The Gay Fray

I am . . . .

  • Homosexual

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Heterosexual

    Votes: 201 73.6%
  • Bisexual

    Votes: 31 11.4%
  • Other (I would have complained if there wasn't an "other" option)

    Votes: 16 5.9%

  • Total voters
Excremental blizzard

Lori 7 said:

i'm just saying that i think the intent and the outcome is very much the same. someone violating you, stealing from you, and infringing upon your human rights...assaulting you, causing you physical, and/or emotional pain. it's all the same, whether it involves genitals or not.

I don't just call bullshit, but I call a shitstorm. Seriously, are you just saying anything you can think of to escape the implications of your screwed up formula?

Really, I've seen schoolyard fights. I've been in schoolyard fights. My friends and I broke up an assault outside a grocery store once upon a time.

I've also known rape survivors.

I've also had two cars stolen, and known people whose homes were burglarized.

The impacts of these crimes are simply not the same.


sure they can. they just won't have any children.

Let us review:

Lori: it's appropriate to have sex, with a mate, ie. someone who you wouldn't mind having children with, a child being the natural result of sex many times.

Tiassa: So can barren women and impotent men have mates?

Lori: sure they can. they just won't have any children. :shrug:

(Italic accent added)

You see nothing inconsistent about defining a mate as "someone you wouldn't mind having children with", except, of course, for those who can't have children?

I'd say that's some desperate bigotry, Lori. You're reaching.

i think that sex creates a bond that's beneficial to parenting. but i also think it's beneficial in other ways too.

So demonstrate, scientifically, that such a bond doesn't occur between two homosexual lovers.
D.C. Council says yes to civil rights

The District, that is ....

The District of Columbia Council today held its second vote on a bill to legalize same-sex marriage, and the measure passed by a vote of eleven to two. Mayor Adrian Fenty is expected to sign the bill, which must then endure a thirty-day legislative review in Congress:

To block the legislation, the Democratic-controlled House and Senate and President Obama would all have to sign off on a disapproval resolution within 30 legislative days, which advocates say is not likely.


The infamous Marion Barry, representing the Eighth Ward, voted against the bill, but conceded the outcome graciously. "This must be a proud day for you David," he told fellow council member David Catania, who is openly gay. "Just as it was a proud day for me when the voting rights bill was passed in 1965."

Seventh Ward councilor Yvette Alexander also voted against the bill, claiming she simply acted on the will of her constituents.

But not all opponents of gay civil rights are taking the vote so graciously.

The Rev. Anthony Evans, associate minister of Mount Zion Baptist Church, said he and other ministers will not relent in their efforts to block the legislation. Led by Bishop Harry Jackson of Hope Christian Church, opponents of the bill have sued in Superior Court to try to force a referendum to define marriage as only between a man and a woman.

"We are going to exercise our constitutional rights," Evans said. "This is not a win today. This is an insignificant blip that cannot become law until the process ends, and we are going to stop it in every way we can."


Congratulations to the District's many gay citizens, and many thanks to the D.C. Council for doing the right thing.

The clock is ticking. Thirty days and counting.


Craig, Tim. "D.C. Council approves bill legalizing gay marriage". The Washington Post. December 15, 2009. December 15, 2009.
It's apt, I tell you. Apt!

Mexico City!
Yeah, I know ....

Uh ... right. Yeah, I mean, really.

Mexico City lawmakers on Monday made the city the first in Latin America to legalize same-sex marriage, a change that will give homosexual couples more rights, including allowing them to adopt children.

The bill passed the capital's local assembly 39-20 to the cheers of supporters who yelled: "Yes, we could! Yes, we could!"

Leftist Mayor Marcelo Ebrard of the Democratic Revolution Party was widely expected to sign the measure into law ....

.... The conservative National Action Party of President Felipe Calderon has vowed to challenge the gay marriage law in the courts. However, homosexuality is increasingly accepted in Mexico, with gay couples openly holding hands in parts of the capital and the annual gay pride parade drawing tens of thousands.

The bill calls for changing the definition of marriage in the city's civil code. Marriage is currently defined as the union of a man and a woman. The new definition will be "the free uniting of two people."

