The EEMU Hypothesis

Origin, is it just me, or did all the theories that you and I both accept today were considered to be crack-pot and insane in their time of inception. Just saying, it would be better to constructively criticize instead of insult because you never know who might be the billionaire in twenty years. (Bill Gates, Newton, Galileo, the list goes on) Why don't we keep the conversation polite and actually consider the points made!
Origin, is it just me, or did all the theories that you and I both accept today were considered to be crack-pot and insane in their time of inception

It's just you.
discusfish99: Thanks . . . .but the 'anointed ones' at Sciforums are insufferable in their ego-centered attempts to preserve the status quo. They are actually fearful that someone will advance the knowledge of science to a level beyond their limited scope - its called job security!!.
Origin: "The energy levels are unrealistic because photons do no have that much energy. It has nothing to do with the detectors, we could certainly detect photons at that energy level with the detectors we have."

and: . . . "Well then we probably shouldn't use and equation that is specifically for photons, should we..."

Queries: Origin: So, at what frequency level within the EM 'spectrum' should we replace the E=hf relationship? . . . perhaps cosmic 'rays' (hi eV particles, not really photons) . . . and what mathematical relationship should we then utilize?. Also, since cosmic 'rays' appear (to most) to be highly energetic protons . . . perhaps that is what happens when we energetically surpass the highest-energy EM photons . . . they just "turn into" protons?. This is a key focus in the EEMU hypothesis . . . i.e., highly-energetic quantum constituents (e.g., SQR) transform to matter via the EEMU-indicated mechanisim.
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Questions: Just curious for your perspectives . . . .

Readers: What is your 'take' on what exactly IS the 'quantum'? . . . . . is it a highly-energetic state? . . . . does it contain subatomic 'particles' (mass)? . . . .or, is it energy only? . . . does the quantum interact directly (or indirectly?) with matter?, if so, how? . . . . what detectible (in our universe) qualities constitute the quantum realm?
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For those members who want a summary of EEMU without arduous reading of posts:

EEMU Hypothesis – Summary
W. Mansker, Ph.D. 8/5/12

Subquantal Reality (SQR) constitutes the proto (pre)-universe and pervades the entire universe – including both the proto-universe and the detectible material reality (MR) portion of the universe.

SQR exists as an extremely high energy (~ 1 x 10^120 ergs), extremely high vibrational frequency, subquantal matrix; vibrations may oscillate at velocities exceeding c (speed of light in a vacuum). [Note: Dimensional space and time (as we define them) may not exist in SQR.] Local quantum energetic fluctuations within the SQR matrix initiate condensation of SQR energy to form gluons, bosons, (intermediate strings?), other subatomic particles, and virtual particles which then contribute mass and the gravitational force within the space-time continuum (MR). This energy to mass transition manifests as an (almost, see black holes below) ‘one-way’ equilibrium process resulting in an increase in the entropy of the universe system. Residual energy from this continuous energy to mass conversion may manifest as Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR).

MR (our detectible universe) exists as a mass, gravity, and energy-dominated (est. ~1 x 10^60 ergs), 4-D space-time environment formed by the SQR energy to mass transition. Local aggregations of mass in MR, due to gravity, form the galactic and planetary cosmological structures that we observe and intimate the formation of rarer black holes. These cosmological structures and black holes represent localized decreases in entropy (ie. more order) within MR. The ultimate fates of black holes are poorly-understood. However, they apparently represent gravitational anomalies in the space-time (MR) environment where entropy is decreased to the extent that mass accumulated within black holes converts to energy, locally-mimicking a reversal of the SQR to mass transition.
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Before anyone says anything about me just coming in and having a go, wlminex PM'd that post to me a few days ago and asked for input and rather than give it in a PM I'll give it here since he's now asking for input in general.

It is little more than a collection of buzzwords, held together with superficial attempts to imply there's logical structure and methodology to it. Nothing is formalised so saying "X does Y" is not explaining Y, it is simply an assertion. You mention things like vibrations, gluons, bosons, energy, entropy etc. All of these have precise meanings and properties, so if you're claiming you can say something about them then you need to show you can methodically construct such things. For examples, please demonstrate that you can construct a formalisation for gluons and bosons (gluons, by the say, are bosons). You can do this either by showing you can construct the same mathematical formalism as already exists in quantum field theory, which we know accurately models such phenomena below 100GeV, or you can provide your own novel mathematical formalisation and then demonstrate it leads to accurate predictions about said phenomena. If you cannot do this then you have no justification for claiming you have anything viable to say about gluons or any other particles or quantum related phenomena.

