The Facts....?

you still arnt making any sense rippleofdeath....

your answering questions which no one has ask....
your making up a buncha garbage that has nothing to do with anything...

your talking about art.... we already gone over there was aliens portayed in cave paintings.... why are you still going on about it.... i dont even know why the topic was brought up... some how you brought it up... somehow...

your making no sense what so ever....
ask anyone....

my original post was something i found on a web site.... and then you say i should do more research or some bull shit.... ok.... that makes sense considering i didnt come up with it... i just posted a "quote" from a website.....

you say and i quote: ""A Canadian...
i suggest you do a little investigation of cave drawings!!!
and then some cross references.
good luck.
THINK HARD ABOUT WHAT YOU SAID....... JUST THINK ABOUT IT... please tell me how cave paintings "randomly" poped into your head.... telling me to do a cross refrence??? ON WHAT?! i quoted a statistic!!!! why should i be doing corss refences? cave drawings.... honestly can someone tell me how he came up with saying this out of the blue....

fuck man... i cant explain it... your a idiot... your brains fried... you hear what you wanna hear........
GOD im soo pissed.... this dumbass is making no sense!!! anyone agree....????

im at a loss for words..... i really am....

and who are you to correct my spelling??
pobody nerfect!!
The Facts....?

Fact 1: The Roswell Incident happened in early July 1947 in New Mexico. A craft crash-landed, and the wreckage was bundled away by the staff of Roswell Air Base

Fact 2: A UFO sighting occurs somewhere on the planet every three minutes

Fact 3: A poll in 1991 said that 4 million Americans believe they have been abducted

Click Here For Souce

What do you make of these "facts", the 3rd one is funny to me

report | quote | edit | 01-09-03 at 10:00 AM
Interestingly enough,
In time magzine it was published that around 4 million people believed in UFOs more than GOD.
A Canadian

i do....

but then again time magazine also said weed shrinks your jhonson...
so lets get this strait so every one understands ...
you believe in the idea of aliens...
you believe in unidentified flying objects???
you dont believe they have abducted anyone???
-it sounds like a fishing expedition to me!
why not give a clear distinction of your own personal view and ask questions that relate to what you wish to discuss???
if you throw the floor open then chastise people for adding to the journey...
it would be a logical deduction you are in fact and athiest who does not believe in aliens,-pertaining to the pilots-of-U.F.Os

your need to show aggresion in your posts gave me a small LOL
which was instead of crying!

if you wish to argue with people i suggest you clearly state your
biggotry and then invite vealots to chastise you.
good luck.

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above
if your keen to learn openmindedness
give your study a shove,
not only with books
no blinkers drawn
but motivation will
need to spawn.
airy fairy
wafty wind
a floating blade
you wait to pin
upon the chest
that does invest
an interest in what your've spawned.
be the accountable parent!

spellcheck-smell check!

i belive in aliens or ETs as i rather call them, and i belive in UFOs highly, be it man made or not of this world or natural occuring phenomon. i in no way said i didnt think ETs existed...

as for abductions... i do not belive 4 million poeple in america have been actully abducted.... IF aliens did abduct us im sure it be 0.000034% of the worlds population..... poeple will come up with anything for attention you know....
as for calling me an athiest... which means your anti religion basicly.... i dunno how you come up with that... religion has not even been discussed in this thread yet... so you have nothing to judge me about that issue. i simply said that i for one belive in aliens more than "God".... "GOD" or NOT, for all you know i might belive in a differnt religion.... and there all not called GOD ya know. heck, for all we know aliens could be our GODs

the time magazine quote by the way.. i was simplying poking fun at the storys that they print some times

stop trying Analyze every little thing i say

FYI: stop trying turn it around and make me look bad and just admit your posts made no sense, and no one could understand the point you where trying get across but you. ill run with this till the end of time ;), its the only thread ive been visisting on sciforums for a couple months now... i getta email everytime someone replys, so what the hell, while im downloading music and mostly hoaxed UFO fotage off the net, i can respon to the thread :D

"the path to enlightenment is thur the mouth"
I am 97.86495% sure the roswell incident occured.
If you have seen the eyewitness accounts and heard their stories you will know what I mean.


