The Great Pyramid - A Stargate

As you pointed out the in that thread the speed of light also relates to the block size in the kings chamber, I was previously unaware of this.

that maybe but now it is latitude also....:shrug:

Also when you made your claim on the last thread I did some research (typed in kings chamber and cheops pyramid) on the net and got those mathmatical equations from the first site I read, it was quite interesting.

I have a feeling you have read a bit of it too..:huh: but not all of it, I have read most of it but do not understand all of it.

Here is a good link on Pyramid energy for you .

I believe you believe it, thats about all I can believe unless you have alternative evidence that theorist's could not possibly know to make me think otherwise...?

Perhaps watched to much 'Thundercats' when you were younger..
Odd that this factoid wasn't revealed to you during your in flight move to the sirian system!!!! :roflmao:

Maybe it was revealed to me at the time but I've failed to remember it.

that maybe but now it is latitude also....:shrug:

Also when you made your claim on the last thread I did some research (typed in kings chamber and cheops pyramid) on the net and got those mathmatical equations from the first site I read, it was quite interesting.

I have a feeling you have read a bit of it too..:huh: but not all of it, I have read most of it but do not understand all of it.

Here is a good link on Pyramid energy for you .

I believe you believe it, thats about all I can believe unless you have alternative evidence that theorist's could not possibly know to make me think otherwise...?

Perhaps watched to much 'Thundercats' when you were younger..

Thanks for the links.
Maybe I'll just bribe the guard at the pyramid activate my kundalini and teleport out of here!
Well pyramids have long been know for their paranormal properties...

Hate to break it to you, but there is no evidence for anything paranormal existing.

...for example it has been proved that placing a fruit inside a pyramid pronlongs its life.

Please do show us the proof of that claim. Also your original claim still remains without objective evidence.
Maybe I'll just bribe the guard at the pyramid activate my kundalini and teleport out of here!

Maybe you'll bribe the guards and walk back out 30 mins later feeling silly.
There is no evidence,proof or reason to believe it is what you say it is....
Hate to break it to you, but there is no evidence for anything paranormal existing.

Please do show us the proof of that claim. Also your original claim still remains without objective evidence.

Geeze you sci-fi lot all you ever want is proof!

Here's a link regarding pyramid power

As I've already said I cannot prove my claim without actually going to the pyramid with the right equipment, authority and state of mind.

Maybe you'll bribe the guards and walk back out 30 mins later feeling silly.
There is no evidence,proof or reason to believe it is what you say it is....

It's a shame I'm pretty much the only one who believes in this, because the fact that pharoahs knew how to build a stargate 10 thousand years ago is an incredible feat and tells us that a higher intelligence scoured the universe way before human intelligence did. This knowledge for me is a given which means my mind set is in an entirely different place to most people. When I factor this in with my experiences in this lifetime I am at least 80% sure that what appears to be reality is in fact a lie and that our or at least my potential lies elsewhere. I feel privaleged that I have had the deluded experiences I have, in fact I'd rather have had them and be mad then not have had them and be normal and just like anyone else! :bagpuss:
Geeze you sci-fi lot all you ever want is proof!
If it was suddenly discovered that mankind could transport themselves across the galaxy by building a stone pyramid,getting the inner energy's right, throw in some hieroglyphs, play the right music, which harness's the energy of a star to slingshot you to another star system it would be the biggest thing ever the amount of energy involved means that you could power half of Europe with 30mins medatation,a big stereo,and a pyramid...............And you don't understand the need for proof........:bugeye:

Says nothing about stargates:shrug:

It's a shame I'm pretty much the only one who believes in this,
Why do you think that is...?
When I factor this in with my experiences in this lifetime I am at least 80% sure that what appears to be reality is in fact a lie and that our or at least my potential lies elsewhere.
That quite a vast statement i'm looking around now and wondering which 20% is the truth (I don't read the papers, watch much tv,and hardly listen to the radio), unless you are talking political-media
I feel privaleged that I have had the deluded experiences I have, in fact I'd rather have had them and be mad then not have had them and be normal and just like anyone else!
Eureka....:yay: the thing is you could have them and be 'normal' without being 'mad' if you know that they are delusion's......

Sometimes when I'm walking the dog and in a good mood I look around and proclaim that i'm the 'king of the f*ck^ng world', in fact i'm the 'emperor of the universe' then generaly stop clowning around when someone else comes in the, "just because I say it is doesn't make it so" I wouldn't try and put any fact to my proclamation as it would be delusion, the reality is that i'm goofing around with my dog, bigging myself say it is a memory from a previous if i'm born again in so many 1000 years and have memories of being king of the world..etc does that make it so...

If you want to enjoy the 'Memory' paint a picture, write a book, almalgamate both in a comic book.
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...It's a shame I'm pretty much the only one who believes in this, because the fact that pharoahs knew how to build a stargate 10 thousand years ago...

So they either forgot to entomb their PDA's with them or the Archaeologists have yet to find them?

