The Final Solution

c20H25N3o said:
God showed Himself to me when I asked with a tiny pinch of faith. I don't see why you cannot ask and see for yourself, unless your heart and mind is so closed to the idea that He will answer you?
M*W: Why must christians always say that we (others/atheists) don't "see god" because our heart and mind is "closed?" Of all the people who exist, atheists don't have closed hearts and minds! Just the opposite! We're open to many more possibilities than religionists. In fact, most atheists have been christians at some time or another. Atheists never stop questioning. Religionists never start asking. That's the difference. That's not safe.

Please explain how "god showed himself" (when you asked him to). I believe that one finds what one looks for, because he subconsciously hopes to find it, then he fools himself into believing that he found it. It's a viscious circle of self-deception.
M*W: Why must christians always say that we (others/atheists) don't "see god" because our heart and mind is "closed?"

It is not supposed to be an insult. You have written off even the idea of their being a Creator. You have closed your mind to the possibility. It is a statement of fact. You cant drink from a tap when you have turned the water mains off. I am suprised you take it as a disparaging remark. But then if you didn't you wouldn't be able to spit your disparaging remarks about a person's faith, accusing them of self deception in a haughty fashion as you like to do.

M*W: Atheists never stop questioning. Religionists never start asking.

Give yourself a pat on the back :rolleyes:
I think the definition of athiest is sometimes blurred. Most people tend to think of this more about religion rather than God, which people forget are two completely different things.

So by literal definition, I doubt many people on this forum are actually atheists in that they can say without any doubt an intelligent creator does not exist just as you will say without any doubt he does exist.

Instead most people speak out against religion which is the decent thing to do, and that is not a closed mind, that is most certainly an open one... More so than yours from what I have read.
c20H25N3o said:
M*W: Why must christians always say that we (others/atheists) don't "see god" because our heart and mind is "closed?"

It is not supposed to be an insult. You have written off even the idea of their being a Creator. You have closed your mind to the possibility. It is a statement of fact. You cant drink from a tap when you have turned the water mains off. I am suprised you take it as a disparaging remark. But then if you didn't you wouldn't be able to spit your disparaging remarks about a person's faith, accusing them of self deception in a haughty fashion as you like to do.

M*W: Atheists never stop questioning. Religionists never start asking.

Give yourself a pat on the back :rolleyes:
M*W: First, I didn't take it as an insult. You're reading something into my post that was not there. You assumed I was insulted. You are right. I don't believe in a creator god any longer, but I am open to the truth whatever it is. I continue to believe that atheists have open minds and religionists do not. Have you ever questioned the existence of a creator god? Have you ever considered that the god-myth has deceived people since the beginning of time?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: First, I didn't take it as an insult. You're reading something into my post that was not there. You assumed I was insulted.

Well I'm sorry if I read your post wrong. It sounded defensive so I assumed you were insulted. Perhaps incredulous or disbelieving would be better?

Medicine Woman said:
You are right. I don't believe in a creator god any longer, but I am open to the truth whatever it is.

Please understand that as a convicted Christian, that sentence sounds like the ultimate contradiction in terms to me. I wish you well nevertheless.

I continue to believe that atheists have open minds and religionists do not.

Believe whatever you want. As long as it makes you happy I guess.

Have you ever questioned the existence of a creator god? Have you ever considered that the god-myth has deceived people since the beginning of time?

Yes. Both before and after I became a Christian. I cannot begin to tell you all the horrible things that have happened to me since becoming a Christian. Real faith shattering stuff. Yes I've rallied against God by trying to unbelieve. Thankfully God sealed my belief in Him through the Holy Spirit which continued to convict me of God's love for me even through my most troubling, dark, hateful times. Because I desired truth, I was receptive to the convictions of the Holy Spirit. I now look back and thank God for guiding me through the darkest moments in my life.


God showed Himself to me when I asked with a tiny pinch of faith. I don't see why you cannot ask and see for yourself, unless your heart and mind is so closed to the idea that He will answer you?

Please remember, people like myself, Cris and others have done exactly that over many years but have seen/heard absolutely nothing.

So, in the interest of attempting to convince any of us, please explain exactly what it is you saw?

And please remember, try to explain so that your explanation actually does show that which can be demonstrated to not be conjured from ones imagination.

In other words, use the critical thinking skills of which I spoke.
c20H25N3o said:
Yes. Both before and after I became a Christian. I cannot begin to tell you all the horrible things that have happened to me since becoming a Christian. Real faith shattering stuff. Yes I've rallied against God by trying to unbelieve. Thankfully God sealed my belief in Him through the Holy Spirit which continued to convict me of God's love for me even through my most troubling, dark, hateful times. Because I desired truth, I was receptive to the convictions of the Holy Spirit. I now look back and thank God for guiding me through the darkest moments in my life.
M*W: My darkest times were when I was a christian. Then I realized, who needs a god like that?
The greatest trick the mind pulls is the invention of perfection. In other words the mind is actually trying to tell you that it itself is perfect since having the ability to recognize and create perfection, and if it is indeed perfect then everything you do and where ever you are should be perfect. Given the fact that perfection and even so somewhat comes from perfection, and no need to go towards perfection. Perfection is for the artist. Solidarity rules all.
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God showed Himself to me when I asked with a tiny pinch of faith.

Are you still working on explaining how he showed himself to you?
(Q) said:

God showed Himself to me when I asked with a tiny pinch of faith.

Are you still working on explaining how he showed himself to you?

No. I posted this back in May of 2004...

[click here]

It was my first introduction to getting an atheistic slap on these forums :)

In fact it was this thread that turned me on to sciforums properly.



I responded to your linked thread. It appears you had little more than a fainting spell in which you interpreted as gods revelations.

Its interesting that you would interpret it that way having nothing for comparison. I on the other hand found your explanation comparable to a fainting spell I once had myself as a result of too much sun and beer.

Was that my revelation and I missed it?
we are talking 'epiphany'?.......ote examples might be the in Blcak Gospel Church may speak about 'getting the spirit'...that when singing and dancing they can feel they are in trance and interpret tis biblically as receiving the 'Holy Spirit'........saw tis docu a while back. i was about this group of men who went to stay in a Benedictine Monastry, with te monks for a certain period of time

the men were a collection of types, an ex con, a wannab Buddhist, a dude who wasinto the porn industry. it was a fascinating series........anyway the porn dude claimed he had a mpment, where he turned onto 'God'...actually it was caught on camera. it happened whe he was talking with a really got the intense vibeof his experience through the TV screen..............i coul tell it was te intense communicaton between monk and this man....where silent pauses weren't avoided --a tey usually are in modern life

so, was it an epiphany? was it 'Christ talking to him'......i cant speak for him C20, ANYone. it is very arrogant to tell people what thyexperience cause exprience is very unique to the individual. but i'll share my thoughts about it all anyhow

i believew we all are capable of intense moments.......that can be got via various means. cold be the ones described above, including C20s experience. could be psychedelic, could be simply walking in Nature, or any chance event.......i spose it i the interpreation of an experience like this which is whati am talkin about............I would question an interpreation that hooksme to a belief system which believes in hellfie for te'sinners' as laid down by an 'all-luvin God'......!