The change would allow same-sex couples to adopt children, apply for bank loans together, inherit wealth and be included in the insurance policies of their spouse, rights they were denied under civil unions allowed in the city.

(Associated Press)

Okay, okay. Really. Americans need to get with the times. Mexico City and Belgium are ahead of us on this. South Africa is ahead of us on this.

I admit, however—

"We are so happy," said Temistocles Villanueva, a 23-year-old film student who celebrated by passionately kissing his boyfriend outside the city's assembly.


—that the name "Temistocles Villanueva", in a story about gay marriage, is perhaps the coolest name I've encountered all damn year.



Associated Press. "Mexico City Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage". The New York Times. December 21, 2009. December 22, 2009.
Love in the New Year

A little comic relief ... or maybe not.

I'm a 22 year-old-closeted gay man and I'm in love with my stepbrother ....

(qtd. in Savage)

Do you really need more to know whether or not you want to click the link?

At any rate, as creepy as that may seem, it's a good reminder that gays are human, too. I actually have a friend who recently dated his ... um ... stepsister. It was a strange situation to witness, because everyone who knew about it had this moment of creepy disbelief, and then deciding to roll with it. And, to be sure, it made for some good jokes, though I don't think we're supposed to mention it around his current girlfriend; I can't imagine why.

And, believe it or not, that's not all there is to the Savage Love Letter of the Day. The stepbrother is openly gay, which agitates the father severely, and the author of the letter is a closeted gay worried about what his father will say to having two gay sons, and, naturally, how the stepbrother would react to revealed affections.

Dan's advice is worth a read, too, for those who don't mind the shiver and shake that such taboos often bring.


Savage, Dan. "SL Letter of the Day: I'm In Love With My Stepbrother". Slog. January 5, 2010. January 6, 2010.
A little comic relief ... or maybe not.

I'm a 22 year-old-closeted gay man and I'm in love with my stepbrother ....

(qtd. in Savage)

Do you really need more to know whether or not you want to click the link?

At any rate, as creepy as that may seem, it's a good reminder that gays are human, too. I actually have a friend who recently dated his ... um ... stepsister. It was a strange situation to witness, because everyone who knew about it had this moment of creepy disbelief, and then deciding to roll with it. And, to be sure, it made for some good jokes, though I don't think we're supposed to mention it around his current girlfriend; I can't imagine why.

And, believe it or not, that's not all there is to the Savage Love Letter of the Day. The stepbrother is openly gay, which agitates the father severely, and the author of the letter is a closeted gay worried about what his father will say to having two gay sons, and, naturally, how the stepbrother would react to revealed affections.

Dan's advice is worth a read, too, for those who don't mind the shiver and shake that such taboos often bring.


Savage, Dan. "SL Letter of the Day: I'm In Love With My Stepbrother". Slog. January 5, 2010. January 6, 2010.

No, I didn't click on the link, but....

From what I read of your post, Tiassa, can you see why straight people don't like gays to be in the same locale as their own children and the children of their friends?

Baron Max
"Oh my God! They're just like us! That makes me feel so vulnerable!"

Baron Max said:

From what I read of your post, Tiassa, can you see why straight people don't like gays to be in the same locale as their own children and the children of their friends?

Because other than the sex of their partners, they behave just like heterosexuals?

Those heterosexuals you refer to are just ridiculous.
Because other than the sex of their partners, they behave just like heterosexuals? Those heterosexuals you refer to are just ridiculous.

Yeah, but with gays, it's just one more layer of perversion on top of all that of the heterosexuals. And soon there'll be more, then more, then different, then more, and......, soon we'll have to accept 20-story apartment buildings have perverted sex with 10-story office buildings.

Oh, geez, what's next?

Baron Max
I don't know. That's up to neurotic, insecure heterosexuals.

Oh, Tiassa, I don't think you really want to leave that up to heterosexuals you? ...LOL! If so, there'd be no gays anywhere ....except maybe in the deep, dark closets. :D

You sure that it's up to heterosexuals???

Baron Max
As long as equality is left to the vote, yes

Baron Max said:

Oh, Tiassa, I don't think you really want to leave that up to heterosexuals you?

I look to the Constitution of the United States, but the supreme law of our land isn't good enough for the heterosexuals.