I can understand how to someone who doesn't know any physics or maths the above post is pretty much indistinguishable from the opening abstract of many papers on but that doesn't mean it's science. The question is whether you're aware of this or not. If you're aware of it then it's dishonest. If you're unaware of it then I'm telling you it now. If you really want to do science you cannot go about it in the way you are. Just making up random stuff which sounds complicated is not 'thinking outside of the box', it's just pointless. Yes, knowledge without imagination is hindered but imagination untempered by regard for reality, logic or basic sanity is even worse. At least someone who knows science but has no imagination can be put to good use as a code or algebra monkey. Someone who just pulls stuff out of their various orifices is of no use. Don't get me wrong, people who don't know any maths or physics can still be a source of interesting discussion or a sounding board for a few things but they still need to be rational and grounded in reality. Piling more and more assumptions, assertions and buzzwords on a foundation of..... nothing will get you nowhere.

Now before someone says "Well what about string theory, it doesn't have experimental justification!" I'll counter that by pointing out it has mathematical structure. In the Standard Model, which we can test, we have well defined notions of things like gauge fields, matter fields, particle interactions, decay widths, scattering cross sections, mass spectra and the mathematical structures which describe them are also seen in string theory and in many cases they don't need to be put in by hand. String theory demands gauge fields exist, something no other approach has. Thus when a string theorist talks about gauge fields or fermions or black holes etc it isn't "I think/hope string theory has something to say about these things!", it is because we have found the associated mathematical structures within the formalisation of string theory. You and (almost to a man) other pseudo-science peddlers don't even have that. Another example is Farsight. Years and years of claiming to have explained this or that, while also complaining how string theory has no connection with reality, and yet he cannot formalise anything, cannot show the logical step by step derivation of his 'explanations' and cannot make a single quantitative prediction. He has wasted, and continues to waste, his time. At least a string theorist learns mathematics which can be applied to other areas of science so such work isn't a waste. Work like Farsight's and work like this EEMU are wastes of time the way you're doing it at the moment. In science it is often the case that the journey to a result is as important, if not more so, than the result itself. Just look at Fermat's Last Theorem. The true or false nature of the result isn't terribly useful but the VAST amount of new mathematical methods which had to be invented to solve the problem have been incredibly powerful and useful. Thus when pseudo-science just jumps to some 'explanation' even if by some miracle that conclusion is right much of the value of the result is lost.

If you cannot formalise what you're talking about and demonstrate the supposed implications you assert actually follow on from one another you're just pissing your time and effort down the drain. Look at Farsight, 5+ years down the line and he's gotten nowhere. Not an example to follow.
AN: I think it would be instructive and constructive for readers if you would post my original PM to you. Your response (above) was a little 'out-of'context' re: my PM to you. Thanks
I will soon (next few days) be presenting some preliminary calculations regarding the total unit energy of the quantum field. I will appreciate knowledgeable members checking my math (I am NOT a mathematician!). To begin with, any comments on the limits of applicability of:

E = hf (Planck Relationship)

speed = frequency x wavelength

If my calculations pass muster, I will then comment regarding application of the calcs to the EEMU Hypothesis, the velocity of light for EM wavelengths shorter than the Planck length, vibrational energies and frequencies of 'strings', and other. Thanks for your assistance!
Opinion query #1 . . . . . . How many of you believe that 'something' (energy, mass, other) exists at less-than planck scale?
Query #2 . . . . IF 'strings' truly exist . . . what are they composed of (vibrating energy, other) . . . and at what scale?
Query #3 . . . . . are 'strings' quantum, or subquantum, entities?

Mod: NOT trolling . . . I genuinely would appreciate members' input . . . after all, this is an "Alternative Theories" forum
Before anyone says anything about me just coming in and having a go, wlminex PM'd that post to me a few days ago and asked for input and rather than give it in a PM I'll give it here since he's now asking for input in general.

It is little more than a collection of buzzwords, held together with superficial attempts to imply there's logical structure and methodology to it. Nothing is formalised so saying "X does Y" is not explaining Y, it is simply an assertion. You mention things like vibrations, gluons, bosons, energy, entropy etc. All of these have precise meanings and properties, so if you're claiming you can say something about them then you need to show you can methodically construct such things. For examples, please demonstrate that you can construct a formalisation for gluons and bosons (gluons, by the say, are bosons). You can do this either by showing you can construct the same mathematical formalism as already exists in quantum field theory, which we know accurately models such phenomena below 100GeV, or you can provide your own novel mathematical formalisation and then demonstrate it leads to accurate predictions about said phenomena. If you cannot do this then you have no justification for claiming you have anything viable to say about gluons or any other particles or quantum related phenomena.

