The Facts....?

A Canadian

Why talk? When you can listen?
Registered Senior Member

Fact 1: The Roswell Incident happened in early July 1947 in New Mexico. A craft crash-landed, and the wreckage was bundled away by the staff of Roswell Air Base

Fact 2: A UFO sighting occurs somewhere on the planet every three minutes

Fact 3: A poll in 1991 said that 4 million Americans believe they have been abducted

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What do you make of these "facts", the 3rd one is funny to me :D


3: AMERICANZ KICK ASS. no wait.......
Originally posted by A Canadian

Fact 3: A poll in 1991 said that 4 million Americans believe they have been abducted

Click Here For Souce

What do you make of these "facts", the 3rd one is funny to me :D

why dog? why is it funny?
after all i am typing this from the mothership! i am on my 333rd day of abduction and gained internet privileges after agreeing to be a sexual receptacle for the kitchen staff. it is strange but i am getting used to it! hark! they are screeching for me i must go!

ps: tell mom i love her!
Mmmm, freaky alien sex. Why do they never visit me with their anal probes on those lonely nights?
LoL.. anal probe? is that what you like? thats a "little" kinky.. I prefer to be the probee, and it ain't anal I like!
Interestingly enough,
In time magzine it was published that around 4 million people believed in UFOs more than GOD.

thanks for your time.

i do....

but then again time magazine also said weed shrinks your jhonson...
heyya all

yo mystech
its obviouse you like the idea so they dont want to plesure you knowing your a sadomachicist they allow you to enjoy the torture of not being abducted :D :p :D

why are soo many self proclaimed hetrosexual males talking about anal sex all the time???
very curiouse concept!!!

the reality ... well you can pay me money to find that out i aint giving free advice to people who believe in capitalistic suvival of the fittest!!!

A Canadian
i am surprised you did not mention the south africans or the russians or the brittish or the isreal's or the chineese...
i have read substantial material that documents the capture and
interaction in many countrys...
its just a matter of what they need and who is going to sell it to them the cheepest i guess
i hope im wrong on that one.
if they just want to get home i would be a little nervouse as to what they might "give up"...
but thats well out of my hands, and its all based on other peoples perceptions and beliefes , considering i have never personaly met an alien.
except when i check my hair in the mirror prior to going out :/ :D
*disfunctional self esteem is too easy for a joke!

groove on all
I am 97.86495% sure the roswell incident occured.
If you have seen the eyewitness accounts and heard their stories you will know what I mean.
Originally posted by ripleofdeath

A Canadian
i am surprised you did not mention the south africans or the russians or the brittish or the isreal's or the chineese...

click on the source... i didnt write the article

but i would like to see a chart on UFO sightings/areas of the earth/per population etc etc etc

i bet the rates will be higher in places with TV :D
heyya all :)

A Canadian...
i suggest you do a little investigation of cave drawings!!!
and then some cross references.
good luck.

keep grooving all
peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.
Urm cave drawings almost always depicted nothing but animals, the human figure never started showing up in art until after people started building perminant structures.

That is, if you're trying to imply that aliens are in cave paintings, you're a little vague here.
Yes to a certain degree, that's undenyable. What does that have to do with anything, though, Ripple of Death? Please try to write in complete ideas :p
Originally posted by ripleofdeath
heyya all :)

A Canadian...
i suggest you do a little investigation of cave drawings!!!
and then some cross references.
good luck.

what does that have to do with anything?
im not saying aliens dont exist, and i know aliens have been depicted in cave drawings, religions, etc etc....

im talking about this century pal....
Originally posted by ripleofdeath
why are soo many self proclaimed hetrosexual males talking about anal sex all the time???

more hetero- than homosexual couples (percentage) engage in anal sex. i know it's true but i'm too lazy right now to find a source.
heyya all :)

thanx for that :D
unfortunatly there is also another bigger problem and that is, that homosexuals (majority up to this date) seem to think its nessecary to walk around infront of children talking about sex all the time and trying to tell people what they get up to in bed!

= hence, ... they are sexualy disfunctional...

just as much as a hetrosexual person who might continuosly
revert conversations to sex (often anal) i hope this is R18 :eek:
or refering to the nature of reference to felic art(perception).

A Canadian ...
ok so you say you are open-minded...
how do we make ... ART, as you may refer to it in this century...???
computers?/books(how many religions have had book burnings...dictators included?
look at how much art was destroyed in the
second world war!!!???
AND here's the best part!!!
what type of ART do you tell your children is acceptable... generating...
come-on please try and widen your radar.

peace light truth love
is anyone getting it yet
or do you need a shove? :D (thats psychological not physical)

keep groovin all :)

you posts make absoultly no sense what so ever....

you respond to topics that havnt even been brought up!!

you seem to be trying start your own topic in my thread

i said: """what does that have to do with anything?
im not saying aliens dont exist, and i know aliens have been depicted in cave drawings, religions, etc etc....

im talking about this century pal...."""

and you go and say """how do we make ... ART, as you may refer to it in this century...???
computers?/books(how many religions have had book burnings...dictators included?
look at how much art was destroyed in the
second world war!!!???
AND here's the best part!!!
what type of ART do you tell your children is acceptable... generating...
come-on please try and widen your radar. """"

we are not talking about art... or war... or money... dictators....

stop smoking cockroachs off the fuking floor and go start your own thread on ART... cuase you aint making a lick of sense in here...

and how the hell did this turn into a topic of homosexuals... oh wait never mind... it was cuase of more of rippleofdeath's sensless dribble! if your trying sound smart... it sure as hell isnt working
Ok, I realize that it's wrong of me to follow the train wreck that is Rippleofdeath, but I just HAVE to make this one post. I promise I'll keep it at only one, and won't chase after RoD off into his magical fairyland of off topicness, in this thread any more. So without further adue:

Ripple of death, what planet have you been living on? You're making violently abusive claims and showing yourself as a bigot, my advice to you would be to stay away from children, you'd have a very bad influence on them, and I don't mean just from the fumes and residue of whatever it is that you're smoking which I'm sure hangs in the air around you at all times. Your brain is diseased, either learn how to think and write before you post here, or just go away and don't bother coming back, we don't want to hear it.

Thank you, that is all.
the canadian
you do you intentionaly miss spell my handle?
not a big thing just wondering if it is a meaning of some sort.

and if you can just try to be openminded to the point of not condemming people and points of view before you have seen the response...
or just because you do not understand it(a theory which would result in calling all advanced scientist morons... do you understand that point?)

ill break it down into smaller bites for you

we have many ways of recording things that we percieve...
from an idea of what we want our garden to look like to how we record scietific facts. .. following so far???

the way we record this information is decided by the intellect
and barriers/biggotory/Fears that has been intilled by disfunctional (mystech) and or functional parents.
this choice to record this information is up the the one doing the recording.....
hence choice hence art!
soo simple its scary for most people to realise the choices that they say they are victimised by...
ill leave it there unless some more disfunctional people might
try to hurt others to prove this theory wrong....
my heart goes out to those who are perverted by fears brought into the live sof others like mystech conssistantly doing..
i fear his daughters may seek a shallow materialist dominearing husband who will eventualy cause greater harm than repair.

what a messed up world we live in.
you are art by the freedom of choices you choose to use and communicate to others.
soo simple!
yet soo scary to most

groove on all :)
peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above