The Great Pyramid - A Stargate


The illusion is you, let go.
Registered Senior Member
I think the shafts in the king's chamber are actually so his soul could escape into the afterlife. They wanted to be sure that the king, as a living god, would make it to the afterlife. Hence, the shafts.

I have first hand experience of using the kings chamber to transport my soul to the sirian system. The design of the pyramid has the effect of amplifying the life force energy of the individual to the effect of not only allowing the ba and ka to part from the physical body but also of concentrating and focusing enough energy to transport the individual to the star system. The Cheops pyramid is NOT A TOMB but a teleportation device a stargate if you like. This was known by the builders and is the reason there are no inscriptions claiming ownership on it. The stone Sarcophagus did not house a body but was merely used as a platform for the pharaoh to lie on. Also it is not currently in the correct position either. There is another point which I like noted here and which might one day be discovered and that is that although the kings chamber appears blank there are actually writings in the kings chamber which appear when the frequency within the chamber reaches travel potency. Again as I recall these writings were there to aid and remind the pharaoh in his journey to the afterworld. I don't know how these special hieroglyphs were written and how they are only revealed just before the soul of the individual is transported to the star system but they are there nonetheless and you never know one day they might be discovered. As I recall the writings appeared golden in colour.
LoL but in this thread you claimed you went to the ORION STAR SYSTEM not SIRIAN as you claim now...
And you claimed that you used the ENERGY OF THE STAR TO SLINGSHOT YOU TO ANOTHER PLACE.....

And thought the height was equatable to the speed of light......?
You also claimed not to be able to add anything else.....?

You should study what you have written previously as the hypocritical circle rotates as you had the memory as you put it long ago how come it has changed recently.....?
Pharoahmoan - it might be an idea to publish what Sirrius (or orion) were like - that way when astromoners get really good information on those systems it'll prove you right - or help you get over your delusions
You cannot rely on claim alone If you had something understandable, reliable, pathalogicaly proveable things would be different all it missing is, 'Captains log' stardate 05/08.09.02
To be honest I only remember a few seconds after exiting the pyramids chamber which felt like a kind of time warp. After that seems to be a barier to my memory.
If I had the money I'd love to activate the chamber and prove my claims but allas I lack the funding. It's all about resonance of chi energy though, amplify it enough and the chamber becomes active.

These are not delusions they are a possibility!
I have first hand experience of using the kings chamber to transport my soul to the sirian system.

Odd, I've been inside that chamber (and some closed off to the general public) and well, I was not transported anywhere. Well, not until my taxi came to get me, anyway.
Odd, I've been inside that chamber (and some closed off to the general public) and well, I was not transported anywhere. Well, not until my taxi came to get me, anyway.

You don't just walk in it and hitch a ride. For starters your kundalini needs to be active and you also need to know the right frequency to activate the chamber.
To be honest I only remember a few seconds after exiting the pyramids chamber which felt like a kind of time warp. After that seems to be a barier to my memory.
If I had the money I'd love to activate the chamber and prove my claims but allas I lack the funding. It's all about resonance of chi energy though, amplify it enough and the chamber becomes active.

You don't just walk in it and hitch a ride. For starters your kundalini needs to be active and you also need to know the right frequency to activate the chamber.

How does this relate to "using the 'ENERGY OF THE STAR TO SLINGSHOT YOU TO ANOTHER PLACE.....' "?

Pharoahmoan.."These are not delusions they are a possibility! "

It is just as possable that they are delusion's.
Facts rarely change where as fiction does.:idea:
How does this relate to "using the 'ENERGY OF THE STAR TO SLINGSHOT YOU TO ANOTHER PLACE.....' "?

It is just as possable that they are delusion's.
Facts rarely change where as fiction does.:idea:

Well this is just an asmuption more than anything.

Is it possible I am deluded?, yes. Am I?, no
You don't just walk in it and hitch a ride. For starters your kundalini needs to be active

Dude, that's an Indian concept, not an Egyptian one.

and you also need to know the right frequency to activate the chamber.

The right frequency is $$2.3148148148148148148148148148148. 10^-5$$ Hz. (scuse tex tag screw up)

That's how often the ticket office is open. Twice per day :) !!!!!
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Personally I would suggest that the "Afterlife" for Egyptian kings was the passage of knowledge in the sense of having their history and story passed on for generations. This is explanatory as a theory because of the hieroglyphics and the fact that most of the artifact's from such sites were revered for centuries by various religious orders and eventually museums.

As for timetravel, teleportation and of course "alien intervention". It's a lot of science fiction either created by delusionary people or people making money from creating such stories for film, television or novels. (Which are then of course interpreted by delusionaries)
Claims of delusion, mmm, nope doesn't wash with me mainly because unless you have experienced the same thing you just wouldn't know, in fact nobody does. So I rest alone with these memories to take with me to my death bed and beyond.