I can understand how to someone who doesn't know any physics or maths the above post is pretty much indistinguishable from the opening abstract of many papers on but that doesn't mean it's science. The question is whether you're aware of this or not. If you're aware of it then it's dishonest. If you're unaware of it then I'm telling you it now. If you really want to do science you cannot go about it in the way you are. Just making up random stuff which sounds complicated is not 'thinking outside of the box', it's just pointless. Yes, knowledge without imagination is hindered but imagination untempered by regard for reality, logic or basic sanity is even worse. At least someone who knows science but has no imagination can be put to good use as a code or algebra monkey. Someone who just pulls stuff out of their various orifices is of no use. Don't get me wrong, people who don't know any maths or physics can still be a source of interesting discussion or a sounding board for a few things but they still need to be rational and grounded in reality. Piling more and more assumptions, assertions and buzzwords on a foundation of..... nothing will get you nowhere.

Now before someone says "Well what about string theory, it doesn't have experimental justification!" I'll counter that by pointing out it has mathematical structure. In the Standard Model, which we can test, we have well defined notions of things like gauge fields, matter fields, particle interactions, decay widths, scattering cross sections, mass spectra and the mathematical structures which describe them are also seen in string theory and in many cases they don't need to be put in by hand. String theory demands gauge fields exist, something no other approach has. Thus when a string theorist talks about gauge fields or fermions or black holes etc it isn't "I think/hope string theory has something to say about these things!", it is because we have found the associated mathematical structures within the formalisation of string theory. You and (almost to a man) other pseudo-science peddlers don't even have that. Another example is Farsight. Years and years of claiming to have explained this or that, while also complaining how string theory has no connection with reality, and yet he cannot formalise anything, cannot show the logical step by step derivation of his 'explanations' and cannot make a single quantitative prediction. He has wasted, and continues to waste, his time. At least a string theorist learns mathematics which can be applied to other areas of science so such work isn't a waste. Work like Farsight's and work like this EEMU are wastes of time the way you're doing it at the moment. In science it is often the case that the journey to a result is as important, if not more so, than the result itself. Just look at Fermat's Last Theorem. The true or false nature of the result isn't terribly useful but the VAST amount of new mathematical methods which had to be invented to solve the problem have been incredibly powerful and useful. Thus when pseudo-science just jumps to some 'explanation' even if by some miracle that conclusion is right much of the value of the result is lost.

If you cannot formalise what you're talking about and demonstrate the supposed implications you assert actually follow on from one another you're just pissing your time and effort down the drain. Look at Farsight, 5+ years down the line and he's gotten nowhere. Not an example to follow.

To the extent that mathematical structure tells you how to perform an experiment to test for something useful, then mathematics is justified. But what good is mathematical structure if it provides no clue how to test for something useful? In industry and manufacturing, sometimes it's more efficient to just perform the experiment then to try to calculate or prove something mathematically. shouldn't we entertain the possibility that an experiment might be a more efficient way to get an answer than a calculation?
First, an apology for the length of this post. Second, some web-source definitions that we all should agree on:

Quantum: A discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents. An analogous discrete amount of any other physical quantity, such as momentum or electric charge.

Quantum Mechanics: The branch of mechanics that deals with the mathematical description of the motion and interaction of subatomic particles

Quantum Physics (aka Quantum Mechanics): Quantum physics is a branch of science that deals with discrete, indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by the Quantum Theory. There are five main ideas represented in Quantum Theory:
1. Energy is not continuous, but comes in small but discrete units.
2. The elementary particles behave both like particles and like waves.
3. The movement of these particles is inherently random.
4. It is physically impossible to know both the position and the momentum of a particle at the same
time. The more precisely one is
known, the less precise the measurement of the other is
5. The atomic world is nothing like the world we live in.

Planck Epoch: In physical cosmology, the Planck epoch (or Planck era), named after Max Planck, is the earliest period of time in the history of the universe, from zero to approximately 10−43 seconds (Planck time), during which, it is believed, quantum effects of gravity were significant

Planck Length: The distance light travels in one Planck time - about 1.616 × 10−35 meters.

Sub-Planck : Refers to hypothetical, speculative, and conjectural physics beyond or smaller than the Planck scale. The Planck length and Planck time are the smallest units in accepted models of physics. It is possible that the Planck scale represents the ultimate smallest scale conception of space and time; indeed this is what current Quantum Gravity research is based upon . Common knowledge in physics is that the sub-Planck scale may not an aspect of physical reality at all; however, even a successful theory of Quantum Gravity does not mean that there is a further sub-Planck development someday to be discovered. Indeed classical gravity breaks down at precisely the Planck scale energy levels. It is possible that no conceptual or mathematical description of sub-Planck physics can be made without "breaking the unity of a single quantum" in physics. However, even if not done, common knowledge of physicists does not mean that various averages over various broken quantum pieces may not make sense in their total sum and even if the individual pieces are not physically identifiable or relatable to particles or fields in the Universe.

