The EEMU Hypothesis


That cannot be said for your claims. No one else can work in your 'hypothesis', even if they wanted to, because there's no guiding formal structure, it's just your opinions. The same is true for the stuff spewed out by QWC, Farsight, Sylwester and others. It's just a mish-mash of various things you liked the sound of, typically don't understand or use properly and yet you claim it's 'reasonable'. No, it isn't.
Good to see that I am at the top of a list of greatest spewers of "stuff". I have a current thread in Pseudoscience, far away from the hard science and math threads, where I spew my delusions for all to see, but being disparaged in someone else's thread that is unrelated to my delusions is low class. As a pseudoscience level member and layman when it comes to my enthusiasm for science, I ask the layman and non-professional science enthusiasts to form their own opinion and to accept threads like these as attempts to chat about topics of interest.
AN: Thanks for your clarification (post #100) . . . .that's the kind of response I am seeking . . . sans the insults!!
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Good to see that I am at the top of a list of greatest spewers of "stuff".
The list wasn't in order, there's people I consider more bat shit crazy than you (that's somewhat damning with faint praise).

but being disparaged in someone else's thread that is unrelated to my delusions is low class.
It is relevant to the topic at hand to point out that wlminex has fallen into the same problems many other people here have. I've brought such criticisms to your attention in threads relating to your nonsense too, which you have failed to address as you continue with your 'work'. I'm not attempting to discuss the details of your nonsense, only to point out the flawed reasoning common to pseudo pedallers. It isn't low class to mention my opinion of other people's 'work' in threads unrelated to their work as I'm not attempting to discuss you work and so I'm not trying to take the discussion off course. I'm sure if I were praising you all you'd have been fine with me mentioning you in this thread.

and to accept threads like these as attempts to chat about topics of interest.
Criticism is part of 'chatting' when it comes to science. My criticism about how none of you have any formal structure to your claims so you have absolutely no way of justifying all the conclusions you make or say things like 'it is reasonable'. A good explanation involves explaining/concluding many things with the least amount of assumptions/postulates. With just the 2 postulates of special relativity so many phenomena can be explained. From the axioms of quantum mechanics so many things can be explained. But that isn't so when it comes to the 'work' of people like wlminex, yourself and many other pseudo residents. If every conclusion is an assumption then you explain nothing and it is bad science. If this is a place to 'chat about topics of interest', with the topics relating to science, then pointing out when someone has a fundamental lack of understanding about a central tenant of the scientific method is entirely appropriate, particularly if multiple people are making the same sorts of mistakes.

Do you think it is wise to simply guess explanations/results and then assume that at some point someone can come along and fill in the gaps using mathematics? There's a well known example in science of how such logic is flawed, namely the combination of quantum field theory and general relativity. Between them they have something to say about all known forces of Nature so I could just say "Any gravitational phenomenon is correctly described by general relativity and any other force phenomenon by quantum field theory. Someone else can fill in the mathematical gaps". This is not a good thing to do because we know, thanks to knowing the details of each of them, that GR and QFT cannot be put together in a single model without modification. This mismatch has been the driving force for pretty much the last 40 years of high level theoretical physics research. How do you know your conclusions don't suffer from the same problem? How do you know your end conclusions follow logically from some of your earlier conclusions? You don't. So piling more and more 'conclusions' on this house of cards which doesn't have foundations and is built in an earthquake zone prone to tornadoes is just foolish and utterly unscientific.

Of course if you aren't interested in having anything to do with science then it doesn't matter. However, you say you have 'enthusiasm for science' so that would run counter to just ignoring the scientific method. And wlminex uses words like 'reasonable'. You can't say you're an enthusiast for science while ignoring some of its most fundamental principles without looking daft. You can't say 'this is reasonable' while ignoring all reason and logic without looking daft.

If you spent your time trying to formalise and justify the conclusions you already have made (though you'll likely have to throw many in the bin as they might be inconsistent with one another when you get down to the details) you'd at least be doing something more constructive than just piling on more assumptions and guesses. But that would mean you've had to do actual work, put in effort to grasp quantitative details and mathematical methods. Why do that when you can wax lyrical about colliding universes and whatnot, right? Hacks want to talk about black holes, antimatter, quantum conciousness, stuff which sounds weird and complicated, but without doing the necessary ground work. In both your cases I also think you're incapable of doing the necessary ground work, even if you wanted to. But feel free to prove me wrong. I'll ask you both what I ask Farsight, provide just a single working accurate predictive model of a single real phenomenon of your choice, along with its complete derivation from a set of clearly stated postulates within your 'work'. That will demonstrate that something, anything, within all the waffle you spew about your hypotheses and 'out of box thinking' has anything to do with reality. Doesn't have to model everything, doesn't even have to be right about anything else other than the one phenomenon of your choice.
The list wasn't in order, there's people I consider more bat shit crazy than you (that's somewhat damning with faint praise).