Roswell is near white sands missile testing range.....OK
In 1947, The first american jet bomber, the B-47, was still in prototype testing, and 5 years from production. There were no ICBM's and nuclear weapons had to be delivered with prop. driven bombers that were slow and vulnerable.

Vaunbran, (the German who developed the V-2, and the Saturn 5, for the apollo moon launch, 20 years later) was working with American rocket scientists in the development of an american version of the V-2 rocket to carry the atomic bomb.

They needed to modify the range capabilities, and they needed a guidance system to make it an ICBM.

As a mater of national security, until a suitable guidance system was developed they considered manned flights - kamikazi style, and a cockpit with manuel guidance controls was designed.

They tested this using trained monkeys, and when one came down and burned near Roswell, the "Saucer Story" was the perfect cover.

Sorry guys...the little green men were burnt monkeys.

This is the most plausible theory, since I do believe in "UFO's"
but they are celestial beings of light, (angels, pillars of fire) and not aliens with ships.
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theres MANY storys surronding area 51....
i heard area 51 is just a decoy and the real man made UFO testing area is furthing out in the desert not too far from the actual area 51.... some guy claimed to have worke there on one of them UFO documentys...

storys get twisted around alot over time... guess well never know what really happened

FYI: alien autopsy video that they shown on TV long time agoand was hosted by that tool from star trek.....

that shit is sooooooo FAKE
A Canadian

my Quote...
it would be a logical deduction you are in fact and athiest who does not believe in aliens,-pertaining to the pilots-of-U.F.Os
(oops quoting myself cant be good ) :(

i was mearly using logic to try to understand your perspective.

i assumed that the term "athiest" meant to not believe
in god and to not believe in no god.

to be at a point of deciding to not choose either way.
i think people should believe in any type of god (or no god)
as they choose....
as long as they put the welfare of their family and neighbours before greed/money/lust/ blah blah and all that nasty stuff.

keep groovin :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.

uhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......right.... understanding my perspective...........

no comment
the real man made UFO


Popular science a few years ago had a ship on it's front cover....
It read UFO's from the 1940's....Made in Japan?

It had blueprints of japanese and american military aircraft ....
Jet powered saucers in full protype development the 1940's

The american version was not powerfull enough to be practical as an aircraft, but after all that work in development it did work within "ground effect" range and they ended up using that very design on american military hovercraft.....(all-terrian boats, that float ten feet above the ground with a skirt around the edges)

True story.....
heyya :)

just a funny question i had...
how do you marry jet propulsion with geometric ground effect???
or fully air bourn... the efficientcy would be out the window...
don't that kinda mean ...
well something is seriously a-miss!

the dynamic of the basic physics equation just doesnt seem to work!... at least in my crazzy brain.

any clues on that ?

groove on all :)
A Canadian... quote...
FYI: alien autopsy video that they shown on TV long time agoand was hosted by that tool from star trek.....

that shit is sooooooo FAKE

compared to what?

groove on all :)
compared to all the other hoaxes out there.....

why should i have to compare it to something...........?

that alien autopsy is as fake as that "pre 9/11 UFO upclose..."
i dont think poeple realized that pre 9/11 fotage was a comerical...............................
Originally posted by TheVisitor

This is the most plausible theory, since I do believe in "UFO's"
but they are celestial beings of light, (angels, pillars of fire) and not aliens with ships.

Why do you think you have enough information to say what UFOs are?

Why do you think you have enough information to say what UFOs are?

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Did I use the word "think"......

Check again.

It was Popular Mechanics,.....not Science
and the artical's been updated......there were several saucer shaped craft under development...........Lockeed has a patent on one design to carry passingers ...from the 1950's.....
But read on about the other designs - Nuclear powered orbital launch platforms.......First strike weapons, developed by the same Nazi-American scientist's that created our ICBM's......................

This is from Popular Mechanics

In our July 1997 cover story, "Roswell Plus 50," POPULAR MECHANICS detailed how Air Force interest in duplicating Nazi technology led to two American flying disc projects. Project Silver Bug sought to build a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. Project Pye Wacket was to create small discs for use as air-to-air missiles. Documents declassified since then point to a third secret project, a 40-ft. "flying saucer" designed to rain nuclear destruction on the Soviet Union from 300 miles in space.

