Why are you trying to find a spirtual deffinition of One in your physical reality?
So many misinterpretations in so many different subjects - it'd be nice if people didn't need to question others on their path, but I was once a truth seeker that only trusted physical evidence too, and until you find new knowledge elsewhere, you will never understand the spirtual side of things.
It goes both ways, some are in touch with their spirtual side, but don't understand the 2 sides of life (spirtuality and physical reality) and they therefor shut down to science and evidence.
What most fail to recognize is both can coexist - they are the 2 oppisite sides of the same thing!
Those that only trust logic and need physical evidence to find truth, they will never understand the spirtual guidance religion can offer unless they experience a life changing situation. And those that only trust faith and disregard physical evidence as unimportant, they will never understand the difference between our physical realm and the spirtual realm until they can think of science equally to spirituality.
But to those that look for knowledge in all places, they can find balance in both sides of life.
God is not a science question - science is all about the physical.
I don't even use the name God in my spirituality, because there have been too many misinterpretations that I rather just use the word One. To my soul One is everything, but my mind and body have different deffinitions of what One is! I generally try to use the name God as a symbol but I avoid using Gods name in a physical sense unless its meant to be takin metephorically.
We live in a cycle, not in a line - science is too worried about the beginning and the end of things, but science has much to learn - we think we know alot, but we don't even understand our own universe yet, and the likeliness of multi-universes is becoming more and more the most logical idea that science is exploring! I feel it is very likely that many different universes make up something bigger than we can imagine, and many of those different 'mega-universes' likely make up something even bigger than that, and so forth!
But we can see much smaller life the more we anylaze as well! Many living parts make us whole, and each vital organ has many living parts that make it function, and as we take a microscope to that life we find many living parts make that one part of life function within the vital organ that makes us whole, etc...
Both sides of the scale are part of the cycle, and as long as we search for a straight line, science will never have enough answers to make complete sense of the physical, because the more we learn, the bigger (and smaller) everything becomes!