The flag

"BTW, Indian food is best, followed by Japanese, followed by Italian, and there are good British TV series (like Red Dwarf)."

Indonesian you forgot. Ditto Thai. But yes Japanese is kick ass.
Never been much of an Italian fan myself. I was made to have it from a young age and eventually got sick of spaghetti. Though, I still love Calzone's!!!

"Americans must lose this tendancy in order to retain power and keep our country from becoming a monster. Not because the French might like us."

I see. So this comes down to an old, old comment of yours. "Someone should change not because another asks them to, but because they want to." Fair enough.

"Frankly, you don't know jack shit about what Americans are like. Your comment on the internment camps proves this. As does your comment on Americans being shocked by 9/11."

Like I said; "I was 13 and so were they so it doesn't really count."

"If you had any intellectual respect for yourself, you'd listen to somone who knows Americans rather than to your own voice."

I'm more than willing to. The problem is, no one has said anything. Joeman said 'America wasn't shocked at being attacked.' I said 'my experience and the magazines I read seemed quite shocked at the fact that such a large attack had occured' Then no one replied to try and correct me with any evidence to support them (I had used minimal evidence, only quoting the one People magazine from Sept 11th which is 5 feet away from me). In other words - it may not be that I'm not willing to listen, but that no one has talked.

"I don't know what is Godwin's law. What Hitler did in 39 did not benefit the German's in the long run. I don't consider having your country bombed flat benefiting any."

What Hitler did from 1933-1937 did however.

"If US can become relatively rich and powerful, US must have done something right."

Being rich and powerful makes you more important?
Originally posted by Tyler
Being rich and powerful makes you more important?

The answer is, of course, YES. US is considered a very important country in the world (obviously)
Originally posted by Joeman

Racism is natural. Otherwise we don't have to fight it. Superiorty complex can be based on arrogance and ignorance but also based a lot on perception. To change the perception, you must do something concrete. By saying "we are all equal" just won't cut it.

Prejudice is natural, not racism. Having stereotypes about others is very different from oppressing others. How is racism natural when the whole concept of there being different "human races", is a falsehood?

We ARE all equal as humans Joeman. The only real differences between humans are our morality, knowledge, etc. Not some made-up category called "race", that's based on one's skin color.

How is discriminating based on one's skin color or religion, any better than doing it based on someone's eye or hair color, or by how tall they are. It's all moronic.

Race is a social construct for all practical purpose. May not for an idealogue but in real world it is. Race is much deeper than categorization of skin color. People of the same race usually hang out together. In places with very little racism, like Minnesota, minorities still hang out with their own kind because they feel more comfortable. Race is definitely a social construction. You would be blind not to believe it.

I disagree. People usually hang out with people of the same socially economic class. Segregation in America did a good job of forcefully seperating people, but in my age group (I'm 26), mostly no one gives a damn about race and these divisions are being brought down the younger generation... I hope :( .
Originally posted by Tyler
I'm more than willing to. The problem is, no one has said anything. Joeman said 'America wasn't shocked at being attacked.' I said 'my experience and the magazines I read seemed quite shocked at the fact that such a large attack had occured' Then no one replied to try and correct me with any evidence to support them (I had used minimal evidence, only quoting the one People magazine from Sept 11th which is 5 feet away from me). In other words - it may not be that I'm not willing to listen, but that no one has talked.

I told you earlier that the American Media is all about drama and fear. Here in LA, if there is a drop of drizzle our local news goes into "Storm Watch". Last year was the "Year of the shark", yet shark attacks were actually down in our country. The list can go on.

The evidence that American were preparing for terrorism is vast, look at the laws we enacted, like the anti-terrorism act that Clinton passed, or the many polls that show Americans expected a terrorist attack sometime in the near future.
Originally posted by static76

Prejudice is natural, not racism. Having stereotypes about others is very different from oppressing others. How is racism natural when the whole concept of there being different "human races", is a falsehood?

We ARE all equal as humans Joeman. The only real differences between humans are our morality, knowledge, etc. Not some made-up category called "race", that's based on one's skin color.

How is discriminating based on one's skin color or religion, any better than doing it based on someone's eye or hair color, or by how tall they are. It's all moronic.

prejudice, racism, same difference. I mainly disagree on the approach and how we should do about it. All I am saying is, it's here today, and it will be here tomorrow. It will not go away. One must use it as a motivation force. If you can do so, you have turn something negative into a positive.

I disagree. People usually hang out with people of the same socially economic class. Segregation in America did a good job of forcefully seperating people, but in my age group (I'm 26), mostly no one gives a damn about race and these divisions are being brought down the younger generation... I hope :( .

I am skeptical. Actually I don't believe it. In college for example, everyone hangs out with their race still. There are only two social economic classes in college. You are either poor or you are not . There is no discrepancy in income between blacks and hispanics. In theory they should hang out with each other a lot.
I am skeptical. Actually I don't believe it. In college for example, everyone hangs out with their race still. There are only two social economic classes in college. You are either poor or you are not . There is no discrepancy in income between blacks and hispanics. In theory they should hang out with each other a lot.

What college did you go to? I went to UCLA, and all "races" hang out together. Maybe it's a LA or big city thing. I'm black and half my friends are either latino, asian or white. Yes the older generations have their issues, but when you look at people under 30, there is hope that racism is on it's way out.

In college people hang out with others of the same interst, like fratenities, majors, and sport interests.

The main obstacle to ending this, is the Media. The American News Media has an agenda in dividing the races, because it's easier to manipulate us that way. Controversy means ratings, and both Democrats and Republicans love to play us off each other for their own political gain. The Jesse Jackson, Pat Buchanon, Al Sharpton, David Duke generation is hopefully on it's way out.

