Maybe I do? Geoffy boy! I laugh at your lame attempts to turn this back on me. HAHA! <--- That was me laughing.
No, I reiterate: why do you keep going then, if you hate it so much? This isn't a turnback, but a reasonable question. Is someone making you go or something? Have you slipped a gauge somewhere?
Those words are used as part of the Gospels Geoff. Maybe the Catholic Church is attempting to change its visage to the dumbed down sheep who attend, lest they be seen to be politically incorrect. It is in the Bible, Geoff, and it has been part of the Gospels.
It appears to be a part largely unknown to me, then. I reiterate: I have never heard it cited in aid of anything in the Catholic church, at any time. Given your back-and-forth about being Catholic as a kid, or then a teen, or then still going but hating it, I wonder if you've actually ever set foot in a Catholic church at all. It seems a bit more likely you've associated with some small evangelical extremist group.
Why would you want to support a religious organisation that preached from a Bible that states homosexuals deserve death?
Again: when are you tearing up your Australian passport?
I find the whole thing to be quite confusing. You harp on about other religions that kill homosexuals, but you support a religious organisation that follows a book that deems homosexuals worthy of death. Pot.. kettle.. black perhaps?
Oh? Then you'll be so good as to indicate the last execution of a homosexual by religious Christian law in the West, please.
I don't attend Church anymore.
But you just said you did, and hated it! Which is it?
Yes, but not for lamb. I am in the mood for beef to be honest.
Given your arguments, I would have suspected something lying behind said beef, but as you will.
Ermm lets see.. They believe in a all supreme God who watches their every move from the sky... Ya.. smart one's they are.
Can you disprove the observations of the Apostolic books of the Bible? If so, by all means do so.
Yes. I am an Australian citizen. And no, homosexuals are not allowed to marry and have in the past, as well in the present, exhibited racist tendencies. And guess what Geoff, I am working for change in the system.
Halleluiah! Go, Sister! Go! Now, what change have you worked for? Have you, say, written to Canberra about their policies? Marched? Maybe bitched about it a little in the checkout line, even? Me, I've brought it up quite openly to everyone who asks; I disagree both with priest celibacy, and with discrimination against homosexuals. So far, no excommunication. I shall await albino priests with Glocks.
Do you think you are encouraging change in Catholic doctrines by attending church every week and forking out the money when the little tray comes around?
Do you think you are encouraging change in Australian doctrines by observing Australian citizenship and forking out your tax money when the little letter from Canberra comes around?
Have you written to the Holy See to demand the Catholic Church abandons their belief in the Biblical teachings and Gospels about homosexuals? My guess to those questions is a 'no'?
There you are correct, for a change. I
haven't written
them. I will do so tomorrow, when my papers have been finished. Now: what change have you worked for? Have you written to Canberra about their policies? My guess to that question is a 'no'. Moving right along.
Oh, how delicious. A threat perhaps? Going to put me in my place with your words on the screen? I am feeling excited anticipation Geoff. Really.
Well, it's rather more that you risk self-identification as a idiot and slanderer when you accuse me of homophobia or whatnot. I suppose illustrating your errors to those who run the site wouldn't help, of course.
But it is in your Bible and is deemed to be part of the Gospels, Geoff. So why support and believe in a Church that views homosexuality as being deserving of death?
See above. Why are you still an Australian citizen? Why not move to Holland? Why do you continue to support a homophobic and racist institution with your tax dollars and citizenship? Or are you still trying to "take on Australia from the inside"?
Ah! Agreement! You have a pair of brain cells to rub together! Excellent.
Do you want to tell the Catholic Church that? Because he is still lauded as being saintly in the Church. You going to tell them he is wrong? You going to campaign for the Church to be more accepting of homosexuals and to remove or strike out those Gospels from the Bible?
Yep. I'm going to check first and make sure that wasn't a translational issue (unlikely) and then write in and complain.
You going to do any of that in Australia?
Instead, you will attend Church every week, kneel down, recite the Creed, take holy communion and then kneel down and beg for forgiveness for all your sins, knowing deep down the Church you are currently defending holds the Bible as being the words of truth and goodness, the very same Bible that claims homosexuals are deserving of death.
In case you missed it - and you have - I'm also there for
my sins. You understand this, yes? The act of contrition is about the
individual, not forcing the institution organizing such contrition to also make contrition. You've bought into all the old ridiculous stereotypes, and seem to be trying to force me into a mold of your own creation. Why such anger?
But hey, you say Paul was wrong. Shame the Church you happen to support does not agree with you, now isn't it?
is a shame. Paul's part in that early chunk of Romans is being avoided, instead of recognized and shamed or removed. It's amazing that you can attack someone for actually having a
moral perspective on this.
Why are you defending yourself Geoff?
Because my personal character - along with my religion - is being attacked by a hysterical git.
Americans do not have a choice as to where they live.
This would be a
lie. They do have every choice, as a free people, to live anywhere they like; and so do you, by the way, my hypocritical friend.
Refer to above. You see Geoff, Australia is attempting to right the wrongs of the past.
Haw! A dollar for the Abos, then? Pittance and a foot out the door? Right.
