The God -->Egypt

Fail. Weishaupt wasn't a satanist.


Um, your link doesn't give the quote.
But anyway, to answer your implied question, John Todd was a liar, rapist, paedophile and a complete crank.

Its a secret society bro. SECRET. We know they exist, but not their SECRETS. All things a Illuminati controlled popular media would have you believe.
THE ORDER OF THE ILLUMINATI does not = Illuminati
Please show that there's a genuine difference.

Its a secret society bro. SECRET. We know they exist, but not their SECRETS. All things a Illuminati controlled popular media would have you believe.
Um, you know they exist?
If they're a secret society HOW do you "know"?
Please list or link the evidence.
Please show that there's a genuine difference.

Um, you know they exist?
If they're a secret society HOW do you "know"?
Please list or link the evidence.

President Kennedy believes in these evil secret societies.

We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding it's sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice. Its preparations are concealed not published, its failures are buried not headlined, it's descendants are silenced not praised.

Just another crank..
The Egyptians were deceived at some point by the devil and the Illuminati.

While we all probably think this is funny, off in another corner of the web sits a Giant Frog guarding a Magical Winged Flying Creature ready to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem :p
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It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions--by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined.Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.

So the Soviet Union was a conspiracy? No.
It relied heavily on covert means to gain influence?

"It Conducts the Cold War." He could be talking about the Soviet Union.. but he's not. The President would not refer to the Soviet Union as it with out mentioning the Soviet Union by name.

If not the Soviet Union, then what is this "tightly knit, highly efficient machine?

Not once does the President mention the Soviet Union, Russia, or Communism in this speech.
So the Soviet Union was a conspiracy? No.
Communism. And yes, there were Communist conspiracies.

It relied heavily on covert means to gain influence?

"It Conducts the Cold War." He could be talking about the Soviet Union.. but he's not. The President would not refer to the Soviet Union as it with out mentioning the Soviet Union by name.
Yah think? Ever heard of "politics"?

If not the Soviet Union, then what is this "tightly knit, highly efficient machine?
Not once does he mention the Soviet Union, Russia, or Communism.
You DO know who the enemy was during the Cold War?
Communism. And yes, there were Communist conspiracies.


Yah think? Ever heard of "politics"?

You DO know who the enemy was during the Cold War?

It "CONDUCTS" the Cold War. The Soviet Union PARTICIPATES in the Cold War.
Conducts: 1. Organize and carry out.
2. Direct the performance of (a piece of music or a musical ensemble)

The United States is no hero in the Cold War.

Who sits in such a position that lies outside the bound of common man. Who can see everything?
It "CONDUCTS" the Cold War. The Soviet Union PARTICIPATES in the Cold War.
Conducts: 1. Organize and carry out.
2. Direct the performance of (a piece of music or a musical ensemble)
It also conducted (it's over). As in a military campaign being conducted. A school project being conducted.
Organised and carried out...
Please go away and learn English.

The United States is no hero in the Cold War.
Your point being? The US was certainly a hero in Cold War as far as the US was concerned.
PS, the term should be "was". The Cold War is over.

Who sits in such a position that lies outside the bound of common man. Who can see everything?
It also conducted (it's over). As in a military campaign being conducted. A school project being conducted.
Organised and carried out...
Please go away and learn English.

Your point being? The US was certainly a hero in Cold War as far as the US was concerned.
PS, the term should be "was". The Cold War is over.


It didn't say conducted it says "conducts," which sounds like currently in 1961 is conducting the Cold War.
It didn't say conducted it says "conducts," which sounds like currently in 1961 is conducting the Cold War.
Um, yes 1961 is in the past.
In 1961 the Soviet Union (and Communism) was conducting the Cold War. It conducted the Cold War back then.
I see you didn't take my advice on getting English lessons.
Um, yes 1961 is in the past.
In 1961 the Soviet Union (and Communism) was conducting the Cold War. It conducted the Cold War back then.
I see you didn't take my advice on getting English lessons.

The United States, and Democracy were also conducting the Cold War in 1961. The President is not speaking back on the situation, he is speaking in the present. It Conducts. He does NOT mention the Soviet Union, nor Communism in this speech. He does however make multiple references to secret societies.
The United States, and Democracy were also conducting the Cold War in 1961.
Yes. And?

The President is not speaking back on the situation, he is speaking in the present. It Conducts.
Kennedy is dead. But at the time he gave that speech he wasn't dead. He gave it 1961.

He does NOT mention the Soviet Union, nor Communism in this speech. He does however make multiple references to secret societies.
Wrong. ONCE he mentions "secret societies" (as an illustration). The rest of the time he speaks of closed societies (i.e. the Soviet Union).
Read the entire speech: it's about freedom of the press and the need for National Security, following press coverage of the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
Yes. And?

Kennedy is dead. But at the time he gave that speech he wasn't dead. He gave it 1961.

Wrong. ONCE he mentions "secret societies" (as an illustration). The rest of the time he speaks of closed societies (i.e. the Soviet Union).
Read the entire speech: it's about freedom of the press and the need for National Security, following press coverage of the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

I have, multiple times. The subject is the press. One second he is talking about concealment, the next he's saying the American people need to be more informed.

Perhaps there is no answer to the dilemma faced by a free and open society in a cold and secret war.

The Cold War was not secret..

For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.

Informed of what? We clearly are not being informed of the Cold War, or Bay of Pigs. Could this speech be a warning to the press to put forth all information, not conceal it?

But a warning to what? How about "the monolithic conspiracy that opposes us around the world?"

And so it is to the printing press—to the recorder of man's deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news—that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.

So, in the Land of Liberty we are not free? Free from what? A world wide conspiracy ?

Remember, this man is dead in cold blood, and apparently no one knows why.
I have, multiple times. The subject is the press. One second he is talking about concealment, the next he's saying the American people need to be more informed.
He's talking about the need for some secrets of state but an overall necessity for an informed public.

The Cold War was not secret..
Yet vast portions of it were conducted in secret.

[quote[Informed of what? We clearly are not being informed of the Cold War, or Bay of Pigs. Could this speech be a warning to the press to put forth all information, not conceal it?[/quote]
Or could it be asking the press the to exercise responsibility in publishing military/state secrets?

But a warning to what? How about "the monolithic conspiracy that opposes us around the world?"
I.e. Communism.
I did some digging on Ancient Egypt. I cam across a Pharaoh named Peribsen who took the Horus name Seth. A few sites claim that he was an outsider who orchestrated some sort of coup to gain power. The people of Lower Egypt followed him it seems, does anyone have any idea about the apparent civil war between upper and lower Egypt that made this "outsider" Seth-Peribsen Pharaoh of all Egypt? The followers of Horus, and the followers of Seth always had distinct political opposition, this is all most likely connected.

Anything is greatly appreciated.