Someone who accuses someone else of being deluded is merely trying to put themselves on a pedlestall by differentiating their own beliefs and steadfastly denouncing others that although may not be entirely proveable does not mean they are not true.
I will not denounce my memories as I am of sound enough mind to know the truth versus flights of fancy.

If you don't want to use the information then don't, close off your mind and don't accept any infomation that may challenge it and cause meltdown.
Claims of delusion, mmm, nope doesn't wash with me mainly because unless you have experienced the same thing you just wouldn't know, in fact nobody does. So I rest alone with these memories to take with me to my death bed and beyond.

Someone who accuses someone else of being deluded is merely trying to put themselves on a pedlestall by differentiating their own beliefs and steadfastly denouncing others that although may not be entirely proveable does not mean they are not true.
I will not denounce my memories as I am of sound enough mind to know the truth versus flights of fancy.

If you don't want to use the information then don't, close off your mind and don't accept any infomation that may challenge it and cause meltdown.

I wonder what your interpretation of delusion is

Noun 1. delusions of grandeur - a delusion (common in paranoia) that you are much greater and more powerful and influential than you really are
delusion, psychotic belief - (psychology) an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary
megalomania - a psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. of grandeur

Denial to the possability would be first and foremost....
I will not denounce my memories as I am of sound enough mind to know the truth versus flights of fancy.

Clearly you are not. I've been inside the Great Pyramid, and the Pyramid of Menkaure, and several of the surrounding mastabas, and the stepped pyramids at Saqqara, and dozens of temples and tombs, and despite the Egyptians love of writing things down on the walls, ... there's not one mention of a Stargate.

In fact, if you actually have been inside the Great Pyramid for real, what can you tell me about the inscriptions inside the Kings chamber?
I wonder what your interpretation of delusion is

Denial to the possability would be first and foremost....

My interpretation is that delusion is normally associated with a claim, act or state of mind that is not of the norm. A person does not normally know they are deluded as their state of mind clouds their judgement.

Denial is the catch 22 of the world of delusion.

Here's the meltdown: Where's the objective evidence?

Well pyramids have long been know for their paranormal properties for example it has been proved that placing a fruit inside a pyramid pronlongs its life.

Clearly you are not. I've been inside the Great Pyramid, and the Pyramid of Menkaure, and several of the surrounding mastabas, and the stepped pyramids at Saqqara, and dozens of temples and tombs, and despite the Egyptians love of writing things down on the walls, ... there's not one mention of a Stargate.

In fact, if you actually have been inside the Great Pyramid for real, what can you tell me about the inscriptions inside the Kings chamber?

I don't understand why there is no mention of the pyramid being a stargate but then you will know there is no offical mention of who built the great pyramid either does this not strike you as strange? Perhaps the reason they ommitted the pharaohs name is the same reason as ommited to mention it is a stargate.

OK there are no inscriptions that appear in the chamber to the naked eye. This is odd isn't it? As far as I know it is the only pharaohnic burrial chamber that has not hieroglyphs, why? Well one because it is not a burial chamber and two there are hieroglyphs in the chamber but they only appear when the chamber is in phase and reaches the correct frequency, no doubt the hieroglyphs reveal the secrets of the universe to the viewer. Don't ask me how this is all possible as I don't have the faintest idea but it makes sense to me that the kings chamber's block size and the the latitude of The Great Pyramid (transposed) approximates our present measurement of The Speed of Light. Also the shafts are not for mere ventilation if they were why would the builders have been instructed to block off the shaft in the queens chamber?
Denial is the catch 22 of the world of delusion.

Don't ask me how this is all possible as I don't have the faintest idea but it makes sense to me that the kings chamber's block size and the the latitude of The Great Pyramid (transposed) approximates our present measurement of The Speed of Light. Also the shafts are not for mere ventilation if they were why would the builders have been instructed to block off the shaft in the queens chamber?

You quote in this thread post 18 that you cannot add any more to your claim yet you add more and more..

I ask you about the speed of light relavence and you talked of the height, I was quoting of the 'block height in the lower layer of the floor in the kings chamber', and now you are speaking of the latitude and block size.

I can't see how a stone pyramid and body energy can transport you across the galaxy...:shrug: there is no base for logic only whimsical egotistical fantsy 'delusion'
You quote in this thread post 18 that you cannot add any more to your claim yet you add more and more..

I ask you about the speed of light relavence and you talked of the height, I was quoting of the 'block height in the lower layer of the floor in the kings chamber', and now you are speaking of the latitude and block size.

I can't see how a stone pyramid and body energy can transport you across the galaxy...:shrug: there is no base for logic only whimsical egotistical fantsy 'delusion'

As you pointed out the in that thread the speed of light also relates to the block size in the kings chamber, I was previously unaware of this.