The God -->Egypt


Valued Senior Member
The God is the creator depicted in Genesis, some of it more true than the next line.

I was looking at Egyptian mythology and I found a few oddities. The gods im interested in are Set the god of war, Osiris the god Pharaoh, Horus his son and god of the Pharaohs, The sun god Ra, Hapi god of the Nile, Isis wife of Osiris, Nephthys goddess, Apep god of evil,

God caused a series of ten plagues, every one of which was an attack on some god of Egypt. The sun god was attacked in the plague of darkness, the sacred Nile was attacked when it was turned to blood, and the godhood of the first born son of the god Pharaoh was killed.

God in this case is The God, God of the Israelites of Ancient Egypt. The equivelant to God in Egyptian mythology seems to be the Sun God Ra, god of the sun, heaven, kingship, power, light. You might find it odd that God would cast a plague upon him self, but he did. By some mistake, possibly by God or his angels darkness was set upon the Sun God Ra, this is the first plauge. However God did not cause this plauge as we know God is all powerful. The first plague is described as darkness, in other words deception. This is the deception depicted in Rev 12:9 Satan is deceiving "the whole world." Not part of it; but all of it, which means we are all being deceived. We have all been and are all still being deceived.
Mt. 24:24 says, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
That is the darkness the Sun God was attacked with. Satan is deceiving the whole world. HOW? He must have some sort of power behind him, the power of the Pharaohs of Egypt comes to mind. Its possible to deceive Pharaoh after Pharaoh, but why not just own the whole damn system?

Give rise to Osiris the god Pharaoh and god of the underworld. Enter Illuminati. Osiris in "his original form" is depicted as a green skinned man. Always second in power to his father the Sun God Ra. Throughout the height of Egyptian civilization he is said to be the primary deity until the god of War Set killed, and castrated him. If the Illuminati's objective is a NWO, meaning evil one world government, controlled by satanic puppets a good time to start would have been ancient Egypt. Take a look
This video claims basically Atlantis was built on land mass made up of two islands. One island being the "alien" constructed Atlantis, and the second island being the Garden of Eden. The story of Eden concludes with great floods, and earthquakes, with Noah and his sons and their wife's being the only survivors. Their geneology is traced to Abram, his sons, and their sons later known as Abraham in the Genesis. These are the Israelites, the slaves of Egypt.

The Egyptians were deceived at some point by the devil and the Illuminati. This plan I assume took start in lower Egypt who prayed to Horus, son of the god Pharaoh Osiris. Osiris is depicted as a green skinned man, who specifically is killed not by name, but as the 'god Pharoh' in the bible of one of the 10 plagues of Egypt. Why did God specifically kill this Pharaoh? What did he do? My theory is Osiris the god Pharaoh was literally a green skinned man, something you might find say Atlantis, or alternate dimension, possibly a descendent, or alien of the same race of Atlantis (NOTE* There are other green skinned gods of Egypt). The Pharaoh known as Osiris was possibly deceived, but in my theory in league with Lucifer to bring on the anti-christ to rule the human race. This anti-christ is Horus.

Legend says that Set killed and dismembered the god Pharaoh as to prevent the birth of Horus (the anti-christ). Set was the god of War, and strength, apparently leader of the people of upper Egypt, and protector of the Sun God Ra. It seems that the Illuminati's first attempt at world domination was centered in Ancient Egypt during the union of Upper, and Lower Egypt. In this bible verse it says "and the godhood of the first born son of the god Pharaoh was killed."
According to Egyptian mythology Isis wife and sister of Osiris is biblical fashion resurrected Osiris body for short time for Horus to be born. If one of the 10 plagues of Egypt was to kill the godhood of Horus it can mean that his followers were killed off, as if Osiris, and Isis being of a different dimension of which God has no power. For God could not smite which is not his. After this the great leader of upper Egypt, Set is demonized by propaganda apparently of the Pharaoh and Illuminati. Keep in mind God came to deliver the Israelite slaves of Egypt, descendants of Noah, descendent of Adam.

It is apparent the propaganda used to control the people of Egypt was the system of god's. After the god Pharaoh is killed is the time Mosses leads the Israelites from Egypt so leaves God, and his angels. Not only does the Pharaoh let his slaves leave, but he hurries them from the land. At some point the Pharaoh changes his mind and chases Mosses to the Red Sea, and by an act of God the sea is parted giving the Israelis time to escape, and the sea crushing down upon the Pharaoh and his army.

