The Ego of the Atheist


The illusion is you, let go.
Registered Senior Member
OK here's my spin on why atheists continue to denounce God and will argue vehemently against the possibility and existance of God.

Quite simply they are seeking to inflate their ego thereby making themselves the centre of their universe which inadvertantly is a blasphemous stance by default. By denouncing something so superior to themselves they are inflating their ego, giving themselves a false sense of superiority.

Of course the atheist will never admit that they are egotistical and will most probably hide behind the 'prove to me there is a God' statement. Instead of seeking spirituality they want proof handed to them on a plate. Instead of investing in faith they choose to invest in themselves, ask them about Jesus Christ and they will fob you off with comments like he was a con man or that he plainly didn't exist, some even saying he was just some poor deluded man.

Personally for all you believers out there I don't think think it's worth arguing with atheists about God because you will just hit the same brick wall with them and continue to inflate their ego. It's simple to see they will not progress very far in the afterlife and IMO that's what counts. After all forever is a very long time and if their dumb enough to think that the religions of the world just came about for no apparant reason let them believe that.

If they want to believe that we came to life and are conscious by chance duh then let them remain deluded in their own little bubble of denial.

The ego has left the building.
By denouncing something so superior to themselves they are inflating their ego, giving themselves a false sense of superiority.
So following that logic theists are also are also inflating their egos as they are rejecting all the same gods that the atheist does minus 1. (Assuming we are talking about monotheists)

Egomaniac theists.
Right pharaohmoan, but I still feel possible to educate them, some of them have some logic and god is a logical concept. I think they are capable of change.
Atheism has always be a small part of the world and if it seems to grow now, it won't grow infinitely because nature is always there to remind them that we are part of it.

As you pointed out, ego is the oposite of god.
Religion, at least the one from the original mystic in the past is a teaching to forgot our ego and live with others with humility and love.
OK here's my spin on why atheists continue to denounce God and will argue vehemently against the possibility and existance of God.

Here's my spin on why..........

Because there is no proof , combined with the fact that God is a man-made concept...?

How can you believe in God yet also believe you are a conciousness that has been around since before the big bang, been able to bend time, stop traffic with your mind,pyramid stargate etc surely there is as much validation in your other claims as there is in the proof of god........?:bugeye: what is there to go on..a book, only a book and nothing else

Perhaps the believers are just easily fooled who knows........?
(people are stupid collectively remember the alien invasion with:scratchin: i think it was orson wells on the radio)

If God did create everything then plain and simply why is there no life on other surrounding planet....? why waste time creating barren rock.? if it could create such a variation of life on this planet from creatures that live in impossible pressures at the bottom of the ocean, to land dwellers to bacteria then it could simply create life to survive any conditions.......?

some people's intelligence has moved on/evolved in the past 2,000 years some obviously have not, you might just as well worship odin or zeus than worship a one true god.

I feel that it is the next step in the advancement of man's intelligence an end to this one foot in the past belief in fairy tales and the begining of belief in man....!
Right pharaohmoan, but I still feel possible to educate them, some of them have some logic and god is a logical concept. I think they are capable of change.

Which 'GOD' are you talking about........? there are hundreds..
Quite simply they are seeking to inflate their ego thereby making themselves the centre of their universe which inadvertantly is a blasphemous stance by default. By denouncing something so superior to themselves they are inflating their ego, giving themselves a false sense of superiority.

If they want to believe that we came to life and are conscious by chance duh then let them remain deluded in their own little bubble of denial.

The ego has left the building.

QUOTE pharaohmoan......."I'm generally of the opinion that the singularity surrounding the big bang was akin to a school fish all swimming and thinking together as one to form a single mind GOD.

What religious belief in god is this........and where is the logic,fact or proof
Personally for all you believers out there I don't think think it's worth arguing with atheists about God because you will just hit the same brick wall with them and continue to inflate their ego. It's simple to see they will not progress very far in the afterlife and IMO that's what counts. After all forever is a very long time and if their dumb enough to think that the religions of the world just came about for no apparant reason let them believe that.
Sounds to me like you're stroking your ego pretty well right now... :rolleyes:
OK here's my spin on why atheists continue to denounce God and will argue vehemently against the possibility and existance of God.

That certainly is a spin, 'cos that's not the definition of atheist you're describing there bub.

Simply, we don't believe in your god, just like you don't believe in Pan, Zeus, Thor, Shiva or Ganesh.

You are an atheist too, but just don't want to admit that our reasons for not believing in your god are the same reasons why you don't believe in the entire pantheon.
so only your 'God' exist's is that not egotistical...?

It is yours also, we have the same consciousness

ego is when you believe that you have your own consciousness different that others, that you are your own god.

but in fact if you look logically there can only be one consciousness which is never changing, all perceiving
That certainly is a spin, 'cos that's not the definition of atheist you're describing there bub.

Simply, we don't believe in your god, just like you don't believe in Pan, Zeus, Thor, Shiva or Ganesh.

You are an atheist too, but just don't want to admit that our reasons for not believing in your god are the same reasons why you don't believe in the entire pantheon.

how can you apply the same argument for many god?
what are your reasons that apply to all gods?

Do you believe in a reality behind your perception?
It is yours also, we have the same consciousness

ego is when you believe that you have your own consciousness different that others, that you are your own god.

but in fact if you look logically there can only be one consciousness which is never changing, all perceiving

No we are both concious but we are different conciousness's...

