The flag


Whatever. Thats not the point I was aiming for. I was simply stating that we know were not the only country in the world, like Brolly claims. Despite your logic, we do try to help other nations. And Im not talking about the government, Im talking about the hardworking people in this nation. People that volunteer over seas, join the peace corps and/or military, and people that donate their own money to improve the conditions in third world countries. It may not be much to you, but its something.
now that what i wanna see

i want to see many countries including America and Britain just stop and think of the people who are suffering in the third world i know there are charities but they need more and it best to have all the leading countries and help them out or the people will have no happiness and they just die of Aids.
Ya, I agree Brolly. The situation is a very sad one. Hmmm.. maybe Ill start another thread....
and just let aids speads all over the world until the world has no popualtion

that also why they are trying to help the people from the third world

mostly homosexualists and narcomans get aids.

the rest- it's a too insignificant ammount
have you got proof

i thought so

you got something against the gays and narcomans
not so likely like the people in categories I mentioned

and on overall scale- even aids doesn't take that much lives.

if we get another disease loose, then we are really fucked

ebola, some genetically modified virii or smth lk tht

edit to add: aids is not so threataning also because it doesn't spread in air

What is a narcome? And your saying the majority are homosexuals? No, the majority is black women in Africa (heterosexual by the way) who get AIDS. Soo... where the hell are you getting your data from? And everyone gets AIDS. I know a couple that are not gay who have it. I know really good looking straight males that have AIDS. Your posts are extremely biased.
sorry - I meant narcomans (people using intravenous drugs - with needles)

Black women in africa isn't whole world

I was and am thinking/talking globaly

aids isn't a threat to all human race
there are other more serious things to worry about...

sorry....I sound mean and without morals....
mmm.. don't care i got no point in this world i just sit back and relax
Originally posted by Brolly
have you got proof

i thought so

you got something against the gays and narcomans
nothing against. I was just mentioning the overall tendency

and meant those narcomans who use intravenous drugs

proof- just what I've heard in tv news and read on i-net
Originally posted by Brolly
mmm.. don't care i got no point in this world i just sit back and relax

lol- just what I'm doing now

listening chillout music and relaxing at pleasant discussions at sciforums
Now you have to be my slave

Well you certainly shouldn't pay him!


I am still right here.

not true

we all can get aids

We can all get AIDS, but we get it through specific behaviors:
Unprotected sex, especially anal.
Needle sharing with an infected person.

Avatar is right that male homosexuals and IV drug users are at highest risk. All sexually active people have some risk, but those who are careful do not run huge risks.

While research on the virus is important, AIDS will not be the end of humanity.

If it were to mutate, become stronger more resilient, that would be fucked.