In shorth The Sun God Ra is The God, Set god of War is Archangel Michael, leader of Gods army. Lucifer is the god of Nile Hapi. And Osiris the god Pharaoh a figure head for the Illuminati, his son the anti-christ. Mosses is Jesus.
Or, and this is just me speaking my mind here, it's all a load of bunk that seems similar because it was created by humans(for whatever reason, doesn't matter) and humans are by and large similar.
Set the god of war
Link please. I've never come across Set as the god of war.

God in this case is The God, God of the Israelites of Ancient Egypt. The equivelant to God in Egyptian mythology seems to be the Sun God Ra, god of the sun, heaven, kingship, power, light.
Nope. The god of the Israelites was the supreme, the ONLY god. Hardly an "equivalent" to Ra.

Enter Illuminati.
The Illuminati don't go that far back.

This video claims basically Atlantis was built on land mass made up of two islands. One island being the "alien" constructed Atlantis, and the second island being the Garden of Eden.
Atlantis didn't exist. There were no aliens.

The Egyptians were deceived at some point by the devil and the Illuminati.

My theory is Osiris the god Pharaoh was literally a green skinned man, something you might find say Atlantis, or alternate dimension, possibly a descendent, or alien of the same race of Atlantis (NOTE* There are other green skinned gods of Egypt).
Your "theory"? Then again, you're a crank.

This anti-christ is Horus.

Link please. I've never come across Set as the god of war.

Nope. The god of the Israelites was the supreme, the ONLY god. Hardly an "equivalent" to Ra.

The Illuminati don't go that far back.

Atlantis didn't exist. There were no aliens.


Your "theory"? Then again, you're a crank.



For many years, Seth was the benefactor of Lower Egypt; just as Horus protected Upper Egypt. When the Two Lands became united, Seth and Horus were often shown together crowning the new pharaohs. However, as Upper Egypt had conquered Lower Egypt, the pharaohs of the south often portayed Seth as the evil enemy of Horus (deity of Upper Egypt). The earlier images of Seth crowning the pharoah were usually modified to show Thoth crowning the king instead.

He is also a god of war, deserts, storms, and foreign lands.
god of war as anointed by The God as Michael the Archangel leader of Gods forces. He protects the Sun God from Anep, the original Egyptian deity of evil, a serpent, before Egyptian propaganda turned him into the god of evil. Called the god of foreign lands as maybe the guardian angel of Islamic travelers of the land (3 wise men).

Atlantis will be uncovered shortly. You missed my point on God being the Sun God Ra. He was merely playing the part, and his angels such as Michael and Gabrielle were deities such as Set and his wife Nephthys. The Illuminati's seal is the all seeing eye fixed to a pyramid. The all seeing eye simple and plain is the eye of Horus keeper of the "light." Light meaning secret knowledge. This secret knowledge possibly being accounts of Atlantis and its technology. Horus being the god of Pharaohs meaning god of the Egyptian government was how the Illuminati controlled Egyptian people, just as the control people around the world today.

Its a damn stretch, I know, but it is rational and it is a theory that links the beginning of man, the missing link, the bible, the start of civilization, and almost every religion. Horus was depicted as a Sphinx with the head of a ram. If there is a secret alien orgin to the beging of humanity...

this would be a good place to search.
Doesn't support your claim.

Oh, one link does. But it's not supported in anything else I've read.

Atlantis will be uncovered shortly.
If it didn't exist how can it be uncovered?

The Illuminati's seal is the all seeing eye fixed to a pyramid.
So? The Illuminati did NOT exist back then.

LThis secret knowledge possibly being accounts of Atlantis and its technology.

Horus being the god of Pharaohs meaning god of the Egyptian government was how the Illuminati controlled Egyptian people, just as the control people around the world today.
Also nope.

but it is rational

and it is a theory that links the beginning of man, the missing link, the bible, the start of civilization, and almost every religion.
Absolutely. What we all want is a link between history, woo-wooism and mythology. :rolleyes:

If there is a secret alien orgin to the beging of humanity.
You mean the secret origin as claimed by cranks?
Doesn't support your claim.

Oh, one link does. But it's not supported in anything else I've read.

If it didn't exist how can it be uncovered?

So? The Illuminati did NOT exist back then.


Also nope.


Absolutely. What we all want is a link between history, woo-wooism and mythology. :rolleyes:

You mean the secret origin as claimed by cranks?

And you know the Illuminati did not exist back then? You know Atlantis did not exist?
And you know the Illuminati did not exist back then?
The Illuminati were formed in 1776, by Adam Weishaupt. If you're claiming they existed before then you have to provide evidence.

You know Atlantis did not exist?
Because there is no evidence that it did. At all.

And nice evasion of the rest of my post.
The Illuminati were formed in 1776, by Adam Weishaupt. If you're claiming they existed before then you have to provide evidence.