You were saying about 'bleating'?
Again: tear up your citizenship, Bells.
You mean you sit, with your hands over your ears and sing 'la la laaaaa'?
It's rare that someone can so categorically misunderstand a person, or their morality, or their position. I decided to colour-code this example.
You won't get Paul out of "the Book".
Oh, but I will.
Will you get the racism out of Australia, as you continue to be a member thereof?
Usually if the priest knows the individual is a homosexual or the person is wearing a pin or scarf to identify their support for homosexuals (rainbow pattern or sash) or are homosexuals themselves have been refused communion, sometimes even asked to leave.
Uh-huh. Because homosexuals have a club badge. I see. You are quantifiably insane.
Interestingly, when I searched on the term on, I got this:
Seems unfilled.
As I said Geoff, I am no longer a Catholic. And I am working to change the system in Australia. Question is, are you working to change the belief system in the Catholic Church?
Already answered.
Having paid a visit to the Pope's website, my guess would be you are not succeeding in that regard. But you still defend them. Strange.
Are you making much headway against your government then? No. Strange you defend them. Have I defended homophobia in the Church? No. I merely question the, shall we say,
legitimacy of some of your supposedly first-hand observations. I'm sure it occurs. I've just never seen it.
Yes, actually we did. We weren't allowed to run around in Church as children. Doing so would result in the whole family being asked to leave. But then again, as a small child, I lived in a country (not Australia) where pews were reserved for white people and anyone of colour was relegated to the back. If a person of colour dared to sit in the front, the white Catholic priest would be sure to order you to move before and during the mass. So coloured children like myself were not allowed to move around and run in the aisle during mass. We had to genuflect upon command, because not doing so would mean being ordered to leave.
Well, this is an issue of local racism rather than religion
per se, I'd say. Have you turned your back on Australia too? Just curious.
Am I attacking you? I guess so, yes.
No kidding.
I suppose I find extraordinary how someone can abuse and insult others because their religion actually kills homosexuals while still believing so strongly in a religion that follows a Book which views homosexuals as being deserving of death. I see a level of hypocrisy that is astounding to be honest.
I criticize elements of that other religion as they apply to human rights and freedoms. Denying someone the right to Communion is not the same level of offense as denying someone the right to oxygen. Were they to give those elements up - which, as you note, encompasses actually
killing people, as opposed to Paul's whining - I would have no complaints at all. If I have given you the impression that I disapproved of that religion
in toto, then I apologize for that misconception. However, your complaints, as always, appear to eminate from your sense of personal offense.
And if you happen to wear a rainbow sash, you will be denied, homosexual or not.
So tell me Geoff, how are you going to get them to understand they are wrong? Protest will result in your being
denied the holy sacrament. Read
question 5. Amusing if it weren't so damn pathetic.
Then so be it: I will be denied the Holy Sacrament.
...hasn't happened
yet, but let's all be hopeful, shall we? It might.
Right. So next time you have a go at a Muslim member for their support of their religion, I shall be quite correct in pointing out the hypocrisy of your argument when one considers you support and adhere to a religion that preaches from a book stating homosexuals are deserving of death? Righteo!
Please do: I am not responsible for the ignorance of your arguments.
In response: I do not attack their support of their own religion - as I have made clear several times, but which children sometimes miss - but some of the elements
thereof. I have repeatedly stated that reform in behaviour is required; I have even offered, true, liturgical change as a possible remedy. But I have not blanketed islam wholesale as wrong, nor do I so believe. Given that the Quran contains many elements of various humanitarian value, this would be categorically impossible. If you think otherwise, please
prove it or
shut your yapping. People are much free to think as they like, regrettably. It is what they
do that enters into humanitarian morality.
Because you are not practicing what you are preaching Geoff. You accuse Islam of being backward when you belong to the Catholic Church, which is, equally backwards. Again.. pot.. kettle.. black..
Oh? Am I
preaching Romans 1:24? Had I even
heard of it, until now? Do I support it?
No dear. I became an atheist because I honestly believed there was no God and I left the Catholic Church because of its belief system. My disbelief in a higher being had been confusing me quite a bit for a few years as a child. But one day, in Church, it all became quite clear. And that was it.
Oh I do pet. Do you think Jesus would have been as forgiving if she had been a homosexual?
Of course. It's implicit in the issue of throwing the first stone.
Really? So why is it still in the Bible then, Geoff?
Internal politics, obviously. You assume that the Catholic church is immune?
Actually no. Desire does not come into it. I really do not believe there is a God. I would desire there be a God to stop the carnage around the world, but there is not. I would desire for anything to have the power to stop the violence and the killing around the world. But alas, there is no one with that kind of power.
And I would desire for there not to be a God. I would actually prefer it. I am not a good Christian. I sin. I err. I covet. I would prefer, since I consider myself irreparrably damaged, not to be, after a miserable, drawn-out struggle with death, to be judged and sent into a fiery afterlife for all time. This is something I imagine you cannot properly contemplate. Yet, I feel differently to you. You may tolerate such difference, or carry on as you do. Strangely, I have yet to attack atheism.
Yet I'm apparently the member of the offensive faith system.
How odd.