I don't think planning for the future is the same as the kind of disfunctional desire-as-a-way-of-life that Buddhism is concerned with.
Zephyr said:And in line with my agreement, have you studied Christianity and Judaism?
i repeat then spidergoat. have you achieved what you state?spidergoat said:Nothing is wrong with desire, to even focus on the word desire is a misconception. The central thing is the division between an idealized world of culture and symbols, and the reality of where and what you are now.
me))))))))))in a way we agree here, but from else i've read we disagree. for example. i am VERY aware of a vast division between 'civilization/culture' and Nature. I.,e culture tends to 'acculturate one away from natrual being. so 'culture and symbols/the image would be the semantic overlay which obscures deeper sense of Nature. rthis is what I am exploring
People are constantly thinking of the future rather than directly experiencing the perfection that is the present moment.
me)))))))tyhis is where we greatly differ. WH 'perfect'. a i said forist post in this tread-which noone responded to--do you now see th premise in Buddhist teaching (from the passagtes presnted to this thread of Busddhist teaching) which premises a 'perfection' which canbe attained. as rthen i again say. tis is dualistic premise of 'perfect' vs 'imperfection'!
When you have this image of what things could be, what food you could eat, what sex you could be having, you are a divided creature, and this devide is experienced as suffering.
me))))))))how so. i i am hungryi of coyrse want to eat. if horny i desire o have sex. wat is wrong wit this CEPT some dogma SAYSit's wrong...?? as soon as one is gilted ABOUT these natrual intincts is where trouble begins. ANDhow can one say to the POOR prson one mustn't desire to eat? who is claiming this philosophy??
We get in the habit of living in a dream world of desire, and so we are never really here. People are seldom aware that they can experience all the pleasure the world has to offer without any desire whatsoever.
me))))))have you 'escaped desire'?
In fact, if you are constantly desiring, you will never really experience the object of your desire once you get it.
spidergoat said:I have acheived nothing.
me))meaning you still desire?
Why would you want to know?
me)because if someone is peaching somethng. ad/or repeating a dogma,then ofcourse i wanna know if its wrked for them.
So you can judge the value of my statements as a potential follower? So you can figure out if I'm a fake and a hypocrite?
me)of course. otherwise its the blind leadin the blind init??
My own state is of no value to you. Your state is the only one you have to work with.
me))oh puleeeze. dont give me that hogwosh. we are examining 'flaws in Buddhism'. i dont want to beCOME a Buddhist. get that very clear.
You obviously re defending it. so tisis why i am asking ifits worked for you. in this case NOT-desiring?
When Buddhists talk about desire, they don't mean that it's wrong, only that it is at the center of a distinctly human disease, take this information or leave it.
me)))errrrm well it seems all muddled to me. what is being said here? that it now is alright to desire? so we are back to being natrual agin? tough before your teaching/interpretation was to end attachment to desire?
When you indulge in all your desires and are still left wanting, then what?
Kotoko said:There is no ad hominem in my post. What you meant to say is that you have no response, so you will not respond. Lets call a spade a spade.
Mythbuster said:One way of looking at buddhism is thus:
Problem: Suffering.
Reason: Wanting it all to go your way (desire/thirst)
Solution1: Ditch desire.
Problem2: Now you desire to ditch desire, and when that dosen't happen...more suffering.
Solution2: Stop trying to desire, but also stop trying to not desire.
Problem3: Same as problem 2.
Solution3: Enlightenment (which transcends the whole mess by transcending duality).
Oversimplified I admit but hey...
qwerty mob said:Yeah, I was contemplating that from Reggie's site. I see we have alot in common here at SciFor. =)
What do you think of the analogy to the Hegelian Dialectic?
Thesis --> Antithesis --> Synthesis
iam said:But some illusions/lies that are absorbed are detrimental. It is important to have some degree of detachment to see through these and an awareness of our inner processes
There's no guilt involved. Buddhism is only for people interested in what it has to offer. There is nothing inherently wrong with being hungry and eating or having sex. Buddhism is actually similar to that. People get hungry for insight into the nature of consciousness and it paves the way for a shift into what may be a more primeval state or a more advanced one, I don't know. This did happen to me, but I don't understand how.duendy said:more desires? indulge in all desures means what exactly? fukin and eatin and litnin to music and getting a massage and etc? what? what you man 'left wanting'?
say i have a good good sex session. there is a beginning a climax and then an end isn't there? now at that moment of end iam satiated aren't i. then maybe later i get horny agin and want sex. this is natrual isn't it? why guilt people about this?
if hungry i wannaeat. so i look for food. what is wrong with this? sorry. non comprendi
hmmmm, so what is this 'Buddhism' you refer to then? i am sure Tibetan Buddhists would see their Buddhism--the males anyhow--central. so what do you mean? I their a 'central Buddhism' which is THE truth then?....which is it?....why do you assume 'local trditions' are to blame? and why is Buddhism not part of A tradition??spidergoat said:This belief is not central to Buddhism, and is probably more the result of local traditions.