The Essential Laws of the Universe

No, Tyler.
It is just to simple for you to understand.


If the fish analogy doesn't work for you, don't use it...

No Nelson, the problem is that it's a falsehood!!!!!

A fish doesn't know it's in the ocean because it doesn't have the comprehension abilities (like it is actually IMPOSSIBLE for a fish to know it).

You're saying that humans don't know their in Love because they simply dont realize it. And seeing as you, oh wise one, are able to understand everything - it either means you are superhuman (in which case, the anallogy works perfectly) or humans are all capable of grasping the 'ocean of Love' (and the anallogy is useless because there's a very big difference between the two compared situations).
Is thought this was the random word association thread?

That which is not dead eternal lies and in strange eons even death may die. Look not around you for all is illusion. That which we perceive as eternal is finite, adamantine constructs are flimsy as the moomwraths which do outgrabe the jabberwock, my friend. Beware absolute truth for nothing is relative and more solid as crystals of sands in the wind. That which does not kill me probably hurts me. Learn from your mistakes so you can realise what a fool you are the next time it happens. The fool and his money are a good errand.

Listen to the bird in the tree as it's single, pure song contains more truth and knowledge than the humming of a bee.

Thed runs around the room spraying Lysol and singing Laaa, laaaa, laaa, laaaa very loudly.
The Law of Neutral Cosmic Emanations

This is the simplified map of how the Creation is made. The Truth is Neutral because it contains all the opposites of the Universe in balance (talk more about that in my next Law...).

From the Emanations to the Manifestations, here's the map.

This Law explains how the Universe works, how God, the Truth, influences the Universe and how we perceive it. It also links Christianism and Taoism together.

The Law is based on the philosophy of Reality Perspective.

The Reality Perspective Philosophy

Philosophy that states that a reality has different values and meanings for different people depending on their momentum perspective, life experience, beliefs and their way to deal with their life.

This Background influence them to see a situation as good or bad depending on their perspective. What someone see as good, other might see as bad.

In the Bible, the background and the dualist illusion is illustrated in the Tree of Conscience (what I call Reality) and the Truth is illustrated in the Tree of Life (what I call... Truth).

The Law of Neutral Cosmic Emanations

God is Truth. Truth is neutral. Then, what makes something good or bad is a difference of perspective. God's emanations are neutral. We perceive them as two opposites. The dualist world is an illusion. What we perceive as reality is just our interpretation. To see the Truth one have to look deep inside oneself, beyond one's experiences. Once you start do that, you became a TruthSeeker.

Devil is illusion. It's our dualist world. God gives us neutral things, but the Devil turn them into an illusion which creates a differentiation between the opposites. In other words, when you know good, you know bad too. And when you know bad, you know good too. One can't exist without each other. They co-exist to form an illusion that we call reality.

What I call Reality is just a perception of the Truth.
Truth is a Collective Reality, a Reality for everyone.

People all over the forums ask me: what do you mean by follow my Heart? What do you mean by believing in my Heart? Simply this:

God is in your Heart.
Devil is in your mind.

In other words:
Truth is in your Essence.
Illusion is in your mind.

Some may ask: What do you call Essence?
I call it the core of your being. You without the judgment of your background.
I could cite scriptures here, but since it's in the Philosophy Forums, I won't (unless someone asks for...).

Here are some diagrams... :

Ok... I can't resist... I have to post a scripture...

1 Corinthians 13:12:

"12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

Here, you see clearly the conception of looking for the Truth but don't see it. God, the Truth, can see us. But we can't see Him.

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How long ago did I say 'Reality is in the mind of the beholder' ????

I agree with you that reality is experienced differently by different people, but then you loose me when you stop talking about that.

Whta you basically say is;

Reality is a constant
We perceive reality differently

Therefore God must be real and we must all be bound by Love inside a deeper Truth which is our soul and has nothing to do with chemical make up of our body or experiences.

The problem is, you didn't actually support the third statement. Hell you didnt' support the first one very well either, but I agree with it so won't push that.
The Law of Equilibrium

The Law of Equilibrium

Equilibrium is the basis of the Universe.

The Truth is Neutral because it contains all the opposites of the Universe in balance.

The Manifestations are NOT neutral because it contains the two opposites in desequilibrium.

The Emanations from the Reality are created when the two opposites are in desequilibrium. When you perceive them in Equilibrium you get the Truth.

Truth has no opposites.
Love has no opposites.

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The Law of Harmony

The Law of Harmony

Harmony comes directly with Equilibrium. The difference is that Harmony takes care of the relations between the opposites while the Equilibrium is the main tool of Creation.

When the opposites are in Harmony we get the manifestation of Love. As I said, Love is the Force that bonds everything together. Harmony is the force that makes the opposites be susceptible to changes. Harmony and Equilibrium function through changes. Changes are the main Manifestation of the Physical Universe.

