The Desire to Kill and Capital Punishment

I honestly don't see what bothers people about capitol punishment. If a person commits a crime serious enough to get the death penalty, he/she is a danger to society and needs to be eliminated. Why should we pay to house these wastes of human space in prison for life? What, so they can watch cable, do drugs, *censored* with the inmates, get some dopey chick to send love letters to them???

It's not about vengence(well, maybe a little...), it's about protection. These sick individuals need to be purged from this Earth. Let's take this scumbag David for example David Westerfield. He kidnapped, raped and then murdered a 7 year old girl. What value does this asshole have for society, NONE. Why should our money go to give this piece of trash a home, kill him.

Of course murder is wrong, but nobody can tell me why. And one of the reasons nobody can tell me why is because we license murder under special circumstances in society. In other words, no matter how horrible the killing of another person is, we're always willing to find an excuse to kill. It sets a terribly paradoxical standard that relies on artificial inflation of circular rhetoric to maintain itself.
Murder is wrong because your taking away the right to live of an innocent.

People who recieve the death penalty, must have special circumstances to recieve it(most murders don't recieve the DP). We reserve the DP for the especially gruesome crimes.
Likewise, is my investment in society that much more important than anyone else's? Sure, this guy may have murdered, and by our savage ethics in this country deserves to die. As we bemoan former Governor Ryan's mass-commutation of death sentences, though, why are the only investors in society being given public voice the grieving families of crime victims? I've seen about two seconds' coverage of a man wrongfully convicted who has been released from a sentence that should not have been his, and I've seen no discussion of families victimized when their innocent son was put to death for a crime he didn't commit. But hey--we got to kill someone. It's justice.
Those are two seperate issues. I agree that we need to clean the court systems up before we continue to administer the DP. However, under a fair justice system, I see nothing wrong with a DP ethically.
Originally posted by notme2000
Look up survival mechanics, instincts, fight-or-flight and some others.

Dude, I understand all that, but the way you present it, there's a murderer lurking under the surface of everyone. In a sense you're correct.. but the way you applied it before was quite loose in my opinion. You say:

Originally posted by notme2000
They're just looking for the gratification of murder in a scenario where their morals don't object...

Survival, instinct and fight or flight does not require murderous underpinnings. It's not that a person has this urge to kill, it's that a person WILL kill if threatened to the point of having to do so. That's very very different. You say that:

Originally posted by notme2000
Everyone has this deep-seeded instinctual want, myself included. It's wether or not you let this control your actions that determines your values...

The idea that murderous intent is lying deep under the surface is ridiculous. I don't have this instinctual want. I want to survive, THAT is the instinctual want - though primal, NOT murderous. If I have to kill to do so, I will, but it would haunt me because I am empathetic to life. I really really hope I'm never in that position as I'm sure do you. But as a pacifist, you'd just die eh? You don't think you have the moral responsibility to defend yourself? Don't you? You're an innocent, why should you be killed because of someone elses malfunctioning brain? Die if you must, but I'll go down fighting.

Saying that your values can be influenced by your underlying need to murder is either false due to your lack of understanding of what I was just telling you, or you're calling people sociopaths who are barely in control of themselves, on the fringe of a murderous orgy at any time.
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The idea that murderous intent is lying deep under the surface is ridiculous. I don't have this instinctual want. I want to survive
What you are and what you think you are is completely different. Either one of us could be right, but it's at least debatable...
if i was fortunate enough to catch a perp in the act of butchering my loved ones, it is possible that i just might take the law into my own hands. i might even work on his ass for while. it seems unlikely but i will not rule this scenario out.

ps: since i am really more cerebral than instinctual, i'll probably be pondering how much jail time i'd serve for playing judge and juror while extracting eyeballs. actually tho, star like individuals are so common that it is very unlikely that i would be punished! it could even be that i'd be hailed as a hero! maybe even a posterboy for the nra if i finished the fucker off with a gun

edit: ah, i believe temp insanity is a common defense in cases like this
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Crimes of passion, temporary insanity ....


The courts in the US account for this. If injury has clouded your judgment, or if a legitimately upsetting condition occurs and one has not had reasonable time to cool off, a temporary insanity defense can be carried out successfully.

If you found someone trying to kill your kids and put a cap in his skull, the courts would most likely understand; elect for a jury trial in that case.

However, if the years that pass before someone is executed aren't enough time for someone to reasonably cool off ... well, they might not be any better than the criminal.

If, years later, murder is the only thing that will make you feel better, that's your own problem.

Tiassa :cool:
i have had the desire to kill, i was a soldier, and in northern irelans, i was on patrol one day and had about thirty to fourty people with all kinds of weapons, stones where raining down on us, i and a mate got to a corner to cover the others, i was looking down the scope and got a rioter right in front spitting in my face among other things, i just wanted to slip my finger on the trigger and she would have gone away, but my training taught me not to.
Re: Crimes of passion, temporary insanity ....

Originally posted by tiassa

The courts in the US account for this. If injury has clouded your judgment, or if a legitimately upsetting condition occurs and one has not had reasonable time to cool off, a temporary insanity defense can be carried out successfully.

If you found someone trying to kill your kids and put a cap in his skull, the courts would most likely understand; elect for a jury trial in that case.

Tiassa :cool:

the real question is the judgement i would pass on me. now i have truly become an animal. all my investment in reasoned and rational behaviour has come down to this. an act of pure animal rage! fuck that! homie dont play that shit! i'll just rationally cap his ass

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by gad! blastoff!
well thank heavens for your training then eh? was she cute?

ps: great meditation thread!

Isn't that essentially what 9/11 was about?

Good call. I guess you are right. This system wouldn't work because people are too vengeful. Its all America, though. I wish America was never founded and the industrial revolution had never occured.
spookz/ no just bloody ugly, and thanks for saying about the meditaion guide hope it helps in anyway.
Even I'm not THAT condemning

Its all America, though. I wish America was never founded and the industrial revolution had never occured.
There's no need to go that far. After all, humanity has made some progress, to the point where we are capable of choosing to not be neanderthals with big toys, but what's the fun in that?

Tiassa :cool:
I wish America was never founded and the industrial revolution had never occured.
You could always move to a cave in the mountains and take up residency. But I doubt you really mean that as you typed it on an internet forum.