The Golden Rule God

You are just a human. When Satan wants you do not resist. Satan has a plan for you and it will be fore the best. Do not, repeat, do not continue to deflect the frequencies. It is futile.
You are free to live and think how you like and so am I...:) I was born and bread for battle this was my optimise genetic disposition when it its time I will octivate.
You are free to live and think how you like and so am I...:) I was born and bread for battle this was my optimise genetic disposition when it its time I will octivate.
You weren't "born and bread" you were "born and bred". "My optimise genetic disposition" must actually be "my optimal genetic disposition" although that has no meaning either.

What does "octivate" mean?
You weren't "born and bread" you were "born and bred". "My optimise genetic disposition" must actually be "my optimal genetic disposition" although that has no meaning either.

What does "octivate" mean?

How can you talk to me an artist, but then not accept my subjective expression and not realise I purposefully break the rules of conduct constraint and formality without even consideration for its authority...Basically am saying I care not for formalities Its not the time its a waste of my energy you will have to except my sloppynes or else do not engage me in conversation I like you so don't take it personal:)
Treat others how you would want to be treated? Cast one into despair? That would creat a karmic paradox. How can one pay another negative energy and not expect a negative return. If you want good karma become pacifist and turn other cheek when someone hurts you. Of course no one is judging you if you reap karmically, Love is a pacifist.
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Some VERY non pacifist stuff happens due to love, so...

And what the hell does "octivate" mean?
But which golden rule? Here are a few from among the major religions, there are many more.

There are two major types - do something good to others, and do not do something bad to others.

The first type, which is offered in this thread, is the doing something to others. This for many is offensive as it assumes that the "doer" knows what the recipient would find acceptable. This style fosters evangelism, charities, and other proactive intrusions, whether people want it or not. Many charities foster dependence on that source which long term is harmful. These seemingly altruistic actions often trigger - "the greatest harm can result from the best of intentions".

The other style which I favor is the "do no harm to others". It is passive, non-intrusive, and fosters individual freedoms.

ChristianityAll things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye so to them; for this is the law and the prophets.
Matthew 7:1
ConfucianismDo not do to others what you would not like yourself. Then there will be no resentment against you, either in the family or in the state.
Analects 12:2
BuddhismHurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.
Udana-Varga 5,1
HinduismThis is the sum of duty; do naught onto others what you would not have them do unto you.
Mahabharata 5,1517
IslamNo one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.
JudaismWhat is hateful to you, do not do to your fellowman. This is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary.
Talmud, Shabbat 3id
TaoismRegard your neighbor’s gain as your gain, and your neighbor’s loss as your own loss.
Tai Shang Kan Yin P’ien
ZoroastrianismThat nature alone is good which refrains from doing another whatsoever is not good for itself.
Dadisten-I-dinik, 94,5
The teaching is simple: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In other words, the only thing that is expected of you is to live an altruistic life, and in return, you will receive altruism in the next dimension. Very simple, the simplest of all religions. Just help people within your means and within reasonability, follow the Golden Rule, and you are "saved" from non-existence.
Energy never ceases to exist, considering we are made of energy we will never cease to exist.
When you die, the universe judges you based on if you followed the Golden Rule, and if you did, you enter a new dimension where whatever you want for yourself comes true. If you did not follow the Golden Rule, then when you die, you just cease to exist, permanently.

Thats judgmental/rude an crude.!!!

I give you credit for bein on the right track... but in my superior religion "NACA"... no one is excluded from the afterlife experience they "choose".!!!
The afterlife is real. When you die, the universe judges you based on if you followed the Golden Rule, and if you did, you enter a new dimension where whatever you want for yourself comes true. If you did not follow the Golden Rule, then when you die, you just cease to exist, permanently.
That's why I treat everyone like shit. Because that's how I like to be treated.
Energy never ceases to exist, considering we are made of energy we will never cease to exist.

Well not really. Energy and matter are interchangeable and our current observations tell us that as a whole they are never created or destroyed. And although we are made of such things we are in fact in a continuous state of change. You as a baby was very different than you are now as you will be different when you are aged. All the cells that form your body will have been completely replaced numerous times during your lifetime. What stays largely the same so that the stuff is recognizable as you, is a specific configuration of how all the individual parts are connected.

At death of course the integrity of that configuration dissipates leaving only the raw materials of basic matter and energy that continue to exist, but you will have ceased to exist as an independent entity.
Energy never ceases to exist, considering we are made of energy we will never cease to exist.