Contrary to UFO literature, which claims the Germans were attempting to reverse-engineer a crashed alien vehicle of their own, these documents show a more practical reason for interest in saucers: They could take off without runways. Months of around-the-clock bombing by the allies had reduced German runways to rubble

Anticipating that the first generation of communist atomic bombs would be as heavy as those America had dropped on Japan, it seemed reasonable to U.S. defense planners that the Soviet air force, which then lacked a nuclear bomber, would try to adapt German disc technology. The United States was, after all, doing exactly the same thing with the V-2s and Nazi rocket scientists it had spirited away in Operation Paper Clip.

"Operation Paperclip" was the code name for one of the Second World War's most secret and ethically controversial projects. Its mission was to put former Nazi scientists and engineers on the U.S. payroll. The American public knew the secret of Los Alamos weeks after the first atomic bomb exploded. They would not be told of Paperclip until after men landed on the Moon, an event made possible by Paperclip rocket scientists.

America's nuclear flying saucer

The official designation for America's nuclear flying saucer was the Lenticular Reentry Vehicle (LRV). From 300 miles in space the LRV would be able to rain nuclear destruction on the Soviet Union, Red China and North Korea. It was designed by engineers at the Los Angeles Division of North American Aviation, under a contract with the U.S. Air Force. The project was managed out of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, in Dayton, Ohio, where German engineers who had worked on rocket plane and flying disc technology had been resettled

The LRV escaped public scrutiny because it was hidden away as one of the Pentagon's so-called "black budget" items—that is, a secret project that is incorporated into some piece of nonclassified work. On Dec. 12, 1962, security officers at Wright-Patterson classified the LRV as secret because: "It describes an offensive weapon system." The project remained classified until May 1999, when a congressionally mandated review of old documents changed the project's status as a government secret, downgrading it to public information. The Department of Defense did, however, successfully seek to have the document's distribution restricted to defense contractors. PM obtained its copy as the result of a Freedom of Information Act request.

The Air Force acknowledges the Germans were working on a flying-disc craft, but says it was inherently unstable. Officials point to the failed Avro flying car built for the Army and a deteriorating plywood Horten wing, both on display in museums.

Declassified records obtained by PM in the course of its investigation suggest that these marginally performing craft were, in fact, shills intended to disguise the existence of more formidable flying machines. One of the most potent of these flying discs was developed under a secret program called Project Pye Wacket. Its objective was to design a 5-ft.-dia. liquid-fueled missile launch platform to protect U.S. bombers penetrating Soviet airspace.

In the end, the military would select conventionally shaped planes and missiles. As for the Horten flying disc that the Reich had hoped would turn the tide of battle, patent rights to a remarkably similar craft configured to carry "passengers" would be assigned to the Lockheed aircraft company. A cutaway diagram of this unusual craft appears on the top of this page.

Despite this information, the possibility that the object that crashed at Roswell was in fact one of the Horten brothers' creations misses the mark on two important details. The craft that Kaufmann claims to have helped recover was not round, but as his sketches showed, a lifting body. Also, he claims there was no fire damage, a virtual impossibility in the crash of a jet-powered aircraft.

A Japanese UFO

As our investigation neared its close, PM was alerted to a forthcoming release of documents that may fill in these two missing pieces of the Roswell puzzle. They may also explain two other curiosities: the presence of the crisscrossed radar-deflecting pattern on the bottom of the Roswell craft, and–to the consternation of those who seek an unearthly explanation for Roswell–the origin of the "dead aliens" who have so often been described as having Oriental features.

PM has been told that the documents scheduled for future release will tell of a Japanese counterpart to Operation Paperclip. One of its purposes was to determine if the Japanese had constructed a suicide-piloted version of the Fugo incendiary bomb.

Fifty years after the fact, the questions about Roswell still ring loud and clear. Our investigation leads us to believe the explanations that require an extraterrestrial presence, while possible, are nevertheless highly implausible. We're putting our money on a flying disc labeled "Made In Japan."

