The Dumbing of Civilization

God bless them.
We will need soldiers to unquestioningly fight our future wars for us and think it’s for their own good.
Shit!...It doesn't seem that long ago that religion was on the fast track to obscurity. It was out of schools along with creationism and it was considered unconstitutional and politically incorrect to interfere with anyone's religion, preachers had no one to talk to on Sunday and evangelists were the word and they were getting rich off it. Atheists became accepted, 'Goddamn' became part of song and language, science was trusted in looking to have the right answers at their fingertips and then what the fuck happened? Did I miss something? The generation of the 60's, advocates of free love, the sexual revolution, the pill, make love not war and many other battlecries had me believing the world was on the right track.

And now we have this. Governments, some actually voted in, are doing their best to get us all killed. Perhaps it's that fact, the fact that death in a war or holocaust of unspeakable horror is a lot closer toady and there is no scientific answer for that. The thumpers have used this angle to win back the flock by saying their bibles said this would happen. I find that unbelievably dumb thinking if people are looking to religion to help them right the ship when religion seems to be enjoying this supposed 'I told you so' scenario when in fact they are the ones responsible for helping it along. Its like they're saying were all going to die horribly no matter what science accomplishes ... its doomsday mentality and brother that is just 'as dumb as a stump' thinking.
swivel said:
Do you have any idea how much money people are saving on porn thanks to the internet? And the amount of gasoline saved with not having to find a 7/11 where you are sure to not bump into someone you know in the parking lot? The convienence alone...

I think you just shot your own argument in the foot.

And I think you just confirmed my last statement - at least a dog experiences real sex
And I think you just confirmed my last statement - at least a dog experiences real sex

In that case, I'm a dog :D :p

My girlfriend often confuses me with god, "Oh! God!OH! GOD!!YesGod,yes!god, don'tstop.. :D Yea, that confirms it for ya, I'm a real dog!
Godless said:
In that case, I'm a dog :D :p

My girlfriend often confuses me with god, "Oh! God!OH! GOD!!YesGod,yes!god, don'tstop.. :D Yea, that confirms it for ya, I'm a real dog!

I guess if you don't see anything wrong with being a dog there is nothing much else to say, except that your views on advancement of civilisation are quite paltry - and I guess it also makes a dog more advanced than you because he doesn't have to go to the effort of maintaining a premises to do his business
And I guess your an idiot who does not comprehend a sarcastic joke, really light, it's the "epistemology" of sex of which we are more advanced than a fucking dog!.
Godless said:
And I guess your an idiot who does not comprehend a sarcastic joke, really light, it's the "epistemology" of sex of which we are more advanced than a fucking dog!.

Well it seems that both you and the dog are applying the same epistemology - the only difference is that the dog is more successful in his ontological pursuits
Well it seems that both you and the dog are applying the same epistemology - the only difference is that the dog is more successful in his ontological pursuits

The dog is not aware of ontology, and you demonstrate that you are a qualified idiot! :D :bugeye:
Godless said:
The dog is not aware of ontology, and you demonstrate that you are a qualified idiot! :D :bugeye:

Maybe we could start a thread about the ontological perspective of dogs - perhaps it could raise the standard of debate

Maybe its not necessary because we already have athread titled "the dumbing of civilisation"
Maybe we could start a thread about the ontological perspective of dogs

Go ahead and try Light, it's right up your ally.

Maybe its not necessary because we already have athread titled "the dumbing of civilisation"

Yes, and apparently you demonstrate how cvilization is dumbing. ;)
Godless said:
Yes, and apparently you demonstrate how cvilization is dumbing. ;)

You're the one competing with the dogs

But on a more serious point - both a dog and a human being is eating, sleeping. mating and defending - If these activities are accepted as the goal of existence, what is the difference between a dog and a human?
A human has the ability to change the world so one does not need to defend. If we all can be dreamers and use our imagination, there will never be a fight. :)
But on a more serious point - both a dog and a human being is eating, sleeping. mating and defending - If these activities are accepted as the goal of existence, what is the difference between a dog and a human?

If you haven't figured that out for yourself than you are not better than a dog. If you need to know what it is being human, I suggest you read some more philosophy. click



These should help you understand why you are different than a dog. ;)
Ulam said:
A human has the ability to change the world so one does not need to defend.

What is the evidence that we know what changes to enact?

Where is the example of us having enacted these changes?

If we all can be dreamers and use our imagination, there will never be a fight. :)

not clear how imagination is suppsed to help you when a tank crashes through the picket fence of your backyard
Godless said:
If you haven't figured that out for yourself than you are not better than a dog. If you need to know what it is being human, I suggest you read some more philosophy. click



These should help you understand why you are different than a dog. ;)

Well I am not very good at judging a book by its cover so those links are not so helpful.

Actually I do acknowledge that there is a difference between humans and a dog - I am just curious if others also acknowledge it

At them moment you have not given much to declare a difference - since a dog also has capacities to understand how to eat, sleep , mate and defend - and in fact you could argue that they can do these things more efficiently and directly than we can - so if you have a notion of how a dog is different from a human, apart from the fact that a human may be eating in a skyscraper and a dog may be eating in the gutter (the dog didn't have to work so hard just to provide a a premises on the 100th floor just to eat something).
Well if you get off your fat ass and read some books, you may understand what makes us work so hard to "eat" in a skyscraper, you may understand what is that drives us, that the dog does not posses, you may comprehend what difference there is from a mere brute, from a man of reason. And at this point, your silly stupid guestions come from a mere brute.