Trans- Planckian: Refers to the appearance of quantities beyond the Planck scale, which raise doubts on the physical validity of some results, since one expects the physical laws to suffer radical modifications beyond the Planck scale

An interesting link:[/url]

(Excerpted portions therefrom)

(30 June 2011) ESA’s Integral gamma-ray observatory has provided results that will dramatically affect the search for physics beyond Einstein. It has shown that any underlying quantum ‘graininess’ of space must be at much smaller scales than previously predicted. . . .

. . . . Some theories suggest that the quantum nature of space should manifest itself at the ‘Planck scale’: the minuscule 10-35 of a metre, where a millimetre is 10-3 m.

However, Integral’s observations are about 10,000 times more accurate than any previous and show that any quantum graininess must be at a level of 10-48 m or smaller.
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wlminex prior post: "E = hf (Planck Relationship)" . . . ergo, E = hc/wavelength . . .

In the EEMU Hypothesis, I am envisioning that subquantal reality (i.e., SQR) is a 'subplankian reality' that is undetectible (by us . . . . MR, material reality). If ESA's GRO data (see prior post) is correct, then we are most certainly entertaining 'subplanckian' relationships. With this in mind, I will speculate further that SQR is a reasonable analogy for describing subplanckian actions on the scale order of GRO's data (10^-48 m). Since the mainstream standard modelers will argue against this, what is their explanation for the GRO data? what is the 'energetic nature' of 'stuff'' existing at 10^-48 m? Since planck's constant only seems to apply (see above equations) to "quantizable' entities (be they matter or energy), anyone care to speculate on what may be happening at below-quantitizable (subplanckian) scales? "Perhaps" h no longer is in the "equation"? "Perhaps" c is a 'lower' velocity limit in subplanckian (i.e., SQR) reality, and superluminal energetics apply.
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Hmm this seems quite interesting. I will take a look at it. So far, it has some good background. I don't see why people are hating on it so much.
Some mathematical inter-relationships for your consideration:

1. speed = f x λ [fundamental simple equation]
2. f = speed/ λ
3. λ = speed/f
4. E = hf (Planck relationship) [E = h/ λ ]
5. c=f x λ [special case for photons travelling at c]
6. E = hc / λ [special case for photons travelling at c]
7. E x λ = hc [special case for photons travelling at c]
8. E=mc^2 =hf [ special limiting condition for speed at c]
9. h=mc^2/f
10. f=mc^2/h

In your opinions (professional OR personal), which the above are untrue or mathematically incorrect?

Thanks . . . wlminex
AN: I think it would be instructive and constructive for readers if you would post my original PM to you. Your response (above) was a little 'out-of'context' re: my PM to you. Thanks
I was responding to more than just your PM.

I will soon (next few days) be presenting some preliminary calculations regarding the total unit energy of the quantum field. I will appreciate knowledgeable members checking my math (I am NOT a mathematician!). To begin with, any comments on the limits of applicability of:

E = hf (Planck Relationship)

speed = frequency x wavelength
You have picked two very basic equations to deal with. No amount of rearranging those will lead to a justified result. See my explanation of why coefficient reshuffling isn't good enough, over in Aetherwulf's thread on 'Planck particles'.

If my calculations pass muster, I will then comment regarding application of the calcs to the EEMU Hypothesis
You cannot start doing quantitative stuff if you haven't stated your initial quantitative assumptions. Otherwise you're just plucking results out of nowhere, which is pointless.

the velocity of light for EM wavelengths shorter than the Planck length, vibrational energies and frequencies of 'strings', and other. Thanks for your assistance!
None of which you have models for so any conclusions you reach are little more than opinion.

In industry and manufacturing, sometimes it's more efficient to just perform the experiment then to try to calculate or prove something mathematically. shouldn't we entertain the possibility that an experiment might be a more efficient way to get an answer than a calculation?
Yes, sometimes it's easier to do experiments for simple things but to build a piece of technology based on such things you require a model of the system, so you know how the technology will behave. There's tons of experiments about transistor technology but if you don't know how electrons behave in a quantitative predictive model then you'll not be able to manufacture computer chips with any kind of consistency.

