The Gay Fray

I am . . . .

  • Homosexual

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Heterosexual

    Votes: 201 73.6%
  • Bisexual

    Votes: 31 11.4%
  • Other (I would have complained if there wasn't an "other" option)

    Votes: 16 5.9%

  • Total voters
Yeah ... but Iowa?

Yeah ... but Iowa?
"Middle America" reels under Iowa ruling

Perhaps it wasn't the most romantic ceremony in the history of the world, but Sean Fritz and Tim McQuillan became the first gay couple to be legally married in Iowa.

Wait, wait, wait. Iowa?

Details are sketchy; early reports only cover the fact of Polk County District Judge Robert Hanson's ruling said to strike down Iowa's decade-old ban on homosexual unions.

In the first such ruling of its kind in the Midwest, Hanson on Thursday declared Iowa’s decade-old prohibition of same-sex marriages “mean-spirited” and a violation of the state constitution. County attorney John Sarcone told the Associated Press he would appeal to the state Supreme Court, and he immediately sought a stay from Hanson that would prevent gay couples from obtaining a marriage license until the appeal is resolved. (Montgomery)

The stay has since been issued, but County Recorder Julie Haggerty's office reported 21 applications received for processing, and at least one couple made it through their vows.

According to the Associated Press:

After applying, one couple obtained a judge's waiver of Iowa's three-day waiting period for marriage licenses.

The men, Sean Fritz and Tim McQuillan of Ames, then drove to the Des Moines home of the Rev. Mark Stringer, who quickly performed a wedding ceremony in his front yard.

"This is it. We're married. I love you," Fritz told McQuillan after the ceremony.

Stringer, a reverend at the First Unitarian Church of Des Moines, performed the marriage a day after Hanson issued a decision that Iowa's ban on same-sex marriage violated the state's constitution.

The ruling applied only to Polk County, but Iowa law allows citizens to take out a marriage application in any county.

Stringer concluded the ceremony by saying, "This is a legal document and you are married."

The men then kissed and hugged.

Reactions vary. Iowa homosexuals, obviously, are thrilled. Others, however, less so:

House Republican Leader Christopher Rants of the Iowa Legislature called Thursday's ruling a "shocking" reversal of the will of the people of the state. He blamed Democrats, saying they had refused to back an amendment to the state constitution that would have cemented the ban.

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, a former Massachusetts governor who has been campaigning in Iowa, called the decision another example of a ruling by an activist court. He said it demonstrates the need for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution outlawing gay marriages.

I love this "activist court" bit. I suppose, once I get my hands on the ruling, we can see just how activist the ruling is, but so often the phrase is just a buzzword for "something conservatives don't like". For many who don't see such outcomes as the result of untoward activism, the accusation seems a little like calling someone activist for obeying the speed limit.

In the meantime, though, we need not worry that this means the end of civilized society. And, hey, it gives the kids something to do:

Michelle Gardner of Ames, a neighbor of Fritz and McQuillan who served as a witness on their marriage application, said "I'm just so happy to be in Iowa for this and so happy to be a part of their wedding."

Her 10-year-old daughter, Esther, clutching a bouquet, was the couple's flower girl.

We'll raise a glass. Congratulations, Iowa. I'm impressed. Really, I am.


Montgomery, Rick. "Gay marriage has its day in Des Moines as judge strikes down ban". August 31, 2007. See

Associated Press. "Iowa Judge Issues Stay on Own Gay Marriage Ruling". August 31, 2007. See,2933,295416,00.html

Haggerty, Julie. "Ruling briefly allows gay marriage in Iowa". August 31, 2007. See
Other than gays and lesbians, how many other groups in the world define themselves by their sexual preferences or sexual perversions?

Baron Max
Other than gays and lesbians, how many other groups in the world define themselves by their sexual preferences or sexual perversions?

Baron Max

Bisexuals, pedophiles, and zoophiles that I know of.
Yeah right - she hasn't seen MY photo yet... :D

back off, she's mine and I have a knife and I know how to use it and I'll threaten to use it and then I'll cry til she feels bad and then she will kiss me and make me feel better.
so neener neener so there. :p
as far as I know I'm straight, but what if Angelina Jolie suddenly wanted me??

Have you not seen her lately? She has turned into a skeleton, not pretty.
I just saw her on the cover of a few magazines at the grocery store.
Baron Max said:

Other than gays and lesbians, how many other groups in the world define themselves by their sexual preferences or sexual perversions?

Other than hetero- and homosexuals, how many of those preferences, perversions, deviations, affinities, or otherwise fall along gender lines?
Other than hetero- and homosexuals, how many of those preferences, perversions, deviations, affinities, or otherwise fall along gender lines?

And they all go out marching in the streets declaring those sexual perversion for all the world to know? I don't think so, Tiassa.

Baron Max