It is relevant to the topic at hand to point out that wlminex has fallen into the same problems many other people here have. I've brought such criticisms to your attention in threads relating to your nonsense too, which you have failed to address as you continue with your 'work'. I'm not attempting to discuss the details of your nonsense, only to point out the flawed reasoning common to pseudo pedallers. It isn't low class to mention my opinion of other people's 'work' in threads unrelated to their work as I'm not attempting to discuss you work and so I'm not trying to take the discussion off course. I'm sure if I were praising you all you'd have been fine with me mentioning you in this thread.

Criticism is part of 'chatting' when it comes to science. My criticism about how none of you have any formal structure to your claims so you have absolutely no way of justifying all the conclusions you make or say things like 'it is reasonable'. A good explanation involves explaining/concluding many things with the least amount of assumptions/postulates. With just the 2 postulates of special relativity so many phenomena can be explained. From the axioms of quantum mechanics so many things can be explained. But that isn't so when it comes to the 'work' of people like wlminex, yourself and many other pseudo residents. If every conclusion is an assumption then you explain nothing and it is bad science. If this is a place to 'chat about topics of interest', with the topics relating to science, then pointing out when someone has a fundamental lack of understanding about a central tenant of the scientific method is entirely appropriate, particularly if multiple people are making the same sorts of mistakes.

Do you think it is wise to simply guess explanations/results and then assume that at some point someone can come along and fill in the gaps using mathematics? There's a well known example in science of how such logic is flawed, namely the combination of quantum field theory and general relativity. Between them they have something to say about all known forces of Nature so I could just say "Any gravitational phenomenon is correctly described by general relativity and any other force phenomenon by quantum field theory. Someone else can fill in the mathematical gaps". This is not a good thing to do because we know, thanks to knowing the details of each of them, that GR and QFT cannot be put together in a single model without modification. This mismatch has been the driving force for pretty much the last 40 years of high level theoretical physics research. How do you know your conclusions don't suffer from the same problem? How do you know your end conclusions follow logically from some of your earlier conclusions? You don't. So piling more and more 'conclusions' on this house of cards which doesn't have foundations and is built in an earthquake zone prone to tornadoes is just foolish and utterly unscientific.

Of course if you aren't interested in having anything to do with science then it doesn't matter. However, you say you have 'enthusiasm for science' so that would run counter to just ignoring the scientific method. And wlminex uses words like 'reasonable'. You can't say you're an enthusiast for science while ignoring some of its most fundamental principles without looking daft. You can't say 'this is reasonable' while ignoring all reason and logic without looking daft.

If you spent your time trying to formalise and justify the conclusions you already have made (though you'll likely have to throw many in the bin as they might be inconsistent with one another when you get down to the details) you'd at least be doing something more constructive than just piling on more assumptions and guesses. But that would mean you've had to do actual work, put in effort to grasp quantitative details and mathematical methods. Why do that when you can wax lyrical about colliding universes and whatnot, right? Hacks want to talk about black holes, antimatter, quantum conciousness, stuff which sounds weird and complicated, but without doing the necessary ground work. In both your cases I also think you're incapable of doing the necessary ground work, even if you wanted to. But feel free to prove me wrong. I'll ask you both what I ask Farsight, provide just a single working accurate predictive model of a single real phenomenon of your choice, along with its complete derivation from a set of clearly stated postulates within your 'work'. That will demonstrate that something, anything, within all the waffle you spew about your hypotheses and 'out of box thinking' has anything to do with reality. Doesn't have to model everything, doesn't even have to be right about anything else other than the one phenomenon of your choice.
Your analysis is enthusiastically flawed, lol. My delusions are internally consistent, and not inconsistent with observations and data. The straw men you spew sound self righteous and haughty instead of being founded on having read and found the inconsistencies.
My delusions are internally consistent
They are only not 'not consistent' because you haven't formalised them sufficiently to be able to really test their internal structure for consistency. But because of that you also cannot say they are internally consistent either, as you have no single coherent formal construct which outputs said 'delusions'. Until you can demonstrate all of your conclusions can be put into a single formal construct you haven't got any justification in saying "They are internally consistent" as a physical model. I commented about how all of your outputs are also inputs. If you accept that complaint then you accept my criticism as a whole. If you don't accept it then it means you can derive some of your 'results' from more basic, less numerous, postulates. But you haven't provided such derivations and thus we're back to you not having grounds for saying they are internally consistent.

and not inconsistent with observations and data.
It's easy to come up with 'explanations' which are entirely consistent with experiments, you just claim every single experimental result is part of your work; "Does my model say the universe is expanding? Well if experiments say it is then so does my model!". There, easy. But obviously simply listing all known experimental results is not really a good model. To make it something worth looking at I'd have to make some postulates and derive some of the experimental results from them. Then I would have a scientific model/idea/hypothesis which is not inconsistent with observations and data.

