The Creator Loves You

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There are two groups of people, or at least the majority fall into these two groups:

1. Those that have a distorted view of Christianity
2. Those that have given up on Christianity

My beliefs will show people back to The Truth!!

The Creator is Real.

The Creator Loves You. :cool: :cool:

It ain't arrogance, It's LOVE.!!

Love for you and people like you.

Ask the right questions and I will give you the right answers.!!

There are two groups of people, or at least the majority fall into these two groups:

1. Those that have a distorted view of Christianity
2. Those that have given up on Christianity
Well no. Only about a third of the world population is considered Christian; so most people in the world are not Christian. Within Christianity there are a recorded 22,000 different cults and sects. The chances are that your view is just one of thousands, so how would anyone know that your view is not distorted? This large number of variations is the result of a religion that has no factual basis so people feel entirely free to add their own interpretation.

My beliefs will show people back to The Truth!!
Why are your beliefs of any greater value than anyone else? Do you have any facts to support Christianity? If not then your beliefs are just another fantasy to add to all the other ideas about Christianity.

The Creator is Real

The Creator Loves You
Unsupported speculative assertions lacking in any realistic credibility.
Yes - well said.

Does anyone actually listen and watch these televangelists? It is difficult to believe that anyone can be so gullible.
Heh Bowser!

Cris said:
Does anyone actually listen and watch these televangelists? It is difficult to believe that anyone can be so gullible.
I'd be willing to guess that Jardon could be.

Jardon said:
There are two groups of people, or at least the majority fall into these two groups:

1. Those that have a distorted view of Christianity
2. Those that have given up on Christianity
How very perceptive of you. Give yourself a golf clap...

However I just wish to ask a quick question. You've categorised 'people' in general into those two groups. Now do the 'people' represent every other individual on this planet who does not think or beeeeellliiiiiieeeeeeeevvveeeee (insert amen or hallelujah here) as you do? So who exactly are the 'people' you're categorising there Jardon?

My beliefs will show people back to The Truth!!
Why? What's so special about your particular beliefs? Why are your particular beliefs so much better than anyone else's? And who's truth? Your truth? The universal truth? Or your interpretation of what the truth should be?

The Creator is Real.
How do you know? You can exclaim that sentence until you're blue in the face. Doesn't mean that everyone will believe you and does not mean that you're correct in making such an assumption.

The Creator Loves You.
How do you know? Why should we care?

I have a busy lecture schedule today, so I will be replying sometime later!!!

If you could just ask the questions directly, so that I could know what answer to give you!!!!

In the meantime, The Creator Still Loves You!!! :cool: :cool:
Bowser, maybe it's the drugs, but I just finished rolling on the floor and wiping the tears from my eyes! Hilarious! Thanks!
1. Those that have a distorted view of Christianity
2. Those that have given up on Christianity

Which group are you? I suspect the first since you appear to not have given up on Christianity.

My beliefs will show people back to The Truth!!

Your beliefs are distorted, you said so yourself, that is, if you weren't part of group 2.

The Creator is Real.

A distorted view, similar to what you've admitted to possess, might see what they think is real, but is in fact distorted, and perhaps not real at all.

Just taking a quick break before I have to attend a Marine Science Laboratory - I hate Labs ( 5 hours of lab experiments).

I do envy you guys and gals out there who have nothing to do but preach hate!! Ha!

And no Monkey or baboon talk please!!

If you want to partake in this discussion, then you will use sensible and civil words!!

See you later!!! :cool: :cool: :cool:

Let me clear out one of the biggest lie that has entrenched itself within the Chritian Faith - the Trinity Doctrine.

The trinity is a doctrine inspired by the devil. Not once did the Messiah claim to be equal to The Father.

This teaching is no different from that of Atheists who believe in Nothing because they are in actual fact destined for Nothing!

To demonstrate the sillyness of the trinity - "Nothing great comes out of nothing" - Confused? Well you should be!!. Trinitarianism and Atheism are simply objects of Confusion designed by the devil (he is smart, isn't he?) to brainwash people into believing that there is no Creator.

I urge all Christians out there to renounce the trinity. Make this your first Step towards Enlightenment. :)
Jadon said:
Not once did the Messiah claim to be equal to The Father.

What about these then:

"I and the Father are one." - John 10:30

"We are not stoning you for any of these, replied the Jews, but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God. Jesus answered them, is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods' (Psalm 82:6)? If he called them 'gods,' to whom the word of God came and the Scripture cannot be broken what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world?

Do not believe me unless I do what my Father does. But if I do it, even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father." - John 10:33-38

"Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou [then], Show us the Father?" - John 14:8-9

"I tell you the truth, Jesus answered, before Abraham was born, I am!" - John 8:58

This teaching is no different from that of Atheists who believe in Nothing because they are in actual fact destined for Nothing!

Don't you mean that they are destined to hell? Otherwise, if they are destined to nothingness, it's as though they were destined to the Paradise. I think nothingness would like Paradise.
Very good yorda!!,

I see you have studied the English translation of theHoly Scriptures well!!

Now if you do have the time, try and read or get a rendering of the New testament as it was written in the Greek and Aramaic (if you do have a very learned Greek friend, all the better), then make a thourough study of those Verses that you mentioned. Make sure to study also how those verses are inter-related.

Remember: For every verse that you claim to support the demonic trinity, there are Ten Or More saying otherwise.

Have a Good Time Studying the Scriptures!
The Creator Loves You!! :) :)

Could you respond to the "No Way Out?" thread please? I would be interested in your input.

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