The Differences Between the Actions of the Angels and Those of the Evil Jinn

farside said:
Was Muhammad afraid of the Dark?
Do evil jinn roam the night looking for human prey?

Let's read the words of Muhammad from a book of his sayings.

Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr: When the Apostle of Allah (Muhammad) was travelling and night came on, he said: O earth, my Lord and your Lord is Allah; I seek refuge in Allah from your evil, the evil of what you contain, the evil of what has been created in you, and the evil of what creeps upon you; I seek refuge in Allah from lions, from large black snakes, from other snakes, from scorpions, from the evil of jinn which inhabit a settlement, and from a parent and his offspring. source - Sunan Abu Dawud Book 14, Number 2597

Farside’s Commentary: Muhammad was extremely superstitious and so is PM.

Kind regards,

Oh no farside! PLEASE delete that reply. Remember the Quoran LOSES it's perfection when it is translated so even a commentary in English is baseless and vain.
For Your Information

In my Lesson 8 – Teaching Islam to Children, all five characteristics of the jinn came from Islamic sources and were not made up by Farside. I gave a source for each characteristic. Lesson 8 can be found on page one of this thread.

Rappaccini, the other image could be the jinn. :)

Kind Regards,
From this point on... unless I gain "Garbage Man" status, of course, I'll be Infected by the Blue Jinn.
Some people take Allah for granted and often need some sort of lesser fear to be prevented from acting like Allah's apostles, hence come the mythological jinns to kick them to their place.

Getting raped by jinns is one of PM's inherent fear and that keeps him praying all time at night whenever he is alone at home, i presume.
everneo said:
Some people take Allah for granted and often need some sort of lesser fear to be prevented from acting like Allah's apostles, hence come the mythological jinns to kick them to their place.

Getting raped by jinns is one of PM's inherent fear and that keeps him praying all time at night whenever he is alone at home, i presume.
Actually I pray all the time at night that the jinn of Pamela Anderson will come and do unspeakable things to me at night. It hasn't happened yet which is the main reason that I don't believe there is a god. :D
Devils, and Jinn

Are snakes
really jinn?

Muhammad had a deep-seated fear of snakes (Ophidiophobia). From reading his words, you can see how intense his phobia of snakes was.

Narrated AbuSa'id al-Khudri: Muhammad ibn AbuYahya said that his father told that he and his companion went to AbuSa'id al-Khudri to pay a sick visit to him. He said: Then we came out from him and met a companion of ours who wanted to go to him. We went ahead and sat in the mosque. He then came back and told us that he heard AbuSa'id al-Khudri say: The Apostle of Allah (Muhammad) said: Some snakes are jinn; so when anyone sees one of them in his house, he should give it a warning three times. If it return (after that), he should kill it, for it is a devil. Source – Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 41, Number 523 source

Farside’s Commentary: Not only was Muhammad exceedingly superstitious, but he also was plagued with numerous phobias.

Kind Regards,