The embarrassing truth for physicists everywhere

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Re: To the point!

Originally posted by techstuf
Mystech, you are succinct, right to the point. Thank you for your comment.
You are absolutely correct on both points. In heaven they do not have to obey the "laws of thermodynamics" and "We" can't create a perpetual motion device.

Good day and GOD bless,


techstuf out

Jesus, there is no Physics in heaven, i dont recall god stating anything about friction, or about jesus being some sort of physicist... i mean really, since when did jesus study how weight transfers energy as it slides across something creating friction, i dont think i believe in Physics professor jesus... now as for glow in the dark jesus, and hard hat jesus.. those are another thing
To be Frank

First, I must assume that you are, of course, being sarcastic. Cute, but sarcastic. To be frank, I like your style. To be real and frank: I, rather like Nobel, discovered long ago that there are much more important things in life than self interest. Nobel ended his life with his own sincere, self nomination for a REAL prize.....and no, it didn't bear his name. It was ever lasting life. He asked his FATHER and mine, to be admitted into HIS kingdom, eternally. I did not set out to change anyone's thinking about mechanics.....although that outcome is a distinct possiblity. I am merely passing on something given to me for that very purpose. To pass it on and change the thinking of a chosen few. Some of you may wake up from your self induced comas just long enough to realize that there is a greater teacher for you to follow than the one(s) who so tritely and arrogantly instilled in you such simple and tragic errors as these so called "laws of science". The mere act of naming them "laws" instead of "currently observed principles" or "strongly held beliefs" precludes an open and inquisitive process......and subjects one to their inherent inaccuracies by subliminal intimidation, at the least. The only immutable laws were set down by the one who created you and me. The one whose anger grows hot at the ones who still preach heretical and arrogant nonsense that pervades the earth today. You may choose to foollow those that teach that your unfathomably complex DNA code was self written over the course of what amounts to an even more unfathomable and astronomical string of contiguous coincidences and other such "laws" or nonsense forced upon our children as "fact". I for one, am happy here in my place at the feet of Christ. For how often can one say that they were presented with the perfect privilege of delivering such a gift as this. Surely, it will frustrate many that such a simple device as this has escaped them and their rhetorical logic. I ask you, will your own teacher(s) who have most likely derided and ridiculed such an "unlikely" thing as this, make aplogy for their error? I can tell you that even if they would, then the vast majority still would NOT. They would curse my teacher all the more and the ONE who sent Him. It is my wish and I believe, my Master's before me, that the wheels start turning.......and His teachings begin tumbling around and round in the heads of His lost ones that there might be time enough for them to return to Him. Tell me, if you could see the sight of a simple wheel that turns of itself continually by making use of gravity and it be made true to you, would you make such a consideration? Or would you simply say, as many others will, Oh my, isn't that great! You know, I always thought that this just "might" be possible! I can see now that it makes use of gravity in a way we simply didn't see before! Our understanding was simply limted and this really changes nothing because the wheel is acted upon by an external force, gravity and is converting it to another form of energy! Arrogance or Humility......always such an easy choice for most. Tis a brave one that remains humble in victory......while the coward is arrogant even in their own defeat.

GOD bless,

To put it kindly: Techstuf, take your idiotic religious rantings to the religion forum, because frankly no one here gives a shit, and you are making a complete and utter fool of yourself, and trust me, by the standards of those who post around here, making a fool of yourself is an extreemly difficult thing to do!
Originally posted by techstuf
Tell me, if you could see the sight of a simple wheel that turns of itself continually by making use of gravity and it be made true to you, would you make such a consideration?

Sure, but of course we’ll not see this sight from you. It’s a pity you don’t realize that your real master seeks money.
You're correct. I was being Sarcastic. Regarding your little design,
I would have to perform a more detailed examination on it to
come to any conclusion; however, I know all about friction and
force and I don't see your design being perpetual. Have you
considered filming maybe a weeks worth of motion and doing
an actual mathematical proof?

Anyhow, it looks like your main goal is an attack on science by
using what in your opinion is 'scientific flaw' as a proof that
'God' exists (which is like saying that a diamond with a crack in
it proves that the LockNess monster exists... it just makes no
sense). Quite frankly you probably owe the quality of your
life (and your Freedom... religions, political, or otherwise) to
science. Had a vaccination or surgery? Drive a car? Talk with your
family on a cell phone? All the results of innovations based on
the observation, identification, description, experimental
investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena (ie.
Science). Consequently, if some theory turns out to be flawed
then no problem... it can be adjusted.

What does 'God' result in? Thousands of religions which can't
agree, war, hypocracy, fear, intimidation, lack of freedom,
terrorism, and the list goes on. On top of that 'God' is a belief.
A belief is 'acceptance without proof'. When you live a life of
accepting things without proof you do a dis-service to your brain.

Q: When's the last time 'God' as spoken to you? I am not talking
about ambiguous symbolic pseudo-communication. I am talking
about delivering a direct vocal message from him to you?

