The Facts....?

Petition to ban rippleofdeath from sciforums....

all your posts are stupidest things ive ever hear.... you talk about shit that is way off topic

your a fucken pest

groove on yall? did you hit your head on a wall? did you fall down the stairs at the mall?! i wanna hit you with a big metal ball!!
A Canadian

" i wanna hit you with a big metal ball!! "
you sound like you are about 17 - 20 years old.
and believe in hitting kids....?

and you are instigating violence towards me!

very sad!

so you do not believe in discusion...?
hence you state yourself as being a disfunctionaly violent person!
you have stated this in your last post.
you use swear words because you lack the diction and intellect to express your self with language.

i will add you to my ignore list!
that makes 2 now youve joined mystechs club!
nevermind! i wont even look at anymore of your posts and ignore all your replys to threads ... the same as i do with mystech!

congratulations! have you won something?
just a reminder of where it started!
The Facts....?

Fact 1: The Roswell Incident happened in early July 1947 in New Mexico. A craft crash-landed, and the wreckage was bundled away by the staff of Roswell Air Base

Fact 2: A UFO sighting occurs somewhere on the planet every three minutes

Fact 3: A poll in 1991 said that 4 million Americans believe they have been abducted

Click Here For Souce

What do you make of these "facts", the 3rd one is funny to me
oh no im on ignor, the world has ended for me

so sorry if you over anyalize every lil thing, and you respon with non sense dribble....

so your a little kid huh? that explains a hell of a lot

grow up a bit, take 4 years of education and call me in the morning

FYI: i did not threten you fool, it was meanly a joke to mock the stupid little "grove on all" bit you put on the end of your posts, so stop smoking all that weed and getta life
A Canadian, if you don't mind I'd direct you to my post which deals with the problem of ripleofdeath, feel free to make your own comments on it, if you see him as a problem.
wow.... somehow in the short space of two or three posts Visitor has opened everyones eyes to the 'facts'. We can now forget in any such silly thing as aliens and go back to preaching all about some big invisible dood who created the world in six days then needed a rest.

Visitor: You think you can discredit the whole of the Ufo/alien phenomenon with 2 meager assumptions? What a fool. You and i have spoken on the religion part of this forum.... By now i should have mentioned i've spent the last 17+ years studying unexplained phenomena. I can sit here and go through evidence that would keep you busy until the next millennium so don't think for one second you can wrap it all up in 30 seconds. The 'facts' of the matter are you have not sat down and studied intensely for most of your life and as such have no room to pass something off as instant fraud belief.

You will also be aware i'm a great lover of Sumerian writings.... 5,000 years ago the Sumerians explained about mortal space travellers who came to earth and explained things to them. Most of your bible stems from the sumerian writings. The Sumerians explained the cosmos with such detail. It is an undeniable fact that they couldn't have done so with their current technology. It is extremely pertninent evidence to suggest intelligent life out there somewhere. You have your bible- anything else is wrong, YOU alone are right. What a shallow and naive attitude to live by.

I'd love to discuss this stuff with anyone who is willing to but i will not sit by happily and listen to a raving idiot, (ripleofdeath), and a self righteous pompous asshole, (visitor).

We can investigate and search for answers. Nobody has the right to say: you are wrong.

I used to run a chatroom for alien abductees and people who had witnessed ufos/aliens. There were some bizarre claims but judgding them as wrong and instantly dismissing anything they say is pure ignorance.

Sightings of ufo's and aliens go back to the very roots of humanity. It is clearly mentioned in so many texts from all races and all eras. It has so much more evidence pertaining to it and more claims of witness sightings than any other phenomenon on the face of this planet. Can we simply ignore it?
im glad to see some people actully have something other than nonsense to say?
snakelord dont be offended if rippleofdeath put you on his ignor list too, LOL
i dont even think that rippleofdeath will be posting in here anymore, because i started the thread, so how will he know if anyone replyed, what a fool.
I'd love to discuss this stuff with anyone who is willing to but i will not sit by happily and listen to a raving idiot, (ripleofdeath), and a self righteous pompous asshole, (visitor). What a fool. You and i have spoken on the religion part of this forum.... By now i should have mentioned i've spent the last 17+ years studying unexplained phenomena.

