The Fractal Nature Of Geometry & Benoit B. Mandelbrot

The point is you have to become a student of your enemy to bring change.
And you're doing this by abjectly ignoring anything anyone who corrects you says? So you're not following your own advice?!

That's the point Prom and I made, you're trying to go 'where mainstream physics doesn't' but you're doing so while deliberately ignorant of all work done before. How can you work out concepts/ideas/models of things which physics hasn't got to when you don't know where physics has gone. :shrug:

I am trying to change the forum and people who use shock and awe tactics don’t fit with the changes.
And you have the right and the justification to do this because.....? If asking people to back up their claims wasn't allowed in Pseudo I'd have been stopped by a moderator by now. So it seems the people who own and run the site don't require change. I'm happy to stop if a mod thinks "So how do you justify that claim?" is against the spirit of pseudo.

When a few people stand up against your hateful twisted trolling rhetoric then change begins
And you're going to do this by refusing to talk to me and being an ignorant hypocrite? Yes, that will work I'm sure.

I am standing up alone right now while you have the support of the peanut gallery.
So the fact moderators and people who know some physics tend to think similarly to me (though perhaps don't say it so bluntly) means they are 'The peanut gallery' and that you're somehow on a rigious cause to change the forum, even though said moderators run said forum and don't support you?

I guess this is similar to why you believe you, someone admittedly and willfully ignorant of science, is somehow in a good position to go to areas which science doesn't, like concepts like pre-big bang. You seem to think your vision of the forum is the right one, that your views and attitudes are something more correct, despite you being in a minority (by your own admission) and having no jurisdiction on the forums.

And you have the hypocrisy to say I think I'm self important! :rolleyes:
Like I said, “FYI I have learned that you never intend to discuss anything with me. You have said you like to make fun of me, you said you don't like me, you have used a variety of ad homs to describe me, and you say I am your entertainment. If I respond to you in a discussion mode you always revert to one of those behaviors and pretend you have slapped me down. That leaves the issue of following me around to perform those objectives; that is trolling.”

“I don’t give any value to what you say because of that. If you could give me the golden keys to Tibia I would be out of luck because I would not trust you enough to discuss anything with you. You have a low character that is well known on the forum and just because I deal with your obnoxious arrogance by pointing it out to you, you troll where ever I post.”

I hope the gold key to Tibia wasn’t in that post because I stopped reading at, “And you're doing this by abjectly ignoring …”

If I can ever stand to get all of the way through one of your posts I will reply to the content. Until then you need to learn a few things that you obviously are still having trouble with like what a fixation is.

The point is you have to become a student of your enemy to bring change. I am trying to change the forum and people who use shock and awe tactics don’t fit with the changes. When a few people stand up against your hateful twisted trolling rhetoric then change begins. I am standing up alone right now while you have the support of the peanut gallery.

Being a student for me is to know you (not personally thank you). Being a student to you would be to know me. I win on the “student front” because I have you pegged for who you are, and you lose because you haven’t a clue about who I am (I don’t mean I am somebody, but just that you haven’t been a student of me by listening to what I say).
I think it's a case of not being able to admit having an egg on your face. And thus getting more eggs but simply denying they are there.
Thanks, I enjoy seeing those videos. Youtube has everything :).

And to Steve100, I take it there is something more that you are not saying. Out with it man.
And to Steve100, I take it there is something more that you are not saying. Out with it man.
He just always replies as if he could be talking to either party of a daft argument. I wonder if the's even aware of it? It could be a sign that a subconscious part of him agrees that within pseudoscience, we have the right to our discussion without the hindrance of the established elite?
Is this what you refer to as egg on my face? Let’s discuss what AlphaNumeric said line by line so I can point out the errors and untruths. Would you be willing to do that?

I have taken the various thoughts from that post and listed them below. Please state if you accept those statements, i.e. if you believe that the statements truthfully reflect the posts by me:

“… However, what DH and Prom refer to is people posting "Here's my idea for a new theory of cosmology!", as quantum_wave's threads in said forum basically amount to.

They ignore the basic premise of science, have nothing of substance to them and refuse to discuss things with people who do know some science.

q_w actually put the only two physicists who'd talk to him (myself and Prom) on 'ignore' because he didn't like what we said. That is the kind of behaviour which should be moved to pseudo or cesspool.

Now I don't deny I am vitriolic with a fair few people here, perhaps more so than I would be in face to face discussions, but that doesn't alter the relevance of my statements about their claims about science or their attempts to do science.

If someone comes to a science forum to post their pet theory they shouldn't be surprised if someone says "That's not right". Even Feynman, Einstein and Newton got a hell of a lot of things wrong before hitting on the theories which make them famous.

Cranks don't seem to think they could possibly be wrong in the slightest amount. Find me a research with a PhD who has never made mistakes which meant 3+ months of work went down the pan and I'd be very very surprised. Infact, 3 months of wasted work due to errors is probably being generous for most researchers.”

I will give you my response to each statement if you accept what AlphaNumeric says without needing any verification from what my posts actually said. I maintain that the post linked is an example of the obnoxious arrogance of a person of low character who will state untruths, misrepresent what people say, lie, use straw men and every gutter tactic to elevate themselves with a dishonest attack on someone else.