Cris says:
Well not really.

Not really what? Energy cannot be destroyed, we are made of it, even the parts that never change. We simply transform at death, which is basically what your saying from a atheist position.
Cris says:

Not really what? Energy cannot be destroyed, we are made of it, even the parts that never change. We simply transform at death, which is basically what your saying from a atheist position.
When you die the energy/matter that formed you goes on to other things. But you will cease to exist.
When you die the energy/matter that formed you goes on to other things. But you will cease to exist.
If we are simply energy, and that energy can't be destroyed then we don't cease to exist. What do you mean by cease to exist, if all we are is organized energy?
If we are simply energy, and that energy can't be destroyed then we don't cease to exist. What do you mean by cease to exist, if all we are is organized energy?
YOU are not energy/matter, YOU are MADE of energy/matter. That energy/matter can make other things. When you die the energy/matter that formed you will go on to form into other things - most likely initially if you are buried then atmospheric heat and fertilizer. The specific CONFIGURATION of energy/matter that was YOU will no longer be in existence and hence what was YOU will not exist.

We can make an analogy with building bricks. A set of bricks is used to make a house. After a while the house is demolished and the bricks are re-used to build an apartment block. The house no longer exists but the bricks remain in existence. YOU are the house and the bricks are the energy/matter of our discussion.
YOU are not energy/matter, YOU are MADE of energy/matter. That energy/matter can make other things. When you die the energy/matter that formed you will go on to form into other things - most likely initially if you are buried then atmospheric heat and fertilizer. The specific CONFIGURATION of energy/matter that was YOU will no longer be in existence and hence what was YOU will not exist.

So who is YOU? Are you getting all spiritual on me Cris? I can delve further into your answer here, but I think I'll just put you in check for now.

We can make an analogy with building bricks. A set of bricks is used to make a house. After a while the house is demolished and the bricks are re-used to build an apartment block. The house no longer exists but the bricks remain in existence. YOU are the house and the bricks are the energy/matter of our discussion.

The brick is still a brick that can be used to build another house. Check.
So who is YOU? Are you getting all spiritual on me Cris?

There is nothing spiritual involved. YOU are entirely material since you are made from energy/matter. That's why you stop existing when that matter/energy is used for something else when you die.

The next question that usually occurs here is the nature of consciousness which many might claim to be immaterial. But it isn't, it is entirely dependent on a functioning brain and the integrity of complex neural networks that form its operational matrix. If you consider the real YOU to be your consciousness then that too will cease to exist when the matter/energy that comprises your brain goes on to other things at your death.

I seem to be laboring a point here over what feels to be a very simple concept but I detect you are struggling to comprehend it.

Do you understand yet?
There is nothing spiritual involved. YOU are entirely material since you are made from energy/matter. That's why you stop existing when that matter/energy is used for something else when you die.

The next question that usually occurs here is the nature of consciousness which many might claim to be immaterial. But it isn't, it is entirely dependent on a functioning brain and the integrity of complex neural networks that form its operational matrix. If you consider the real YOU to be your consciousness then that too will cease to exist when the matter/energy that comprises your brain goes on to other things at your death.

I seem to be laboring a point here over what feels to be a very simple concept but I detect you are struggling to comprehend it.

Do you understand yet?

You always were a one for words, and ad hominem when losing an argument, just like anyone else.

Tell me Cris, how come if we're all made up of transforming energy(which we are), what holds us together?
You always were a one for words, and ad hominem when losing an argument, just like anyone else.
What ad hominem? That you appear to be struggling to understand a concept is a fact, not a criticism or an attack on you. And exactly what argument do you think I am losing? I thought I was helping you learn something that appears new to you, and I don't mean that in any type of condescending manner.

Tell me Cris, how come if we're all made up of transforming energy(which we are), what holds us together?
How much chemistry, biology, and physics have you been taught? It is not reasonable to compress all those subjects into a simple sound bite here. But as a starter - particles form atoms held together by forces (energy), they form molecules, which form into cells, which form into organisms - and humans are a class of organism.

The primary forces are the weak nuclear, strong nuclear, electromagnetic, and gravity. The first three play the major roles on what keep us held together.

At a biological level the protein collagen is the critical substance that holds all our cells together. It is the most common protein in the human body and acts like an adhesive or a cement. If we fail to produce sufficient collagen our cells literally start to come apart and from each other - this is known as scurvy and death follows quickly.

Not quite sure that that was the answer you wanted - your question seems somewhat out of place.