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The lights are angels, or theophonic bodies of light, A theophany is a Word body...investigating angels come down for the judgement just before the destruction, just as they did in Sodom and Gomorah.....
The crafts are something else...high tech secret aircraft.
What.... you thought UFO's have to travel at night with their lights on.?......Right.
They are two different things.
I never denied the existance of ancient technology, even knowledge of space travel, ".Your the one says they were primatives in an "evolving state" That is the commonly accepted theory, I'm the one thats said they were practically immortals, beyond the need for technology,who started out perfect and fell, into death and confussion, as the bible states.
They had this kind of tech and beyond, before the flood...we couldn't build the pyramids today, and we've been to the moon. The scriptures say:
"As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the son of man". Just because you read a couple of my posts with your mind already closed shut like a drum, doesn't mean I put limits on what was possible, you did.

"No little green men.", no it's something much more sublime, so you can't even conceive it, you should not fear the one who can kill your body, beware of the one with whom you have to do, who has the power to kill body, spirit, and soul....Judgement's coming.
The Great and Dreadfull day of the Lord is at hand. Isa. 61, Mal. 4:5-6

I didn't come to my "conclusion" without weighing all sides of the mater....most of your sages, wise men and biblical collossus of the apostolic age took thirty years of deep dedication to come to maturity with a balance and a sense of justice between liberal and legal understanding even after they discovered wisdom and truth.
Jesus of the bible was 30 before He was received of God into "adoption" or put in charge of the Father's bussiness.
Such was also middle -eastern custom, at 30 the eldest son was judged either worthy to accept the family bussiness or not.
You talk of ancient culture being so primative they "couldn't have came to any inteligent conclusions on their own...." without E.T. help.

They were beyond genius, with ten of our lifespans to figure out spirital and material truths. Man has gotten weaker and dumber not wiser and smarter.
The little we do know now, is built upon the shoulders of giants, like Einstein. We only have 20-40 years as an adult before our senses begin to decline and we slip back as a child.
Ever read "Flowers for Algernon, or "Charlie - X", thats us....
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Please.......... that tells me how little you really know,and how much of the "lie" you have believed.

That's all anyone needs to hand your post over to the garbage disposal.

If you had have actually read the part in my post that said i didn't want to sit down and talk to pompous assholes like yourself we could have just avoided this whole thing. I assumed you were unable to read but then decided otherwise. After all you alone have the secret key. If you're that lucky i'm sure you can also be lucky enough to acquire a dictionary to look up the words pompous and asshole.

we'll keep the religious talk to the religious forum from now on eh?

But i now know the facts because you have been kind enough to tell me. Send my thanks to your secret key. Every ufo is down to angels and the US government. You've answered so much.
You really ought to do something about that nasty attitude you have, or that frown is going get stuck on your face....

Don't put words in people's mouth,
Try to form a form a coherent thought with your own.
Cutting people down to make yourself big in others eyes is an old trick, which everybody else sees......
The only person your yourself.
You really ought to do something about that nasty attitude you have, or that frown is going get stuck on your face....

I find my nasty attitude vanishes whenever im not in the company of pompous assholes. As for frowning- i'm a world of smiles.. only time i frown is when my pet cat poo's on the carpet.

Don't put words in people's mouth

I do not have supernatural powers. As such i can't make you say anything you don't want to. Anything you write by your own hand, (same as everyone else on the planet), is open to debate and interpretation. If something is interpreted in a manner you don't agree with consider rephrasing your original quote.

However when you say all lights in the sky are angels and all strange craft are secret government planes its hard to interpret that in many ways.

Try to form a form a coherent thought with your own.

If you don't find my writing coherent i suggest you take up extra english lessons. I'm full of thoughts but you'll never hear them if you spend all your time running around claiming everyone else is wrong, you are right. I don't care if my thoughts are right or wrong, whereas you seem to take it all as a big competition that you've already won without even considering other points of view.

Cutting people down to make yourself big in others eyes is an old trick, which everybody else sees......

Several thoughts.. (coherent)..

A) Pot calling the kettle black
B) When have i ever cut you down? I called you a pompous asshole, agreed, but that's merely my coherent thought about you from what you write. maybe quotes like: "that tells me how little you really know,and how much of the "lie" you have believed." show what a pompous, self righteous asshole you really are. As such i thought i'd point it out for you.
C) Big in others eyes? This is a discussion forum. Everyone learns from everyone, there is no competition, no matter what you believe. The majority read posts- agree/disagree etc, you on the other hand claim everyone else as being told lies and that they know nothing. You're not here to learn, you're here to compete and attempt to show you have knowledge above all others.

The only person your yourself.

Obviously i am. You alone know everything and hold the secret key to truth so who am i to disagree? Did i ever tell you you're exceptionally funny?
Did i ever tell you you're exceptionally funny?

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I do not have a sense of humor that I am aware of.:(

Just kidding:D