And don't think I didn't notice how you phrased it. You didn't say "consistent with", you said "not inconsistent with....". Being not inconsistent with experiment is easy, you just only ever make predictions which can never be tested. Again, if you have only predictions which cannot ever be tested then you're not going about things right. This is further compounded if you have no derived predictions. If all your predictions are both untestable and just assertions without coming from more basic postulates then you're just making stuff up without any regard to the real world. That isn't science either.

Presently your work falls into that final category. You have no derived results, all your outputs are actually inputs and not applicable to the real world. This renders your work purely your opinion about unobservable things, no one else can possibly work on it without simply having to constantly ask you your opinions. This seems to be much the same for wlminex, hence why I'm actually typing this here rather in one of your threads.

The straw men you spew sound self righteous and haughty instead of being founded on having read and found the inconsistencies.
It's entirely possible to construct logically sound, consistent models which have nothing to do with reality. I could give you any number of quantum field theories which are utterly untestable but are consistent. The fact both of you (as well as many other hacks) don't derive any results, don't construct a single working model of any real world phenomenon and wax lyrical about utterly untestable things you haven't even derived from postulates but rather just decided you like the sound of, relegates you to fiction writers. Such approaches fail to be scientific on every single level. You might not like hearing my explanations of why this is the case, you might think I sound self righteous and haughty but tough. You come to a science discussion forum and regularly post lengthy essays on your 'work', what did you expect to happen? That people who know a bit of science never say anything to you about your flawed approaches? Never say anything about how unjustified your claims are and how they fail to be scientific? Part of having a scientific discourse is to be prepared to accept criticism about ones work. If you, either of you, want to discuss science in even the more rudimentary of ways (you describe yourself as an enthusiast after all) then that's a price you have to pay. If you're really an enthusiast, really wanting to grasp little pieces of Nature and perhaps even help others to grasp it then you've gone about it the wrong way. If you aren't interested in expanding your understanding or helping others do likewise then it's perfectly reasonable for someone like myself to call you on it.

You want me to point out inconsistencies? Well provide an answer to my question so we can consider a specific example of your work. This goes for wlminex too. Provide just a single working accurate predictive model of a single real phenomenon of your choice, along with its complete derivation from a set of clearly stated postulates within your 'work'. Put your best card on the table and we'll go from there. If you do not have a card to put on the table then my criticisms are demonstrated entirely accurate.
AN: Please refrain from insulting Quantum (and others!) via the EEMU Hypothesis Thread . . . . AND STAY ON TOPIC!!!. You should also remain cognizant of the fact that this IS an Alternate Theories thread - WE are discussing ALTERNATE THEORIES here. Being a part of the forum hierarchy does NOT give you the 'right' to denigrate and insult Sciforum members' integrity, who are reasonably discussing and contributing to the topic of the thread. [ps/ Wanna know why Sciforums is losing membership (hint!)? . . . . there are threads for THAT discussion and Sciforum members' behavior elsewhere.] Of course, this post is also off-topic, but for the reasons stated herein. These matters should be discussed in appropriate fora. If you so desire, you may issue me another warning, or ban for this post.
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You want me to point out inconsistencies? Well provide an answer to my question ...
The supreme waffle. I mentioned I have a current thread in pseudoscience. You said it was full of inconsistencies.

Sorry, wlminex, but when such huge bloopers are spewed I have to respond.
[ps/ Wanna know why Sciforums is losing membership (hint!)?

If that is true that membership is decreasing it is probalby due to the site allowing silly unevicenced alternate theories with equally childish names such EEMU, that are only supported by others who have ignoranced based theories such as quantum_wave.

Which remindes me. Our neighbor use to have an Emu as a pet. They actually let it roam around free. The first time I saw it was one morning in a foggy field - I was with the kids and I said, "what in the heck is that.. it looks like a dinosaur". It really did too. Anyway it seemed like a really affectionate pet and would follow the people who owned around like a dog.

Anyone else ever hear of a Emu as a pet?
If that is true that membership is decreasing it is probalby due to the site allowing silly unevicenced alternate theories with equally childish names such EEMU, that are only supported by others who have ignoranced based theories such as quantum_wave.

Which remindes me. Our neighbor use to have an Emu as a pet. They actually let it roam around free. The first time I saw it was one morning in a foggy field - I was with the kids and I said, "what in the heck is that.. it looks like a dinosaur". It really did too. Anyway it seemed like a really affectionate pet and would follow the people who owned around like a dog.

