The Essentials of Islam

One point to clarify since it is very different from other religions: There is no hierarchical clerical authority in Islam, no Church, no Pope, no priests or ministers. Prayers are led by any learned person who knows the Qur'an and is chosen by the congregation. Imams or clerics are not "holy".
I don't think this actually distinguishes Islam from Judaism. A rabbi is not a holy man, merely a learned person who knows the scriptures and is chosen by the congregation. The essence of a rabbi is to be a teacher, not a priest.
I don't think this actually distinguishes Islam from Judaism. A rabbi is not a holy man, merely a learned person who knows the scriptures and is chosen by the congregation. The essence of a rabbi is to be a teacher, not a priest.

Thanks I'm not very familiar with the structure of Judaism.
“Islam Empire of faith” is a very good movie show to see. Short and from educated bias sources (Americans). It was very difficult to cover such a long period but I guess it was fair enough. Watch it, it is really a good one.
The 12 minute short movie, "Submission" release in Holland prompted the brutal murder of its director, Theo van Gogh by a local Muslim. The movie depicts beatings of Muslim women from their 'peace loving' husbands. The movie itself was written by a Muslim women, Hirsi Ali, who quotes:

"If you're a Muslim woman and you read the Koran, and you read in there that you should be raped if you say 'no' to your husband, that is offensive. And that is insulting."
Over the weekend I had the pleasure of attending an Arab wedding at my country club, this is significant as it had been my third Muslim wedding.

American's are very peacufull but I am allways amazed how well everyone get's along/
The five pillars of Islam:

1. Shahadah, the Testimony of Faith

The shahadah is the Islamic creed. It means "to testify" or "to bear witness" in Arabic. The shahadah is the Muslim declaration of belief in the oneness of God and in Muhammad as his final prophet. Recitation of the shahadah is considered one of the Five Pillars of Islam by Sunni Muslims.

2. Salāt, prayer

Prayer is a requirement upon Muslims five times a day. These five prayers are called Fard or obligatory prayers. The time for these prayers are during set times in the day.

Fajr (Approximately an hour and a half before sunrise) Dhuhr (Just after high noon) Asr (Mid afternoon) Maghrib (Just after sunset) Isha'a (Approximately an hour and a half after sunset)

Before prayer can be preformed, the person must be ritually clean. This cleaning is called Wudu. It must be done if the person has gone to the bathroom, passed gas, vomited, or bled. A more thorough, full-body ablution (ghusl) is required after sexual contact, and is recommended before Friday prayers (Jummu'a)

The salat must be performed in the Arabic language, the language of the Qur'an. During prayer, the person prostrates and kneels in the direction of the Ka‘bah in Mecca. The session ends with looking right and left to say "As-salaamu 'alaykum", or peace be unto you.

3. Siyam, fasting on Ramadan

Observance of the sawm (fasting), or siyam, involves abstinence from eating, drinking, smoking, sexual intercourse, unruly thoughts, and other forms of worldly pleasure. This fasting is ordained in the Qur'an, and is observed by devout Muslims throughout the daylight hours of the 29 or 30 days of the lunar month of Ramadan. There are some exceptions, for example for children, pregnant women and sick Muslims. Children do not have to fast until puberty. In addition, women on their menstrual cycle do not have to fast either.

As well as fasting, Muslims spend more time praying during this period. Sawm is intended to teaammad to be his Prophet.

4. Zakāt, the paying of alms

Zakat means both purification and growth. Each Muslim calculates his or her own. It is some sort of tax.

Zakāt is 2.5% of a Muslim's net worth or value of their holdings, not just his/her earnings.

5. Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca

Anyone who is Muslim can perform the hajj, regardless of where they are from. Muslims must perform this pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime if affordable.

During the Hajj the Muslims recall what happened to important people in their history. Muslim and Western researches trace these traditions to Muhammads own performance of the Hajj. It is a way for Muslims to commemorate Muslims actions.

What does Islam say about non-believers?

The disbelievers:

Other verses about disbelievers:
Surely We have revealed to you [O Muhammad!] the Book for the people with truth; so whoever follows the right way, it is for his own soul, and whoever goes astray, he goes astray only to its detriment; and you have not been put in charge of them (39.41).

Whoever obeys the Messenger, he has indeed obeyed Allah; and as for he who turns away, We have not sent you [O Muhammad!] as a keeper over them (4.80).

Therefore do [O Muhammad!] remind [with the Message that We revealed to you], for you are only a reminder (88.21). You are not a controller over them (88.22).

We know best what they say [about Our revelation to you, O Muhammad!], and you are not to be a dictator over them. Therefore, remind by the Qur'an he who fears My threat (50.45).

But if they turn away, then We have not sent you [O Muhammad!] as a keeper over them; only deliverance [of the Message] is your duty (from 42.48).

And if you [O disbelievers!] deny [the truth], then nations before you did indeed deny [the truth]; and nothing is incumbent on the Messenger other than plain deliverance [of the Message] (29.18).

Call [O Muhammad!] to the way of your Lord with Wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with them in the best manner; surely your Lord best knows those who go astray from His path, and He best knows those who follow the right way (16.125).
See what has happened to nations where Islam has become a dominant force, no freedom of religion, those who leave Islam are killed, they have pathetic economies, their women are treated like dogs, on and on, there is no freedom in Islam, just bowing to the whims of its leaders, based upon what the Koran says, look and see what such has caused.
See what has happened to nations where Islam has become a dominant force, no freedom of religion, those who leave Islam are killed, they have pathetic economies, their women are treated like dogs, on and on, there is no freedom in Islam, just bowing to the whims of its leaders, based upon what the Koran says, look and see what such has caused.
You can say exactly the same thing about Christianity up until the Enlightenment. Islam was founded about 600 years later than Christianity. It has been said that Islam has been tracking the evolution of Christianity very closely, just half a millennium behind it. Perhaps you will live to see the Islamic Enlightenment.
"Islam" means submission.

True, but Islam is derived from an Arabic rootword carrying a meaning of peace.

The question is how do Muslims define 'peace' and how do they keep it? Historically, by not submitting to Allah, there can be no peace.