The Differences Between the Actions of the Angels and Those of the Evil Jinn


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
The Differences Between the Actions of the Angels and Those of the Evil Jinn

The angels glorify their Lord and ask forgiveness for the Believers in this world and advise us to do good and refrain from wickedness, while the devils are the deceivers of mankind, leading them astray, making the evil seem good to them and the good appear evil - it is their task in life to persuade us to deviate from the path ordained for us by Allah (swt), Most Merciful. They work for our downfall and our destruction and damnation in the Hell-fire; Allah (swt) says:

" Verily, We made the devils helpers and protectors for those who disbelieve:" (Qur’an 7:27)

The angels encourage us to do good deeds, while the devils encourage us to sin; Allah (swt) says:

" And whoever turns away from the remembrance of the Most Beneficent [i.e. the Quran and the worship of Allah] We appoint for him a devil to be an intimate companion for him." (Qur’an 43:36)

So whoever rejects the Qur’an and the remembrance of Allah (swt) will be punished by his Lord, Who will appoint for him a devil as a companion. He, Most Glorified, Most High (swt) says:

" And verily, they [the devils] hinder them from the path [of Allah] but they think that they are guided aright! Till one comes to Us, he says to his companion [the devil]: "Would that between you and me were the distance of the two easts [or the east and west]." - the worst [type of] companion, indeed!" (Qur’an 43: 37-38)

And nothing can protect mankind from the devils except the remembrance of Allah (swt) drives the devils away from the believer and draws the angels towards him. This is why Allah (swt) refers to the devil as:

" the whisperer [who whispers evil in the hearts of men], who withdraws [from his whispering after one remembers Allah]." (Qur’an 114:4-5)

Bukhari reports, on the authority of Abu Hurairah (ra), that Allah’s Messenger (saas) said:

" The Fire is surrounded by all kinds of desires and passions, while Paradise is surrounded by all kinds of disliked and undesirable things."

There are angels who go around the earth, seeking out circles of believers, who sit in remembrance of Allah (swt) and when they see such circles, they call to each other, saying: "Let us go to that which you love! [i.e. the remembrance of Allah (swt)]."

Remembrance of Allah (swt) is of several types: (i) recitation of the Qur’an, (ii) praying, (iii) by praising Him, seeking His forgiveness, making takbeer 1 and testifying to the Oneness of Allah (swt). Those who attend classes for the recitation of the Qur’an, those who study Islaamic sciences (Qur’an, hadeeth, fiqh, etc.) are attended by the angels.

Those who indulge their vain desires, such as playing music and gambling (playing cards, dice etc.) are surrounded by devils, while the angels stay away from them. Those who hang pictures (of people or animals) in their houses prevent the angels from entering their homes, as confirmed by many authentic hadeeth reported by Bukhari, Muslim and others.

Belief in the angels has a great and beneficial effect on the life of man: He guards himself against temptation, for he knows the angels are watching him and recording his every action day and night. One might hide his actions from other men, but there is no way to hide from the recording angels. Allah (swt) says:

" But verily, over you are appointed watchers, honourable [in Allah's sight], writing down [your deeds], they know all that you do." (Qur’an 82:10-12)

Allah (swt) has pointed this out for us, that we may take care that our actions are good and praiseworthy rather than evil and reprehensible. Nothing is hidden from Allah (swt); He (swt) says:

" There is no human being but has a protector over him [i.e. angels in charge of each human being, writing his good and bad deeds etc.]" (Qur’an 86:4)

" And We are nearer to Him than his jugular vein [by Our Knowledge]." (Qur’an 50:16)

The Jugular veins are situated on either side of the neck and carry returning blood from the brain to the heart. This saying of Allah (swt) is like His Words:

" He is the First [nothing is before Him] and the Last [nothing is after Him], the Most High [nothing is above Him] and the Most Near [nothing is nearer than He] and He is the Knower of everything." (Qur’an 57:3)

So nothing is hidden from Allah (swt), the Almighty, the All-powerful, on land, sea, behind closed doors, in the desert, in the market place, in the mosque, meeting places for vain entertainments, such as the theatre, the cinema, night-clubs, ballrooms, etc. - wherever you are, Allah (swt) sees you, He knows what you are doing and what you are thinking. That is why the Prophet (saas) when asked by Jibreel (as), said:

" Ihsaan is to worship Allah (swt) as though you see Him, because although you do not see Him, He sees you." (Narrated by Bukhari)

When a person feels that the angels are watching him, and he knows that Allah (swt) says:

" For We are nearer to him than his jugular vein [by Our Knowledge]. Behold, two Receivers are appointed to receive him, seated on the right hand and on the left. He utters no word but there is with him an observer, ready." (Qur’an 50:16-18)

" Or do they think that We hear not their secrets and their private counsels? Indeed [We do]! and Our Messengers [the angels] are by them, to record." (Qur’an 43:80)

