The end is near!

Excellent post QuestionEverything.
Been investigating same thing than you and thanks for pointing out some things that I havent been able to finish yet.

Links to relative discussions in Comparative Religion

Whats your take on Moses ~ Akhenaten ?

From what I've read the theory connecting the two is sound. Too many Jewish constructs of the Bible are borrowed from Egypt not to be suspicious of such a possibility anyway.

Egyptian Ark of the Contract comes to mind.
Or how about the name Israel, which is a composite word from Isis, Ra, and El (Venus, Sun, and Saturn).
I guess that depends on how you define astrologers. I don't believe in horoscopes and garbage like that, only in astrology's use by our ancestors as an instrument for making calendars and theology.

That's kind of like saying someone who studies politics is a politician. Yet I study politics, but am certainly NOT a politician.

-Well said. People are often mixing things and having opinions based on prejudices without knowledge about case in hand.
nah the end isnt near
its just the beginning of the end
to get to the end could take a few years
and with air borne aids coming soon well it still wont be the end but the beginning of the end
plenty of people gotta die first before you can say its the end
Well I don't see anyone disputing this so I guess it goes unchallenged then, pretty much as I thought it would! :thumbsup:
The lack of curiosity in this forum is apparent in that no one has bothered to ask me the $64,000 question! And that question would be...

Of what date is Revelations 12 speaking?
The lack of curiosity in this forum is apparent in that no one has bothered to ask me the $64,000 question! And that question would be...

Of what date is Revelations 12 speaking?

Again, very interesting.
So what is this date ?
Seems they 'confused' the end of this age with the end of the world then ?
When we die, the world as we know, it will end.
It won't end to others, only to us, and only if we would stop existing.

Do you really think that the brain is the only thing that can make us exist?

How many other possibilities could there be?

Do all of those possibilities involve a physical brain?

Or are we the brain or something else?

Yeah, I know, illogical questions huh?
It won't end to others, only to us, and only if we would stop existing.

Do you really think that the brain is the only thing that can make us exist?

How many other possibilities could there be?

Do all of those possibilities involve a physical brain?

Or are we the brain or something else?

Yeah, I know, illogical questions huh?

Actually I don't think those questions are illogical at all.

Have you heard of the Electric Universe Theory?

I think it has more scientific merit than the Big Bang/Relativity, and would explain things like ESP and dreams of the future. We may have these abilities for very scientifically explainable reasons, like that we are connected by an unseen current of electricity.

Ever sat next to someone and them say something and you were thinking it just before they said it? Could certainly explain that too!

The Buddhist idea that we are part of some energy may actually be the closest thing to truth in any religion out there. And that energy just might be electricity!
I´m also with buddhist in this one.
I think Tesla was on something...

What's crazier, that the planets are held in place by electric forces or that the infinitely weak force that is gravity requires us to believe in scientific fairy tails like black holes and dark matter? None of which can be seen or proven to exist!

The Relativity scientists rely on these phony inventions to "fill the gaps" of their faulty mathematics. But hey don't take my word for it, even Einstein didn't buy Relativity because it didn't take electricity into account, and he created the theory!

Check the link in my previous post, you might be surprised what the scientists there have to say.
I´m also with buddhist in this one.
I think Tesla was on something...

Yes I have heard Tesla may have solved the energy problem, but the technology was buried. On this I only have heresay though so I won't stand by it as a theory, but I would like to look into it.
What's crazier, that the planets are held in place by electric forces or that the infinitely weak force that is gravity requires us to believe in scientific fairy tails like black holes and dark matter? None of which can be seen or proven to exist!

The Relativity scientists rely on these phony inventions to "fill the gaps" of their faulty mathematics. But hey don't take my word for it, even Einstein didn't buy Relativity because it didn't take electricity into account, and he created the theory!

Check the link in my previous post, you might be surprised what the scientists there have to say.
Oh, I've seen it. And I'm a little sad for you that you don't have a better grasp of the physics and mathematics behind modern science. You seem like a fairly rational guy too.


Carry on...