Wow, we have really drifted off the topic of this thread....:eek:
Originally posted by static76

What college did you go to?

undergrad UW-Madison
grad Stanford & Umass

In Wisconsin some football players transfered because they complained there are not enough black people. No joke.

Everyone still hangs out with their own race, except all Asian chicks date white guys. California is definitely the most racially liberal state. So is Washington and Oregon. You can't say the same about elsewhere. Wisconsin is a blue colar state, so your theory doesn't really hold except in California.
Originally posted by Joeman

undergrad UW-Madison
grad Stanford & Umass

In Wisconsin some football players transfered because they complained there are not enough black people. No joke.

Everyone still hangs out with their own race, except all Asian chicks date white guys. California is definitely the most racially liberal state. So is Washington and Oregon. You can't say the same about elsewhere. Wisconsin is a blue colar state, so your theory doesn't really hold except in California.

True, bute Wisconsin isn't a very diverse state and many of the people there aren't very "friendly", to minorties if you know what I mean.:(

Alot of my white friends from the Midwest tell me jokes about how racist their parents were, and all the things they told them about Blacks, Latinos, Jews and Asians. They recognize that their parents are just from an older generation that had different beliefs. The Big city influence is slowly spreading throughtout "middle America", and the up and coming generation is much more tolerant.

If you look at American culture you can see how things are changing. Like many have said, Who ever thought we would see the day that the top golfer would be Black, and the top rapper would be white.

Times are changing....
Originally posted by static76
Who ever thought we would see the day that the top golfer would be Black

Doesn't he have a Thai mother? That would make him Asian too.
Doesn't he have a Thai mother? That would make him Asian too.

Remember, there is no genetic basis for race. When people use the term black or white it should be based on skin color (although as Xev pointed out earlier, neither's skin is really black or white).:bugeye:
God bless America! God unbless all other countries, and God bless America!

When Jesus returns, he's not going to go to Israel. He's not going to go to England or Canada. He's going to go to the land of the free and home of the brave! USA! USA! USA! WOOOO! And he'll go to an American baseball game and watch the New York Yankees beat the Toronto Blue Jays. And then he'll eat some 100% American apple pie. And then he'll go to the Army recruiters and enlist, because Jesus Christ is a real American hero. That's right -- white skinned, brown haired, born in Israel 2000 years ago -- Jesus loves his stars and stripes! Jesus looks up to Uncle Sam as a son would his father, and can't wait to serve his country! And on the day of Final Judgement, all Americans will get to go to heaven, and all others will be judged traitors and terrorists and will be barred from entering the pearly gates! And the voice of the Lord thy God will gloriously boom down from the heavens saying, "THE GREATEST OF ALL SINS: THOU SHALT NOT BE ANYTHING OTHER THAN AMERICAN!"

God DAMN it feels good to be an American! :D
Good, let America have him. I don't want him anywhere near here. He must be a zombie if he comes back now

I don't consider the US important. We'd be just fine without you guys.
(that was sarcasm -- exaggerating Christian-American patriotism to make a point about how silly it is)
it true what thor said about america making themselves feel big. for christ sake they go far just to get themselves on t.v to prove how "great they are" they even steal techolongy like the Jet engine in the second world war, I say do friends or allies steal from each other no i don't think so!

second of all Why oh why america dropped the A-bomb on Hiroshima they never knew how powerful the A-bomb so they just dropped it without reasiling the danger of wiping out thousands of japanese and other japanese leading on their slow death the pain is still going on for long time. When they found out about the damage in japan they must be hopping around celebrating like hell shouting "i am the most powerful country in the world "

America you may be the most powerful country in the world but you're not the only one.
America you may be the most powerful country in the world but you're not the only one.

Ya, no shit! Thats why were always helping the rest of the world out. And thats why we pour money into third world countries. But we only do that to make ourselves look better:rolleyes:

Damn! I missed all the arguing!!!! All I have to say is we do not think we are better than anyone. If an American goes to any other country, he/she is almost always looked down upon. Thats bullshit. We are one of the most diverse countrys in the world. But we think were better than everyone else? Ya, okay. Makes sense.:rolleyes:

But back to the REAL subject. The flag. It means or is actually just a symbol of my country. When I look at it I see how far weve come and also how much further we need to go. And I do feel proud when I look at it. Sorry, you all can call me a rascism arrogant Yankie if you want. But a person who does not feel proud when they look at their countries flag, well there is something wrong. This thread has turned into an American bashing thread. And thats just sad. I truly wish y'all could look deeper than what you see. You dont want to see the good that we have done, only the bad. And thats pretty narrow minded if you ask me.

Take care:)
I'm a patriot and a nationalist

I'm a patriot and a nationalist

Good for you! And thanks for the honesty. Some people in here will tell you thats in wrong to be a patriot! I say.... Be proud of where you came from - just dont be arrogant:)
lol- I'm not arrogant:D
We're a very small country, but that doesn't make me less proud
And thats why we pour money into third world countries.

No, that's to get your hands on their natural resources, be able to store military closer to the enemy, be able to dump overproduction and suffocate the local market,...

And oh, to help people.

I'm sorry, but don't be too naive about third world help. If USA AND the rest of the world were really serious about it, much more money would go there, along with knowledge and know how.

Notice how the 'and' is in capitals. That's cause I do not wish to bash America.

But a person who does not feel proud when they look at their countries flag, well there is something wrong.

I don't know... I support our national footbal team. I promote Belgian bands... maybe I am a little proud about our stuff, but not about the country.

I truly wish y'all could look deeper than what you see. You dont want to see the good that we have done, only the bad. And thats pretty narrow minded if you ask me.

I strongly agree.