EGO is.......According to Freud,

“ ...The ego is that part of the id which has been modified by the direct influence of the external world ... The ego represents what may be called reason and common sense, in contrast to the id, which contains the passions ... in its relation to the id it is like a man on horseback, who has to hold in check the superior strength of the horse; with this difference, that the rider tries to do so with his own strength, while the ego uses borrowed forces [Freud, The Ego and the Id (1923)]

And I do not see any logic which points to there being only one conciousness at all..........?

I believe in humanity something we can see,hear ,touch you...
you have just faith, hope....

It's funny how people like P/moan mock atheist's for non-belief in God when they/we have absolutly nothing to proof whatsoever, If you claim something you must provide proof that your claim has validity, if you claim there is a god you must be able to prove this claim, waving a book round is nothing short of moronic...athiests were around before the jews wrote down their history combined with babylonian fairytales and will be around long after the bible has been put on the shelf next to aesop's fables and christian anderson.

Perhaps it is the lack of proof that cause believers to mock atheist's as there truely is no proof for the existence of any gods whatsoever.......

I'm interested how some of your other claims of "paranormal powers and abilities" tie in with your belief in god as well...i.e Shaman of quantam physics, being able to bend time, OBB'S, being around before the big bang (which means god couldn't have created man as we were already around), you've said you are multi-dimensional and don't just exist on this plane,able to stop traffic with your mind, and communicate with other dimensions,and you've used the kings chamber to transport yourself to another star system (AND THATS JUST SCRATCHING THE SURFACE) seems fitting and hypocritical that you would believe in god as well
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i think being religious is far more egotistical, you're implying that you're part of a divine plan and the creator loves you and takes care of you, that you have a special place in heaven waiting for you cos you're capable of so much good that you deserve it.

atheists believe we're just flesh and bone, eating rooting and sleeping. yeah we're really blowing our own horn here. religious people think the universe was created for them, atheists think they're just an insignificant speck on it.

i'm personally not really an atheist, because i can't prove there is no god. I all but despise religion though, i feel its clearly man made. i won't worship false idols, and the true god will understand my good intentions and reward me appropriately. he won't be a spiteful god who will banish me to hell simply for remaining skeptical and wary of sects, because a perfect entity would be understanding, not a jealous or vengeful lord.
So you are rejecting the others? Thor, quetzalcoatl ect.

I reject them if they are seen as entity in the world of perception, but sometimes this kind of god was represented in myth as the supreme power, so in some sense they were evoking consciousness.

often myth are here as analogy to understand the human mind and helping to forgot the ego

The myth are often representing the human mind: hero being the ego that finnaly become without ego fighting against gods representing the worries and desire of the mind while the supreme god is often represented as consciousness without ego.

This way to see the myths are interesting but here my description is superficial, it depend on the myths. I do not want to make generalization here, I just want to precise that I reject only this god as entity in the world

I just want to say that I do not believe in god as kind of entity living in the world being in another dimension or not.

for me god is consciousness, no more no less.
Pinocchio's Hoof,

In another thread I have put forward my idea and Ijustify why consciousness is only one.
check here
cogito ergo sum establish the existence of consciousness
your ego is a bundle of perception that you can always doubt,
on the other hand consciousness has to always be here, even when you see your ego,
consciousness perceive your ego as well as mine.

So in other word, ultimately we are all this consciousness, we are all god but as soon as we identify ouselves with the ego (the bunddle of perception) we are caught in the woriies, pleasure of life
how can you apply the same argument for many god?
what are your reasons that apply to all gods?

Someone who believes in one god, out of the pantheon, can be considered an atheist. It's really that simple.

Do you believe in a reality behind your perception?

Yes. To think otherwise smacks of metaphysical bullshit.
OK here's my spin on why atheists continue to denounce God and will argue vehemently against the possibility and existance of God.

Quite simply they are seeking to inflate their ego thereby making themselves the centre of their universe which inadvertantly is a blasphemous stance by default. By denouncing something so superior to themselves they are inflating their ego, giving themselves a false sense of superiority.
Yes, clearly there's only reason why someone would doubt the accuracy of a 2000+ year old book full of stories of talking plants and animals, a guy living in the stomach of a whale, and people magically conjuring things from thin air; inflating their ego.
Someone who believes in one god, out of the pantheon, can be considered an atheist. It's really that simple.
Atheist contains the letter 'A' which means absence
so I would say the reverse to you:
a believer in something beyond our selves is a theist

Yes. To think otherwise smacks of metaphysical bullshit.
For the reason cited above, you are a theist because you believe in something beyond your perception. you have not an absence of belief so you are not an Atheist

Here I quote myself from here:
imagine an extraterrestrial civilization (who have a view of reality different from atheist/realist from earth and that believe that they do not believe in god (god being what their past religions were talking about)) coming to hear about the different believes on earth, they would probably put both atheist/realist and all theists in the same class: theist
Why? Because they realize that earth belief does not match their belief of reality and for them what is not their reality is god (old naive view of their past religion) ;)

There is no objective way to decide who is talking about reality and god , so no objective way to decide whether an guy who believe in a reality beyond his perception is believing in god or in a reality

But I think that there is still a difference between many theists who believe that they are atheist and some theist that know that they are:

many such so called atheist believe in a unconscious reality while some theist like me believe in a conscious reality

please not here, reality is defined as what is beyond our perception, what you were saying that you believe exist.