Through Harmony all the opposites relates. Man and Women. Good and Bad. Right and Wrong. Through Harmony, they coexist in the Universe. One needs the other to exist.

Trying to explain


Here are my definitions:

Truth: A Reality inherent for everyone.
Reality: Oneself's perspective of the world.

And I understand that; but in no way means there's a god or that Love is the binding force.

You BELIEVE love is the binding force. You don't have any proof of this, it's just something you believe. And as such, you cannot prove it

I get to how I've got this conclusion further...
But you can see it already in "The Law of Harmony" and "The Law of Equilibrium". That's what I've got so far... mostly observing in Nature and using mainly Philosophy to understand it...

On every web forum, BBS, chat room, etc that I have ever been to, there is always this one person. Almost inevitably they have a name very much like "TruthSeeker", sometimes just "seeker", but always something along those lines. Inevitably, this person is some freak who is totally into pseudoscience, possibly the occult, theories about Atlantis and how aliens built the pyramids because we know humans are bad at math and lifting heavy stones. This person ALWAYS uses the argument at some point, usually in every thread they post in, "everyone laughed at (insert name of famous scientist here) too." Are these all the same person? If not, do they have a club? Is it actually just a computer program giving canned responses?

The first time I came to this forum, I saw TruthSeeker's name, and just from the name I thought, "oh, he must be the local 'The face on Mars is real!' guy." I find that reading thread he posts in, especially ones he starts, I can predict with high accuracy his reaction to anything anyone says to him. This goes for not just him, but all others of his type on every board in which I have ever participated.

My only conclusion is that somewhere buried beneath the earth, there is a big computer programmed to do nothing but take part in internet discussions and programmed to believe any silly crap it hears, the more ridiculous the better. TruthSeeker, and all his kind, are actually one entity. He is a robot. :D

Oh, pet peeve: Love is not a universal force. Love is an emotion caused by chemicals coursing through your brain. It exists as a species survival aide, a way of augmenting the desire to reproduce and protect the young. It is quite possible, even likely, that an alien species would not even experience love, at least not in any terms we would understand.

...'The face on Mars is real!'...

Do you believe on that... :D:D

No... I'm not a robot...:D:D:D

Robots have no Heart... ;)

Btw... that's the thread I was looking for to you too see...
Observe the Nature in the context of this thread. See how the Harmony and Equilibrium are everywhere in Nature ni matter where you look (actually desequilibrium, as Equilibrium is the Neutral Truth)...

Use observation and then Philosophy. You'll see that I do my observations not very much differently then ancient Greek Philosophers... ;)

The Law of Immutable Changes

The Law of Immutable Changes

Going deeper...

Changes are the basics of Manifestation. Everything is always changing. That's because through Harmony, the Universe is always "trying" to be in Equilibrium. That's how the changes are made.

Changes are the Heart of the Physical Universe. Without changes the Universe can't sustain itself. Changes are necessary for the Universe to be always stabilized, always in a Dinamical Equilibrium. What is this?

How to explain...
When the opposites have the same "ammount" they are in Universal Equilibrium. They are Neutral, they are the Truth.

When the opposites have different "ammounts", they are always in Dinamical Equilibrium. They are opposites but one need the other to exist.

Imagine that the Truth contains 3 balls and 3 squares (two opposites with the same ammount).

Universal Equilibrium:
3 balls and 3 squares

Dinamical Equilibrium:
2 balls and 4 squares...
or 1 ball and 5 squares...
or 4 balls and 2 squares...
or 5 balls and 1 square.

There will always be a balance.
In this sense...

Nothing is created, everything is TRANSFORMED!!!!!!!!
Have you ever heard this... ? :D:D:D

The difference is that the Universe has an infinite number of "balls" and "squares"...
Eventhough the best number to represent the opposites is 72 and the number of Truth is 144... (explain that later... ;))

To understand the "balls" and "squares" in the a real way, just substitue them to two opposites.


Universal Equilibrium:
3 good and 3 bad

Dinamical Equilibrium:
2 good and 4 bad... (=evil)
or 1 good and 5 bad... (=evil)
or 4 good and 2 bad... (=good)
or 5 good and 1 bad. (=good)

Universal Genetics... :D:D:D:D:D

The Ultimate Paradox

The Ultimate Paradox

With me, Nothing exists. I am...


You would probably say:
"Without me, nothing exist, I'm EXISTANCE."

But actually, both answers are correct. Why?

Well, think like that:
If Nothing doesn't exist, how can there be an Existance? Without Nothing, then what's really Existance? The concept of Existance can only exist with the concept of Nothing exists too. They are co-creative, each one needs the other to exist.

If you finish with the concept of Nothing, the concept of Existance become meaningless!!
Then, we finish by getting to the paradoxal conclusion that...

NOTHING EXISTS!!! :bugeye: :bugeye:

Existance and Nothing become the same thing when you realize that they are...

the SAME thing in a different PERCEPTION!!!