Anyone else ever hear of a Emu as a pet?
Your are right, back to the same ole Sciforums with the same good ole boys. AN disparages me, I respond, and you, super wannabee, pile on. Where are the rest of the cronies?
Origin: Quit trolling! . . . . Please re: my post responding to AN's similar post!! Please STAY ON TOPIC!!! BTW: Glad you finally figured-out what an emu is . . . . there is a lot of science out there you still may be unaware of.
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You should also remain cognizant of the fact that this IS an Alternate Theories thread - WE are discussing ALTERNATE THEORIES here.

You should also remain cognizant of the fact that these claims and ideas are "Alternative" to precise, useful and communicable models of the workings of the universe (i.e. science). Science gets its authority by testing models and rejecting those that aren't precisely describing Nature in some useful fashion.

In short, this is a forum for voices on this site who "don't get it" -- people who are jealous of the authority science had gotten over the past 350 years and wish to seize that respect for their own, but fail to understand why science has been a success. Many of them lack the sociability and intellectual honesty that would require them to confront reality before talking about it, so they are shunted aside on this backward sub-site to not pollute the congress of rational and informed minds.

That you would call out a moderator for "insulting" people misses the larger point -- your reputation is in a hole and you are trying to dig yourself out.
You should also remain cognizant of the fact that these claims and ideas are "Alternative" to precise, useful and communicable models of the workings of the universe (i.e. science). Science gets its authority by testing models and rejecting those that aren't precisely describing Nature in some useful fashion.

In short, this is a forum for voices on this site who "don't get it" -- people who are jealous of the authority science had gotten over the past 350 years and wish to seize that respect for their own, but fail to understand why science has been a success. Many of them lack the sociability and intellectual honesty that would require them to confront reality before talking about it, so they are shunted aside on this backward sub-site to not pollute the congress of rational and informed minds.

That you would call out a moderator for "insulting" people misses the larger point -- your reputation is in a hole and you are trying to dig yourself out.

My reputation is intact. Your's is not. Enough of this OFF-TOPIC BS, O.K.?
AN: Thanks for your clarification (post #100) . . . .that's the kind of response I am seeking . . . sans the insults!!
I have a project for you. You mention appreciation for post #100 sans the insults, so why not write it up sans the insults, maybe in bullet points and let's see what is there. I'll look at your outline of if and participate with you as you apply the advice if that would help.
Subquantum in my hypothetical usage:

Subplanck scale (or transplanckian)
Exists as an energetic (high energy; 10^120 erg/cc) all-pervasive medium
Energetic milieu/source for quarks, gluons, and strings(?) and virtual particles
Very high-order (40+ order) frequency harmonics
Not ‘quantized’(or quantizable)
Nondetectible as quanta (photons) that electromagnetically interact with detectors

Just Registered. Sorry can't post links. Pls add the http bit ok?

Are these smaller partial charge sub particles any use to you as subplanckian particles?
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Just Registered. Sorry can't post links. Pls add the http bit ok?

Are these smaller partial charge sub particles any use to you as subplanckian particles?

Mars Rover: Thanks for the links . . . . I just came off an "unpaid holiday" (ban) by Prometheus and have been unable to post. Sorry to see you suffer the same . . . .
Although this may be construed as wild speculation, let me set up a conditional visualization . . . to better understand the EEMU Hypothesis.

The set-up: Visualize, if you can, an all-pervasive, possibly infinite in extent, extremely highly-energetic 'pre-universe' that is totally subquantum in its nature. This pre-universe contains no mass and no matter and, though energetic, would constitute as a static (non-changing) environment. Now, visualize an instability (e.g., energy fluctuation) that introduces a point of increased cascading entropy that forms a point of subatomic matter (mass). This 'point' then evolves dimensionally 'outward' from the origin, at the expense of the pre-existing subquantum milieu, forming additional matter as the subquantum condition expansively transforms to mass (via a process rather like the reverse of Einstein's equation; m = E/c^2) . If observable, this scenario would appear to be a rapid-expansion and increase of mass apparently originating from a single point. As the leading 'edge' of this process dimensionally extends (at the expense of 3-D pre-universe subquantum space), this phenomenon will manifest (appear) as mass/matter volume increasing exponentially outward as the volume of the produced mass universe (represented by the metric 'surface area' of the leading edge) increases.
Now visualize this same 'point' phenomenon (described above) as occurring simultaneously at an infinite number of points (e.g., all loci) within the subquantum pre-universe.

My query: Would not the above-described phenomenon mimic the Standard Model interpretation that theorizes origin and expansion of the mass universe from a singular 'Big Bang' event?

A caveat: Within the subquantum pre-universe, gravity is not manifest. Gravity, as we currently understand it, is mass-dependent and would manifest only within the mass universe.

Thanks for your critical comments and arguments.