Evidence of early civilisations might suggest advancements like sanitation, bathing and monetary systems however there is nothing to suggest scientific advancements to the level of what you suggest.

An old adage is "walk before you run", Your suggesting they could use "Stargates before they could conventionally fly". Don't you see the flaw in your understanding?
So they either forgot to entomb their PDA's with them or the Archaeologists have yet to find them?

Evidence of early civilisations might suggest advancements like sanitation, bathing and monetary systems however there is nothing to suggest scientific advancements to the level of what you suggest.

An old adage is "walk before you run", Your suggesting they could use "Stargates before they could conventionally fly". Don't you see the flaw in your understanding?

Yes I see the flaw which is why I am not 100% sure of the experience. Maybe they too (the Pharaohs) lost/forgot information on their journey to earth but the basics of intersellar travel stayed with them, imprinted you might say.
Geeze you sci-fi lot all you ever want is proof!

Here's a link regarding pyramid power

That link simply issues more to the claim pile. What I am asking for is evidence (i.e. a demonstration that the ideas of the claim correspond to reality).

As I've already said I cannot prove my claim without actually going to the pyramid with the right equipment, authority and state of mind.

That statement is an admission that your claim is not based on objective evidence. That's rather silly.
No, he doesn't see it and never will. Once someone's mind is that far gone there's no way to help or correct it.

You might be right. Of course such individuals can always be marginalized so their less likely to inefect those whom might be susceptible to the delusion.
That link simply issues more to the claim pile. What I am asking for is evidence (i.e. a demonstration that the ideas of the claim correspond to reality).

Sorry no can do.

You might be right. Of course such individuals can always be marginalized so their less likely to inefect those whom might be susceptible to the delusion.

Get lost, if you don't want the info don't take it in I am not trying to infect anyone accept those that happen to have a little faith and believe in something greater than the mundane reality most people accept without question, BORING.
Sorry no can do.

I knew that from the beginning and that is the case with all para-claims.

Get lost, if you don't want the info don't take it in I am not trying to infect anyone accept those that happen to have a little faith and believe in something greater than the mundane reality most people accept without question, BORING.

And that gets right to the root of the issue. You value exciting fantasy more than truth... so much so that you're willing to lie to people on a science site no less.
I knew that from the beginning and that is the case with all para-claims.

And that gets right to the root of the issue. You value exciting fantasy more than truth... so much so that you're willing to lie to people on a science site no less.

So why ask if you knew the answer?

You think I am lying I think I am telling the truth which doesn't make me wrong in any way.

There will always be some paranormal claims that aren't provable that's why we have such a thing called belief. The fact of the matter is that the Egyptian pharaohs were obviously ahead of their time and knew more about the afterlife than we do today.

There's me proposing one of the most significant (evential) discoveries of our century and there's you trying to debunk me. The pyrmaid is a stargate end of story like it or lump it. Go bother someone else with your mechanical replies.
So why ask if you knew the answer?

To make your claim another example of course.

You think I am lying I think I am telling the truth which doesn't make me wrong in any way.

Up until the point where objective evidence was admitted to be absent I knew you were delusional. After that point the claim persisted as truth and your absence of evidence and the presence of real observables don't correspond; hence, you are lying.

There will always be some paranormal claims that aren't provable that's why we have such a thing called belief.

ALL paranormal claims have no evidence. 'Belief' generically means 'to accept'. Your version of 'belief' is most frequently known as religious belief / faith. It is an acceptance based on how an idea makes you feel and doesn't consider evidence. It's a from of acceptance that's meant to psychologically satisfy you but has nothing to do with truth (hence, part of why you are in the liars seat right now).

The fact of the matter is that the Egyptian pharaohs were obviously ahead of their time and knew more about the afterlife than we do today.

'Afterlife'? You're just adding more crap to the pile.

There's me proposing one of the most significant (evential) discoveries of our century and there's you trying to debunk me. The pyrmaid is a stargate end of story like it or lump it. Go bother someone else with your mechanical replies.

ALL paranormal claims have no evidence.

Not true, there are cases of where people witness paranormal you have people who see/have something unexplainable happen which does give way to the mind filling in the gaps....
The other side is you can test/research/delve into a an anomoly and come up with a logical/simple/physical account as to what was witnessed. This puts an end to the 'Paranormal' and becomes a mere triviality with an 'Actual Cause' or 'Effect' with physical explainable conclusion.
Yet the moment of 'Paranormal Activity' has existed, the only analogy I can think of is Santa Claus to those who believe in him he exists he is a creation therefore he has to have existence, his existence is created by adults for children who accept it for what you say it is, therefore they believe in him and accept a perception which is wrong.. yet it is the way it is portrayed...(so every westerner has witnessed the effects the paranormal has on perception)....
If all paranormal claims including pseudocitical (did i just make up a word) have no evidence then why waste space with the Pseudo and para on these forums...why because none of us know everything which means we must allow for what we don't know, and what we do not know is pseudo or para so I disagree as the evidence is in what you and I do not know not what others may claim....?