The French absurdity continues: INVISIBLE TURBANS for Sikhs !!!

I do hope the people of the UK are able to cope with the integrating cultures. It sounds to me that the governments of the UK are too liberal for their own good.

While I cannot speak for the whole country, my area is in uproar. Well.. I live in a very well-to-do part of Totteridge. On one side of me are acres upon acres of open land and farms, on the other side are council estates and stuff like that. I hadn't even seen a black/ethnic person in Totteridge until about 5/6 years ago, and now it is overwhelmed. Crime has risen a great deal - and while that might seem like nitpicking, it is the way it is.

What's happening overall, is the country is being flooded by asylum seekers from every corner of the planet. England doesn't know how to say 'no', and those who were born here are given a back seat to these new arrivals. Obviously the media now goes on about it non-stop, but even without media, it is openly seen.

While this isn't to say every single person who comes here is this way, the stereotype can be made because of the majority who are here to pull this country apart for their own benefits.

I remember the Prime Minister saying "We are going to clear 3rd world debt", and giving a few billion £ to any needy country. I walked through London, and saw hundreds of homeless Brits, who had been ignored while British money went to some country in the middle of nowhere. While generosity is a good thing, some of that generosity needs to also be given to those resident to this country who are in bad positions. The same can be said for charity missions here like... Red Nose Day. They raise a good 60million or more, all of which goes to Africa. While I do feel sorry for poor Africans, I feel just as sorry for Homeless Brits, but nobody gives a flying fuck about them.

It's only a matter of time before this cookie crumbles.
SnakeLord said:
While I cannot speak for the whole country, my area is in uproar. Well.. I live in a very well-to-do part of Totteridge. On one side of me are acres upon acres of open land and farms, on the other side are council estates and stuff like that. I hadn't even seen a black/ethnic person in Totteridge until about 5/6 years ago, and now it is overwhelmed. Crime has risen a great deal - and while that might seem like nitpicking, it is the way it is.

What's happening overall, is the country is being flooded by asylum seekers from every corner of the planet. England doesn't know how to say 'no', and those who were born here are given a back seat to these new arrivals. Obviously the media now goes on about it non-stop, but even without media, it is openly seen.

While this isn't to say every single person who comes here is this way, the stereotype can be made because of the majority who are here to pull this country apart for their own benefits.

I remember the Prime Minister saying "We are going to clear 3rd world debt", and giving a few billion £ to any needy country. I walked through London, and saw hundreds of homeless Brits, who had been ignored while British money went to some country in the middle of nowhere. While generosity is a good thing, some of that generosity needs to also be given to those resident to this country who are in bad positions. The same can be said for charity missions here like... Red Nose Day. They raise a good 60million or more, all of which goes to Africa. While I do feel sorry for poor Africans, I feel just as sorry for Homeless Brits, but nobody gives a flying fuck about them.

It's only a matter of time before this cookie crumbles.
M*W: I thought Tony Blair was more of a conservative. Thank you for explaining about the homeless Brits. My grandfather who came from Worsley near Manchester would turn over in his grave to know what was going on in Britain today (even though he emigrated to the USA). I believe that "charity begins at home." And as I am a descendant of the English, Irish and Scots and Germans, I don't like what you've told me about my ancestors homeland. I'd seen on TV where these "auslanders" were causing big problems in England, and how the English felt about them overrunning their country, I guess you have given us a personal view. I just wonder what my ancestor, William Ewart Gladstone, would have said about all this!
the french have done nothing wrong, but many muslims have reacted badly, id photos must be taken bareheaded so that they can be used as identification

"The law would ban all "conspicuous" symbols of faith - including Muslim veils, Jewish skullcaps, large Christian crosses and even, if they are considered signs of religious affiliation, beards and bandanas - from all state institutions." This is not racist, as it isnt against any race, or even religion. I assume the reason they must be removed is to stop religious arguments such as this one from spreading to state institutions.

If your god demands that you wear a turban, instead of simple worship or belief, maybe it isnt a very smart god to worship.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Proud Muslim, I welcome you and your family to come to Texas to live. You will be welcomed here, and we would be proud to have you. Our city council is multi-ethnic and reaches out to every group. The Muslims in our town live in the higher class neighborhoods, and there are many amenities for Muslim families.

Thank you so much, you are very kind, the problem is not the U.K. it is bigots like Vienna who read so much tabliod and daily mail paper which are the problems.


I don't see how anyone could live in the UK where they breed losers like Vienna. Interestingly, he's so proud of his country his username is a city in Austria! Go figure! The UK is not known for its cuisine, ambience, friendship or romance. How boring!!!!

The U.K is good place to live if you want to make money but it is not safe to grow up your childern there, English kids smoke the pot since early age ( 11 years ) and start having sex at the age of 11-12, by 15 they indulge in binge drinking....I will never ever send my childern to English school, very corrupting indeed.

In some places, you cant leave your home after darkness, it is too dangerous, I heard that every 8 seconds there is burglary in England...I am sure vienna is one of those burglars !! :D
"smoke the pot since early age ( 11 years ) and start having sex at the age of 11-12, by 15 they indulge in binge drinking....I will never ever send my childern to English school, very corrupting indeed."

I dont know where u got those figures from, i would estimate it would be closer to 15 (and then only once or twice), 16 and for serious drinking, it would be over 17 or 18
Proud_Muslim said:
The U.K is good place to live if you want to make money but it is not safe to grow up your childern there, English kids smoke the pot since early age ( 11 years ) and start having sex at the age of 11-12, by 15 they indulge in binge drinking....I will never ever send my childern to English school, very corrupting indeed.
This is what happens to kids in muslim schools here in England - it is disgusting, they need to get a grip.

English state schools are so much better and produce much better results and qualifications.

Like I keep saying to you PM, if you don't like it here then leave.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Proud Muslim, I welcome you and your family to come to Texas to live. You will be welcomed here, and we would be proud to have you. Our city council is multi-ethnic and reaches out to every group. The Muslims in our town live in the higher class neighborhoods, and there are many amenities for Muslim families.

There you go PM.

A personal invite from the Yellow Thorn of Texas herself !!!

Go for it old lad :D