years ago.
Vampires asexual? I read Interview and while they seemed to be quite sexual in nature, you're correct they don't have sex.

In which case I take it back, I'm not a vampire. I'm, uhh, a demi god.

Now, bring on my viking heroes!!!

and Foster, where'd ya go?