Furthermore, there are vast areas of industry where experiments are either prohibitively expensive or just impossible. Aerospace uses massive amounts of computing power to model air flow around plane designs. It's insane to try to design a modern plane to building your initial idea, testing it in flight, changing the design, building another plane, testing it in flight etc. If you have a good model of aerodynamics than you can do all of this quicker, cheaper and on a larger scale by doing computer simulations. This is particularly a problem for aerothermodynamics, which is the main thing in modelling how craft enter the atmosphere. No experiment can generate the necessary speeds (Mach 25+), temperatures (1,000K-10,000K), pressures, ionisation levels, densities all at the same time to recreate in a lab the conditions at the wing tip of the Shuttle as it de-orbits or on a probe entering the atmosphere of Jupiter. Even computer simulations are pretty poor because we don't understand the non-equilibrium thermodynamics of partially ionised hypersonic atmospheric flow around a catalytic ablative heat field well enough. Even if we did it's necessary to include fluid mechanics, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, particle kinetic, chemistry, quantum chemistry and quantum mechanics all at the same time. Doing a proper experiment would mean building a craft, putting it into orbit and then de-orbiting it. We're talking hundreds of millions of dollars to get 5 minutes of data specific to that particular craft design.

There's a great many areas of industry where doing enough experiments is just not possible. They are typically the ones involving mega-projects or ultra expensive equipment. Such things occur more and more as we develop technology which goes further and further away from "I can do this in my shed with scrap metal and a blow torch" engineering.

With this in mind, I will speculate further that SQR is a reasonable analogy for describing subplanckian actions on the scale order of GRO's data (10^-48 m).
'Reasonable'? How on Earth do you quantify whether it is reasonable or not. We have no experimental data from the Planck scale, we have no viable models for the Planck scale and you have absolutely no formal structure to your claims, it's just random guessing put together.

Since the mainstream standard modelers will argue against this, what is their explanation for the GRO data?
Flawed logic. The reasonableness of your claims are entirely independent of whether or not anyone else has claims about the same thing. Since you're obviously not understanding why that argument is flawed I'll give an example.

I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. I ask two people, Alice and Bob, to guess the number I'm thinking of. They write the answer down and give them to me. I look at Alice's guess. She is wrong. Is Bob therefore more likely to be correct? Of course not. Whether or not Alice is right has no bearing on Bob's answer, he is still very very very unlikely to be right and it would be foolish of him to claim it is 'reasonable' to think he is right just because Alice was wrong.

You're doing that. Whether or not someone else has anything to say about the GRO data is irrelevant to how valid or not your claims aren't.

what is the 'energetic nature' of 'stuff'' existing at 10^-48 m? Since planck's constant only seems to apply (see above equations) to "quantizable' entities (be they matter or energy), anyone care to speculate on what may be happening at below-quantitizable (subplanckian) scales? "Perhaps" h no longer is in the "equation"? "Perhaps" c is a 'lower' velocity limit in subplanckian (i.e., SQR) reality, and superluminal energetics apply.
All there is is speculation, none of it reasonable. Especially yours.

Some mathematical inter-relationships for your consideration:
*sigh* More trivial coefficient reshuffling.....

8. E=mc^2 =hf [ special limiting condition for speed at c]
Wrong! $$E=mc^{2}$$ is not a universally true equation. It is only true for particles at rest and only particles with mass can be put at rest. The photon has no rest mass and thus cannot be put at rest by a good choice of reference frame. The full equation is actually $$E^{2} = (mc^{2})^{2} + |\mathbf{p}c|^{2}$$. For a particle at rest p=0 but if the particle has zero rest mass then m=0 and we get $$E = |\mathbf{p}c|$$. The photon's energy is E = |p|c, not $$E=mc^{2}$$. This is something anyone learning even the most basic of relativity will know. This illustrates you haven't done any proper reading, you're just taping together results you like the look of. If you actually had justification for using a result from special relativity, ie you'd derived the result within your work rather than just stolen it from elsewhere, then you'd have seen in the derivation how momentum comes into it, how light has a different result. This demonstrates the point I've been making, simply putting random results you like the look of (but don't understand) together and calling it EEMU is not how good science is done. If Einstein had been hit by a truck the day after writing down the two postulates of special relativity then other physicists could have derived all of special relativity from those two postulates without his input. Alternative if you put 2 competent physicists in 2 rooms and gave them both the postulates of special relativity then they'd both, eventually, derive the mass-energy-momentum result, the same result. That's good science.

That cannot be said for your claims. No one else can work in your 'hypothesis', even if they wanted to, because there's no guiding formal structure, it's just your opinions. The same is true for the stuff spewed out by QWC, Farsight, Sylwester and others. It's just a mish-mash of various things you liked the sound of, typically don't understand or use properly and yet you claim it's 'reasonable'. No, it isn't.