So Allah (swt) hears our secrets and our private counsels and the angels record them. Knowing about the angels is not simply a matter of accepting their existence, but that we may also remind ourselves that they are present, recording our deeds, both good and bad, and that we may reflect on their duties, such as their guardianship of the Hell-fire, and thus fear the torment visited upon the disbelievers and the sinners, or their destruction, at Allah’s Command, of former peoples who disobeyed their Lord, and haply we may avoid the same fate by obeying Allah (swt) His Messenger (saas). We also remember them because we are obliged to love these faithful servants of Allah (swt), because He loves them. They are, in the Words of our Rabb, All-High says:

" Noble, pious." (Qur’an 80:16)

It is also most important that we understand their abilities, their place in the order of creation, for it is only by knowing these things that we may truly love them and fear the punishments which they bring in Allah’s Name. As for those who oppose or hate the angels, Allah (swt) says about them:

" Whosoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and His Messengers, to Jibreel and Meekaal, [should know that] verily, Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers." (Qur’an 2:98)

It is plain from this verse that those who are enemies to the angels are indeed disbelievers, even though they may claim to be Muslims.
Sounds like propaganda, or is it called brainwashing in the cult context?
'Prophesizing' that people will criticise a zany religion isn't really prophesizing, its common sense. But 'warning' the zombies was a good control technique, it makes them think 'he told us this would happen! OMG!'

Anyway, I'm proud to be an evil jinn devil or whatever it is, I do believe what is considered good by religions to be evil. And I enjoy going about explaining why.

I'm the devil PM, and when I outgrow my earthly body I will join satan in the march against god/allah, my father a demon my mother a jackal, aiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! hail satan!!!\m/ :tongue lashing:
So my children we must worship and love this piece of toast, in the future men will come and riducule you for your toast worship, pay them no heed.

Fast forward 1000 years:

Non-believer: LOL look at those dopey toast worshipers
Believer: You see my brothers the prophecy has been fulfilled!!!
Congregation: ALL HAIL TOAST!
Dr Lou Natic said:
Anyway, I'm proud to be an evil jinn devil or whatever it is, I do believe what is considered good by religions to be evil. And I enjoy going about explaining why.

" Verily, We made the devils helpers and protectors for those who disbelieve:" (Qur’an 7:27)

Congratulations for chosing ETERNAL HELL as your resident !
Thanks :cool:
We should catch up when we get there, I hear they have a great stripclub.
My shout, there's plenty of money in hell! :)
I've seen neither angel nor jinn in my life.

Why would I believe in something I've never seen?
I will fight all your religions until Wotan´s valkyries take me from the battlefield and lead me to Valhalla. :D
Rappaccini said:
I've seen neither angel nor jinn in my life.

Why would I believe in something I've never seen?

I am tempted to call you names but I won't because I don't believe that is what this forum is about..

In that case there is no heart in your body, there is no such thing as oxygen and there are no such things as galaxies.
Lesson 8 –Teaching Islam to Children

Teacher speaking:
Children, today we will study scientifically the Jinn of Islam using the holy Quran and the Hadiths as source material. From the Quran life on Earth is divided into three major branches – the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, and the spirit kingdom. The jinn are a member of the spirit kingdom. After we recite the following verse 20 times (Sunan Abu Dawud Book 1, No. 6), I will lecture on five characteristics of the jinn.

Children reciting in unison :
The Apostle of Allah said: These privies are frequented by the jinns and devils. So when anyone amongst you goes there, he should say: "I seek refuge in Allah from male and female devils." source

Teacher’s Lecture

Species name of the Jinn

The word jinn is an abbreviation for the formal Latin name of PM.Jinntus. Jinns are invisible to humans and come in three varieties (source) -- the flying type,
a type that looks like snakes
or dogs,
and a type that stops for a rest then resumes its journey.
There is a difference between UFO sightings which are inventions of the human mind as compared to the flying jinn which are creations of Allah.

Domicile of the Jinn
Jinns live in holes in the ground
in which you should never urinate. (source) As a special project for our school, we will dig holes in the school yard this Saturday to provide dwellings for the homeless jinn. We shall call our project, “Habitat for Jinn.”

Origin of the Jinn

Jinns were created from the fire of a scorching wind. (source) The origin of the jinn has been confirmed over and over by the illustrious scientists of Islam during its golden age which occurred when Europe was still believing in witches
and ghouls
in its dark age.

Food of the Jinn

Jinns consume bone, dung, and charcoal for nourishment. (source) I can anticipate a question from the class, “Yes, the jinn did eat grandmother’s bones.” With the advent of sewage treatment plants, a major portion their diet, human dung, has been eliminated. In order to survive, the jinn were forced to switch to eating only bone
and charcoal.

Sexuality of the Jinn

Jinn and humans can have sex with one another and beget children. This behavior is a frequent occurrence that is well known to many. (source) Sitting next to me is my invisible wife who is a jinn. We have already begot 5 children.

Homework Assignment

According to the verse below there is a jinn attached to you right now. Introduce yourself to the jinn. Be kind to your jinn. Talk to your jinn daily. Give your jinn a name. Write a 1000 word essay describing your relationship with your jinn. Turn the essay in tomorrow.