Because there is no evidence that it did. At all.

And nice evasion of the rest of my post.

Be more forward with me, im not as educated as you seem to be. To my knowledge the "Order of the Illuminati" was founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. The Freemasons were founded around the same time, yes?

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs depicting ancient flying machines, and its "people"
who controlled them is possible evidence of ancient aliens. If ancient aliens existed in Egypt that makes the stories of Atlantis more believable.

Interesting note. Osiris symbol was the obelisk according to this website. Im thinking about the Washington Monument, dedicated to George Washington, known Freemason. Religions.htm

I can't find proof of Illuminati being founded in Egypt, but their seal being the eye of Hours, which was ripped out by Set is interesting.

Horus was the patron of lower Egypt. Id be interested to hear from anyone with knowledge of a cult, religious following or something of the sort centered around Horus, emerging out of Lower Egypt with the backing of some sort royalty from Egypt or royalty of another land. Does anyone have knowledge of cults of Egypt?
im not as educated as you seem to be.
Yet you don't take this into account when you make claims.

To my knowledge the "Order of the Illuminati" was founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. The Freemasons were founded around the same time, yes?

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs depicting ancient flying machines
No they don't.

If ancient aliens existed in Egypt that makes the stories of Atlantis more believable.
They didn't. And the vast majority of stuff about Atlantis is Victorian fabrication.

I can't find proof of Illuminati being founded in Egypt, but their seal being the eye of Hours, which was ripped out by Set is interesting.
Um, have you ever considered that an organisation would choose "mysterious" and ancient symbols, in order to lend weight and credence to their claims?
Dywyddyr,Yet you don't take this into account when you make claims.[/QUOTE]

I think he does, as do I.
The problem is your knowledge cannot account for everything, and
you tend to lock the unaccontable down.

I think he does, as do I.
No he doesn't. He makes claims beyond his education and fails to check before posting them. (As do you).

The problem is your knowledge cannot account for everything, and
you tend to lock the unaccontable down.
And you're twisting the point.

They don't.

although you personally may not view them as such.
Yeah, neither does anyone rational. helicopter/MYSTERY UK.html

And what do you make of this model?
Apart from the fact that it's not a hieroglyph you mean?
1) It's on a crank site.
2) They make basic errors in the description (if it were an aircraft)
3) they fail to show the rest of it:
Quite clearly shows it's a carving of a bird.

Cranks abound...
No he doesn't. He makes claims beyond his education and fails to check before posting them. (As do you).

And you're twisting the point.

They don't.

Yeah, neither does anyone rational. helicopter/MYSTERY UK.html

Apart from the fact that it's not a hieroglyph you mean?
1) It's on a crank site.
2) They make basic errors in the description (if it were an aircraft)
3) they fail to show the rest of it:
Quite clearly shows it's a carving of a bird.

Cranks abound...

Them links cleared up all my curiosity.
Staggering evidence Dwy...

Rational people are cool!

Yet you don't take this into account when you make claims.

No they don't.
Yes they did

They didn't. And the vast majority of stuff about Atlantis is Victorian fabrication.

There are geological teams around the world with strong leads on were to dig for Atlantis including the south of Spain. My theory is the South of Spain, and south of Portugal made up the western island, and the Sani Peninsula, Israel, and south of Lebanon made up the eastern island. If Atlantis were to hold true then that puts more fruit into the bibles basket. The great floods and earthquakes depicted in Genesis easily could have shifted the worlds polarity like in the movie 2012, and shifted the land mass.

Um, have you ever considered that an organisation would choose "mysterious" and ancient symbols, in order to lend weight and credence to their claims?

Possibly, but it seems like they have a lot of favor in Egypt.

Again, who has knowledge of ancient Egyptian cults, and religions?
If east were north that would put eastern Russia, and N. America as the North and south pole placing both Spain, and Egypt north of the equator in a tropical climate
You know my last name don't you . Boo !!! Surprise!!!! Me son Lucifer now he be the "sun of righteousness" Gee I wonder why the one with healing in his hand is called the SUN of righteousness. You think maybe Just Maybe Moses was Egyptian . I heard he wrote the first 4 books of the bible ? What you think about that ?
My son gets it from his mother. His Righteousness. Lucky for Me cause I get to vanquish her if you know what I mean . O.K. your getting into the voodoo sport . Sniffing the trail of a dirty road . Sure you want to go there ? Poverty lives there big time . The wretched too. I can take you to the underworld if you like . Not a pretty sight like suburbia, yet the parallel existence lives there too . Hidden in plain sight . Did you contemplate the cracked Washington Monument?