You sure that it's up to heterosexuals???

There are too many heterosexuals insecure in their marriages and sexuality to "democratically allow" equal protection under the law.
I look to the Constitution of the United States, ...

Perhaps. But that's not what you said in the last post, was it.

I've always wondered how it must feel for a entire group of people to be defined by who or what they like to fuck? Must be a real horror story!

Baron Max
Do you ever actually have a useful point?

Baron Max said:

Perhaps. But that's not what you said in the last post, was it.

What confuses you, Max?

I've always wondered how it must feel for a entire group of people to be defined by who or what they like to fuck? Must be a real horror story!

It would be nice if heterosexual bigots would just let homosexuals move on with life, but apparently that's too much to ask.
What confuses you, Max?

That you've managed to live this long and not be able to follow a simple post thread/conversation. ...LOL! Go back and read the thread, Tiassa, you'll see it and understand it ....even if you won't admit it. :D

It would be nice if heterosexual bigots would just let homosexuals move on with life, but apparently that's too much to ask.

Can't leave 'em alone, the gays want special treatment ........just because of what and who they like to fuck!

Are gay men males? If so, then show me where gay men don't have the same, exact legal, constitutional rights as hetero males. Show me, Tiassa! But you can't, can you?! No, gays want extra rights, special rights, ....just because of who and what they like to fuck.

Gays define themselves by their preference in sexual acts. When was the last time you saw a parade in town celebrating married males who liked to eat pussy? Or for women who loved sucking cocks? No, you haven't. But, ahh, but,'ve seen numerous parades celebrating the way gay males like to have sex and who they like to have sex with!

Baron Max
Lazy to the Max

Baron Max said:

That you've managed to live this long and not be able to follow a simple post thread/conversation. ...LOL! Go back and read the thread, Tiassa, you'll see it and understand it ....even if you won't admit it.

Perhaps you might get off your ass one day and actually do some work to support your argument instead of demanding that everyone else do it for you.

If intellectual sloth is the best you can come up with, why bother in the first place?

Can't leave 'em alone, the gays want special treatment ........just because of what and who they like to fuck!

Please explain how equal protection under the law equals special treatment.

Are gay men males? If so, then show me where gay men don't have the same, exact legal, constitutional rights as hetero males. Show me, Tiassa! But you can't, can you?! No, gays want extra rights, special rights, ....just because of who and what they like to fuck.

They haven't the right to marry the partner of their choosing.

Gays define themselves by their preference in sexual acts. When was the last time you saw a parade in town celebrating married males who liked to eat pussy? Or for women who loved sucking cocks? No, you haven't. But, ahh, but,'ve seen numerous parades celebrating the way gay males like to have sex and who they like to have sex with!

Gays define themselves? Or were defined by heterosexuals? Can you demonstrate that it was, in fact, homoseuxals who first started adding fags to the fire?

History does not begin at a point chosen according to your convenience, Max.
They haven't the right to marry the partner of their choosing.

Hetero males can't marry other males; gay males can't marry other males. Perfectly equal rights under the law. If gay males want to marry another male, then they're expecting special rights above and beyond that afforded normal males. (ditto for lesbians, I just didn't want to type so much.)

Gays define themselves? ....

Yes who and what they like to fuck. They even have parades in the city streets proclaiming their love of fucking other men in the ass! I mean, how often do hetero males have public parades proclaiming their love of eating pussy?

Either gay males are males under the laws, or they think they're something special and want/expect special treatment under the law.

If gays are something different, not human males, then we should build special public toilet facilities for them. What other special things do gays want and expect .....just because of who and what they like to fuck?

Baron Max
Just throwing in an opinion here.

I really hope more and more guys go gay. The more the merrier (hah). Why? Well, the more guys who go gay, the better the ratio is for straight women to straight guys. In other words, it increases my chances of getting a date, as opposed to women throwing rocks at me.
Hetero males can't marry other males; gay males can't marry other males. Perfectly equal rights under the law. If gay males want to marry another male, then they're expecting special rights above and beyond that afforded normal males. (ditto for lesbians, I just didn't want to type so much.)

You're still repeating this stupid argument years after it was first debunked? Your memory is fading, old man.