The Five Most Hated Posters

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Ehehehe. I've been away for so long. I'm out of touch.

I'll probably become something like an "Ancient". Someone who used to be active, has disappeared after that period of activity, and now only comes occasionally to offer some tidbits now and then.

*grabs my cane and starts banging on doors, clutching anti-balding medicine*

I'll catch y'all later.
I haven't read the entire topic but i am assuming some people have already mentioned how pathetic 'hate' is.

I would also like to point out that saying you hate someone only seems to glorify them, it compares them to figures such as hitler whome i'm sure many of us can say we really 'hate'. Rather, most people i would not say i hate, i dislike maybe but mostly i pitty.

----------------------------------- the forums
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Hating Hitler?

Originally posted by god-of-course figures such as hitler whome i'm sure many of us can say we really 'hate'. Rather, most people i would not say i hate, i dislike maybe but mostly i pitty.

Well, I cannot say I "hate" Adolph Hitler. After reading some biographies as well as Mein Kampf, I came to conclusion that he was more like victim in many aspects (discussion about those aspects would require separate thread), so for him too I feel more pity then hatred. You might object: “But he did all those terrible things…” But in fact, personally he did not anything. Other people did – most willingly.
Also – does it make a sense to hate somebody from the past? What is “hatred”, actually? In one of my previous posts I wrote that I “hate” the world, but that was not meant seriously, of course. Sometimes I feel pretty disgusted, sometimes I feel a lot of bitterness and there are many people I dislike more or less, but I cannot say I really “hate” somebody – and I do not remember that I ever hated.
But some people do hate others – there is plenty of evidence for it. Some hate everybody of different “race”, religion, sexual preference, political stance etc. In my opinion, hate is not only irrational, it is also pathological. It is an aggressive reaction to someone’s irrational fear (or phobia). Also I think that hatred is not natural – that it is learned. You must be taught how to hate (and – in most cases – whom).
I was using Hitler as an example, more than anything i hate what he stood for, similarly i can say i hate those such as Saddam Hussein. I do not believe hate is irrational nor learned, i believe it is a lagitimate, although instinctive, emotion. I believe all emotions are instinctive and are designed in some way for our surival i.e. with hate; anyone whose interests may contradict with our own we would ultimately be better of removing or excluding from the group, hence; varying intensities of dislike/hate.
Man do I miss the razorsharp AZCOWBOY!!!

I know a lot of people really hated his guts, but he had this flair and sick humour that really pours salt in your wounds....

Hate is a big word and I could name quite a few posters that IMO combine a thick skull with an overly large ego but generally they do not annoy me, I just hope they hang around long enough to hopefully open up that skull a bit.

However at one time in the past Jerrek seriously managed to disgust me he was playing voluntarely cheerleader in the patriotic american flagwaving campaign in the prelude towards the war in iraq and spamming the board with virtual bumperstickers. I thought the whole campaign was rather McCarthy like to watch how the patriotic love of the people for their country was played to support some shady agenda and simultaniously all critics and naysayers were put in the "unamerican" and "unpatriotic" corner I thought that really was unfair, low and cheap.
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Both these cunts, xev and gendanken have serious issues with their Mothers.

No. My issues are with this porcelain goddess known as Gendanken. She's got the might of a man but still bloodfucking tied down by hypocracy. Steeled like a bullet yet annoyingly vulnerable and such a fucking mess she won't let me sleep at night.

My mother lacks the complexity worthy of 'issues'. Go back to your corner and benchwarm.
she should have terminated your foetal ass, and saved herself 9 months of misery.

Zero - thinks he's smarter than he is

MrMynomics - making this bad thread

God-of-course - stupid name

Raha - pervert

Vortexx - self-centered

DeeCee - makes stupid posts

Wraith - for being a pussy

Xev - annoying

gendanken - ditto, because gendanken is Xev. They have the same mannerisms and they even make the same spelling and grammatical errors

Jerrek - I don't like this person

airavata - this person sucks too.

Flores is an asshole because he/she actually went ahead and wrote down the people he/she hates.

DarkEyedBeauty - because she's too much of a pansy to say who she hates

jps - because he is a humorless, gutless communist who approaches everything from a stern self-important manner and depresses everyone.

certified psycho - stupid name

sargentlard - for making short posts that only state the blatantly obvious. Can't spell Sergeant.

cool skill - a moron and egocentric jerk

Oh.. I was only supposed to mention five? Heh!
Originally posted by apendrapew
Raha - pervert
There are certainly many other reasons for me to be listed, but pervert? That's beyond my grasp. Can you explain, please?
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