The embarrassing truth for physicists everywhere

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i am a Christian my father on earth was a preacher while he passed through this world. as was my grandfather before him. and his before him. i have read the Koran, torah and as many versions of the bible as possible for me to attain. also many other religious texts in none of these texts dose the exact process nor time specs. for the forming of the dust/clay and breathing the breath of life into the nostrils to create a living soul exist. if you know of a how to manual for this procedure then please post it.
no where in the texts dose GOD or our LORD rule out chemical or biological processes in the creation of man in fact he used them to bring his son into this world.
as too the laws of physics and science in general heaven is also bound to them as are we for these are the rules that GOD created to create the universe with and to study them is to study the mind of GOD. when the finite studies the infinite invariably there will be misinterpretations of the data but then we only rethink when proven false.

HE/SHE said seek and ye shall find, ask and it will be given ,knock and it will open. science its self confirms and proves GOD for nothing as perfectly and divinely ordered as the universe could come from the randomness of chaos.
the only fluke of life was GOD all else was guided by HIS/HER mind/hand.
Historical Jesus was real,Biblical Jesus was not.Look at it this way,Who ever did create the earth he would make freedom,but the religous freaks and the government dont look at it that way,They think they can control and destroy the world as they want it.GOLD AND SILVER=DEVESTATION=VIRUS=2060=FAILURE=RESTART=AND TRY AGAIN.
When i was born,i had unexplained small marks on my chest,Directly where my colons are,even on the last fragment of them,Before this happened,i was flying through a endlessly long type of portal and thier were openings,so i went into one of them,i can still remember it today.Now People have told me nobody can remember the time before they were born,i figured they'd say that,but honestly i remember it as a great unforgettable spectacalur event and i dont expect you People to believe but i can honestly say its true.I wont let nobody deny that.Lets get back to this subject,humans always want to jump higher and higher,and say they've done this and they've done that and they know it all,but what they dont realize somethings humans arent allowed to explain or quite litterely cant,And most real phenomena will span out in our created time or maybe not,it really depends on humans at one,fighting and conquering one huge problem.
So if thier is a(god) how big of him to make one very good person be the man everyone gets ruled by.god can't be good.
Nobody can decide which is possible and what isn't.If you see it with your own eyes believe it ,and doesn't go through a line and is very changeable dont believ'e it.Dont delve to far into the unexplained,do you think you are the one who can give a answer that has a great amount of proof,i dont think so,people have to have seen something amazing in worldly numbers and that will never happened unless it was announced and you really think they'd announce that,i dont and you probably dont,i mean everything constantly changes and can be changed constanly and so on.Does it give you something back believing in the unexplained.I dont doubt things, but ufo's at this point in time it is very doubtful,but maybe people will believe as time goes on.The 25th century is my prediction if miracles happen that is.Ever Wondered Why Heaven is above and Hell is below.Who Knows.
People have told me i have a great amount of memory in varied Happenings,like say back in 1982,July 24th My Nephew(age2then) went to A Supermarket with me and My Mother and he opened a carton of strawberries and i can still remember small happenings and big happenings,to this day,i can remember,maybe it comes from my dads side,he was a Genius.I mean i was classed as a Genius as a Child because i was great at 3d Art and i am now in the making of a 3d mathmatical puzzle.My mind was very active at that time and still is at this present time.
ahh much better. Your acknowledgment of past events seems
to support a good memory. Now I am curious about accuracy
of memory. Have people around you ever remembered things
(short/long term) incorrectly and you were able to recognize the
faulty memories and provide correction?
Well to be Accurately honest,Only once ,but that was through false information by the provider,It doesnt really count.
Fair enough :). Could you provide a little more clarity to this

When i was born,i had unexplained small marks on my chest,Directly where my colons are,even on the last fragment of them,Before this happened,i was flying through a endlessly long type of portal and thier were openings,so i went into one of them,i can still remember it today

Basically I interpreted it as your conciousness flying into one
of your colons through a hole in your chest... could you perhaps
ellaborate on the experience as I'm not sure that I quite
understood it.


My two reasons why i am truly correct with my memory,The First reason is that i am insecure about failure,The Second reason is that i've always wanted to show perfection in front of the retired scientist who lived very near to my home when i was young and now still does.
I never said I doubted your memory :). I am actually interested
in expanding that birth experience so I can fully understand it.
Well let me put it to you this way,The marks were x-rayed,And the doctor's saw two triangular marks(pointed down),they Can't operate because the bacteria hasn't flushed through the colon.The weird thing about it is that,iv'e had problems for 20 years,but no serious problems because of this.
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I started using my emotional lobe alot earlier than a normal person,i started using my frontal lobe(its been in my records) since i was eight, which means i wouldv'e had more understanding about the sorroundings,when i was younger than eight,emotion can't create memory.
Your thinking what a nut this guy is,right.Well I can say i am not a nut,People around me know im not a nut,but as soon as i brought the time before i was born up,the word comes out.
You might think this is abit coincidential me saying this at this point,but when i come out of my mother's wome,the nurse said i think he's been on this earth before.
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