Q: If 'God' exists then why does he not stop by to say 'Hi'? Heck
take him out to Starbucks and buy him a Frap. Hang out.
Originally posted by Mystech
To put it kindly: Techstuf, take your idiotic religious rantings to the religion forum, because frankly no one here gives a shit, and you are making a complete and utter fool of yourself, and trust me, by the standards of those who post around here, making a fool of yourself is an extreemly difficult thing to do!

Mystech has a very good point behind that last line... BAKKA BAKKA BAKKA! WOOWOOWOOWOOWOOOWOOOO Now excuseme, I Must go relieve myself IN A PRINGLES CAN!
So anyways, i just actually read everything techstuff said, Looks to me, like hes saying the exact same thing i saw in the movie bulletproof monk, if you dont believe in it, the law doesnt apply, *Not sure if i got that right* However, then if your stating that, i do no believe gravity exists, now i will proceed to go outside, jump off my house, and try and fly like superman, and when i die, and i get judged, im telling god its your fault =P
whos to say god would waste her time with your passing?
and do you realy believe you can believe you will not fall and injure yourself?
or will you perform the act with the fear in your mind?
jesus is an alien not a son of god!
he just knew everyone was pre programed to belive such what they told.
how can THE GOD have a son?
it is shear arrogance of humans to assume such a limited concept of life generation.
sure maybe he was a profit but most of all he was a builder who
begged for food from other people while giving advice on living a better life. in other words he was an advice for food trading counselor!
yes allot of scientists are limited in thier ability to think clearly and openmindedly its a side effect of certain things
there is allot easyer way to create a perpetual motion motor than the way you have depicted.
its just that to use one to power a money printing press is the only form currently being sought.
free energy is the only real form of drive system that is relative to this civilisation.
and more is the point that too many people covet huge profits and power from current energy systems so untill those people have been cured of thier mentil illnesses then its useles to even debate such things as a consumer interface.
######the earth dose not spin in a precise axis!
so eliptical orbital afect alone would create friction force even with non friction parts.
aside from the constant fluctuation of spin and magnetic feilds
consistencey is a concept of perverse control originating from the churchs when they took control of science and science is yet to through off this retarded concept completely.

groove on all :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above


Embarrassing truth for physicists everywhere? If you want to change someone's, particularly a scientist's mind, you must use evidence, hypothesis testing... and more importantly common sense.

You have displayed none of these. To think a diagram that lacks an explanation and that has already been ruled out as feasible many years ago is a collaberation of stupidity, ignorance, and, as one other put it, brainwashing.

I award you no points, and may your god have mercy on your soul.
Matthew 24:35

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away".

GOD richly bless you dear readers in Jesus Christ.
Re: Matthew 24:35

I can just as easily quote:

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away".

and it means just as little.
You think too highly of yourself! I have written not to have discourse with you or any of your sort, but for those few who wander here with ears to hear and eyes to see GOD'S truth. If I valued myself more highly, I certainly would not have come here of my own volition! I can recall that it took an act of the former president of the US., Theodore Roosevelt, to quiet the cackling "physicists" of the Wright Brother's era over the simply "impossible" act of heavier than air much more have they fallen these days! I prove nothing as I am nothing. My Master, Jesus Christ, has much to prove to you and it is certainly quite something!

GOD bless you in Christ.
Originally posted by techstuf
You think too highly of yourself!
Not sure how you base this on my previous message, which was only pointing out that you had no point. I realize that I and my methods currently have limitations... you do not realize the same about your methods (religion).

I have written not to have discourse with you or any of your sort, but for those few who wander here with ears to hear and eyes to see GOD'S truth.

All I see is you posting pointless lines from the bible and over-estimation of how much we care about what religion so and so scientist was.

My Master, Jesus Christ, has much to prove to you and it is certainly quite something!

You are correct. Your 'master' and religion have much to prove... and hasn't managed to show any of it in over 2000 years.
You know, Techstuf, the sciforums DO have a religion board, why don't you head over there? I'm sure your inane rambelings wont seem quite so out of place.
a master of physics and science... ?
the almighty and feared reveared and downtroddin subjegated
Albert Einstien
Nikolas Tesla

may thier work live on in the hopes and dreams of free thinking
un biased scientists throughout the knowen world...
regardless of what religion they choose to affiliate with!

there are more i assume
maybe they were soo well before thier time that we may need
another new civilisation to start working with half of what they discovered.

groove on all :)

nik s' black box
al s' unified feild
maybe too much for the most of us???
or more precisely the least of us!!!

big sigh. :(
Ha, I just realized something... this thread about perpetual motion machines was put in the Pseudoscience category of these forums, which, I believe immediately revokes all validity in the claim. Pseudoscience is not science, yet mr. tech purports to make it so with the use of his religion, which is also not science.
Interesting, isn't it?

Ellimist, GOD bless you richly in Christ that you might see more clearly the path you have chosen for yourself.
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