Allah's Apostle said: There is none amongst you with whom is not an attached from amongst the jinn. They said: Allah's Apostle with you too? Thereupon he said: Yes, but Allah helps me against him and so I am safe from his hand and he does not command me but for good. -- Sahih Muslim 6757

Kind Regards,
Help save the jinn! Shut down all sewage treatment plants now!
Rappaccini said:
I've seen neither angel nor jinn in my life.

Why would I believe in something I've never seen?

Well, ever heard about these true stories of haunted houses ????
I've never seen a haunted house or a jinn or an angel.

Again, why would I believe in things I've never seen?
§outh§tar said:
I am tempted to call you names but I won't because I don't believe that is what this forum is about..

In that case there is no heart in your body, there is no such thing as oxygen and there are no such things as galaxies.

Very well said Southstar !! I have known someone who is very close to me who experienced their evil ( the jinn ),despite the fact that she is not Muslim, I gave her a copy of the Noble Quran to keep it in her home, since then all the strange paranormal things that used to happen in her home STOPPED ! ( in fact, she told me, in her earlier house, someone always used to whisper in her ears to kill herself everytime she goes down the basement, she left the house, the one who moved in after her was found DEAD 2 months later, he committed suicide !!!!!!!!!! ).
Proud_Muslim said:
Very well said Southstar !! I have known someone who is very close to me who experienced their evil ( the jinn ),despite the fact that she is not Muslim, I gave her a copy of the Noble Quran to keep it in her home, since then all the strange paranormal things that used to happen in her home STOPPED ! ( in fact, she told me, in her earlier house, someone always used to whisper in her ears to kill herself everytime she goes down the basement, she left the house, the one who moved in after her was found DEAD 2 months later, he committed suicide !!!!!!!!!! ).
Wait you said you gave her a copy of the quran and
all the strange paranormal things that used to happen in her home STOPPED
if that is true then why did
she left the house
? Was the quran not strong enough to protect her?
Rappaccini said:
I've never seen a haunted house or a jinn or an angel.

Again, why would I believe in things I've never seen?


While giving a brief synospsis on the history of a small New England Cemetery to a colleague, I captured this interesting photo. Notice the three figures that appear to be playing "Ring Around the Rosey".This digital photo was was taken under fair weather conditions and there was no smoking. Following the strictest protocol with nearly a decade of experience in paranormal photography, I rigorously analyze each photo for authenticity. The only computer adjustments that are made are light and contrast to make viewing easier for the untrained eye.


This picture of 'The Dude' was sent by our friend Cathy. She is quite psychic herself and has often felt spirit people close to her. She lives in a spooky old mansion in London.
Soon after this ghost picture was taken, the Dude sadly died


Attached photo was taken by a digital camera at approximately 0220 hrs, mid August 2001 in front bedroom of our home address in Cheshire, England.

Basically, we have experience various 'strange' noises (likened to 'mumbling' voices), sour smells (similar to fish or boiled cabbage), a very bright whitish, pink light the approximate size of a tennis ball 'zooms' for a few seconds across upper floor landing area, table lamps illuminating without switches being touched, and non specific location cold spots throughout the rooms of the house, which occur on a regular basis, throughout the late evening or early hours of the morning........


Allah Almighty told us in the Noble Quran that the JINN are made out of SMOKELESS FLAME OF FIRE:

''..And the jinns did He create from a smokeless flame of fire. ''
( The Noble Qur'an 55:27 )
path said:
Wait you said you gave her a copy of the quran and if that is true then why did ? Was the quran not strong enough to protect her?

I gave her the quran when she moved to her second home in which she experienced more strange stuff, she is still living there with the QURAN and all these things stopped.
I understand that, but it certainly convinced the ones who took these pictures, dont you think ?
Well, while you do lie...Pictures dont.

Here is more from another site ( let us see how you will rubbish this site as well !! ) :



The full pictures here:


To the sceptic it may simply look like a fuzzy CCTV image of someone in a long coat walking through a doorway.

Experts say the long-coated figure could be the best proof yet found that things really do go bump in the night... and the day too.

The mystery surfaced two months ago at the 16th-century palace, once home to King Henry VIII.

Security staff heard alarms ringing near an exhibition hall, indicating fire doors had been opened. But on investigation they found the doors closed.

Perplexed, they examined CCTV footage, and that is when it got spooky.

The cameras showed the heavy doors popping open but no one there. Then, suddenly, the long- coated figure appeared and slammed the doors shut.

The guards were told the same thing happened at the same time - about 1pm - the day before.

To add to the mystery, the doors also flew open at the same time the very next day. But the ghostly figure has been spotted only once.

The suspected spook has not just been sighted by CCTV. Australian tourists also claim to have seen a ghost near the exhibition area. The palace, in West London, has ruled out its guides as suspects because they do not enter that part of the building.

Psychologist Dr Richard Wiseman said the spectre, nicknamed Skeletor, might prove to be a significant discovery.

'It could be the best ghost sighting ever,' he said. 'I haven't seen anything that would match that at all.'

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