Those German's were ahead of their time, I've seen blueprints of BMW's 1940's military jet designs - No wonder they banned 'em from making aircraft......................
But in the end I said - no little green men.
This machinery was ours, from the 1947 crash on...

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i think that man made UFOs have already been made

cept they arnt perfected yet, so they wont tell anyone what they are really up too.

as far as we know there using thoes UFOs in Iraq right now...
some guy will be like "omg aliens!! dont shoot at it man we dont wanna start war with a far superiour life form!" then 15 rockets will fly right up there ass, destorying any wistness of the acount...

sneak attack ;)

who knows mabey its just me

with technoligy progressing SO FAST now a days and all the fucked up secrets..... i say there is a 50/50 % of man made UFOs and Actual ET visitors crusin around...

come on this is earth, what alien wouldnt wanna visit here :)

i bet you that since the war is on now, more UFOs are comming to earth to check out the action, so everyone KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN :p

thanks for the artical TheVisitor!!
heyya all :)

nice post :)

you can clasify this information in the day dream book...
unlocked technology dating back thousands of years...
roseta stone is more than we are told... as such
the germans (ww2)
had some realy freaky frankenstien type doctors who are all
absorbed by the allied forces.
nuclear science is just a basic evolution.
wave harmonics .. Rocks! :D
certain organisations have pilotless drones that can move very quickly and in all directions.
===most often assumed as ufo's>for the protection of top secret military sites...
and can attack and kill people.
levels of clasified documents that would not be distributed to anyone... regardless of official laws of disclosure.
half truths mixed with designed to fail technology to soak up
investment money.

now that weapons and genral medical technology is out of the hands of the governments in genral.
most technology is owened by greedy people who will do almost anything to make profit.
- and consequently many empires are built on these systems
and so entire communitys are sitting on top of a system that is corrupt, .. regardless of what country or religion.
it is the closely aproaching epetath of this civilisation.

lets hope that all the storys about aliens is not too far wrong, on the basis that some one might have a glimmer of hope.

groove on all :)

peace light truth love
the path tothat we hold above
I still just don't understand the idea that making money is immoral.
half truths mixed with designed to fail technology to soak up
investment money.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

This is a fact.

I've read reports that state all or most Black-budget projects have a "white world" or unclassifed counterpart, that almost always proceeds thru to testing and development stage.....
But then at the last moment for some reason (..I.E. imature technology) or buget cuts ect... it gets canceled.

A perfect example of this recently was the Nasa X-33 lockeed VentureStar project.

Meant to be developed and produced as a Space-Shuttle replacement, I followed it's development through the 90's while working for Boeing.

In 2001 with the X-33 prototype 90% completed, the Aero-spike external combustion "pulse ignition" rocket engines tested, and aproved for sites already contracted to be built. The Congress oversight committee cancels the whole thing...for cost overruns and "imature technology".......

The VentureStar project was being produced at Lockeed's Skunk works facilty, which has plenty of experiance working on black air-force projects....but never before was it used to creat a civilian space system.

We may be blind, but we still have that "heightened sense of smell" ........and something about that set-up ....STINKS !!!

By now we can be sure the Air-Force has it's fleet of Military Space Planes.....there's still a paper trail of finacial records indicating they started production and/are producing a fleet of them.

The above link is an old VentureStar site that shows how it was supposed to be our next Space-Shuttle replacement.

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Um, ok. That kind of came out of nowhere, but thanks for the insight.
heyya all :)

or (was it lockhead or boing that just lost the contract for the new U.N fighters?)
if so maybe someone refused to "go down on the reception desk"
with someone?
funny to think how the ego of one might starve to death thousands of people!

LOL (instead of crying)

the tax payers are funding it through the triagle of illegal drug use
still better they spend it on that than on some seriousely "hard out" psychopath.... i guess.
must be the biggest "case" i can think of for legalising all drugs for people over 20 years old.
(including nicotine and ahlcahol)
who needs brain dead children?
im sure more would choose not to use with an open window policy on "junky facilities".
its always expected of the children to break the laws to be considered "normal" :confused:
... just like sports people!... in practice/in media/=perception
nothing like a cheating bad looser to be coveted by your kids!
...poor kids!

groove on all