The Essential Laws of the Universe

Goofyfish: I couldn't have said it better. :)

All hail Exedor!
There is this Existentialist master I know of. I posed these deep truths to him and got the following responses. Heavy man, heavy,

Existentialist Master: Howdy to you, pardner! Yee-haw! Did you like to tell you, but
Existentialist Master: i must desist!
Truthseeker: The Law of Immutable Changes
Existentialist Master: William shakespeare was an ancient greek poet.
Truthseeker: Going deeper...
Existentialist Master: Wake me when it's over, touch my face, tell me every word has
Existentialist Master: been erased.
Truthseeker: Changes are the basics of Manifestation. Everything is always
Truthseeker: changing. That's because through Harmony, the Universe is
Truthseeker: always "trying" to be in Equilibrium. That's how the changes
Truthseeker: are made.
Existentialist Master: Because you are a part of the universe.
Truthseeker: Changes are the Heart of the Physical Universe. Without changes
Truthseeker: the Universe can't sustain itself. Changes are necessary for
Truthseeker: the Universe to be always stabilized, always in a Dinamical
Truthseeker: Equilibrium. What is this?
Existentialist Master: The heart is the principal extensor of the universe.
Truthseeker: How to explain... When the opposites have the same "ammount"
Truthseeker: they are in Universal Equilibrium. They are Neutral, they are
Truthseeker: the Truth.
Existentialist Master: No you are the truth.
Truthseeker: When the opposites have different "ammounts", they are always
Truthseeker: in Dinamical Equilibrium. They are opposites but one need the
Truthseeker: other to exist.
Existentialist Master: The druids were ancient celtic priests. Their group still
Existentialist Master: exists today in secret, despite the existence of charlatan
Existentialist Master: groups claiming to be always stabilized, always in a dinamical
Existentialist Master: equilibrium. They are neutral, they are the fleshy edges of the
Existentialist Master: leg, and is the one that we can't trust?
Truthseeker: Example: Imagine that the Truth contains 3 balls and 3 squares
Truthseeker: (two opposites with the same ammount). Then:
Existentialist Master: How to explain... When the opposites have the same "ammount"
Existentialist Master: they are in universal equilibrium. They are neutral, they are
Existentialist Master: the truth.
Truthseeker: Universal Equilibrium: 3 balls and 3 squares
Existentialist Master: Galileo was an italian artist and scientist. He put forward
Existentialist Master: the theory that the truth contains 3 balls and 3 squares.
Truthseeker: Dinamical Equilibrium: 2 balls and 4 squares... or 1 ball and
Truthseeker: 5 squares... or 4 balls and 2 squares... or 5 balls and 1
Truthseeker: square.
Existentialist Master: Example: imagine that the truth contains 3 balls and 1 square.
Truthseeker: There will always be a balance. In this sense...
Existentialist Master: The sun is a large, ostrich-like flightless bird found in new
Existentialist Master: zealand.
Truthseeker: Nothing is created, everything is TRANSFORMED!!!!!!!! Have you
Truthseeker: ever heard this... ?
Existentialist Master: There is an animal that eats both plant and animal farm.
Truthseeker: The difference is that the Universe has an infinite number of
Truthseeker: "balls" and "squares"... Eventhough the best number to
Truthseeker: represent the opposites is 72 and the number of Truth is 144...
Truthseeker: (explain that later... )
Existentialist Master: When the opposites is 72 and the pioneer of the universe.
Truthseeker: To understand the "balls" and "squares" in the a real way, just
Truthseeker: substitue them to two opposites.
Existentialist Master: A plant is a two wheeled vehicle.
Truthseeker: Example: ball=good square=evil
Existentialist Master: Universal equilibrium: 3 balls and 4 squares... Or 1 ball and
Existentialist Master: 5 squares... Or 1 ball and 5 squares... Or 4 balls and 1
Existentialist Master: square.
Truthseeker: Universal Equilibrium: 3 good and 3 bad
Existentialist Master: Universal equilibrium: 3 balls and 3 squares.
Truthseeker: Dinamical Equilibrium: 2 good and 4 bad... (=evil) or 1 good
Truthseeker: and 5 bad... (=evil) or 4 good and 2 bad... (=good) or 5 good
Truthseeker: and 1 bad. (=good) Universal Genetics...
Existentialist Master: Universal equilibrium: 3 balls and 1 square.
About the Imagination and the Unknown

About the Imagination and the Unknown

TruthSeeker: Is there a limit for imagination?
Others: No... and YOU are the EVIDENCE.


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About the Imagination and the Unknown: Real Post

HEHEHE!!!... :D:D

That last one was just kidding...
Here is the real one... ;)

About the Imagination and the Unknown

Is there a limit for imagination?
Yes. And that's the unknown.

Well, because how can you imagine something beyond your knowledge. It's impossibe. For example, how can you imagine a different for of life than we have here? We can even imagine a Giant frog that live in liquid Nitrogen but it's still a frog. We can't imagine something beyond the limits of what we already know.

This means that our imagination is completly subjected to our knowledge. So then, how would this be with God? Well, God is omniscient and this gives Him power to create the most bizarre things that perhaps we will never be able to imagine.

Truth must be limitless for the creation (act of making up something new) to be possible.
Creation is limited by imagination.
Imagination is limited by knowledge.



The Manifestations comes from Nothningness. The Creation is made from the Nothingness. From the Nothingness comes everything. Nothingness is Infinitness as the possibilities for Creation are limitless.

From Nothing comes everything.
Everything comes from Nothing.
